Only You Shawty. A Justin Bie...

By Meganxooo

468K 9K 973

[A Justin Bieber Love Story] Charlotte Brooks, Justin Bieber, more than friends to everyone around them, but... More

♥Chapter 1
♥Chapter 2
♥Chapter 3
♥Chapter 4
♥Chapter 5
♥Chapter 6
♥Chapter 7
♥Chapter 8
♥Chapter 9
♥Chapter 10
♥Chapter 11
♥Chapter 12
♥Chapter 13
♥Chapter 14
Authors Note: Important.
♥Chapter 15
♥Chapter 16
♥Chapter 17
♥Chapter 18
♥Chapter 19
♥Chapter 20
♥Chapter 21
♥Chapter 22
♥Chapter 23
♥Chapter 24
♥Chapter 25
♥Chapter 26
♥Chapter 27
♥Chapter 28
♥Chapter 30 - Justin's Letter
♥Chapter 31 - Epilogue
The End

♥Chapter 29

7.4K 176 9
By Meganxooo


          When we got out of the Australian airport, I breathed in the warm air. I was so glad to stretch my legs, but I was incredibly nervous. Where were we meant to go now? My hands nervously grabbed Justin's, and he looked down at me and smiled.

          His golden hair hadn't got any products in, it was a little messy due to his bed hair and the fact he had run his fingers through it a lot recently. He looked different, I mean I was sure I could notice him through a crowd but the majority of his fans probably wouldn't realise. He looked good though, he looked more normal and down to Earth, and for once I felt like a normal couple standing with him. His fame and power had gone, and was now left with a normal teen aged boy. Well nearly normal. I don't think the average teenager was this good looking, nor would any other normal teen aged boy be able to steal my heart so easily. 

          With his smile, it made me realise one thing.

          Everything was gonna be alright.

          I didn't care how cheesy it sounded, or the pun that the lyrics were from his song, Be Alright. It was true. Everything finally was going to be fine, we were free from Scooter and we could now live a normal life. At least we had each other.


          A week later

          Pulling on some denim shorts from Justin's and I wardrobe, I slipped my flip flops on and threw a white tank top over myself. It was a lot hotter here in Australia, and I was so happy to finally settle down with Justin. It was quite a miracle how we had gotten to where we were now, really.

          When we arrived, we headed for a hotel and for the first day we spent the day together in bed and got over our jet lag. On the second day, the pair of us met up with an estate agent, and showed us a few properties which we could afford. We immediately wanted the third place we were shown. We didn't have a lot of money, but for £300 a month, we could rent a flat. Our flat is in a respected apartment, which is all clean and pretty from the outside with a big garden for all the residents to share. Our place is on the third floor, which wasn't too many stairs to climb thankfully. The flat was simple; a master bedroom, a second bedroom, a bathroom, and an open kitchen slash living room. But what made ourselves fall in love with the place, was the view. 

          Our place was on the coast of Australia, and from our flat you had a lovely view of the city and also the beach. It was simply breath taking and beautiful, and I couldn't believe all this was real. On the third day of being here, we painted all the walls, going for a natural cream for the living and kitchen space, a sky coloured blue for the bathroom and light browns for the bedrooms. On the fourth up until now, the seventh day we had been buying furniture and things we needed for our place and at the moment, I loved our flat.

          In the living room sat a beautiful second hand brown leather couch, and in front sat a matching brown wood coloured frame with a glass top. We had a nice sized television, which we hadn't been able to connect to a broadband yet so it wasn't working as of yet. Neither was our home telephone. The  kitchen had creamy top counters and the sides were always sparkling. Our bedroom had a wooden bed frame, with (surprise) cream bed sheets. The second bedroom had two twin beds, just like the double in our own bedroom because when our parents came to stay they could stay there for the time being. After setting our home up, I was immensely proud of what we had achieved.

          Today, we were picking our mums up from the airport, if they decided to meet us.

          "Charlotte, hunny, come on!" Justin shouted, waiting not so patiently from outside the bedroom. I tucked one of my brown wavy locks behind my ear and threw myself a wild smile in the mirror. I jumped up, opening the door and slamming my body into Justin. "Someones happy" He chuckled, letting me feel all of his muscles under his tight white tee. 

          I smiled up at him, as he was about a head taller than myself. "We get to see our mums again today." I said to him, and he just laughed again at my eagerness. "Lets go!" I shouted, fist pumping the air. 

          Justin's hands entwined with mine and we set down the stairs. After walking in the warm air to the taxi that was waiting, it took us to the airport which brought us here a week earlier. We got to the terminals, to find that people were already coming out the doors. I panicked, worried our mums had already came out. Justin was a lot taller than me, and reassured me he'd see them over the tall heads.

          Finally, Justin shouted "I see them!" and tugged my hand over to them. "Mum!" Justin shouted and Pattie turned with a teary smile and hugged Justin. I saw my own mum behind her and I ran up to her, and we smashed into each other with a bone-crushing hug. My mums familiar lightest brown waves were around her face which tickled my nose, but I couldn't care less. I held onto her for as long as I could until I heard Justin and Pattie laugh. As I pulled away from my mum, her eyes were filled with tears but her lips were tugged up into a smile so I knew they were happy tears.

          "You're going to love our place mum!" I exclaimed, looking excitedly at both of our parents. I linked arms with my mum, and Justin linked his arm with his, and we made the short distance to the taxi and back to our flat. We shared polite chatter, but after we had gotten in and done a tour of the flat, we were soon all sat down and having a serious discussion.

          "So Scooter's not in jail?" I asked slowly, not really liking the idea.

          "Nope." Pattie replied, popping the 'p'. "But he is getting watched a bit closer, and we are all free anyway." She said with a shrug.

          Justin shifted uncomfortably and I could tell there was something he wanted to ask. I subconsciously held is hand in what I hoped was a gesture of support and he smiled up at me gratefully. "What have the fans said, about you know, me just leaving?" He asked quietly. I could tell he didn't want to let anyone down, but it wasn't fair on Justin giving up his whole life for the fame and fans. It wasn't what he wanted.

          This time, it was my mum and Pattie who shifted awkwardly and shared little glances. "No body knows, Justin. Management has made you tweet things like you were going to take a 'twitter break' after the whole incident with Pattie and Scooter." My mum replied to him. "They are going to have to be geniuses to get the fans to like Scooter and support you when you aren't even there." My mum said, mostly to herself. 

          Justin was angry. I could tell by the way his shoulders were tensed and his jaw was clenched. "Why the hell have they done this?" Justin muttered. "They need to tell them the truth, that I just didn't want that life anymore. I couldn't cope being famous. Why would they carry on lying to them after everything they've supported me with?" he growled. Yep, totally angry.

          I lent forward and stroked his arm, going from his wrist to his shoulder blades and back down to his hands, and at my touch I could visibly see him relax a little; his shoulders less tense and his jaw didn't seem as if it was going to crush every tooth in his mouth.

          "I'm sorry, Justin, I really am." I said, trying to make him feel better. "Is there anyway you can log onto your twitter, tweet the truth and leave it long enough for people to see?" Justin's eyes widened as he thought over my idea.

          "Wouldn't Scooter be able to track where the tweet was from?" My mum asked. 

          I thought about this, but Justin replied before I could. "Nope, I had to take that tool off twitter or otherwise I would of been tracked down and ambushed by paparazzi and the fans."

          "So, why don't you?" I asked as the room fell silent, all thinking over my thought. "I mean, even if management delete the tweet - you know what beliebers are like! - people would of gotten screen shots and spread the word. At least then a lot of people will know the truth."

          Everyone thought about the idea, all of them trying to see a hole in the plan but when everyone came up short. Justin planned on writing a twit-longer to the fans. He was going to make drafts before he finally got Internet connection for him to tweet it. So that night, he spent the whole night in our bedroom, I decided it was best for him to have his privacy.

          The fans were the only reason he wanted to carry on the fame.

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