Love Knows No Colour

By DaliaEllz

732K 15.6K 2.5K

"Okay Melanie whatever changing topics now I don't want to talk about it." "No" "Yes you just won't admit it... More

Love Knows No Colour
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 :)
Chapitre 4
Chapitre 5
Chapitre 6.
Chapter 7:-)
Chapter 8-Meet the family.. Sort of...
Chapter 9
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12 :)
Chapter 13
Chapitre 14...
Chapitre 15...,
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 :D
Chapter 19 ;)
Chapter 20?
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25!!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27...
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Please Read... Question that is importaant
Fall in love with me.

Chapter 10

18.3K 449 124
By DaliaEllz


I'm chilling at my dad's house and Melanie actually came over. We're hanging out with Serenity just talking about random things.

The adults went to visit place so basically it's us and Keisha and Collen. The little kids are gone. Lord knows that shit is going down tonight.

Since I just finished work with Melanie we changed in some sweatpants and a t-shirt. It's about 9 o clock right now and we're in my room eating some junk food and listening to music on the laptop while gossiping at the same time since Melanie is my best friend she is doing my hair.

She is almost finished when I hear the phone ring. Keisha's going to get it she's closest.

"Tatianna get the phone it's for you!" She yells from downstairs.

"I can't get up come give it to me."

"No do it your damn self1"

"Yo do you seriously want another black eye?" I yell back since the door is open.

At that I hear Keisha come upstairs and give me the phone. As she does this I smirk knowing I can really kick her ass if I wanted to.

"Thank you" I say sarcastically as she gives it to me and then put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Giselle." Well I know who that is, and it wasn't even the stupid name that he hasn't stopped calling me ever since he found out. It's his voice. Even through the phone his sultry voice identifies him and sounds oh-so good. But I digress...

"You need to stop calling me that white boy."

"Again I don't think I will. Oh and by the way I hear the love in the house." He says making reference to Keisha.

"Oh yeah that's us a loving family anyways what was the point of you calling today?" I ask him with a smile on my lips.

"Just wanted to let you know to be ready tomorrow morning because I'll be picking you up early in the morning."

I roll my eyes as he says this, "Caleb you have been telling me this for the past three days now.. There is no way I will forget that."

"Just reminding you Giselle."

"Whatever Caleb I'll see you tomorrow." I say and hang up on him still smiling.

When I hang up I throw the phone on my bed and I look at Serenity and Melanie who are both looking at me.

"So what's up with you and Caleb?" Melanie asks.

"Nothing I'm just helping him with some stuff tomorrow and he was reminding me..."

"Oh really so why we're you smillliing so much." Serenity sings.

"Is it against the law for me to smile?"

"No but we know that you barely smile so when a guy makes you smile something is up..."

"You like him!" Serenity adds.

"No I don't like him he's not my type."

"That's a lie and you know it."

"Whatever you say Melanie I don't like him." I say and wait for Melanie to finish my hair.

All during this time Melanie and Serenity were sharing looks as if they were speaking to one another. 

Whatever they say I don't like Caleb... in that way. Sure the guy is really really attractive but who cares. Like he's Caleb... The annoying white guy from school who also happens to be conniving and knows how to blackmail...

But anyways when Melanie finished my hair we just hang out until Mel leaves i at like 12:30  and then we go to bed.


Something won't stop vibrating beside my ear.

I slowly open my eyes only to see my phone ringing. I slowly grab it and answer.

"Hello." I say groggily

"Giselle are you awake?"

"Well I am now. What's up?"

"Nothing I'll be at your house in like 20 minutes so hurry." He says and hangs up.


I drag myself out of bed and take a quick shower and get dressed in some pleat front pants, a white tank top with a cardigan some jewelry and to top it off some black Nike high tops.

When I go downstairs I have 10 minutes to spare so I grab two slices of pizza and a pop heat it up in record time. When I get out Caleb is there looking at me with a smile on his face when I head in the car I look at him.

"How are you smiling right now it's so damn early."

"Tatianna it's like 8:30."

"My point exactly!" I say and start eating my food as he drives to his house.

"So I now know that you are most definitely not a morning person and you have weird eating habits."

"What's it to you?" I ask between bites, "Not everyone is jolly in the morning."

To that he chuckles and keeps on driving now knowing that I am in no mood to talk right now.

When we reach his home we I am finished eating so we go straight to work. We have been walking for like 20 minutes outside and I see a little enclosure filled with animals.

"Oh my God! You're going to kill me and feed me to these animals aren't you?"I ask him panicking.

When I say this he smiles and shakes his head, "Um no you're going to feed all the animals and get the eggs while I clean up." He says slowly as he hands me a bucket so I can feed the animal.

"Oh okay... Sorry about that."

"No problem... I'll see you when I'm finished." He says and we both part ways.

***3 hours later***

"You know I don't even know why I'm here. Personally I think it's because Caleb has nothing better to do than piss me off you know. Like I finished feeding all of you guys and then like the eggs... Never again. Those chickens are fucking crazy man!"

I think I;m crazy... For the past minute I have been talking to sheep in a pen... Yeah I cracked. Caleb still hasn't some back so I'm all alone chilling with animals. And frankly they are good listeners. I'm sitting down alone petting a sheep being a loser.

"You want to know something... I realised I'm the black sheep of the family no pun intended but like I have this cousin,Keisha, and this bitch is a bitch and what's sad about it is that she's the favourite. Even my 'father' is on her side when shit goes down like what kind of bullshit is that man. Like she starts stuff and I get in trouble-"

"Ahem" I hear and I turn to see Caleb there with a smile on his face. "Having fun with the sheep?" He asks.

"Oh yeah you know we're having a party" I say and get up slowly out of the pen to see him.

"I could see that but I have to cut this short now because we're heading inside."

On the walk back to the main house I look at Caleb.

"There is no way I can do this for two weeks. I am not made to work outside... Shit I just got my hair done."

"I know and it looks different. It suits you"

"Thanks" I say smiling.

"So how did it grow?" He asks me. I start laughing.

"Magic..." I say.

"Seriously Tatianna I want to know."

"Caleb really my hair does not concern you."

And then out of nowhere he decides to touch my scalp. Did I not say I just did my hair and here he goes fixing up my tracks.

"Caleb what the hell."

"I was curious what is in your hair?"

"You don't touch a black girls hair... or any girl's hair without permission and if you must know it's extensions." I tell him as if I am educating a child.

"So that's not you're hair?"

"Well I bought it."

"Wait you buy hair?"

At this I groan, "How stupid are you man. Have you never touched a black girl's hair before and yes you can buy hair. Now can we please get off this topic and go inside" I say.

"Sure but just so you know I don't mind your hair I still think you look incredibly stunning... even though you just talked to a flock of sheep." He says teasing me as we head inside. 

I try to find the kitchen since I want a snack and Caleb leads me there. I am eating when Caleb has something to say.

"Okay I have a proposition?"

I look at him as to ask what.

"Okay first can you cook?"

I nod my head.

"Alright so do you think you can cook a meal since it's my turn and I really don't want to."

I look at him, "Okay but you have to help me and never will you touch my scalp without asking."

He smiles, "Sure but I have one more chore to do and then I'll come back so make yourself at home. I smile and he heads outside.

**About 1 hour and a half later.**

I am on my phone when I hear the door open and as I turn my jaw drops.

There standing in front of me is a shirtless Caleb and damn this was a nice view. His chest in plain view you can see his toned and muscled chest his arms all nice and you can clearly see his biceps and other muscles that I can't name right now because the beads of sweat on his tan skin adds to the sexiness that is right in front of me.

When I am finished silently observing him I look at him as to ask what were you doing?

"I had to mow all the lawn... So yeah...."

I nod my head, "Almighty then so go put on a shirt and then we'll cook."

He rolls his eyes and goes to go change. When he comes back he is wearing some basket ball shorts and a black wife beater and he still looks good.

I tie up my hair and take off my jewelry putting it on a table. I see a dock on a table and play some music and look at Caleb.

As the music begins to play I get down to business. Alright so I need water and floor and let's get this pizza started."

The whole lime we're cooking we're singing along to the music playfully. Right now we're placing the toppings on each pizza.  We made one cheese, I made a pepperoni and Caleb made an all dressed. As I am placing the pieces of meat on my pizza I feel Caleb looking at me.

"Stop looking at me while I'm cooking white boy it's distracting!"

"It's so weird like only pepperoni nothing else."

"That's the way I like it though. I'm a picky person"

"Well maybe you should try more variety"He says.

As he says this I can't help but hear the double meaning as he is looking at me.

"Whatever and I'm guessing you love variety then..."

"Oh yeah I like different things I don't care about where it's from as long as it's good."

I smile and roll my eyes putting the food in the oven and sit on the island counter top in the kitchen and watch as Caleb leans on against the sink.

"Okay so you're a Taurus right..." I say smiling as I look at him, "Since you gave me a description about me I went on-line for yours and apparently you are loving, reliable, peaceful, jealous and possessive" I tell him.

"Yeah that seems right I guess but I still don't believe it."

"And apparently when you put both our sings together we are the shit. Like sexually it would be and I quote, 'The most intense and passionate time ever imaginable. Wildest fantasies could not compare'" I say playfully as I try to imitate a serious voice in the quote.

"You know that might be true but probably just because I'll be there so it has to be good."

"Boy trust that the Scorpio is doing everything when it comes to that."

"Trust me scorpio I would rock your world." He  tells me looking me in the eyes.

"Well you know what sucks about that Taurus... I don't like white boys."' I tell him honestly.

When I said that something in his face changed.

"And why is that?"

"I don't know I'm just picky..."

"So you decided to cut off an entire race of men for no reason?"

I shrug, "I guess."

"Tatianna that's bullshit."

"Why do you care anyways Caleb it's none of your bussiness..."

"Yeah but what if lets say I was interested. I now learned that you wouldn't even consider going out with me."

"But you're not interested and there is a reason I don;t but I'm just not telling you... Can we please change topics."

Caleb shrugs, "I'll be back I need to change could you set the table please."

"Yeah sure" I say getting down and start setting the table. Caleb comes back down wearing a white button up shirt that has two buttons open and somme jeans.

He is quietly helping me with the table since his family will be here soon. When we finish we wait and take the pizza out he finally decides to talk.

"Did a white guy do something to you?"

"Besides annoy the shit out of me nope..."

"So why not date them?"

"Caleb it's not of your business."

"Okay well then answer this then:Am I unattractive?"

"Well umm no but thats besides the-"

"No it's not if you would find me attractive and I would find you attractive why would we not be able to date...Because of some stupid thing you have against white guys?"

"It's not just white guys I am not intersted in guys right now."

"Yeah so why did you go out with Deon then?"

"Do you not remember how that ended I punched him like twice and on top of that Melanie made me."

He opens his mouth to reply but I stop him.

"Okay look here Caleb. You will stop talking to me about this for today. Conversation over alright fini finito. May we please discuss something else now?"

I say as I slice the pizzas and put them on the table and Caleb sighs. We then hear the door open and I spot 6 people walk in the house. 

Well I guess it's time for dinner now.

***An hour later***

"Tatianna this is really good" Both of Caleb's twin sisters, Samantha and Sarah, say at the same time. Both of them look alike they have icy blue eyes with dirty blond hair and they were 21 years old.

"Yeah I swear much better than what Caleb cooks." Zachary his older brother says.He has blond hair with deep blue eyes matching his other sister Chloe. Zachary is 23 while Chloe is 19.

"Such a pretty girl on top of that." Their mom Annabelle says, she looks like an older version of Chloe, any you can clearly hear the french in her voice.

Their father Nicholas french as well is more reserved, I think he was in the army or something, Caleb is the spitting image of him except the eyes. I think Caleb is the only one who dosen't have blue eyes but his green eyes suit him anyways.

"Oh thanks you guys I'm glad you like it." I tell them as I eat a piece of food.

"So Tatianna are you dating Caleb?" Chloe asks me.

I shake my head but Caleb speaks for me, "No she dosen't want to date... She is very... picky when it comes to guys."

I give him a look as to say shut up.

"Oh really what's wrong with Caleb here??" Annabelle asks me.

"Umm nothing he's a really nice guy actually but I don't want to date anyone right now that's all." I say and then the conversations keep on going as they talk about their weeks at school and such.

When we finally finish eating Caleb decides that it's time to take me home. As he drives we are in complete silence. When we reach our destination we say goodbye and I head inside. 

I don't get why Caleb is so mad at me anyways this boy is moody anyways. And with that I go to my room and go to be tired from this whole damn day.

There you go.. I was kind of lost with the story so sorry if this chapter kind of sucks :S

Thanks you for reading and don't 4get to Vote and Comment.

I'm trying to make the story move faster without like going too fast so yeah. I would really appreciate some feedback on what you think or want to happen in the story...

So again thank you and hopefully in two days I'll be updating. :)


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