The Rebel.

Від WingsofAnAngelx

202K 4.8K 493

Nova West, a girl who's bad at making friends, decides to opt it off and become a loner. She's an insecure gi... Більше

1 - Once Upon a Time...
2- Damned Brick Walls...
3- One friend. Just One.
4- Hanna.
5- Hooray For Weekends!
6- P.A.R.T.Y.
7- Oh, Brother.
8- Rebel.
9- A Day with Derek. Part 1
10- A Day with Derek, Part 2
11- Yep, Going to Get My Eyes Scratched Out.
12- Alpha.
14- Keeping Quiet.
15- Is This a Date?
16- Chaos.
17- Where the hell is Nova?
18- Daddy.
19- The Truth Won't Set Me Free.
20- Home Sweet Home.
21- Back to Reality.
22- I Can Kiss Normal Goodbye.
23- Another West in the Woods...
24- Noah.
25- Vengance.
26- Goodbye.
27- The Calm Before the Storm.
28- First Hunt.
29- I can't stay mad at you forever.
30- Stay Alive.
31- Blackness.
32- Somebody Resue Me.
33- Nothing to Lose.
Happy Ever After?

13- The woods isn't a place for a rebel.

4.7K 132 12
Від WingsofAnAngelx

A/N I know I shouldn't update, but I've already got everything up to chapter 18 written, and everything leading up to chapter 30 written in an outline. So I'm feeling confident,

The song on the sides sets the mood for the chapter, I think. So give it a listen and let me know what you think of all the songs I've posted on each chapter!

Enjoy! xx

Chapter 13

I walked through the woods, trying to get a good sense of where I was, and where I thought the wolf was. I was determined to prove Hanna wrong, and I also really wanted to see this wolf up close.

The first wolf in California in decades! And I was going to see it, in person! I jumped in excitement as I walked further into the woods, flashlight on, and phone ready to snap a picture at any sign of the wolf.

He couldn’t be too far away, the howl I heard was pretty close. That means he was probably sleeping somewhere near my house, and I shouldn’t have too much trouble finding him.

I walked for what seemed like hours, but was truthfully only 45 minutes. Beginning to get tired and losing hope, I turned around to go home. No wolf tonight, I guess. I walked and walked, and walked, and walked. Panic began to set in as I realized I walked farther into the woods than I thought I had, and that I was totally, and completely lost.

“Damn it!” it was just like me to do something like this. Go out of my way to prove a point not even worth proving, and get lost in the middle of the night in the creepy, and getting creepier, woods.

I decided to stop walking, because it was better to stay put and wait to be found, than to continue walking around hopelessly lost. I didn’t know who was going to find me in the middle of the night, but I had to at least give myself some hope before I broke down and cried.

Then I heard something that made my skin crawl. A deafening growl sounded behind me. My breath hitched in my throat, and, terrified, I turned around to see nothing but two red, glowing eyes staring right at me.

It wasn’t a wolf, because wolves didn’t have red eyes, but what was it? I couldn’t think of anything, partly because I was about two seconds away from wetting myself. I decided to not worry about what the hell it was, because it sounded angry. It growled again; yep, definitely angry.  I turned around and ran for my life.

I ran as fast as I could, but not before my dumbass tripped on a fallen branch and fell on my face, scratching it.

And this was how all the dumb blondes died in horror movies, not setting yourself away from stereotypes now are we? My inner voice taunted.

Now, was so NOT THE TIME FOR YOU. I ignored my inner voice, and hurried to pick myself up, ignoring the obvious pain in my ankle, and continued to run. I didn’t dare look behind me. I was too scared.

I fell once again, but this time I didn’t trip, no, whatever it was that was chasing me had grabbed me, and clawed at my ankle, making blood gush out, as I winced in pain.

The next few things that happened were a blur. I wasn’t sure if I had hit my head from my fall or it was all the adrenaline in my system, but a saw a flying flash of light, and then a loud crack as something zoomed and hit the tree; igniting in a bright light.

I saw three people, two men, and one girl who looked creepily like Amber. They were all holding weapons of some sort. I didn’t recognize one man, and the other had a hood on, shielding his face.

“We’ve caught you, there’s nowhere to run. Now why don’t you show us who you are.” The man, whose face wasn’t shielded, said.

At first I thought they were talking to me, but then I heard a loud and once again deafening roar as the people stood, aiming their weapons toward a dark spot in the clearing we were in.

It was like they didn't notice me here, but I swear Amber was looking directly at me. I slowly crawled off the ground, muffling a scream in pain as my ankle protested, and limped away.

I wasn’t fast. But I was scared out of my mind and more confused than I had ever been before. I didn’t know what I saw; I didn’t even know how to process it. So I suppressed it. My main goal was to get home. I walked around aimlessly, if you could call what I was doing walking. Until I remembered my phone has a map.

If I could sucker punch myself in the face, I would. I could have saved myself a lifetime of nightmares by simply remembering to use my damn phone! Ray Charles could have figured that one out; he’s blind and dead.

I typed in my house's address and followed the little blue line that showed me the way home. As I limped along, trying harder and harder to forget what I had seen, I heard sticks breaking behind me. My body went rigid with fear, as I thought it was the thing that had chased me before, I turned around.

Nothing. I’m being silly. There were other animals in the woods, it’s not like I could actually be alone out here. It was probably a squirrel, or some other seemingly harmless animal.

Snap. I froze again.

It must be the paranoia, I just witnessed a traumatizing event, and now I was looking around every tree hoping that thing wasn’t waiting to kill me.

 I turned around, trying to clear my head when I smacked into something- or someone I should say. It was Amber.

 "Amber? What the hell are you doing out here? Why do you have a crossbow? Who were the people with you? What was that thing?" The questions came out as a rushed and panicked squeak when Amber smacked her hand over my mouth, looking down at my injured leg.

 "If you don't want every living being in the woods tonight knowing that we're out here you will shut the fuck up!" She whispered menacingly, glancing at my ankle again, "Wrap that up when you get home." She turned around and started walking away,

 "Amber!" I yelled after her.

 With the speed of a ninja Amber smacked me into a tree, covering my mouth once again, "I told you, to shut the fuck up! Are you the least bit smart enough to comprehend what I'm saying?"

 I nodded my head, not daring to speak.

 "Now I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say this once. Forget what you saw in the woods tonight. I wasn't here, you weren't here. And whatever you think that you saw, forget about that too. Do you understand? Or do I need to beat you into amnesia so you won't remember it?" She threatened.

 I shook my head no, forgetting tonight would be amazing.

 "Good girl. If I find out that you didn't forget about tonight, you'll regret it."

 Amber walked away again, disappearing into the trees.

 What the hell was that about? I decided not to think about it, as I focused again on getting myself home.

After 20 painful minutes of limping through the forest, I was almost home. Of course, the universe couldn't let me get home without me being scared to death again; I had this freaky feeling of something following me. And my gut was telling me that something wasn't Amber. Every few minutes a twig would crack behind me, and I swear that I saw a tall figure in the shadows. But I blamed it on the paranoia again.


 I had found my way home. I crept back into the house and crawled to my room. I slipped into the bathroom, careful not to wake Hanna, and got a good look at the damage.

I had two small scratches on my cheek, a bruise on my elbow, and a nasty clawed-gash on my ankle. I looked at myself in the mirror; this was going to be hard to cover up. All the same I opened the cabinet, and pulled out the first-aid kit; beginning to clean and wrap my ankle. I tried to process everything that happened. But I couldn't wrap my mind around it. Why the hell was Amber out there? What the hell was that thing that chased me, and why did Amber looked freaked out at my leg at first? All of these things I didn't know, but one thing I was sure of.

I was never going to attempt to prove my point again.


Derek’s P.O.V.

It didn’t take me long to track the alpha, his howl had called to me; whether I was in a pack or not. Any beta within 100 miles would be in the woods tonight. I ran on all fours, not caring if the hunters were out tonight; I didn’t kill anyone, and they very well knew that.

I raced into the woods, hearing a threatening growl. It was him, I was sure of it. I was about three seconds away from approaching him when I heard another heartbeat. Someone else was with him? Then I smelled it, apple-butter and sweet honeycombs.

It was Nova.

Nova was in the woods? Why? I thought she was a smart girl! She was acting completely careless and irresponsible right now! I knew she was a bit of a rebel, but this? This was suicidal! Who in their right minds goes in the woods in the middle of the night?

You do. My inner voice seethed.

Oh that was so not fair, I could protect myself. Nova, however couldn’t. I still thought as to why she would be in here while I scanned the area looking for her, and then it finally came to me.

I have a thing for wolves. I don’t know, they’re my favorite animal. And werewolf mythology is my favorite subject.”

What she said to me yesterday had made me laugh, but now it made me realize why she was out here. She was looking for the wolf! I gave a sigh of frustration as I zeroed in on her location. My eyes widened as I saw the alpha right behind her.

He was going to bite her and turn her! Or kill her even!

Before he got the chance and before I could even race towards her; she ran. And for a human, she was shockingly fast. She ran and ran until she tripped. I rolled my eyes as I followed behind them, trying to help her without her seeing me, she was such a stereotypical horror-movie blonde right now.

Then it hit me. No, not a sudden revelation. Something actually hit me. I groaned in pain as I looked down at my stomach, an arrow sticking out. I groaned in pain as another went through my shoulder, another through my leg. I fell down on the ground, giving another grunt in pain.

“Go ahead guys, I know this one.” Said by none other than the wicked bitch of the west, Amber. I should have known she’d be out here tonight.

“Take care of it Amber,” Her dad began, “John and I are going to get the alpha and help its victim.” John? He was a new one. Was he the colleague that Amber spoke of? I had to get up now! I had to figure out why he wanted Nova hurt so bad!

I groaned again as her evil foot kicked an arrow, making it cut me deeper. I wouldn’t heal until they were all pulled out; and let me tell you that was not going to be a pleasant experience. I shuddered thinking about the pain. Amber leaned down towards my ear, all while keeping her foot planted on my back.

“Oh Derek, you’re not as smart as I thought. Out here alone, looking for an alpha, with hunters out?” She laughed. “I’m smarter than that; I don’t even want to be out here!”

“Then shut up and let me go.” I said, through gritted teeth.

“You know what? I think I’ll do just that. But if I catch you out here again, I’m not going to hesitate to kill you. I’m going to shoot you now.” She said as I heard her cocking her gun.

“No Amber don-” Bang! Another shooting pain when through my back, I grunted as I heard her walk away; laughing as she did so. This pain was far worse than the ones of the arrow, as I felt the wolves bane poison enter my body. It wasn’t enough to make me die; but I was going to have one hell of a day tomorrow.

 A few minutes later, I heard gunshots and saw a bright flash ahead of me; hunters. Maybe they would take care of the alpha, so I could get to finding Nova.

I sat there for a few more minutes, writhing in pain, and not even attempting to move, until I smelled blood not too far from here. I knew without a second guess whose blood it was. It was enough to make me will my body forward, rip the arrows out as I roared in pain, and race towards the sound.

I couldn’t approach Nova; she would be terrified by now and seeing me would only make her think that I was the alpha. I couldn’t have her sweet beautiful face looking at me in terror. So I stayed about 10 feet away from her, as she watched her phone and made her way home. I was at least going to make sure she made it home safe, without her noticing me follow her.

 As she limped along, I heard another heartbeat, and froze as I snapped a twig and she turned her head in my direction. While she wasn't looking, Amber stealthily appeared from the woods; right behind Nova.

 Nova shrugged, deciding that she saw nothing, when in fact she was staring right at me, and turned around- only to jump at Amber.

 I struggled to hear what Nova was saying, because unfortunately; the wolves’ bane was making me terrifyingly human. But I heard them nonetheless.

 "Amber? What the hell are you doing out here? Why do you have a crossbow? Who were the people with you? What was that thing?" The questions came out rushed and panicked, when Amber smacked her hand over Nova's mouth, looking down at her injured leg.

 "If you don't want every living being in the woods tonight knowing that we're out here you will shut the fuck up!" She whispered menacingly, glancing at Nova's ankle again. She was hurt! That hurt my body just as much as the wolves’ bane did. I should have protected her, I could have! If it wasn’t for Amber shooting me that is. I would definitely be checking on Nova at school tomorrow; I don’t care how stalkerish I seemed. I had to make sure she was alright.

"Wrap that up when you get home." Amber said as she turned around and started walking away,

 "Amber!" Nova yelled after her. God, she was acting so stupid reckless right now! Anyone and anything could be listening to them right now! Kind of like I was... I can't be mad at Nova though, she didn't know anything about werewolves.

 "Werewolves are my favorite mythological creature!"

 Okay, well, she didn't know anything about real werewolves.

  I watched as Amber smacked Nova into a tree, covering her mouth again, "I told you, to shut the fuck up! Are you the least bit smart enough to comprehend what I'm saying?"

 Typical Amber, she was never nice.

 "Now I'm going to say this and I'm only going to say this once. Forget what you saw in the woods tonight. I wasn't here, you weren't here. And whatever you think that you saw, forget about that too. Do you understand? Or do I need to beat you into amnesia so you won't remember it?" She threatened.

 Nova shook her head, assuring that Amber didn't need to hurt her. Pssht, like I would let that happen!

 "Good girl. If I find out that you didn't forget about tonight, you'll regret it."

 Amber walked away again, disappearing into the trees.

I followed Nova and watched her until she made her way to her back door, I couldn't get a clear view of her injured ankle until now. I gazed at her in horror at what I saw.

She had 3 claw marks on her ankle, going all the way up to her shins.

 This was all my damn fault! If it wasn't for my stupid way of wanting to keep myself hidden from Nova I would have been there to protect her.

 I made sure she was safely inside, listening as her heartbeat slowed down to it's normal pace, and eventually slowed to a steady beat- signaling she was asleep. I made my way home, trying to figure how to deal with the alpha.

            I climbed into my bed and lay down; a shaky, painful breath leaving my mouth. Everything I did hurt, including breathing. Fucking Amber was going to get it now. But my mind was still focused on Nova. I don't care what Amber threatened, Nova wasn't going to forget about tonight.


A/N I hoped you liked this!

Pic on the side is what Nova saw in the woods

Song: Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare



love you all!

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