
Av Vaaahhhl

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"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor..." Kayla was 9 days old when her father promised her to Damian, w... Mer

A History on Bermuda
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 10

621 29 1
Av Vaaahhhl

The school bell rang, students filed out of class like cattle. Kayla strolled out calmly and rejoiced for the sun. It was much better than being trapped in a classroom, with monotone lectures and the sound of graphite itching over paper. Thank goodness for the pep rally. Her phone buzzed in her bag, she eagerly took it out, a smile coming over her face when she saw who the sender was.

Cody: Hey Kayla! You wanna sit together for the rally? :)

Students pushed past her as she made her way amongst them to the gym.

Kayla: Sure, that'd be great!

He replied immediately.

Cody: Cool I was hoping you'd say that :) I'll save you a seat on the visitor's side :p

She happily put her phone away and nearly jumped with excitement. Cody had become somewhat of a best friend in the past few weeks, when Raul left her with him, it turned out to be the best thing he'd ever done. Now, her and Cody were closer than ever, and it was all thanks to him. She forgot all about her horrible situation when she thought about him, and she was her happiest when they were together, because for those precious hours, life was perfect again, and she knew everything would be okay.

Amarie came up behind her, giving a playful nudge with her shoulder. Her black hair reflected the sun with a glimmer, and her cheerleader uniform was tight on her body, it displayed her shape, and the short skirt boasted her strong, springy legs. Red and Black colors painted the uniform, and 'Bobcats' in bold stitching streaked across it. Across her shoulder blades, her last name was sewn on perfectly, with the word 'captain' right under it.

"How are you doing with the whole...thing?" She asked quietly.

Kayla frowned. She disliked the people who never ceased to remind her of it.

"I try not to think about it." She said simply.

Boys eyed Amarie like she was a treasure, while girls ignored her. Amarie was popular for being the cheer captain, beautiful, and attending all the parties that mattered. Kayla was well known for being part of the top 10 scholars in her class, and was quite outgoing, but she wasn't seen at parties like her cousin. Especially now, since it would lead to breaking the rules of the contract her father made.

"Okay, well I want to ask you something, about Cody?" Amarie continued carefully.

Kayla hid her uneasiness and nodded like everything was okay, "What about him?"

"I heard you two go up to the summit all the time. You aren't doing anything you shouldn't be, are you?"

Kayla scoffed, "Do you smell him on me?" She replied sassily. Cody wasn't a subject she wanted to discuss with Amarie. The girl had eyes on him too, and she did not want to be reminded about the terms of the agreement, especially from her. Even if they had done something suspicious, it was nobody's business, and it should have never been this way. In fact, hanging out with Cody was the same as hanging out with Raul, so why did everyone seem to have a problem with it? Sure, she was actually attracted to Cody, but that wouldn't make her do anything stupid.

"No need to get defensive. I was just making sure." Amarie moped. "Are you going to prom with him too?"

"I can't." Said Kayla, "You know that."

There was silence for a moment. "I'm sorry about all of this, Kayla. I just hope you're not hurting yourself more, by continuing to follow him around."

Kayla froze. Following him around? What was that supposed to mean? She knew she couldn't have a future with him, but she still had two years of slight freedom left, maybe something could change, she refused to assume that it was all over for her. The way she implied Kayla's desperation stung her deeply. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. All of nature was against the path her father was bulldozing for her to follow. She was supposed to happily marry Cody, not fight to be with him for mere minutes. It should have drifted easily into place, they would date, become the "it" couple of the school and the pack, grow up and disappear to college together. Then, they would return with their new knowledge, engagement rings gleaming proudly. The pack would rejoice, all effort would be exhausted for the wedding, until finally, it would happen. They'd be mated, and Cody would do what her father never could, he would drive the filthy Serius Pack out for good.

She'd had it so well planned that it had been real to her. Until, her father shattered it, with witness to all the packs. Her heart had been wrongfully chained someone born of dark hatred.

"Don't you have a pep rally to do?" She said, masking her sadness with a yawn.

Amarie smiled triumphantly, she loved being the star of these shows. "Yeah, I just came for a drink. See you around." She sashayed through the crowd, attracting looks to her figure under the tight cheer uniform.

Kayla rolled her eyes. The crowd continued to scuffle through the crowded doors of the gym, music from the jazz band echoed off the walls and mixed with the excited party of voices.

She scanned the bleachers, until her eyes fell on the one person that she wanted to see forever. He sat with a ghost next to him, just as he had promised. With purpose, she moved toward him, he smiled and straightened when he saw her. Climbing the stairs felt tantalizing, but their eyes never left each other, one step after the other, she saw them coming closer and closer, both their hearts pounding, the chaos lowering behind them. Finally, she planted herself next to him happily.

"I was starting to think you ditched me." He joked into her ear, his warm breath gave her chills.

She leaned toward him, only so he'd be able to here her soft voice over the students and band. "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Good, neither would I." He reassured. His eyes met hers, their faces were only inches apart. His handsome features reminded her of warm honey, it melted into her vision. His pinky finger slowly inched it's way between them.

"Pinky promise?" He proposed.

She grinned and wrapped her slender finger around his.

"I promise", he stated boldly, "to never ditch you." His eyebrows bounced up as they waited for Kayla.

She laughed. "I promise to never ditch you, too."

It was a silly game they were playing, but it meant the world to her. She felt as if she'd promised her entire life over to him, and every part of her being devoted itself to Cody. She would never leave him behind, and there was assurance in knowing he would never do that, too.

The pep rally roared into action, starting with the National anthem. The student who sang had talent, but she was nothing compared to a wolf's howl. Side by side, the two Pelisians cheered on the various teams being praised, offering extra loud cheers for the Pelisian representatives in them. The students were only riled up even more, they had no idea that their fellow students were supernatural beings, it was better that way. It made it safer for all of them to live in harmony.

When the cheer team showed off their routine at the close for the rally and celebrated the upcoming prom, Cody's demeanor shifted significantly. They both knew Kayla couldn't go, and that she'd never be able to go with him. This upset him very much. She tried to cheer him up, but it didn't seem to work.

"Look, Kayla." He finally said to her at lunch time. "I need a date for prom. My parents expect it, the students expect it. I wanted to take you, but I can't, and I've considered just not even going--"

"Don't do that!" She scolded. "I would have loved to go with you. But let's face it. I'm engaged." She growled the words with bitterness. "It would hurt me even more if you missed on that because of me."

"I know." He said. "That's why I already decided that I'm going to ask Amarie, it's happening today after school."

She breathed out. Already decided. How long ago had he decided this!? He wasn't going to fight to get himself there with Kayla. Just roll over, and take Amarie. Of all the girls he could've chosen, he chose her. The beautiful girl who most obviously had a crush on him, she'd hoped he'd at least take a human girl, or better yet, go with friends.

"That's fine." She replied dizzily.

He wasn't convinced. "Really? Are you sure?"

Her throat had closed, so she only nodded. A friend, listening in on the conversation cut in.

"It better be okay. A lot of planning went into this promposal." He complained.

Kayla forced out a pained laugh in reply. It was actually a choked sob. At the end of the school day, he did it. There was a colorful banner, the entire cheer team bent their bodies to spell the word, then he emerged, bouquet of her favorite flowers in hand. The crowd that had formed to watch cheered when Amarie said yes and jumped into his arms. He laughed and received her powerfully. Only Kayla sulked, the dreams she'd had evaporating away.

That could have been me. She mourned.

Amarie sent her a glance, she knew her cousin was hurting deeply, but she couldn't and wouldn't help it. Kayla had her duties, she was engaged now, and it was time she acted like it. Now, Amarie would move in on Cody with even more ferocity than before. She did feel sorry for Kayla's predicament, however, this was Amarie's chance to get what she wants for the very first time. She was not going to let a chance to finally leap out of Kayla's overruling shadow simply pass. She took a deep breath and looked away, just as the crowd exploded with glee for the new prom couple.

Kayla wandered away from the crowd and sat on a bench, fighting to urge to cry. She liked Cody very much and now she felt even more hopeless about her situation than ever. If only her father hadn't given her away, then she could be the one going to the dance with him. Eventually she would really be his, like she should be. Getting to choose your own mate was the greatest freedom, not only for a Lobain, but for the humans too. She'd seen the couples at school countless times, they all had their pick, they all get to choose who they can love.

Cody approached, one flower salvaged from Amarie's bouquet in his hand. She heard his footsteps coming as clearly as she heard the girls 15 feet away, whispering rumors about the entire situation. If only they knew the real depth of the situation.

"You know I would take if I could.." Cody started, a pleading look in his blue eyes as he reached the flower out to her.

She looked away. "But you can't."
He was silent for a moment. "Let me take you home."

She shook her head, and denied the flower. "I can walk." It was too painful to talk to him, to even be near him and look at his perfect face agonized her.

As she turned away, he grabbed her arm. "Kayla, please." He begged.

A red pick up truck stormed into the student parking lot, it pummeled over the asphalt, disrupting students. It's engine and uproarious music made such an outcry, that students stopped from everywhere to stare. The cheerleaders, watching Kayla and Cody with suspicion, glanced at each other in confusion, and only Amarie held her breath, because she knew the wolves inside of the car. It came to a screeching halt in front of them, Kayla felt her heart stop. Slowly, the window rolled down, revealing Kevin, his signature malicious grin stretched onto his face, Damian, their cousins, and Regina.

"You might want to keep your paws off, pretty boy." Kevin growled. "My little brother suffers with severe jealousy." Ironically, Damian didn't even glance at the Pelisians. He stared straight ahead, looking as if he wanted to be invisible.

Cody backed away, "I was just leaving." He said quietly. He sent one meaningful look to Kayla and then walked away stiffly. She watched him with a heavy heart and then turned to the Serians with a snarl.

"Aren't you pigs on the wrong side of town?" She hissed, beginning to walk away.

"Don't you mean our town?" Kevin laughed. The truck rolled slowly next to Kayla as she walked, he would not let her go easily.

She glared, her eyes burned into Damian, "I find it strange that you're the heir, yet your brother does all the talking."

Kevin chuckled, "He's a little shy, but he won't admit it." He dropped to whisper and pointed at him accusingly, "He prefers the term: man of few words."

Damian growled at Kayla. "You don't know anything about me, princess." His bright green eyes flashed in annoyance at her.

She flared at the way he used that term with her. She always considered herself a princess, but he said it in an insulting way, and he made her feel offended by the stupid word.

"Seriously though", Kevin said, "You'd better stay away from Pretty Boy, I'd hate for something to happen to him."

She stopped in her tracks and twisted to face them, "You'd be violating the agreement!"

"Oh yeah, like you're not already."

"We've done nothing." She hissed.

Kevin chuckled, "Of course you haven't." He turned around to his passengers in the back, "Travis, while I'm gone you and your siblings are in charge of keeping an eye on her." He turned to Regina, "You'll be in charge of my baby brother, sweetheart."

"With pleasure", she purred. Leaning forward and playing with Damian's ear, using her tongue.

Kayla narrowed her eyes in disgust. She knew Regina well, the girl was more catlike than wolf, it was shameful. But worse, was that Damian had the freedom to be with any girl he wanted, while Kayla was stuck with just him. She clenched her fists and turned down the path to the park.

She wished she could go far away, with Cody. Maybe she should, her pack was her duty, but what about her own life? Didn't she have a say, didn't she have a right to her own love and to the duty of her heart? She didn't even know what she really was to her pack anymore. Was she really a future alpha, or was she simply a pawn, being manipulated into some unforeseen future that her superiors had dreamed up?

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