Full Dark, No Stars {CrEePyPa...

By LastMinuteCosplay

6.6K 193 89

What happens when the CreepyPasta's find out that there is a new member to their team? Well I can tell you no... More

Ch. 1 Bailing Out
Ch. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?
Ch. 2 pt. 2 A New Member of The Creepypasta's?! UH NO THANK YOU~ Jeff
Ch. 3 A red stroll around the park
Wattpad problems ;-;
Ch.5 Be Strong...
Ch.6 Pancakes
Ch. 7 Getting All those Shots!
Ch. 8 Jeff's "Date"
Ch.9 Yukine? What Exactly Are You?
Ch.10 Long Talk about You Know Who..
Ch.11 Truth
Ch. 12 Zalgos Meeting
Ch. 13 Monster...
Ch. 14 singing duet!
Ch. 15 Lazer lights
Ch. 16 The Battle Begins!
Ch. 17 Still fighting
Ch. 18 A Surprise Visit
Changed the Pic and Title once more!
Ch. 19 Talk between Jeff and Yukine
Ch. 20 Mistake
Ch.21 He's missing -_-
Ch. 22
Ch.23 Don't Let Go of The Last String

Ch.4 Those Perverts!!

352 8 3
By LastMinuteCosplay

***BEN'S POV***

I sat in my room, snacking on some Doritos while playing some GTA5. Wasn't one of my favorites but still fun to waste time on. I then remembered what happened only minutes earlier between Slendy and Jeff. 'Man, like anyone would ever guess Slenderman would ever have a daughter... although, she's pretty cute to admit. Maybe I can talk to her some more tonight after dinner.'

"Hey!" I hear pounding on my door. "Dinner is done!" Helen calls out for everyone whose in their rooms. 'Speaking of dinner...' I pause my game and head downstairs to the dinner table to see it was already set with food. Everyone is at the table already eating, well, except I don't see Jeff or Yukine. I sit down and once I do the door flies open.

"We made it just in time for food!! Ooooooh! SPAGHETTI!!! YAY!" I smile at Yukine's sudden excitement. Surprisingly she comes and sits by me.

"Hi, I'm Yukine. You must be BEN? Correct?" She smiled taking out her hand waiting for me to shake it. I look over to see Jeff starring at me, I look back at Yukine and shake her hand while nodding. I then hear a cough come from Jeff from the other side and he starts to eat.

"Y-yes. I'm BEN, pleasure to meet you." I say and start to eat. The rest of us eat in silence.

***Yukine's POV***

I got done eating my spaghetti, and let me tell you, Slenderman is the best cook ever! I get up from the dinning table and thank Slendy for the meal.

"No problem, now how about you go wash up." He tells me. I nod and go up stairs to Jeff's room. Once I entered the room was a disaster. Clothes were everywhere along with left over food and other stuff. I cough as I smell something rotting.
'I'll take a shower once I clean this place up.' I think as I began throw away food in a nearby trash bin. This takes me 15 minutes. I then began throwing all his dirty laundry in a laundry basket and set outside the door for Slenderman to take care of.

"There, now one more final touch." I say and pull out some perfume and start to spray the room. Once I'm done I go to his bathroom and start to take off my clothes. I get a towel and a rag. I then turn on the shower and get in. My short hair gets soaked with the hot water while it's soothing my body.

"I was following the~ I was following the~ I was following the-~ was following the pack all swallowed in their coats with scarves of red tied round their throats too keep their little heads from falling in the snow~. And I turn round and there you go~! And Micheal you would fall~! And turn the white snow to red as strawberries in the summertime~." I sang. I didn't know why I was singing, but I usually did when I was showering, sometimes I'd get embarrassed. I shaved my legs and hummed more of the song. Once I was done I got out of the shower turning it off. I grabbed my towel and rapped it around me.

"Do you think she'll see us?"

"Dude! Ssshhh!!"

I looked around to hear whispering. I didn't see them, but I didn't make me stop looking. I got down and opened the cabinets to find Gold and Smile Dog. I scream loudly once I see them.

"I-I'm sorry!" Gold says and is about to say more, but that's when Jeff comes in.

"What is going on?!" He barges in. He then sees me in just my towel and I look down feeling my face start to heat up.

"G...GET OUT!!!" I yell once more and slap all three of them while kicking them out. I slam the door shut and lock it. I grip my towel as my back rests on the door and I begin to slide down it hearing them talk.

"She sings beautifully!" I hear Smile tell Jeff.

"Get out of my room before I kill both of you." I hear Jeff argue with them.

"You can't kill us. You know what will happen." Gold says.

"Well I can do enough where you wished you'd be dead, now leave!" There's then a slam. I get up from the floor drying off and starting to put on some of my clothes. I brush my hair and open the door to find Jeff on his bed. Once he sees me he sits up a bit.

"Did you clean my room?" He asked. I nodded. "Why?"

"Why? Cause it was a mess! Nobody could get through here-"

"That's the point." He interrupts. I give him a cold stare.

"And! Now it doesn't smell like something crawled up in here and died." I said crossing my arms smiling.

"Oh so is that why it smells like girly perfume in here?" He smirks. I go up and smack him. "The hell?!" He yells. I go over stealing a pillow and lay on the clean floor.

"I'm going to bed." I tell him and roll over on my side where I'm not facing Jeff and close my eyes.
"You should go to sleep too." I suggest.

"Sorry 'girly' I'm not ready for that yet, I still have my days to live." He says and I can almost see him smiling in my mind.

"Oh ha ha, cause I said 'go to sleep' us I'm so funny I should become a comedian." I say and try getting comfy. I hear him get up and he steps over me and turns off the lights. As he comes back be then trips over me on purpose. I roll over and burst out laughing at his failure.

"Damn..... I didn't mean that, I was actually going to step on you but that failed.." he said rubbing his head where he bumped it. I just kept laughing..

********___________________________YAY 4th chapter uploaded! I had to use my kindle to do this bleh XP___ well I guess I'm going to go and work on the next chapter!!
Any questions?
Ok well bye!!__________________________**************
*********ok I lied the next chapter will be out today along with this one XD_____**____&*_*

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