Resolutions (Harry & Ginny Fa...

By SuperMissA11

31.6K 450 90

This is going to be a the story of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince told from Ginny Weasley's perspecti... More

A Guest + A Phlegm
Falling For Ya'
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The Hogwarts Express
Slug and Blood
Potions of Love
Dean Thomas
Quidditch Tryouts
An 'I love you' and Another Little Book
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Late Night Wondering
Christmas at The Burrow
Christmas Sparks
Hermione's Helping Hand
Common Knowledge
Our Hiding Place


1.4K 22 3
By SuperMissA11

It seemed that it was not only Dean who was annoyed having not made the team. Cormac McLaggen, who I probably hated just as much as Romilda Vane: a lot. He was one of the most obnoxious, egotistical people in the entire student-body of Hogwarts, and had also tried out for the position of Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, the position that my brother had 'fairly' won in the tryouts. Little did anyone else know, but Hermione had a slight influence in the goings on at the tryouts a week ago.

You see, it was so blatantly obvious that Ron and Hermione both had feelings for each other, if you take away the factor that they permanently bicker and argue. Not that either would admit it, they loved to tease each other and did it just for the sport of it, but to have the happy reunion of making up they were still solid friends. Hermione, therefore, would do anything to ensure Ron's position on the team, just for the large boost in confidence it gave him however I don't think Ron would be very happy if he found out but in all honesty nobody wanted McLaggen on the team anyway – including me. All Ron needed to do know was not let his confidence fail on him now, as not every game would include Hermiones intervention of the confundus charm. She mastered the spell perfectly I have to say.

"During the tryouts his sister didn't even give him any difficult shots, a sloth could have saved them!" McLaggen complained, voicing him opinion to practically the entire Gryffindor Common Room.

"Rubbish! Ginny is an incredible Chaser and that was actually the shot Ron nearly missed" said Harry."You missed one of your goals, Ron had a perfect set so he won the position." It looked for a moment as if McLaggen was going to punch him, yet after a moment he strode past up the staircase, thundering like a herd of elephants.

I couldn't help but laugh at how uncomfortable Harry was now that he had realised that all the students in the Common Room were now watching him intently but as the drama came to a standstill they all turned back to their conversations, homework and chess games that were happening all around the room. His face turned beetroot red, a red that could rival all the Weasley's put together. Noticing me laughing, Harry made his way over.

"Think it's funny do you?" He gave me a quick jab in the ribs making me laugh even harder. Harry knew all my ticklish spots and soon I couldn't stop laughing hysterically.

"No, Harry! Stop!" I giggled/shrieked.

"Fine, serves you right for laughing at me!" he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Real mature, Potter!" I called after him as he began to walk over to where Ron was sat. ]

It turned out that I would ask Hermiones advice of the whole Dean affair and her response was far from helpful. "Just play it by ear. If you and Dean don't get on then that is that, but maybe by then Harry will have finally realised he is in love with you" she had said. Great, just what I need. Roll with it, Ginny.

Keeping that in mind I agreed to go to the first Hogsmeade trip with Dean as a first date. I was sort of nervous actually because although I dated Michael Corner last year we never actually went on a proper date. Romilda Vane obviously had something to say about that before she started snogging him messily in a corridor where I just so happened to be walking. Lets just say, that put an end to that relationship. Not that it really was a relationship, if sitting in the library in silence counted as any form of communication at all. I guess not. In the end I decided it was just a casual outing so there was no need to be worried about it at all – I am Ginny Weasley and I'm not going to let boys rule my Hogwarts year.

The morning before my date I sat on the comfiest sofa in the Common Room and began playing with Arnold by Pygmy Puff which I had bought whilst at Diagon Alley from Fred and George's shop. It had taken a lot of begging to Mum but it was worth it! I caught Harry's eye across the room and smiled, laughter dancing in his eyes as he remember the laughter we shared. After glancing away I couldn't help but blush ever so slightly, however the arrival of Dean distracted me from Harry as we made our way down to the entrance hall.

"Wait a minute, Ginny, I'm forgotten my wallet. I'm just going to run upstairs and get it." Dean announced. Professor Dumbledore then entered the hall, making his way towards me which was surprising in itself as I had never spoken to the professor before. He was the great and famous Dumbledore and I couldn't help but redden slightly as he handed me a note asking me to give it to Harry before I left. Luckily, for me I knew just where he was so I headed into the Great Hall, laden with hat, scarf, gloves and every winter warmth clothing item I could possible imagine. Both, Harry and Ron were sat eating their Lunch having only left the Common Room a few minutes before, Hermione probably off reading in the library or doing next week's homework. Harry looked up as he saw me, he looked really happy for the first time in a long while and as I grinned back I felt a twinge of hope for what was to come.

"Hi Harry, I have a note for you." This didn't come as much of a suprise to Harry as he took the note, glancing at the writing before placing it onto the table beside him. "Do you want to come to Hogsmeade with us Ginny?"

I quickly shook my head and headed outside without another word. It would be a lie, if I didn't say that I was slightly disappointed. Why did I have to have asked Dean first? The one time I was actually invited and included in the trio and it was me that couldn't go through with it. At the same time though, deep down I knew that I shouldn't have been feeling this way. Dean was my boyfriend and I really needed to put the effort in, starting with this date.

Harry's P.O.V

It would be a lie, if I didn't say that I was slightly disappointed. Why did she have to have asked Dean first? I know I shouldn't be thinking like this, because one she has a boyfriend, a boyfriend who happened to be my friend but most importantly to me a brother who happened to be my best friend. That was the problem. I couldn't think of Ginny in any other way than a sisterly love otherwise Ron was mostly likely to strangle me for even thinking it, never mind actually acting on the thoughts. She has a boyfriend. Dean is her boyfriend and I'm just not that sort of guy.

Pushing all thoughts of Ginny out of my mind I just wanted to enjoy the Hogsmeade trip with Ron and Hermione. We met in the entrance and then headed out. The ground with invisible, under a thick blanket of snow, that glistened in the winter's sun as we slipped our way to the gates. Here, we were prodded and poked with Filch's sensory probe before we could leave the property. The air was crisp and cold, penetrating even the thickest of cloaks in the sub-0 temperatures. Every breathe was visible as a white mist entered the greying sky so much so that upon arriving at Hogsmeade we headed straight for the Three Broomsticks.

When we entered we picked a table where we strategically placed ourselves so that I was in direct eye line of Professor Slughorn. This was due to the mastermind of Professor Dumbledore, who for some unknown reason had instructed me to get to know the Professor more than any other. Although, confusing I wasn't about to question the greatest wizard of our time! However, being in this position I could also see something that made me feel sick to my stomach.

"I want to leave." Ron stated and I have to say I agreed with him.

"They are only kissing. Ginny is old enough to look after herself. If you started kissing me do you think she would up and leave?" Hermione argued, quickly picking up her drink, taking a large gulp and glancing at Ron rather embarrassedly.

"That' that's just" apparently it seemed Ron was rather uncomfortable too.

I couldn't help but smirk at my two friends however I wasn't happy that my other friend was currently snogging the face off my best friend's sister. Yes that was it. 

A/N: Here's another chapter! Its nearly Christmas!!!! I am so excited and I probably won't update again before than so.......

MERRY CHRISTMAS! to all my lovely readers!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Finally, credit to Jk Rowling for creating this world which we all love <3

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