Everything Has Changed [LIAM...

By scxttsmccall

179K 4.2K 1.2K

Six months. That's how long Aspen has been at peace. It's how long she's been dating sweet, Beta Liam Dunbar... More

Full Moon Madness
That's A Wolf
Try Harder, Dunbar
Hot Flight Attendant
Get in Losers
As Good as Dead
All My Fault
Hide and Seek is a Dangerous Game
I'm Sorry
Stayin' Alive
Do You Trust Me?
Real Busy
The Old Guy
Better Luck Next Time
The Hellhound
Q&A PT 2
Lydia's Hero
I Want to Be With You
Do it for Me
How Desperate?
The Man of Gevaudan
The End Is Near
Real Power
Double Cross

Supernatural Things

9K 206 12
By scxttsmccall

To describe the rest of Aspen's night only takes one word- Chaotic.

First it was the weird interaction at the vending machine, and now Liam was telling her that some monster werewolf with LED claws was after Scott, looking to steal his alpha status. So the two dashed away to the high school (in the rain, she might add) to warn him, but they found Stiles and Malia there instead.

Aspen watched, helpless, as Malia shoved Liam to the damp pavement. He made a loud "oof" and Aspen yelped. "Oh my god," Stiles exclaimed. They reached down and pulled Liam to his feet, who was still slightly winded.

"Are you all right?" Aspen asked, holding onto his arm. Liam brushed her off, saying to Stiles and Malia, "Scott's in trouble."

The two teenagers eyes widened. "What?"

Liam explained the situation to them all and they were off in a matter of seconds.

Yet when they arrived, it seemed to be too late.

Scott was on his knees, the claws of the other werewolf buried in his chest. The four teenagers burst through a wall of falling rain under the bridge, only to screech to a stop. Aspen nearly tackled Stiles to the ground but managed to ground herself in the slippery converse.

Liam roared beside her, but Aspen put a hand on his forearm, watching as Scott slowly got back on his feet, the absence of his alpha eyes diminishing at once. There was a sickening crack and the wrist of LED Claws was broken, white bone poking through black blood splattered skin.

"I don't know who you are," Scott growled, "Or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice." The werewolf glanced up at him. "You can stay, and I'll break something else.. Or you can run."

The werewolf's eyes travelled curiously at the small crowd that stood around him, settling on Stiles.

"I'd run."

With that little piece of advice from Stiles, the werewolf stumbled to his feet, gripping his wrist, and took off into the rain.

Kira and Scott turned swiftly toward them. Aspen was extremely excited to have the Yukimura back, but was more concerned with the strange boy approaching them. They all looked at him.

"You don't remember me, do you?" he had asked. Liam sized him up, putting a hand on Aspen's. Her fingers subconsciously closed around his, as the boy looked them over. "I guess I look a little different since fourth grade.."

Something clicked behind Scotts brown eyes. "Theo?"

Aspen glanced from Theo to Scott. "You know him?" Malia asked. Theo looked at her. "They used to."

"Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again," he told them, shrugging innocently, "Couple of months ago, I heard of an alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall.." Theo shook his head. "I just couldn't believe it. Not just an alpha, a true alpha."

"What do you want?" Stiles called, venom lacing his voice. Theo smiled at him. "I came back to Beacon Hills, back home with my family.."

"Because I want to be part of your pack."


Aspen slammed her locker shut, glaring at Mason. "Mason," she deadpanned, "I love you, but really, lose the nerd book."

He rolled his eyes, following her and Liam as they walked to their first period class. "But this is the one I was telling you about. I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany." He flipped through the pages, muttering under his breath, "Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it."

Liam sighed. "You're still reading about this stuff?" Mason stared at him like he was insane. "I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull," he said, "It left an impression."

Aspen glanced at Liam cautiously. She remembered their continuous conversations with Mason about what he and Lydia had seen the night that Aspen and Liam were in Mexico, dealing with Berserkers of their own.

"Look, look," Mason said, pointing at the picture on his page, "Have you ever seen anything like this?"

Liam and Aspen shared a worried glance. "Never," they said automatically, walking into the History classroom.

"And then there's this whole section on the Nagual.." Mason said, flipping more pages, "Have you ever heard of the name Tez.. Tezcat-"

"Tezcatlipoca," Liam told him, shaking his head, "Nope, no, never heard of him." Aspen rolled her eyes playfully, catching Hayden's eye. Hayden looked away immediately, ignoring Aspen's friendly wave. She sat down beside her.

"What were you doing last night that was so important that you couldn't spend the last night of summer with your best friend?" Hayden immediately frowned. Aspen's mouth opened and she hesitated. She couldn't exactly say "Well you know, trying to help my boyfriend keep from going wolf and killing half of Beacon Hills, you know, the norm". So she was left without a choice-

"I had promised Liam dinner," she lied, "A-and a movie. I'm sorry."

Hayden pouted. "What happened to sisters before misters?" Aspen smiled sympathetically. "You know I love you Hayden, and I'm really really sorry." Hayden stopped chewing her gum. "Forgiven?"

Hayden narrowed her brown eyes at the blonde, smiling soon after. "Forgiven."

"Take your seats everyone," Mr. Yukimura announced as the bell rang. Aspen sat her books down on her desk, smiling at Mason who sat beside her, expecting Liam to sit down behind her.

Hayden's eyes met Liam's and he groaned. "Great," he mumbled, looking around for another seat. Hayden smiled sarcastically at him and Aspen couldn't help but roll her eyes again at him. Things hadn't changed between the two, despite Aspen's attempts to get them on friendly terms, and Hayden still hated Liam, Liam still hated Hayden.

"Liam," Mr. Yukimura said, "You're not just gonna stand there, are you?"


"The whole semester?"

Liam swallowed, raising his eyebrows. "Maybe." Mr. Yukimura said sternly, "Have a seat." He sighed in defeat and flopped down into the seat, too fast to notice that Hayden had slipped her gum in his chair.

Liam lifted himself up to see the sticky stuff stuck to his cargo pants and set his jaw angrily, glaring at the brown-haired girl. She smiled.

Aspen and Mason watched the whole interaction, grinning to themselves.

"Welcome to History 103."


"Like Lydia," Mason told Liam as he walked out of the boys' locker room with his lacrosse shorts replacing the gum-ruined ones. "She's knows things."

Aspen furrowed her eyebrows. "What?" she asked, falling into step with them. "Don't ask," Liam  said dismissively.

"Things," Mason continued, "Supernatural things." Aspen gave him a look.

"It's the first day of school, Mase," she sighed, "Shouldn't you be thinking about other things?"

"Like," Liam spoke up, watching the soccer team go by over his shoulder, "The boys soccer team?" Mason scoffed.

"What do you think I'm going to do?" he said, "Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?"

Aspen arched her eyebrows and shrugged, leaning up against Liam's locker. "It's pretty hot out," she said, leaning in and whispering, "They're probably gonna be shirtless.."

Mason's eyes widened when a player turned around a winked at him. He nodded in a daze. "Yeah.. See you in Physics.."

Aspen snorted and turned to her boyfriend. "I'm thinking about going to the field after school today," he said, putting the combination into his lock, "You want to come watch?"

She pursed her lips. "Will you be shirtless too?"

He grinned, leaning in to kiss her. "Maybe.."

Their lips only got to brush before they jumped, the locker beside his slamming shut.

Hayden snorted. "Nice shorts."

Liam flashed her a fake smile. "Yeah, thanks.. You know," he continued, "I was wondering if you were still mad about the sixth grade, but I guess you cleared that up."

Hayden looked him dead-on. "I'm not mad, Liam," she said sweetly, but the niceness faded away as she said angrily, "I'm vengeful."

She wiggled her fingers at Aspen before sauntering away. Liam groaned. "Control your friend, would you?"

Aspen laughed. "Babe, there's no controlling Hayden Romero." The bell rang and she pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his lips quickly. "I'm gonna go try and pry Mason off of those bleachers during my free period," she told him, "See you later?" Liam smiled softly. "Sure."

Aspen shouldered her bag and waltzed away on her four inch heels that she may or may not have stolen from Lydia's closet, taking out her phone, because, truthfully, she wasn't going to lure Mason away from hot soccer players. She wasn't that cruel.

Truthfully, Aspen was going to call Derek Hale.

Earlier that morning, during Chemistry, her cell phone had vibrated violently against her leg, but she couldn't get away from the horrid class to answer.

Her phone rang twice before he picked up. "Hello?" he asked, sounding rather drowsy.

"Derek?" she said, pushing through the door to the empty girls' locker room. "What's up?"

"Celtic Druid ancestry," he retorted, "That's what's up."

Aspen frowned. "What?"

"I talked to Cora a little more," he explained, "And she told me about a book that Peter had showed her once, a book on ancient Druids."

Derek went on to explain the theory in more depth, making Aspen more curious by the second. "I don't know Derek," she muttered uneasily after a while, "It just seems kind of bizarre, don't you think?"

Derek deadpanned, "Your boyfriend is a werewolf and your sister is a banshee."

Aspen nodded. "Point made. But if this is true, what exactly.." She paused. "What exactly does that mean?" The line went silent. "I'm not sure.." Derek replied.

"But whatever it is, it can't be good."


Another chapter ayyy


So I'm watching "Merry Christmas Drake & Josh" and I miss that show so freaking much. Just, btw.

TEEN WOLF IS LIKE 16 DAYS AWAY WHAT (I think. I'm a writer, not a mathematician)


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