There's Faith In Love (Vic Fu...

By epiconfire

16.2K 469 152

"I never thought I would truly be happy again. I love you, Victor Vincent Fuentes." Blair Marie Anderson had... More

There's Faith In Love
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Two

1.4K 51 4
By epiconfire

Chapter Two


"You feeling better today?" Kamryn asked me. Kam is my boss and great friend. She came into work just as I was getting ready to leave. I came in this morning, spent five countless hours tattooing people, talked a bit with some of my coworkers, and couldn't get my mind off of this evening. My friend Tori and I were going to hit up laser tag then go night surfing. I'm feeling so much better today. It's too bad Kam can't come with us tonight. 

"I'm good. Are you sure you can't come with us tonight?" I asked. 

She shook her head. "I can't. I gotta work. I'm sorry B."

"It's okay," I sighed. "Just think about it? If you want to hang then remember to meet us at the arcade at six."

"I will," she lied. We both know as can't come out tonight. She has to work for the next five hours. It's four right now, so she won't get done until Left Hand Black closes. Left Hand Black closes at nine, three hours after Tori and I go to play laser tag. 

I walked into the back room to remove my gloves, take my hair out of it's bun, put on my jacket, and grab my purse. Before leaving the back room I checked myself out in the mirror we have. My hair looked fine, my makeup was okay, and my outfit was fabulous. What can I say? Even if I tattoo people, spend a lot of time in the hospital, and do a bunch of random things I love to look good. Yes, I'm a clothes obsessed girly girl who who owns enough jewelry for a whole town to accessorize. I touched up my lip gloss and smiled. I looked good. 

"I should drop by my place and eat real quick," I told myself. The arcade has really crappy pizza and we'll be spending most of our time there playing tag. After that we'll be night surfing, something I've never gotten to do before. I'm excited for it. We've got our boards and some glow sticks in the back of Tori's van so we're ready to go later tonight. 

I walked out of the back room to see the boy from yesterday laughing with Kam. What? They spotted me and he smiled, making me nervous. I didn't think he was actually going to visit me when he asked about my workplace yesterday. 

"Ah, looking better I see," were the first words he said. 

I blushed. I'm glad I look better. "Thanks…"

"Vic, remember?"

Oh. It was Vic. I nodded. "Of course I remember. Um… so what are you doing here?" I asked. I hope I didn't sound too rude. 

"I wanted to hang out." Vic grinned. 

"That's not a good idea," I said. I began to leave the shop, Vic following suit. 

"Why not? I liked talking yesterday."

"I did too," I said, not looking back. I continued to walk to Starbucks. There is one around the corner of the tattoo shop so the walk is never long. 


"But we shouldn't get involved." 

"One date, that's all I'm asking for. Please?" he begged. 

I sighed and turned around to face him. I gave a small smile before giving in. "Fine. Lets go."


"So you've lived in San Diego your whole life?" Vic asked. I nodded. "Same. I really like it here."

"Yeah, it's great," I agreed. Too bad I won't be here too much longer to live in San Diego. 

"What do your tattoos mean?" Vic randomly asked. On the way to Starbucks, after I finally said yes to his date offer, I told him that I had two other tattoos behind my ears. I didn't say anything about them, even what they happen to be. 

"Well behind my left ear I have a semicolon. It's for my mom. Behind my right ear I have music notes. I love music, so I decided why not. My forearm tattoo is for creativity and uniqueness," I explained. I didn't want to go too into detail about my tattoos. I shouldn't need to have some deep, emotional back story to my tattoos. "You got any?" I questioned. 

He shook his head. "Nah. All I've got in a nose ring and straight hair," he laughed. I laughed too. I did notice that we both have brunette hair and nose piercings. 

"Ohh! How scene kid of you," I teased. 

"I'm so hardcore!" he added with a chuckle. He made his voice deeper than normal and flexed. This boy is real silly, I'll tell you what. 

"Speaking of hardcore," I said, "I was wondering what the next time your band was playing. I want to here you."

He blushed the slightest bit and bit his lip. I wish he wouldn't do that. It's making me feel things I shouldn't. I don't want to get attached and then leave him. I can't promise to be there and then leave. I won't do that to him. "I could… give you a private concert tonight… at my place. If you'd like, of course!" Now he was blushing very noticeably. 

I giggled. "Sure, I'd- oh… I can't. I promised a friend I would hang out."

He frowned and his eyes went sad. "Oh…" Crap! I didn't want to upset him. 

"Well, maybe we could do it another time."

"Yeah, sure…"

I thought for a moment before sighing. I promised Tori I would hang out, but I would love to here Vic sing. "You could come hang out with me and my friend. We're going to play laser tag and then hang out on the beach. You could bring your guitar and sing for us," I suggested. I know Tori wouldn't mind if I brought a friend. Especially a cute one like Vic. "You in?"

His face lit up. His frown turned into a smile. His cheeks turned l. red. I'm guessing that's a yes. 


As Tori, her arms covered in glow stick bracelets, surfed the night waves I spoke to Vic. He had an acoustic guitar next to him and a small on his face. We sat Indian style next to each other in the sand with a small bonfire in front of us, illuminating ourselves. 

Vic was quiet interested with hearing about my life. Some stuff had could guess about me. Other things he listened contently to while I told him. I had no problem talking to him. I especially loved when he told me about himself. I found out that he has siblings and is only a few years older than me. We laughed at things we said and did, like me dropping food crumbs into my bikini top on accident. I hadn't surfed yet, but I wore my bathing suit for when I was ready anyway. 

"So who's your favorite musician?" I asked Vic. 

He thought for a second before answering with, "I have so many. I could sit here and name them all but you'd get bored. What about you? Who's yours?"

I shrugged. "I guess I have the same answer. I like a lot of different genres of music. I'm really into Suicide Silence right now," I said. 

His eyes widened. "Suicide Silence, huh? I wouldn't have expected that from someone so-

"Girly?" I smirked. 

He smirked back. "Yeah, girly."

"That's what my dad and brother say. They like that I'm into whatever I want to be even though a band such as Suicide Silence catches them off guard," I explained. 

"I agree with your family. I like that you like what you want to like," Vic giggled. 

I rolled my eyes at the silly boy next to me. "I don't really care what they think about what I do or what I'm into. You gotta live in the moment, you know?"

He raised a brow. "Live in the moment. How do you live in the moment, exactly?" This boy is certainly something. He's interesting, funny, and flirtatious. I know I shouldn't be getting involved with him. I can't help it though. 

I smiled. "I do whatever I want whenever I want to. I don't think; I do. You never know how much time you have left on Earth so you gotta make it count. Don't spend any of your time sad. Be happy and do fun, exciting things that make you smile. For instance I like helping people. If I have any free time I volunteer at the Family Crisis Center as a suicide awareness activist." Helping people is probably my favorite thing to do. I never want anyone to make someone as depressed as my mother made me feeling be leaving. Suicide isn't the joke some ignorant people treat it a. I know it's something serious not only for family and friends but for the persons who wants to die. If only I could be around longer. Maybe then I could make the difference I've wanted to make for years. 

"You're a suicide awareness activist?" he asked. I nodded, proud of myself. "That's incredible. You're really sweet." Sweet? I'm sweet? 

I blushed. He called me sweet! Oh gosh, I'm developing an eight grade girl crush on him aren't it? Yes, yes it am. "Umm… how about we go into the water now?" I asked. I turned my head towards the ocean so he couldn't see the blush on my normally pale cheeks.  The look he had on his face when I tuned back to him told me that he saw. 

He stood from his place in the sand removed his shirt. He was wearing swim trunks and was obviously prepared to go into the water. I must say his boy is nice. His arms looked strong, he bared abs and a V line, and had chest hair (which strangely attracted me to him even more). Not only did he have a nice personality but a nice body too. Hmm… 

We put on multiple glow stick bracelets and even put two together to make a couple glow stick necklaces. After we thought we had enough on us Vic smirked at me. I knew what was about to come so I positioned myself at the perfect stance. He leaned in close to me, the smirk never leaving his lips. I grinned. He mumbled, "Race you." and it was on. 

We sprinted towards the water, us laughing the whole time. When we were close enough he picked me up and tossed me into the water. It wasn't too cold and wasn't too warm. I didn't have time to think about the water too much because he splashed into the water only to tackle me. Our glow sticks lite up our bodies so I could see our bodies touching while we played in the water. His tan skin went perfectly with my pale skin. My tiny figure went great with his strong build. My long, curly brunette hair went amazingly well with his shoulder-length, straight brunette hair. His brown eyes looked absolutely beautiful as I looked at them through my own dark green ones. 

It was like Vic and I were supposed to meet. But if we were supposed to be… romantically involved (considering my slight feelings for him) then why would God make us meet now? When I only have a few more months to live? Maybe God just works in mysterious ways. Still, I knew I shouldn't be getting attached to Vic. I don't want to get too involved and then leave forever. I can't promise him to always be here like he can for me when I can't keep my promise. 

I can't break his heart like how my mother broke mine.

A/N: There you go! Chapter two! The picture on the side is of Kamryn (left) and Tori (right). Yes, the Tori from the prologue. I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please comment, it means a lot. I love you all!


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