Who Done It?

By AndleyXxKellic

3.8K 144 105

Pretty much as the title says. You're going to be reading and trying to solve the crime of who done it. A hig... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
A New Beginning

Chapter 24

74 3 6
By AndleyXxKellic

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!


*Kellin's P.O.V.*

"No one is allowed to leave their rooms. They have bathrooms in them, and there's food in the hall. So there should be no one roaming the house." Chris announced loud enough to wake me up and I stirred in Vic's arms. I turned around to face him, seeing him still sleeping and I gently touched his face, making him kiss my wrist and open his eyes.

"What's been going on?" I asked him and he yawned sleepily.

"People are still dying apparently, Bret just died. And they're making us stay in our rooms, but there's food in the hall. And Ricky said that when you wake up, that we could go downstairs to get some water if you wake up and there isn't any." Vic explained and I nodded before yawning.

"I want food." I told him and he nodded before sitting up and stretching.

I admired him a bit, his nice toned, shirtless body, before he got up and I laid there, watching as he went to the door. I decided to do the same, get up, because he was probably hungry himself. I would have noticed if he left, which he didn't so he must not have eaten. I didn't stretch, just simply got out the bed and walked over to Vic who was sitting in the middle of the doorway. It wasn't until I get there that I noticed why, all the food was stretched out as if on a long table. I sat down beside him and Ricky was standing at the top of the stairs.

"Glad to see you're awake." He told me and he gave a small smile.

"What have I missed? What's going on?" I asked him and he shrugged, looking at everyone who was still standing outside.

"I think that someone's set up traps that we've been triggering." He said and everyone seemed to gasp or murmur about it. I looked to see Onision talking to Alex.

"I knew we were in our own little elimination video game." Onision commented.

"See, I'm not the only one who was thinking that!" Ricky pointed out and Austin held on to Hannah.

"So what? Are we just going to stay in our rooms?" He asked and Chris shrugged.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because we have three people and my drawings in one room." Gerard said, peeking past Austin and Hannah.

"Well, everyone needs someone in a room with them, so sorry." Chris said and I wanted to spit at him I hated him so much.

"So, is this food for everyone?" I asked and Ricky nodded.

"Yeah, we've all ate already, and so after you two eat, we're going to start portioning it all." Ricky explained and I nodded, looking at all the food.

I took one of the easy to open cans of fruit cocktail and started to pick out the fruit and eat them. Vic was busy eating graham crackers, even though there were some weenies he could've eaten. I suppose that even during the most frightening time of our life, he was still going to be vegetarian for me. I had made him become vegan with me when we first began to date, but then he couldn't handle it, so we both just went vegetarian. He noticed me watching him eating and turned to me and smiled. I smiled back at him and took a bite of the pineapple that was in my hand and he leaned forward and kissed me. I noticed him steal one of my fruits that he threw up and caught in his mouth.

"You could've asked." I told him and he smiled.

"I know, but this was more fun." He said with a small smile and gave me a bite of his graham crackers. I bit into it, and started chewing it before I started back to eating my own fruit. It was actually pretty peaceful sitting here and just enjoying his company. Any other times when we had dates or would eat, I wouldn't really worry about this, just what would happen afterwards, but right now I didn't want it. I started to pick at my fruit before stuffing them in my mouth and I could hear Vic chuckle.

"What?" I asked as I looked at Vic who was staring at me.

"Just, I'm worried." He told me and I snorted a little, eating a piece of a peach.

"Why?" I asked and looked back at him and his face was nothing but seriousness.

"We're the only couple who's nothing happened to. Aren't you worried?" He asked and I shook my head, smiling softly and placing my hand on his neck.

"I guess that just means we're lucky, doesn't it?" I asked and pulled him to meet me halfway, kissing him. I felt him smile a little against my lips, and I slowly pulled away, caressing his cheek.

"How about we just try to stay in bed? Like, just until we're saved." He said and I looked at him, slightly confused and shook my head.

"No, I mean I'm okay with it, just Vic, I can't stay in bed all day and me and you know this." I told him strictly and he nodded.

"I know, I just don't want to risk losing you. I can't lose you." He said and I felt a little bad for denying it, but I can't stay in one place for long and he knew that. I took a deep breath and exhaled heavily before nodding and getting up with my fruit.

"Okay, whatever." I said, going back towards the bed, and finishing off the fruit before leaving the can on the bedside table. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and him kiss my neck.

"Whatever." He mocked, kissing it more. "How about if we have some fun, then will you be able to stay in bed?" I couldn't help but to smile and turn around, him staring down at me.

"Mmmm, maybe, depends on what you have to offer." He said and I noticed he had closed and locked the door. He smirked and picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I have a few things in mind." He said, his hand holding my lower back, he started kissing me hard and I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck.

He moved us more over to the bed and I moaned lightly as he pushed me up to the pillows, pushing against me in the process. He spread my legs a little, his hands now rubbing my inner thighs as he kissed my shirtless body. I took ahold of his hair, my mouth gaping open, but nothing coming out. He started to tug down my sweats and I gasped as he nibbled on my waist, tangling my fingers more in his hair. Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made me whimper and him groan.

"Go away." He said against my skin and started back to kissing my waistline, pulling my sweats down more. The knock changed into beating, making Vic get up, and I huffed, fixing myself. "What the hell do you want?" Vic said as he opened the door, but there was no one there. He looked confused and went out into the hall.

"What is it?" I asked and got up to go with him, hearing yelling.

"Wait, get away from the door." Austin's voice said and we went from our room to theirs. We saw Austin beating on the door of the bathroom, then attempting to kick it, but nothing happened.

"What are you doing?" Vic asked as we stepped over papers to get inside.

"Gerard is stuck in here and the water is running and won't cut off." Austin explained and it seemed to match what he said since I stepped on the wet carpet. I looked to see Hannah with her legs crossed in the bed and watching. Soon, Ricky and Chris came in, Alex, followed by Onision and Andy was the straggler. Ricky and Chris started to help Austin with the door, all three of them kicking at the door. It wouldn't even budge, but it was just like it was encased with glass of some sort. I sat back on the bed, watching as Vic joined in and started to hit at the door too.

"Gerard, how much water is there now?" Austin asked and we all waited patiently for him to answer.

It's like, it's above my belly button." He tried to explain and they all sighed in relief at his voice and then Austin nodded.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out." He told him and we all looked around the room, trying to see if there was anything.

"How did this happen?" Chris asked I listened up as everyone stood by awaiting an answer as well.

"He was coloring or sketching or whatever and said that he needed to shower. So he went in the bathroom, but forgot his bath essentials and was coming back to get them. When he first said the door wouldn't open, I asked him if he locked it and he said no, so I helped and I thought he was joking until he said the pipe broke and water was pouring in." He explained quickly, all in nearly one breath.

"Hold on Gerard, we'll get you out." Ricky called out.

"It's at my chest." He called out to us and the guys took turns slamming into the door. It didn't seem to be doing much damage sadly.

"Why don't you guys do it all together at once." I suggested and Vic smiled at my help and they all gathered in a formation.

"On three." Ricky said.

"1, 2, 3." Vic said and they all rushed at the door almost like football players. They gave their all and backed away, not an indent or crack was on the door. Vic groaned and Austin started to beat on the door, trying to get it open.

"It's at my neck now." Gerard called out.

"Is there a window maybe? Or pull the drain, there has to be some way to remove all that water." Vic asked and Gerard yelled back.

"No, I've tried. They're all clogged!" He answered back and Vic sighed, them all making it apparent they were starting to give up hope except for Austin.

"Just hold on!" He yelled back and started to slam his whole body against the door repeatedly. Onision joined in, both of them throwing their bodies against the door as hard as they could.

"Are you guys just going to sit around or help?" He yelled at us.

"We tried, it won't open." Chris said disappointingly and I looked at Austin who seemed to want to cry.

"I'm not letting him die." He spoke harshly and banged against the door again and it wouldn't budge. Onision joined back in, kicking at the handle some.

"F.uck, guys it's getting higher!" Gerard screamed from beyond the door and they started to bang against the door more and I sat on the bed next to Hannah. She was wiping her eyes so I wouldn't notice and I tried to act like I didn't, keeping my eyes on the guys. The only two doing any type of work was Austin and Onision, and they were struggling with their life to open the door.

"Guys, I'm at the top, it won't stop." Gerard said, and Austin went through the room, looking for something to use against the door. He couldn't stop, he wouldn't stop. He was going to try to open that door, taking one of the metal lamps and banging it against the door handle. It still wouldn't open and Chris had to pull Austin away. Onision stopped and looked at the door and we watched as both the top and bottom leaked with water. No one said a word and it was if we were having a moment of silence for Gerard, but I didn't fully understand how something like this could happen.

"Has anyone even went in there before that?" I asked Austin and he nodded.

"Hannah went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago, and I went right before Gerard went to take a shower." He answered and I sighed, looking at everyone else who had clueless looks on their faces.

"The gun!" Andy screamed and ran downstairs.

"It wouldn't come out." Chris yelled after him.

"I don't give a d.amn." He yelled back and Chris moved across the floor, looking at the drawings that were starting to soak up all the water on the floor. He started to pick some of them up, placing them on the bed in a pile. We heard the stomps of Andy coming back up the stairs and I looked at the door, watching him come in. He sighed and went past everyone, punching the wall.

"Well?" Vic said.

"The f.ucking thing wouldn't come out." He answered back with a huff and I looked at Vic. He smiled softly at me and came over to my side, sitting down next to me on the bed. I leaned against his arm, having him wrap his arms around me and I yawned.

"I'm so tired of this." I told him, meaning it literally and figuratively.

"I know, just we'll find a way out." He told me.

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