Love Unexpected

By amysousa

191K 1.4K 257

Two best friends, living together. Sounds great right? Well, Alex and Sam are in love with each-other which c... More

Chapter 1 "A pleasant surprise"
Chapter 2 " First weekend together"
Chapter 3 "Surprised and ready"
Chapter 4 "A Super Sweet Birthday Surprise"
Chapter 5 "Back to the schedule"
Chapter 6 "How quick time has gone"
Chapter 7 "Surprise Surprise"
Chapter 8 "I Do"
Chapter 9 "Honeymoon" Part 1
Chapter 10 "Honeymoon" Part 2
Chapter 11 "Honeymoon part 3 in Brazil"
Chapter 12 "Home at last"
Chapter 13 "Interviewing and Shopping"
Chapter 14 "Unsuspected, I think..."
Chapter 15 "Liar liar, you're now fired"
Chapter 16 " Don't worry, nothing happened"
Chapter 17 "You can be my bad dream, or a horrible nightmare"
Chapter 18 "Must Exercise"
Chapter 19 "Terrible Timing visitors"
Chapter 20 "No really. We're totally ok... I think"
Chapter 22 "Eight weeks!"
Chapter 23 "Don't Tell Anyone"
Chapter 24 "I'm Sorry Bro. Alex Will Understand"
Chapter 25 "How the hell am I suppose to have my story straight?!"
Chapter 26 "Did they hurt you?"
Chapter 27 "What do you mean by 'us'"?
Chapter 28 "Never underestimate a pregnant person"
Chapter 29 "Argh!"
Chapter 30 "You're looking great!"
Chapter 31 "Do you want more children?"
Chapter 32 "It was amazing!"
Chapter 33 Epilogue "Forever and always"

Chapter 21 "Backfields and Winter don't mix"

4.6K 28 6
By amysousa

Hey everyone, thank you for reading this story! I really appreciate it. Sorry for this chapter being so short. It's kind of rushed so there are probably tonnes of gramatical errors in it.

If you like my story please vote for it so I can see if you love it :)!!! 


Recap:  Alex's P.O.V

“Ok” I croaked out before sniffling a bit “I’ll tell you, but please don’t tell Sam about what happened. If he finds out one day it has to be from me.” I said and was serious. Linda nodded at me with consideration, and wiped a few tears off of my face. She walked towards the door and put one of the chairs in front of it, since it was still broken, so we could have as much privacy as possible.

I knew that she wouldn’t tell. I still find it kind of strange that I can count on Linda to keep all of my secrets more then I ever can with my own mother. “So it all started when Sam and I saved the mayors kids” I said and then swallowed hard. Linda went to the washroom and got me a cup of water from the mini fridge so I would relax a bit.

  I drank a bit of the water, letting it slowly go down my throat so I could calm down easier. I then set it down on the coffee table. Linda nodded and encouraged me to go on. I then told her everything, from the first dream; to the nightmares I have every single night until today. 


Alex's P.O.V

Everything. I told her everything. Linda now knows that I was beaten by those criminals and almost rapped if it weren’t for the police showing up.

She knows about Sam and I fighting because I’m being a complete b*tch to him. She knows about exactly what happened to cause Sam to leave so quickly.

“Please don’t tell John or anyone else. I don’t want them to worry about me.” I said while sniffling throughout the whole sentence. “I promise not to tell but, they have a higher chance of not going to jail if you don’t tell the truth before the trial.” Linda was right. I never want those douche lords going near my family or I ever again.

“I’ll think about it. If I tell everyone, Sam has to be there. He said that he would be back before the trial so there will be time if I do decide to tell.” I really had to think long and hard about this situation. Sure, I felt way better now that I told one person other then Justin. Linda is an adult and understands more about these things. If I could go back, I would tell Sam the first day. Now it’s too late. He will never forgive me.

It had been about two weeks since my conversation with Linda. I haven’t heard from Sam at all, but I also haven’t tried calling him. I guess he was having a good time without grouchy old me.

I had been feeling sick sometimes. I would randomly throw up while eating something or after smelling something strong. Then again, I had also been exercising frequently so I guess my senses are better.

I went downstairs after my mom kept frantically calling me down for breakfast. I wasn’t feeling hungry. I’ll just skip breakfast so I can go out for a run. I’ll probably be hungry when I get back.  ‘Sarah's going to get angry with us’ Again with that voice. For once you're right stupid voice. I’ll just jog around the backfield. There are cameras everywhere and it’s fully fenced so no one would see me running unless they were inside of the fencing like I will be.

I told my mom that I wasn’t really hungry but drank a cup of orange juice. The woman is scary when she wants me to do something so I complied. I then went upstairs to put on my sweater and sweat pants. It may be a bit cold outside, but I would sweat so it’d be no big deal. I always had warm clothes in hand since the weather in Canada is never predictable, even in the summer. 

I turned off all of the lights and put my “Sleeping sign” on the door before I closed it so everyone wouldn’t worry. I then climbed down my balcony into the backyard unnoticed.  I left a note on my bed incase someone came in my room and got worried. I just said that I would be in the backfield.   

I started jogging to the end of the field. It was about five acres. I’ll never understand why my parents wanted to buy a house just on the end of the city. I guess they wanted to still be part of the city but also wanted to be reminded of when they were kids and lived on a farm? Thank god we don’t live in an actual farm or have any animals.

I felt a pain in my stomach when 15 minutes of jogging had passed. I wasn’t too far from the end of the field. I was about 10 minutes away so there was no way that I was stopping. It’s probably just a cramp. I think it’s just a cramp…


Sam's P.O.V


I planned out a budget, and a schedule for all of the construction. Cerulean had to be perfect.  I want everyone to be proud of it. The public, my friends, my family, and especially Alex.

I miss her so much. It bothers me that she hasn’t called me yet. Then again, I haven’t called her. Maybe I could call and say that I was just checking in so I don’t sound so needy?

I grabbed my cellphone, which I hadn’t used since I left Toronto, and started to dial the numbers. It wouldn’t ring. I checked the connection and it said “Service Not Available, Out Of Bounds” Damn it. I forgot to buy myself a plan with my cellphone provider. It’s not like I could either way. I had to call Alex to do that for me since She’s the one that bought the “Couples Plan.” I guess I’m going to have to pay a fortune to make a call with the hotels phone.

It took me about half an hour to figure out how to use all of the hotel codes, the city’s code, and the stupid phone card that I had to buy’s code. The phone finally started ringing after when felt like an eternity.

Nothing. No one picked up. Alex couldn’t have known that it was I, since it’s from a random hotel phone in New York. Maybe she just forgot it somewhere or it’s on mute? I couldn't help but feel worried. After all, if she didn’t still love me, I still loved her.


Alex's P.O.V




I was almost reaching the end of the field when I saw some old toys Justin and I use to have when we were younger. I walked closer to them to inspect them. They looked as good as new and I could probably bring them back since there was an old wagon together with them.

I reached for my phone in my pocket only to find out, that my pocket had ripped and it had fallen out. Great, I was going to call Justin to see if he wanted me to bring some of his old stuff back. ‘That's what you get for being stupid!’ wow, the voice is taunting me. Don’t make me go in there! ‘You can’t, I’m in your sub consciousness, and you can’t do anything about me!’ I’m officially losing it.  

I started putting some of my old things in the cart when I felt something sharp inside of my stomach. It was definitely inside. I struggled to drag the cart with me when I tripped over a hole in the ground. Painfully twisting my foot.

I couldn’t hold back the tears; I was in so much pain. My foot was throbbing and my stomach was killing me. ‘That’s what you get for not eating’. I couldn’t fight back because the pain was so unbearable.

I waited there for a good 15 minutes hoping that someone would come but then realized; This field is 5 acres long and I’m at the end of it hidden away with old toys. No one is going to come look for me until a few hours have passed. The weather got colder during those 15 minutes; and I was now freezing.

I started to shake while crying. I could feel my tears freezing up on my face, feeling ice. I don't think it’s only the weather that's making me feel like this. I slowly started to drift away to sleep thinking about how much I loved and missed Sam.

Sam's P.O.V



It’s been 5 hours. I called Alex’s phone three times. There's no way that she would be that far away from her phone in that amount of time. I was panicking. Ever since those stupid criminals came into our life, I worried about Alex a lot more. I couldn’t help but think the worst of this. What if something bad happened?

Mike noticed how tense I was and suggested that I called her family and spoke to them. This was my last phone card so I decided to call them just incase.

After dialing all of the impossible codes, the phone started ringing. “Hello?” It sounded like Emma. “Hey Emma how’s everything going?”

“Sam! Everything is going alright, how are you doing Mr. “I’ll just go to New york without saying bye”?”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Oh it’s alright. Were you just calling to say hello? Do you want to speak to Alex?”

“Actually, I called her many times since Six hours ago, She hasn’t picked up once” I said worriedly.

“Oh, I think she’s sleeping. She’s been tired lately. I’ll go wake her up since it’s already 2PM. I wouldn’t want her to be awake all night.” I told Emma ok and waited for about two minutes before I heard Emma calling out for Sarah, Justin, and Jason.

My stomach did a very uncomfortable flip “Is everything alright?” I asked really worried.

“Alex isn’t in her room. She left a note saying that she is in backfield. It was signed Six hours ago and her phone isn’t here. We’re going to look for her. Don’t worry dear; I’ll call the hotel you’re staying in to tell you what happened. Bye”

She said everything so quickly and hung up before I could say anything. I started to feel sick. Alex left 6 hours ago with her cellphone to be in the backfield. She obviously doesn’t have her phone with her now. Six hours ago.

I’m really regretting going to New York.

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