Cat Fight In The Kitchen-Watt...

By TigerLily7

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This is all terrible writing advice, but we have fun. More

Cat Fight In The Kitchen-Wattpad Rant
The Werewolf Stories-Part 1: History
The Werewolf Stories-Part 2: Modern Literature
Character Descriptions
Subtle Clues
Teen Pregnancy-The Happening
Hospital Scenes
The Monthly Visitor
One Direction Adopted Me!?!?!?!?
The "L" Word
The Human Body
Charities and Fundraisers
The Golden Boy
Make Me A Character
Virgins versus Sluts
How Not to Be Boring
How Not to be Boring (continued)
So Beautiful
Body Image
Continuation on Subtle Clues
The Male Best Friend and Gossip
Inside the Mind of a Man
Being Rude for the Hell of It
Writer's Block
Teen Pregnancy- Finding Out
Cliché Conflicts
Glorifying Abuse
Long Term Effects of Abuse
You Saved Me
Romanticizing Sexual Assault
Life after Sexual Assault
Age Discrimination
A Downfall of Research
Sensitive Topics
Fast Paced Stories
The Male Best Friend Being Overprotective
Weird Personal Rituals
Fix You Plots
Bad Boys
Perfect Characters and Plots
Writing a Male POV
Twenty Things
Gray Areas
She Was Asking for It
Living with a Bunch of Guys
Things that Aren't Actually Romantic
Ten Common Misconceptions
No Offense But...
Unhealthy Relationships
Wattpad Parents
Male Best Friend Q&A (Part 1)
Male Best Friend Q&A (Part 2)
Things Writers Need to Stop Doing with their Female Characters
Bad Writing Advice
Things Writers should know about Trauma/Abuse Backstories
Top Three Worst Things about "Bad Boys"
Twists on Classic, Cliche Romance Moments
Fun Date Ideas for Romance Writers
Single Dads and Teenage Daughters
Top Five Things to know about Falling for the Best Friend
Tips for Writing Traumatic Backstories
Things to Stop Doing in FanFiction
Student/Teacher Stories
Things Writers Should Do with their Female Characters
Kidnapping/Stockholm Syndrome
Things to Stop Doing with Male Characters
Where to Find Inspiration
The Tragedy of Love Triangles
Common Misconceptions about Male and Female Best Friends
Why I Hate Dialog in Dramatic/Traumatic Scenes
Real Issues for Teen Fiction (That Aren't Romance!)
Things that Happen in Books (But Not Real Life)
Mental Illness
Things Writers Should Do With Male Characters
What is a Strong Female Character?
Point of View
Things that Aren't Actually Romantic (Part 2!)
Things Writers Claim Only Happen in Novels (But Are Wrong About)
Dystopian Stories
Things Writers Should Stop Doing
The Young CEO/Billionaire
Trigger Warnings
Writing Suspense
The Popular Crowd
Weak Characters and Character Weaknesses
Stupid Readers
The Great Big Character Depth Rant
Character Voice
Overused Plot Twists
Super Relatable Characters
Why Female Characters Suck
Horror Stories
Let's Get Physcial(ly Descriptive)
Wattpad vs Reality

They're Doin' It

883 21 24
By TigerLily7

So I've been doing some research for the One Direction rant that was requested and it brought me to my next topic of discussion. Also, I'm going to have to be really careful about what I say, because Wattpad could ban this based on my choices in diction.

So first, I'm going to take a serious moment here and ask that we all be the mature ladies and gentlemen I know we can be about this next subject: The Sex Scenes

Because in way too many stories on here:

They're Doin' It

(Yeah...I've watched waaay too much "That 70's Show" in my time)

I cannot count how many times I've come across stories where the characters have sex in chapter five or six (but it's cool, they're totally in love because they met all the way back in chapter one and now it's for character development) and then every other chapter ends in vivid descriptions of them jumping into bed...again.

I get that the majority of writers on here have raging hormones who want to impress people with how much they know about sex, but I'm sick of having to read it. Put down mommy's copy of Fifty Shades of Gray (burn!) and listen.

I don't care how many positions you know and can name and describe. I could not care less about how much you know about rolling hips and arching backs.

Sorry. That doesn't impress me. (BURN!)

Everyone needs to learn this:

There is a powerful magic in subtlety.

Pretty much 95% of the sex scenes are completely unnecessary. Why? Because they do nothing (and yes, I'm using the term "nothing") to further the plot.

"But, Addy, you ignorant girl. My conflict is an unwanted teenage pregnancy!"

Tell me, what part does the entire scene play in the novel? Is it necessary to tell me about the shedding of clothes, the position, the time, the sounds, every minuscule detail? Nope.

Why? Because that does NOT further the plot. It's filler substance.

Regardless of how it happens, she winds up pregnant. That's it. That's what the readers need to know.

Saying "and the door remained closed the rest of the night" and saying "he slammed her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist (and I won't finish that)" lead to the same outcome: She winds up pregnant.

Which one was more effective?

Probably the subtle one, right? For me it was at least.

Not because it was complete, but because it was a whole new level of intimacy. It's like a tantalizing secret. We, as readers, don't know for certain what they did in that room for all that time and it's kind of romantic, right? Or am I crazy?

I am one of those girls that despise huge public displays of affection. When in public I'd rather be kissed on the forehead than have my face sucked. Seriously. I don't make out in public. I'me classy like that. A quick kiss if anything. (Actually, I have a bubble and I don't even like being with in a million feet of anyone, but just stay with me)


Because to me that says "We don't need attention. I love you and it doesn't matter if the world knows. It matters that you know. It matters that what's between us is our secret and that's enough. It doesn't matter what people think of us, it matter how we feel."

And to me, that's pretty damn hot.

The first time I ever ran across people actually "doing it" (every time I phrase it that way, I hear Michael Kelso screaming and doing his little head bob thing and it makes me laugh unreasonably hard) in a book I was probably in middle school (I didn't get out much) and I remember it made such a huge impact on me.

It was the second book in the young adult Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy by the amazing author, Kate Constable.

I don't remember the absolute exact wording, so I'll paraphrase. Just know that all rights belong to Ms. Constable.

Throughout the story, the ring the guy wears is described and it's a symbol of his power and his rightful position as king. Well, the two love birds go into his quarters and they speak for a moment and he tells her how much he cares about her and doesn't want to see her get hurt. And the chapter ended along the lines of:

"The ruby ring tangled in her dark plait and neither of them bothered to untangle it for a long time."

And the next chapter started a new day and a new adventure.

And I thought, damn. That was hot.

Why did that one little phrase make so much impact on me?

Because the subtlety of it. What happened when the ring was tangled is between the two characters and the author. Describing it would not have furthered the plot in any way, so it was lightly mentioned just as a relationship development.

And it was so sweet—just the two of them in this intensely private moment—it melted my heart.

So stop describing the mechanics of sex unless you're writing erotica. It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect the plot one way or the other how it happens, just that it happens.

Now, if you want to do the "rated R" chapters or ever the "deleted scenes" book, go for it. Honestly! I mean, Fifty Shades was marketable, because obviously some people like the erotic side. But trying to pass it off as an actual important chapter should not be done.

If it doesn't further the plot in one way or another, don't do it to the point of exhaustion. I'd rather read about the feelings and emotions than the mechanics any day. I know how sex works, but I don't know how your characters feel.

EVERYTHING in your story must be RELEVANT to the conflict!

It has to be or it's a huge waste of everyone's time. And sometimes, the wastes of time are nice, but they should be set aside from the actual story.

And that's how I feel about that.

How do you guys feel about it?

Do you like the scenes or agree that they should be subtle?

Oh, and enjoy the little Michael Kelso burn compilation.

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