Twists on Classic, Cliche Romance Moments

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Since romance is a huge genre full of clichés and I always get people asking for more, more, more, here you go: Twists on Classic, Cliché Romance Moments

1. Making dinner/food fights

I’ve already talked about how food fights are just a mess and not fun, but they appear in every romance story anyway. So does the cliché where one of them makes dinner for the other, and I’ll admit, my best friend and I make each other dinner all the time. But you know what’s so fun about it? It never goes right, and it’s those embarrassing, hilarious moments that make me love it the most.

So for your twists, I’ll just tell you about some of our failures:

Once we were cooking dinner together when he left a cabinet open behind me and I turned around and ran into it at a high speed with the most fantastic crash you’ve ever heard. Yeah it hurt, but it’s true: it’s only funny until someone gets hurt, then it’s hilarious. There is nothing sexy about bashing your head into a cabinet door, but there’s something sweet about being able to laugh at yourself with someone. Make your character embarrass themselves. Laugh it off. It’s okay.

I’ve watched him burn the hell out of his hand and cut his fingers on accident. I’ve cut my hands more than I can count (no one should give us knives, because we have no self-control). Both our dogs are very into cooking (and by that, I mean they stand around waiting for handouts) and it always becomes a contest to see someone catch food in their mouth (person or dog, we don’t discriminate). So that’s always fun.

Another thing, if you’re short, you understand that cooking is literally a workout. You’d think, being over 6’1”, he’d help someone almost a foot shorter than him out, but no. My best friend gets a kick out of watching me be crafty. You don’t understand how many times I’ve had to climb the refrigerator and it never gets easier. I’ve never fallen off, but do you know how easy it would be? I’d like to see that.

Also, my brother and I used to do food experiments when we were in high school. And by food experiments, we mixed things together in weird combinations that actually sort of turned out good. But we had a lot of bad ones too. And I’m really, really bad about undercooking things (I don’t know why. You’d think I’d burn them, but no. I don’t burn things, I undercook them). For once, I’d like to see someone that doesn’t have a perfect meal. Let your characters screw up or concoct something less than delicious. It would be a nice change of pace.

2. Stressed out cuddle sessions

It always happens. The MC gets stressed out and the love interest makes it all better while cuddling with her, eating ice creaming, and watching chic-flics. Seen it, don’t want to read it anymore (because I’m not a fan of cuddling, really). Also, they act really pissy, and my best friend doesn’t go for pissy. After a few hours his response is always “I’m getting sick of your bullshit attitude”. Every. Single. Time. Build a bridge and get over it. Stress happens.

I'm not much of a cuddler. I'm just not. I like my personal space. It's nice every now and again (and I'm always up for cuddling with my big dog, but I dislike people.)

When I’m stressed out I like to work out. That’s my thing. For once, I’d like to see someone de-stress their character by something other than cuddling. Like, maybe the go for a hike, or a take their dog to the park, or take go for a drive. There are so many things you can do when you aren’t just laying around feeling sorry for yourself. Try that out (for your characters. Or yourself. I don’t care.)

3. Seeing her in dress/new makeover and she’s stunning

Maybe it’s just because I’ve known my best friend forever and we’re always around, so we’ve seen each other dressed up and dressed down, but this scene creeps me out. I don’t like being told when I look nice. I just don’t.

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