Made To Love

By oakenoaklots888

47.5K 1.4K 827

After 17 years of trauma and torture....watching Lucious get famous without visiting her even once AND divorc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 teaser
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 teaser
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
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Chapter 15

1.3K 38 20
By oakenoaklots888


A/n: The media is Tameeka's outfit. Play: West side by 2Pac🎵

Carol's POV

Drizzy and I are busy making out on his bed when he suddenly stops kissing me. What the hell? Does my breath stank or something? "Why did you stop?"I ask him. He tilts his head to the side,as if listening to something. "Nah,I thought I heard something"he says,before returning his hands to my cheeks and working miracles with his lips.

We soon hear a gunshot. Shit! Someone's in the house. Drizzy immediately stops what he's doing,calls security and puts on his bullet proof jacket. He hands me one too. "So you got these lyin around in each room?"I ask him. He sarcastically laughs. "Yeah....VERY funny,Carol"he says,rolling his eyes.

We cautiously move into the corridor. I'm scared AF,so he holds my hand. His big,caramel fingers engulf my brown hands. "Everything's gonna be fine,baby. You don't mind if I call you that,do ya?"he asks me. "No,I don't."I say,smiling.

Truth is,I've been here for two days and I'm loving it. He treats me right,makes sure I'm ok and shows me love. Mind you,he's good in bed as well. So I got the whole damn package! He dips his head down low and tenderly kisses me. His hands caress my hips. We stop kissing and sigh,contentedly. "Let's go"he says.

Tameeka's POV

"Ay,Nik! Let's go! We ain't got all day,y'know!"I say to Nikki,applying my lipstick. I'm wearing a light denim dress with red Soviet ankle length takkies,custom made in S.A(South Africa) and a red and navy checked shirt.

Nikki walks down the stairs looking dolled up in a white jump suit and white louboutines. She's got her Afro up and kinky curls in a style. It's beautiful. I admire her for her natural beauty. I know I'm beautiful,but shit! I fade when I'm next to her. Her dark skin glows better than mine,it looks as delicious as chocolate! Her 4c kinks are bigger than my short braids. But one day I'll look like her.

After staring at her and telling her how fine she looks,we walk towards the door. We get into the car and drive to the mall. When we get there,Nikki and I walk on the sidewalk. It's unusually quiet today. We walk into an alley and stop in front of a shop we intended on buying from. But it's closed. So we walk back to the car. "Shit! All that walking for nothing!"Nikki says,before stomping off to the car.

I hear something behind me. "Die,bitch!"someone's deep voice says,before I hear the pull of a trigger,a gunshot and seeing blood splatter on Nikki's jumpsuit top. She drops dead. Shot in the heart. No mercy. I watch her stumble on her heels in slow motion,watch the life fade from her face. The culprit runs away. Mother fucker!

The sadness and anger that washes over me is beyond measure. I'll make whoever did this,pay!

I wail and scream in pain. My friend is dead. Nikki. Nikki,my best friend,my homie,my gossip girl. She's gone. The one who always stood up for me in high school,looked after Carol's kids with me and helped me get my first boyfriend. She's gone now. And I was never prepared to lose her this early in my life.

I scramble to her side and hold her for the last time,while she still breathes. Her breathing is hitched. The blood starts running on my hands. Some starts pouring out of the sides of her mouth. My best friend is dying and I can do nothing.

"Nikki....girl!!! Please don't go! If you go,I dunno what I'll be! Who's gon crush on Idris Elba with me?"I ask,the tears in if down from my cheeks to my shirt.

She opens her mouth to say something,but closes it and closes her eyes and I feel her heartbeat stop. That is,by far,the most traumatising moment of my life.

Unknown POV

ONE DOWN,TWO TO GO. But as soon as I killed the one called Nikki,I couldn't handle the sadness in Tameeka's voice. Anika will be angry. She always told me to keep emotions out of this business. She'll call me a pussy. When she's the biggest pussy of all. She can't even say no to Lucious. The fuck,she tellin me I'm pussy!

Drake's POV

Carol and I slowly walk to the living room and see a light skinned woman,with a short hair cut and crimson lips,polishing a rifle. She looks so bad. But what the fuck is she doing in my house? How did she get in here,past my security! I got fucking CCTV cameras!

"Oh! Hey!! I thought you'd never come!"she says,faking enthusiasm. "Bitch,what the fuck you doin here,acting all tough over here?! I'm sure you can't even shoot straight!"Carol shouts. "Do you guys know each other?"I ask,looking from this chick to Carol and back again.

The hate and anger between them is real. "No. We don't know each other. But we have one little friend in common. But one of us wants her dead"she says. "Don't you dare fucking mess with Cookie!"Carol says. The woman with the gun walks towards Carol and says: "Or what? You're gonna slap me?"she says.

Carol slaps the makeup off the fake bitch. Shit! She's sexy when she's angry. I use that moment to grab the gun away from her and point it at her. Someone gets to the door and snaps a picture of me holding the gun at her and Carol strangling her. "This'll be PERFECT for the media. It'll ruin your reputation."says the guy that just walked in. Damn! I should've thought of that.

What will people say. The guy posts it on twitter,Facebook and Instagram. I'm over. I just know it.

Tameeka's POV

I've arrived at the hospital and they've had Nikki for about half an hour. The doctor comes out again and looks at me worriedly. She holds a sad look before stepping closer to me.

"We regret to inform you that Nikki has passed away. Her heart suffered too much from the bullet. It fractured her valves beyond repair. We're really sorry"she says. The world goes blurry for me,because of my tears. "No!!!! Don't you lie to me! She's not dead! Let me see her!"I scream,causing a scene.

"Sorry,ma'am,but she's been taken to the morgue already. You may only see her when your calmed down"the doctor says. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down! What would you do when your friend of 29 years died!? And you watched it happen,huh?!"I ask,my voice cracking.

This is,by far....the saddest moment of my life.

Cookie's POV

Lucious and I are in bed,watching The Arrow,when I get an alert on my phone.




I scream in shock. I recognise the other person. The acquaintance is CAROL!

Carol's a fucking murderer! And she's been caught!

A/n: So that's chapter 15? How do you guys feel about Nikki's death? Weren't expecting that,would you? I've got OTHER plans for Frankie. I won't make his death quick and easy....(evil laugh)

As usual,please vote,comment and share this book with Drake and Empire fans.

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