Elemental Depression (a star...

By ezrabridger123

18.3K 872 190

(WARNING, A SEQUEL TO ELEMENTAL EXPRESSION) "Kanan!" Ezra screams as two cloaked shadows grabbed his arms. Ka... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note
Not An Update
Chapter 14
Just because
Chapter 15

Chapter 10

820 50 7
By ezrabridger123

Hera's pov

"Buckle up rebels! We're exiting hyperspace!" I yell through the com of the Ghost. I took one more glance at the security monitor, the one I saw Kanan and Ezra get kidnapped. For some reason I kept hoping I would see them, looking like as if nothing happened. Then, we wouldn't be going on this mission and I wouldn't be risking Sabine and Zeb's lives. I sigh to myself and shake my head back to reality as the long streams of blue lights switched to a Star Destroyer right in front of the ship. "Woah! A little close, don't you think Hera? I can't get a shot!" Sabine exclaimed from he nose gun below the cockpit as the Star Destroyer moved even closer, if that was possible.
"Sorry Sabine, I need a perfect shot to hit the Destroyer and the cockpit guns are the strongest. " I explain as I notice tie fighters start to swarm towards us. "Well, better make it quick Hera. There's only one of me up here!" Zeb yells as he sits in the torrent gun up on the top of the Ghost. I can only imagine what he feels like right now. He's literally inside a thin layer of glass dome as over twenty ties fly over him. I get to the end of the Destroyer, looped over it and flew back up to the front. Zeb took out three ties and Sabine took out two. I maneuvered the Ghost to fly as close as it could to the Star Destroyer and got ready to take the shot. "5...4...3...2...1..." I counted down before yelling, "NOW!" The laser fired and I saw as most of the power in their ship went out.

Kanan pov

I lay on the cold slab of stone that sit on the wall thinking.

Why haven't anyone come yet? Why haven't I gotten tortured?

All of a sudden, blaster fire sounded off out side my door, along with screams of pain. I stood up as the door opened. Ezra ran inside the cell and hugged me. I hugged back. "How... are you... okay?" I ask still hugging him. I let go and he looks at me. "Tell you later. But now, we need to contact the crew." He explains and handed me my lightsaber and blaster. But then I almost fall over as the entire ship shook. I smile as the ships power goes out. "I think they're already here." I say and run out of the cell with Ezra right behind me.

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