Who Are We?

De sweetghostgirl97

3.8K 85 8

*I don't own any Vampire Diaries characters the all belong to their rightful owners. * Arielle and Blair Faye... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Four

56 1 0
De sweetghostgirl97

They all stopped as Damon held Bonnie's unconscious body in his arms. They were all still, but all knew they heard a gasp and it didn't come from any of them.

"D-Damon?" A sweet voice sung through the silence, breaking it like glass. Damon picked up Bonnie and handed her to Stefan.

"Get her to the hospital and make sure she's okay." He whispered to his brother and Elena. "I'm going to stay here with her." They nodded and headed out of the house. He quickly walked over to Arielle who was still trying to comprehend that she was back and everything was real. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked her sitting on the bed in front of her.

"This-this is real? You're not just in my mind?" She asked staring into his eyes.

"It's real Ari, I promise." He smiled grasping her hand. She looked down at the sudden warmness she felt from the hold and grinned widely. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever until neither of them realized what they were doing.

As they were lost in their eyes, they had both began to lean towards each other. Arielle still had a huge smile plastered on her face, as for Damon had a slight smirk.

"Uh-hm." A voice echoed in the doorway and the two turned towards the intruder. "I don't mean to barge in." Blair said nervously.

"Blair?" Arielle asked backing away from her sister, scooting closer to the headboard of the bed.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It's okay." Damon whispered as placed a hand on Arielle's cheek, but having to ignore the tingle that he felt when his skin met hers. Arielle nodded as Damon was the one person she could trust in the room.

"Arielle I- I don't know what to say to make you forgive me." Blair said looking down at her feet. "All I can say is that I'm so sorry about what I did and if there is anything I can do to make it up-" Arielle cut her sister off before she could finish.

"Make it up? Blair you freaking had me killed! How do you expect me to forgive you?!" Arielle yelled trying to climb out of the bed.

"Ari, hey. Sit back down." Damon calmly said, placing his hands on her shoulders, gently pushing her back down on the bed.

"I-I understand." Blair silently said glancing between her sister and Damon. He gave her an apologetic look and nodded his head towards the door in a suggesting manner. Blair nodded and left his room with a single tear rolling down her face.

She walked down the first flight of stairs, but on the corner step, that was larger than the others, she fell to her knees and silently cried. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, she rocked back and forth hoping that there was a higher power that would help her through all of this.

Little did she know that there was a person watching her. Elise watched as her older daughter cried her heart out on those stairs. She wished more than anything to reach out and hold her in her comforting arms, but knowing that she was a ghost and stuck on the other side, there wasn't a possibility of her helping her daughters. This torture she felt inside of her killed her soul. She wished for anything else besides watching her daughters from a distance and not being able feel them. She would rather have been stabbed over and over or burned by fire than endure this.

Sitting in front of Blair, she just wanted to try to help. As Blair rocked, Elise reached her hand out, willing herself to feel her daughters warmth and beating heart, all she wanted was what every mother wanted; to help her daughter get through life unharmed. Her hand found it's way to Blair's hair and by some miracle, she felt the silk-like texture of the brunette strands that she had known so many years before.

Blair could feel something touching her hair, so she glanced up to see who or what it was, but fell back in surprise.

"M-mom?" She cried. Elise stared back in astonishment. "How can I see you?" Blair asked with her tear soaked eyes glancing over her mother's face.

"I don't know, sweetie. You're going to be okay, I promise you that." Elise could feel herself growing weaker from the amount of concentration this was taking.

"I love you mama." Blair cried once more.

"I-" Elsie couldn't answer her before she became invisible to her daughter once again. Blair cried harder as she realized she missed her mother more than she ever thought she would.

At the hospital, Stefan and Elena had taken Bonnie to the E.R. Since Stefan was a vampire, he used his special 'gift' and got her into a doctor's care quickly.

"What do you think happened?" Elena asked as her and Stefan waited in the waiting area for word on their witch friend.

"I'm not sure Elena." He said grasping her small hand that rested on her lap.

"I know you love her, Stefan." She suddenly said. He looked at her with confusion.

"Bonnie?!" Elena chuckled at his reaction, but then shook her brunette hair.

"No. Blair or Arielle. I'm not sure which." She explained. Stefan didn't know what to say to his girlfriend. "It's okay to admit it Stefan, I'll understand." That's when it clicked in his head. He grasping her throat and sped her away from prying eyes.

"What are you trying to pull Katherine?!" She smirked at his quickness to figure out that she wasn't Elena, but wasn't impressed by his forcefulness.

"You're getting better at this." She laughed twisting his hand away from her neck. "But it didn't take long to knock out your little doppel-bitch. Anyway, back to our conversation, which is it? Arielle or Blair?" She smirked once more.

"You don't know anything." He demanded as he tried to leave.

"Am I, Stefan Salvatore, turning into the one person I dislike the most?" She mocked. He slowly turned on his heels to look at her.

"You read my journal?"

"The person who strings two innocent people along until they don't serve any interest? Am I becoming another Katherine Pierce?" She quoted once more. "I have to say, it feels nice to be appreciated and know that you still think of me." She smiled, acting touched by the anger words she had memorized from old-looking pages of her ex-lover's journal.

"Stay away from us Katherine." He threatened.

"Oh please." She rolled her brown eyes, unimpressed. "You need me."

"Like hell I do." He said angrily.

"They won't last two months in this hell-hole without my help Stefan."

"What are you bargaining?" She smiled once more at him. He had an uneasy feeling as he knew he wasn't going to like the conditions.

In Damon's room, Arielle had finally calmed herself down after her outburst at her sister. As she stood in front of his fireplace, she started thinking of how she left her mother all alone. How she was such a horrible daughter of thinking about being with a man she only knew for a short period time, rather than helping her mother or staying with her for support. The crystal tears that rolled down her cheeks as she thought about her.

"Okay! I got some major alcohol because after all this damn craziness, it is severely needed around here." Damon laughed as he re-entered the room. With his heightened hearing, he heard a sound that sounded like a silent cry. He looked at Arielle who was standing bear the fireplace. "You know," he began. "that's where I thought about you." He calmly said.

"What?" She asked stunned. Arielle didn't expect to hear those words escape from his mouth. The feeling that she got from them was warm and familiar, but new and terrifying.

"Yeah, I know it's hard to believe, but it's true." He smiled shyly as he rocked on his feet. Arielle smiled at his uncomforted smile, but hers soon faded as she realized things were happening too quickly.

"I have to get some air." She said quietly as she tried to leave the room.

"Wait, what?" Damon asked concerned. She seemed fine until know. Questions swam in his mind. What did he do? What did he say to make her run?

"I- I just need to get out of here for awhile."

"Well let me-"

"No! No that's okay, I'll be fine. I promise." She smiled rubbing her hand on his strong arm. Arielle hustled out of the room and ran to the door. When she stepped outside, she heard the distant sound of thunder roaring as a loud as a lion in the grasslands of Africa.

Running with the wind blowing through her hair, Arielle found herself at the end of a small dock. Looking into the water of the pond, she saw the reflection of a girl she didn't recognize. The girl had a face that was glowing, a smile was emanate with her white teeth showing. The girl that stood looking into the pond was the complete opposite. It was like the water was showing her recollections of the past, who she used to be. Someone she would never be again, but she desperately wanted to be.

"Who am I now?" The question that was burning in her mind.

"You're Arielle Faye. A strong, beautiful, young vampire with a long eternity waiting for her." A voice sounded breaking her haunting thoughts.

"How did you find me?" She asked dazed at how he was here with her once again.

"Vampire hearing Ari. I could hear you from the house." Damon smirked. Arielle turned away not amused.

"Hey, what's going on with you?" Damon asked looking at the girl who stared into the dark water, which gleamed with the light of the moon that seemed to dance across the ripples.

"I'm not who I once was, Damon." She sighed closing her eyes. "And I hate it." She stood and turned to face him. "How could I leave my own mother in a supernatural purgatory to be with a guy I barely even know?! That's not who I am!" The tears were steaming down her face. Damon felt hurt at the words that were coming from her perfect lips.

A loud clap of thunder crashed over there heads. They looked up as the rain began to fall onto them. Arielle looked back and Damon and smiled.

"Screw it." She said and lunged forward clasping her lips onto Damon's. He didn't know what to do for a few seconds, but then began to kiss her back. Her soft hands made their way to his rain drop covered face and held him to her.

"Don't leave me?" She asked breaking the kiss for a moment.

"Never." He smiled as he kissed her once again. It was one moment that was theirs and they deserved to be happy for once.

A knock had woken Klaus from his deep sleep. Groaning, he yelled at the person banging on the large door to his house.

"I'm coming! This better be good." Opening the mahogany door, he found Blair soaked by the rain that had suddenly appeared. "What are you doing here, love?" He asked gesturing her to enter his home.

"I needed a distraction." She said rushed before encasing him in a hug. He wasn't expecting her gesture and completely forgot that her clothes were wet from the rain.

"Let's get you in front of the fire." He said wrapping an arm around her, guiding her to the living room.

"Thank you." She sighed as he threw a blanket over her shoulders.

He stared at this girl. What drove her to come to his house for a 'distraction'? In the fire's glow, she was radiant. The light danced across her skin and illuminated her eyes. She was gorgeous sitting there in front of him. He couldn't understand how this exact replica was even more beautiful than Klara herself.

"What's got you worked up darling?" Klaus asked her breaking away from his memories of Klara and Rayna.

"Arielle hates me. I've ruined everything. She's alive and I ruined it."

"She's alive?" He asked stunned. "How did you manage that?"

"My mother." She whispered, feeling the tears brimming the edge of her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it please." She said standing.

"Alright." He stood with her and found himself walking towards her.

"Just distract me." She whispered as he was inches away from her face. He grabbed her face and smashed his lips against hers.

Wrapping his arms around her once again, he lift her red shirt over her head revealing her black lace bra. He sped her to his room and through her on the bed, not breaking the kiss once. Blair didn't care that he had killed four people that she loved, she needed to break away from all the mayhem and chaos that surrounded her. One night of sure bliss and passion couldn't hurt.

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