Being bullied isnt bad enough...

By Yolo_Directioner

16.7K 340 96

Alex isn't your typical nerd. Yes she gets bullied and beaten. But it's all about to change when she becomes... More

Chapter 1
Being bullied isnt bad enough you have to throw love in too
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Authors Note

Chapter 20

315 9 5
By Yolo_Directioner

We decided to order a pizza and start the movie. The pizza soon came and jumped up racing to the door. I grab the money off of the end table and I open the door. "Here's your pizza." An all to familiar voice said.

Behind the pizza box is my curly haired, brown eyed, best friend from elementary school. We had lost touch when she moved to the other side of town but here she is. "Magi!" I scream and it takes her a moment to realize who I am. "Alex!" She yells and I set the pizza box on the end table before getting tackled.

"How are you?" I ask after she lets me go. "I'm doing amazing. I moved back to this area of town and I have a boyfriend." She says smiling. "Who is he?" I ask and her smile gets even bigger. "Harry Styles." I almost faint when her say the name."How long have you been together?" I ask her quickly. "About 2 weeks." She says smiling. "But he has been very distant all of a sudden and I don't know why." She frowns slightly. "Anyways, how have you been?" She asks me and I smile. "I'm good, I moved in with my only friends at school a couple days ago and I'm enjoying the good life." She hugs me again. "I'm so sorry but I gotta run. Call me and we can meet up for coffee sometime. Also girl your so thin." She says to me as she starts to slowly walk down the driveway. "Bye Magi." I wave at her before closing the door.

I turn around and the boys are standing up looking at me. "How do you know her?" Zayn asks suspiciously. I sit down on the couch getting ready to explain how I met one out of the few friends I've had.

"It all started back in grade 2. My mom was still alive and I she sent me to an all day soccer camp. I didn't know anybody there on a personal level but I recognized some kids from my school. They put us into groups and told us to partner up. Magi and I were the only people left in our group so we had to partner up. Who would've thought that it would of been the best thing to happen to me. We talked throughout the day and realized we had quite a few things in common. We became best friends and nothing could separate us, or so I thought. The bullies at school got meaner and more violent in the higher grades. My mother had died and my father started to beat me and so did the kids at school. The other kids would also pick on Magi but with her it was verbally not physically. She would cut herself, trying to escape the pain. When her mom found out she uprooted them from there home here and moved them across town. We lost touch because her mom thought I was a bad influence for him and my school days were never the same again."

A tear rolls down my cheek and I wipe it away briskly. "So, should we watch the movie or..." Liam says uncomfortably and I shrug. "I don't care." I say in a small voice.


"Are we still going to the library?" I ask Magi as we walk to our lockers. "Yeah, if its okay with you." She says shyly and I smile. "Why wouldn't it be okay? It was my idea." I laugh. My smile soon fades when I see Carter, Derrick and Brady coming towards us. Brady had thankfully moved away in Grade 7.

"Hey losers." Carter says and I stop in my tracks. Derrick pushes me against the wall. "I believe Carter was talking to you. It's rude not to answer." I look at him scared out of my mind. "Leave her alone." Magi says and Brady turns to him. "Why don't you go tell someone who cares curly." Carter spats and Magi recoils. I know she doesn't like being called curly. "That's what I thought." Carter said and they turned there attention back to me.

"So how's my homework coming along?" Carter asks me. All I can do is look at him in terror. "Answer me bitch." He says and punches me in the stomach. I recoil from his touch. "It's al-almost d-done." I whisper. Derrick cups his hand around his ear. "Speak up stupid." He knees me in the gut and I cry out in pain. "So how's my homework doing?" Carter asks again. "Good." I choke out and he smiles. "Good girl." Carter says and pats my head.

"She's not a dog." Magi says and I turn to see Magi standing by the lockers a look of determination on her face. "What's that suppose to mean?" Carter asks and I look at her worried. "It means stop treating her like a fucking dog because that's exactly what you're doing." She says looking at him with a look of determination mixed with a bit if fear. "Get lost bitch, before we make you." Derrick says and pushes Magi away.

The rest of that day is a blur. All I know was that I was rushed to the hospital with a broken ankle and sprained wrist.

:::Flashback over:::

"Hello, earth to Alex." Niall says waving his hand in front if my face. "What?" I ask my eyes refocusing. I look up at him and I see a look if relief on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking at me worriedly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask giving him a smile. "You were spaced out for 10 minutes." He says and I look down. "Sorry." I whisper and I feel Niall's arms wrap around me. "It's okay."

We talk and eat a bit more before deciding to go to bed.

I walk down the hallway and stop. "Niall?" I ask. "What?" He asks coming out of his room. "Where am I sleeping tonight?" I look around awkwardly. "You can sleep in my room of you want. I can take the couch." He says offering me his room. "Or you could stay with me." I smile at him and he leads me into his room. We crawl into bed and I fall into a peaceful sleep in Niall's arms.

///The Next Day\\\

I wake up and see Niall's still sleeping. I check my phone and its 6:20. I sigh and get up stretching slowly. I check my phone and I see I have a text from Magi.

To, Alex

Hey girl, we should hang today.

~Magi :)

To, Magi :)

Hey! Where and when?


I put my phone down and I walk downstairs. I see Louis sitting on a kitchen chair staring at his phone. He suddenly burst out crying.

What's wrong now?


Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated but I've been busy. Summer vacation started I'm going to be really busy for the next 10 days. I'll be camping for 3 and at camp for 7 but I might be able to update. Also Magi is played by 1Dlover4321 so go fan her.

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