The Adventures Of Mint & Coco

By MintOfTheRealm

467 62 3

Mint and Coco are just 2 normal small town teen girls, both age 16. ...Until they are pulled from Earth into... More

1: Our Adventure Begins (Mint)
2: The New Reality (Coco)
3: Our New Perspective (Mint)
4: Those Who Fly (Coco)
5: Everything Has Changed (Mint)
6: The First Sign (Coco)
7: Confusion, Not Illusion (Mint)
8: Held Breaths (Coco)
9: The Silhouette (Mint)
10: Tears Do Fall (Coco)
11: Welcome to The Realm of Time (Mint)
12: Icy Blue Eyes Tell No Lies (Mint)
13: The Opposing One (Coco)
14: "I Guess We're Just Meant To Be Enemies." (Mint)
15: Revenge Will Not Be Accepted (Coco)
16: Guilt Requires a Positive Attitude (Mint)
17: The Tribe of Flying Souls (Coco)
18: A Sky Full of Mysteries (Mint)
*19: "What Will You Do, My Flower?" (Coco)
20: The Pack of Sharp Claws (Mint)
22: The Fear of Falling Apart (Mint)
23: Bleeding Out (Mint)
* 24: Our Beating Hearts (Coco)
25: A Twist in Our Story (Mint)
26: The Rage We Feel (Coco)
* 27: Time is Ticking (Mint)
28: All Hope is... (Coco)
29: No Going Back? (Mint)
30: The Truth Behind The Cracked Photo (Mint)
31: Our Strengths Combine (Coco)
32: I Still Dream (Mint)

21: Jared's Black Diamond (Coco)

18 1 0
By MintOfTheRealm

I sit at the gathering table, my eyes darting between Niko and Luke. Luke steals quick glances at me, his blue eyes drearier, somehow. Niko glares him down, challenging him to speak. Daspyn shoots daggers at me with her cold, calculating eyes. I stare back equally, flattening my ears. Luna rises, her voice ringing through the square. "Attention, everyone. I have an important announcement to make." All eyes turn to her, anxious, waiting. Luna continues. "Recently, I have found out some very important information." She pauses. Everyone leans towards her, their chairs creaking. I look at Niko. His blue eyes lock with my brown ones, and I remember the kiss. I look back to Luna, my face flushing. "I have found out why the cat mutants are attacking." Murmurs erupt throughout the crowd, and the air grows tenser. "They are attacking because they believe we destroyed one of their tribes many moons ago." She lets her words echo, and the crowd falls silent. Daspyn is the first to speak. "I know why Coco and Niko are here!" She announces. I frown. This cannot be good. "May I speak?" She asks Luna. "I suppose." Luna obliges. Daspyn stands up, unfurling her wings. Her black feathers reflect the moonlight. "Have you people ever wondered why Coco and Niko are helping us?" She says loudly. Everyone looks at her, blinking slowly. I flatten my ears, suppressing a growl. She looks at me, a smirk tugging her lips. "Daspyn. That's enough. Have a seat." Luna says firmly. Daspyn looks at her, breathless. "Please. Just... Hear me out." She pleads. "Now, Daspyn." Luna commands. Daspyn looks at Luke, helpless. Luke doesn't even look at her. Luna frowns. "Daspyn-" "I've seen them talking to other cat mutants!" She blurts. I growl, standing up. "Really?" I snarl. "I've seen them sneak out at night! They're only here to spy on us!" She lies. The crowd looks at each other, considering this. "What if she's right?" Someone hollers. Niko and I share a panicked look. Daspyn sneers, a satisfied look on her face. "Where's your proof?" Luke asks, standing up. What? Daspyn looks at him, a confused look spreading across her face. He looks at her, his face stone-cold. "Well... I've seen them. Isn't that enough?" She asks desperately. Raven jumps up to stand beside Luke. "Yeah, where's your proof? I know Coco wouldn't do that." He looks down, and I see a single tear run down his face. Mint, don't you know how much you hurt Raven? I smile at him, grateful for the support. A woman with silver hair and white wings stands up. "Why should any of us believe you? You've lied in the past." She points out. I turn to Luna. "Daspyn, everyone knows you're envious of Coco. Now sit down." Everyone sits. I look at Daspyn. Her eyes are dark, and they are narrowed in hatred. I better watch out for her in battle. "Now, back to the more important matter. Does anyone wish to speak?" Luna asks, looking at the crowd. An elderly man with a snow-white beard stands up. I cover my mouth. One of his wings is completely gone. A tiny bluebird perches on his shoulder, and my heart bursts. "The cat mutants are attacking us because of something we didn't do, correct?" his weak voice travels through the chilling air. Luna nods. "Yes. That is correct, Winslow." He continues, "And I'm assuming we are going to fight back anyway?" Luna hesitates. "Correct." The crowd explodes into protests. "Quiet!" Luna yells. The crowd quiets. Winslow sits down, stroking the bluebird's chest with his finger. "We are going to fight back. Because I know we will not be able to convince them that we didn't kill their tribe." She explains. I look at Luke. He looks down at his hands. Why did he defend me against Daspyn? "We will continue training. This meeting is over." She steps down from her pedestal and walks to her house. Everyone does the same, including Daspyn. Then it's just me, Niko, and Luke. Niko stands up and pushes his chair in. He gives me a long look. "Night, Coco." He says.
"Night." I respond. I watch him until he disappears into a cottage. I look over at Luke. He meets my gaze. "Why?" I ask quietly. His eyes flash, but he doesn't answer. "Why, Luke? What could you possibly see in her?" My voice grows stronger, and I feel my blood heating. He looks at me again. "Because I knew you loved Niko. I knew it all along. And I knew I didn't have a chance against him," he confesses. I stare at him, unable to speak. "Even Raven saw it." A tiny smile transforms his mouth. Then, as quickly as it had formed, it fades. "I thought if you saw me with someone else, you would be..." "Jealous," I finish. We stare at each other for a long time until finally, he stands up. I do the same. He starts walking away. "Luke," I say. He turns. "We can still be friends." I smile. He smiles too. "Goodnight..." he murmurs. He turns and walks towards a cottage. "Night." I respond, even though he can't hear me.

I'm in a forest. Thick gorse surrounds me, and I realize I'm in cat form. I hear rustling, and I whip around, my heart pounding. Red eyes meet mine, and my hackles raise. The eyes are strangely... familiar. Something emerges from a bush. I crouch, growling. "Greetings, Coco." A voice meows. I stand up slowly, smelling another cat. Then I see it. A black cat with an hourglass pendant. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" I ask, unsheathing my claws. "Why, I'm Jared! And everyone knows you, Coco." He chuckles. I sheathe my claws. "What is it you want, Jared?" He meows in amusement and twitches his bob tail. "Transform and I'll show you." He replies. I narrow my eyes. My pendant pulses as I convert into my human form. I brush leaves off my jeans and look around. "Jared?" I ask. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around. A boy with black, shaggy hair and red eyes stares at me. He flicks his furry black ears. "Come." He gestures to a hole in the ground. "Down there?" I ask. He chuckles, then jumps into the hole. I shrug. It's just a dream. I jump into the hole after him. I appear in front of a large, stone tower. Jared waits for me at the entrance. I approach him. "Come on, hurry!" He insists. "Coming!" I reply. He runs to the doors and opens them. I follow. Once we're inside, the doors slam shut. Jared has his back turned to me, and I feel my blood turn to ice. Something is not right here. He walks slowly forward. Our surroundings melt away, and all that's left is a long, red carpet. I follow Jared wearily. He approaches a stone stand. I look over his shoulder. A black diamond lays on black silk. A purple aura surrounds it, and I growl, flattening my ears. He picks it up in his hand. He examines it, and the air turns ice-cold. I shudder. I feel something in my hand, and I open it, a chill running down my spine. Jared's pendant lays flat against my palm. I bite back a scream. "Jared, I don't think..." I trail off, because he is gone. Everything turns white, and a shadow forms. I grip the pendant in my hand. "Hello, you shadow." I say. A chilling laugh pierces my ears, and I flatten them. The shadow approaches me. His red eyes sear into me, and it hits me. "Jared?" I choke out. Jared laughs. "You finally figured it out." He opens his clawed hand. I refuse to look. "It's Niko's pendant." I say. Jared chuckles. "Look again, my flower." I lean closer. And I scream. It's my pendant.

I open my eyes, screaming. I try to breathe, but it's like my throat is glued shut. I reach for the glass of water on my night stand, but my fingers are clumsy. It falls to the ground and shatters. I shiver, and I realize the window is open. I walk to it slowly, pulling my blanket around me. The wind blows the curtains, and I pull the window shut. I see something gleam, and I look down. On the window sill lies Jared's hourglass pendant. I pick it up and look at it. I feel the chilled glass, and I feel something stir inside of me. What is going on? It begins pulsing, letting off a reddish glow. I put it around my neck. "Jared, I know you weren't always evil." I whisper. I walk to the wardrobe and find a coat. I pull it on and walk to the door. I open it slowly, then slip down the hallway silently. I open the front door and walk out.
I shut it behind me and run to the cottage Niko is staying in. I approach a window and look inside. A man and a woman sleep soundly.
I look into the next window. Niko sits on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. I gently knock on the window. He looks up, then quickly jumps up and opens the window. I crawl inside and pull the window shut. "What's wrong?" Niko asks. "Nightmares," I utter. His eyes soften. "You want to sleep here," he states. Not a question. I nod, then crawl into the bed. Niko follows. He puts his arms around me, and I lean up and press my lips against his. I pull away and bury my face in the crook of his neck. He sings the same song he sung in the woods, and I feel my eyes droop. I look up at him. "Niko," I say. "Hm?" "Do you know anyone named Jared?" I feel his muscles tense, and his arms tighten around me. "Where did you hear that name?" He asks solemnly. "In my dream." I murmur. "What did he say?" He asks. "He didn't say anything, really. I told you what happened in the last dream, where he opened his hand and revealed your pendant?" I ask. Niko nods slowly. He rests his chin on the top of my head, and I try not to fall asleep. "That happened again. Except... it was my pendant." I finish. I feel the hourglass, and I decide not to tell Niko about it. "Do you know him?" I ask. Niko is silent for so long I think he isn't going to answer. "No. No, I don't." I frown. Why did he hesitate? "Goodnight, Coco." He whispers. "Night." I murmur. He puts his hand behind my neck, holding me against him. I fall asleep with one thing on my mind.
Mint. I miss you so much.

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