My One And Only

By delena_lover7

50.4K 1K 223

Eva Benett always had a thing with adventures;she loved travelling,having fun and most of all...being in love... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
just a quick update!!
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Part 2

3.5K 67 21
By delena_lover7

The moment I got out from the bathtub,the bell rang. I couldn't go out like that,in just a towel wrapped around my body! Ashton would kill me. Then the bell rang again and I got out from my room.

"ASHTON! PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!!" I was half yelling at him to hear me downstairs

"NOO I CAN'T SORRY! YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS!" And in moments like these,I want to slap him in the face.
With a chair... _|_

"You asked for it"I told him,not loud enough to hear me. When I went downstairs,Roy and Ashton were at the kitchen and Nate was smoking near the window,close to the door. Ass... The moment he saw me,his eyes widened and started scanning my body. Actually,everyone was shocked looking at the lack of clothes I was wearing,but my brother the most and silence filled the room. I then opened the door,to see Jade looking at me the same way Nate did.

"Hello!" I said like nothing was wrong. I started going up the stairs when I heard Jade saying hi to everyone.

"Uhm Jade,please follow me. We have to get ready..." And with my last bitchy words,she followed me.

After entering my room,she quickly closed the door and locked it. Oh here comes her lecture...

But insted of hearing her telling me that I shouldn't do what I did again,she started laughing.Okay... When she finally stopped she started speaking

"You should've seen their faces. They were hillarious! Especially Nate's! If he was a cartoon character,he would be Jessica Rabit's number 1 fun(you know,that wolf who was in love with her)!! He couldn't take his eyes off of you,seriously"

"You know,none of this would happen if he would just open the door which was 5 metres away from him!"

"Maybe he wanted you to come downstairs..!"

"Yeah Jade,sure! Come on,we have to get ready!"

The first thing I did was to change into some shorts and a t-shirt and dry my hair. Then Jade painted my nails, and toe nails and I straightened her curly hair and curled mine into loose waves and braided it into a waterfall braid.Then we headed downstairs because we were hungry. When we got in the living room,no one was there and I guess they were either at my brother's bedroom,or at the garage because we had our Play Station there. Anyways,I made some pasta,washed the dishes and sat in the living room for a while because it was only 8:30 and the guests were coming at 11 o'clock...! And I was lucky enough to sleep for and a half hour,until the monsters came inside and did everything they could to wake me up! When it was 10:30 we got upstairs, brushed our teeth and did our make up. I loved the way it looked;it was just a light make up,with light eye shadows and some eyeliner. Then my lips were a beautiful shade of light pink,just to colour them a little. Finally we wore our matching dresses and put on my favourite perfume and headed downstairs because the first guests started filling the room and for some reason anxiety took over me.

"Let's do this!" I said to Jade and then we went downstairs,not before locking all the doors upstairs except from the bathroom.

When we were in the living room there were more people than I thought that had arrived and I could see Dave coming at us

"Eva,you look incredibly beautiful..." he said and kissed my cheek

"T-thanks Dave,I really love your clothes too!" I said with my burning cheeks because of what he said.

"What about my face? My eyes?" He said laughing.

Ooh,Dave's eyes had a beautiful ocean colour,mixed with an evening sky and I...loved them. And he knows that,so that's why he asks me

"Come on,you know that I love your eyes and I'm so jealous of them! So stop it!" Now it was my turn to laugh. Then I felt that someone was looking at me and I turned my head,only to face Nate staring at us and I felt...weird! I didn't like the way he was looking at me right now. And now he was coming at us. Shit! Breath in Eva,breath out! Breath in,breath...out.

"Dave,what are you doing here?" He said reffering to Dave,but looking at me.

"Are you blind or something? I'm talking with Eva! What do you want? Go find a fuck buddy for tonight"aoutch... He told him pretty annoyed,I can tell. But Nate acted like he didn't hear the last sentence.

" Absolutely nothing! Is it wrong to join whatever you're talking about?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Actually it's-"

"Fine. I was just leaving,I have to go find the bartenders and ask them if they need something. So you did well to join us,because I don't want Dave to be alone..!" And just because I got jealous from what Dave said about Nate,I turned to talk to Dave.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes,okay?" I said and smiled at him. He smiled back at me and nodded. Then I looked at Nate and his eyes were burning from anger. That's weird brcause that's exactly what I was feeling right now

I turned around and headed to the kitchen. A shot was exactly what I wanted right now. When I went in the kitchen I found Jade,Jane and Rita drinking and having fun. I joined them and asked from the bartender a vodka shot and downed it immediatly. I felt the liquid burning by throat and it felt awsome,so I asked for another one. Then me and the girls went outside in the garden and sat in a chair. Then I remembered that I told Dave that I would go back...and that's what I did! I went back inside and saw him talking with Nate and laughing. Whe he (Nate) saw me,he looked at me and smiled...Deja vu...

"Sorry for the long wait,I totally forgot!"

"It's ok Eva! Everything alright with the bartenders?" Dave said

"Yeah,everyrhing's alright! Are you guys having fun? Do you wanna go outside,in the garden? I think it's better there,there are not so many people as in here." I said with a smile on my face.

"Sure,let's go!" Nate said and looked at me again. When I turned around to go outside,I could feel his hand on my arm and tried to stop myself from fainting. It was one of the rare times that Neithan Kahn was touching me!Anyways,we went outside and that's the moment I lost them. They went at their group and I went to find my girls and they were exactly where I had left them!

We talked for a while and then Jade and I went to the garage to get the birthday cake. Rita and Jane gathered many people into the living room for my brother to blow the candles. When he saw the cake he couldn't believe in his eyes. The cake was a themed Michael Jordan cake. The idea came to me 2 months ago. As my lovely brother was turning 23 today,I thought that a Jordan cake was the best(Michael Jordan had the number 23 when he was playing at Chicago Bulls and we looove that team). After the birthday song and his wish,I took the cake and left it to the kitchen for the bartenders to cut it in slices. While I was downing another vodka shot,I felt someone behind me and quickly turned around. It was him,Nate. When I had fully turned around,our heads were inches apart and it felt like he was leaning down to kiss me,but thank God I heard Jade calling my name and got to escape from him.

"Everything alright?" I told her

"The Dj is asking me if he could turn up the volume,but I think it's actually ok. What do you think?"

"Uhm tell him to turn it down a little bit because it's already loud enough and we don't want the neighboors telling us tommorow that we didn't let them sleep. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course baby! Ohh by the way,Nate is coming here. Don't you dare go away now!" With that,she winked at me and disappeared into the crowd.

When I tried to move forward,I felt someone standing right behind me. Then I turned around and face him

"Nate,is everyrhing alright?"

"Everything's perfectly fine!" He said and then smiled

"...what do you want..?"

"I don't want anything! I just want to spend more time with my best friend's sister!"

"That's nice to hear,but I think that you should spend more time with him. You should dance,or have some tequila shots!"

"Naaah,I want to dance with you" he said and again leaned in but I avoided him"

"Nate,please. I have to go outside..!" I know I lied,but I didn't know if wanted to kiss him in front of almost every sober friend of Ashton's

"Fiiiine. I will wait for our dance!" He said and winked at me.

"You should!" I laughed and then left him.

I went aroumd the house ro greet the guests and ask them if they need anything.10 minutes later I decided to go find girls. When I got outside in the garden,Jade and Jane were nowhere to be seen. Rita was sitting in a corner,talking and kissing with her boyfriend. And then I realised that I was alone,so I found myself a chair and sat in my favourite corner of the garden and checked my phone

"Hmm let me guess;you can't find your girlfriends and you decided to sit here,all by yourself!" When I heard his voice,I smiled and looked at him.

"Well you're right! I can't find Jade and Jane and Rita is over there,talking and kissing with her boyfriend. And I'm sitting here all by myself..!"

"We can change that..!" He said and took a chair to sit next to me

"Change what..?"

"I can acompany you!"

"I don't know...Where is your group? They will be looking for you!"

"Naahh I'm sure that the will be flirting with your friends...!"

"Mine? Yeah,sure" he laughed with my words and then stood up

"Where are you going?" I said again

"I'm going to get us a drink and I'm coming back. Wait here!"

"Yes sir!" Now it was my turn to laugh

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

I would never believe that hanging out with Nate would be fun! He made me laugh a hundred times and he didn't mention anything villainous! I was having fun and he looked like he did too! But the bad thing was that I was feeling dizzy because I had drunk 3 vodka drinks! The good thing is that I cound control myself. When I was at drink number 4,I saw Jade and Jane dancing and I was so jealous because I wanted to do that from the beggining of the party,but I would be dancing alone,sooo... Suddenly,the Dj turned the trap song he was playing and I could listen the first beats from locked out of heaven. Suddnely I screamed from joy and went to dance with my girls,tottaly forgetting about Nate..! It is one my favourite songs and every time I hear it,I want to dance like crazy!

While the song was on the second burden,I lost Jade and Jane and I was dancing alone. Then I felt two hands resting on my waist and didn't bother me at all,until a kiss was left on my neck and fury filled my body. When I turned around,I saw Nate looking at me with lust in his eyes and I didn't do anything at all. We kept dancing and when the song finished he brought me closer and kissed me and I immediatly kissed him back.

The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through my whole body. Then I threw my hands around his neck and got lost in his mix taste of alcohol and cigarettes and his soft lips...uhh those lips that I've been dreaming they were actually kissing me the way I thought they would be...

Minutes after our passionate kiss,we went upstairs and headed to my bedroom. I unlocked the door and we got in. Nate closed the door behind him and then started kissing me again. He bit my lips,asking for access into my mouth,which I obeyed and opened it. His tongue was now inside my mouth and he layed us on my bed with him on top. Then he stopped for a moment and looked me in the eyes

"So pretty..." he said and kissed me again. A minute later he stood up and removed his shirt,making me my heart beating faster.Was I ready for this..? Of course I was! I have officially finished high school and as I had promised to myself,I could now do whatever I wanted..!

We were kissing again and then stood me up to remove my dress when the door opened and my brother got in my bedroom looking directly at Nate.

Well, fuck!


Hello guys! This is the second part of my story and I really hope you guys like it because I put so much effort for this chapter and generally for this whole book! Anyways,'till next time...

Nina ♡♡♡

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