Reign of the Slash King

By YamiRox1010

6.6K 214 42

Here at this school the administrators don't make the rules, he does. Rules that you better follow or there w... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9

Part 6

589 21 0
By YamiRox1010

Hey! I'm sorry this is a day late, I had one of my writing days robbed from this Saturday so I had to work on this all Sunday, but anyways I'm glad you guys are all really liking the interaction between them, to be honest I worried it would feel weird since this is my first attempt at romance, but yeah glad you are liking it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

The peaceful sunrise of the Saturday morning was a cruel ironic statement to the hell that had just happened to me. She had just stormed in like a raging lion before the sun had even risen with Dad right on her tails.

"You ungrateful little BRAT! I ask one thing of you, after allowing you stay here and even feeding you, and you can't even fulfil the one request I ask of you?!" She screamed at me. I guess I wasn't lucky and she forgot about asking me that.

"I-I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Forgot?! How dare you!" She yelled. Before anything else happened she came over and backhanded me across the face. "That'll teach you to forget when I tell you to do something. Do you even know what you cost me yesterday? Huh?!" She screams as she continued to slap me left and right. "No, of course you don't or else you wouldn't have been stupid enough to do this to me! I finally found one useful thing to have you for and you just prove how useless you are! That client of mine could have provided us for years, just for letting us use you, and what do you have to do? You go and ruin everything!" Her words continued as a hard kick to my stomach was delivered to me.

"P-please stop. I'm sorry!" I sobbed, scared to hear more f what she actually had planned for me yesterday. What did she mean use me?

"Oh your punishment is far from over! You aren't leaving this room until I deem fit, and that includes no food, you little bitch!" And with that her and dad left the room with a slam and I heard my door lock. The had made sure that the door locks from the outside so situations like this, such as locking me in here, could be possible.

So now I'm sitting under my windowsill wondering what I did to deserve this kind of life. I began to break down and cry, I was hated by everyone I knew, all except for him and I almost never get to see him. Thinking of him made me even more upset because I didn't even know when I would get out of here, if I would get out of here and that made me think of how I might not get to see him again.

I guess being trapped in here really wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the bathroom problem. I had to give up one of my few boxes for storage to use as something to relieve myself, not that I had much to get rid of considering my lack of food and water in here. I locked it all in the closet, but even then the smell still seeps out so it doesn't exactly create a relaxing atmosphere.

And so I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I watch the sun rise and I watch it set. I honestly just sat on my bed and thought. Sometimes it was a daydreaming, other times it was contemplating. Days had passed and I was beginning to worry on whether or not I was going to be let out. I knew from the internet that one could survive like three to five days without water, but I really didn't want to test this theory. It had already been all weekend, plus most of Monday, and I heard no sign of my mother letting me out of this room. I could already feel the effects of being denied basic human necessities, it was getting harder to wake up in the mornings, I was sleeping a lot more through the day, everything hurt, and I had a massive headache. It was not a pleasant feeling to be in this state. It was 6:00 on Monday evening now and I went back off to the land of dreams once more seeing that my mother wasn't coming again. I should've known she would forget about me, she only cares about me when she needs, I could probably die in here tonight and she wouldn't know until three months from now. It occurred to me that I would be missing my visit with the King tonight because I was here, oh how I wanted to see him again. I didn't care that he was dangerous, I just wanted him to continue holding me like he has been more than anything, it felt too good to pass up. So I went to sleep dreaming of his arms being wrapped around me once more.

The next day passed with still no sign from my mother. I didn't do much thinking since I spent most of this day just moving in and out of sleep. I lost the need to use the bathroom anymore so at least I didn't have to get myself out of the bed.

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I had to admit everything was beyond blurry. No matter how many times I blinked the world would not come into focus for a very long time, but when it did to my surprise there was a bottle of water and a jello cup, by my door with a note on it. I pushed myself off my bed and onto the floor, falling immediately to my hands and knees since I didn't have the strength to stand anymore. I crawled my way over to the door and grabbed the water knowing I needed that the most. I began to guzzle it down not letting a single drop go to waste, I was beyond being thirsty. When it was all gone I eyed the note next to the jello cup. Gingerly picking up the jello I opened the note and ate the jello slowly while reading it.

Don't think that you have managed to escape your mother's wrath because you haven't, but I rather not have to deal with murder charges and seeing her deal with them either, so I'm giving this to you to sustain you until tomorrow. You will be going to school and you will not let her see you, the door is unlocked now, so when she is not in the house get rid of whatever that awful stench penetrating your room is.

It ended there.

I'm taking it that dad had written the letter. I didn't really care though, I was just glad they didn't leave in here to die.

Hearing my mother and father head off to their respective jobs, I got to work on deposing the waste in my bedroom and getting a lot more water. I didn't want to chance getting more food though, my mother was angry enough, I didn't want her to notice even a spec different when she returned and make the punishment worse. I could at least get water out of the tap without her noticing. And so the majority of my Wednesday was spent drinking water to make up for the 4 days I was deprived from it.

Thursday morning was not a pleasant awakening. I still barely had enough calories in me to amount to any kind of energy, but I at least could move a little better since I got the water back and I would be able to get some food at school. I had to be honest I was a little worried, I had never missed so many days of school in a row before and I didn't want to know how the kids would react to me coming back, most of them probably thought I transferred out and got excited so going back and ruining that for them might not be too good.

Once out of my house I made my way into school. I snuck over to my locker successfully, but that's where my luck ran out. Thankfully it wasn't a student coming to beat me up, I don't know how much of that I could take today, it was one of my teachers coming to give me a lecture for missing so many days of class without prior notice. Honestly, what the hell do they know?! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it to your damn class while I was slowly dieing in my room, oh please forgive me!

So after getting that annoying lecture from just about every teacher after every class this morning I finally made it to lunch. I quickly grabbed my lunch from the vending machine like usual and hurried off to the gym to try and start the workload given to me for missing their classes. The afternoon was pretty much the same as this morning, lectures and more work due tomorrow.

Leaving the school however wasn't as easy as getting into it. Sneaking out my usual back entrance I was ambushed by some of Ushio's old lackies Rafael and Valon.

"I hope you didn't think that after disappearing for 3 days this week that you were going to get away with nothing did you?" Valon sneered, but I didn't reply, I just stood and stared.

"What not gonna talk freak," Rafael went on. "Fine then we'll just have to beat the noise out of you." And with that a sharp punch to my stomach landed on me.

They didn't hold back either today, they just kept whamming on me over and over, almost as to give four days of beatings in one hour, and boy did they beat me. It was a nonstop barrage of kicking and punching that I felt was never going to cease, and each hurt far worse than the one before. Not even time could numb the pain that was coursing through me. I find it amazing that they haven't managed to break something yet.

Finally they when they were done, they left me there sobbing in the alley. I didn't even bother to try and get up for a long time, I knew it was pointless, I just watched the sun go across the sky, until it was getting close to sunset. I didn't want to crawl home in the dark like this, so I pushed myself up and limped my way back to the house and collapsed onto my bed.

Believe it or not I was actually excited for it to Friday. I knew I could go and see him Yami today, and I wanted that more than anything after the hell of a week I just only problem being that I just realized that I never finished all the work the teachers gave me yesterday, so I knew this was not going to be a fun day. And boy ever was it not, I got detentions from everyone of them to be served today. Thankfully they were only half an hour long so I had time to finish the work and get lectured for each one of them, leaving me just enough time to run to the staff room.

I knocked on the door twice and entered at our prearranged 5:00 time.

"K-king?" I asked nervously

There was only a trickle of moonlight in the room when I walked in, but as I called out to him the blinds flew shut and I was left in darkness.

"You were not here Monday." He stated in a dangerously calm manner

"I-I'm sorry, I swear I meant to! I didn't forget either!" I called out once more.

"Oh? Then why were you not here?" He asked grabbing my chin roughly.

It was pitch black but I knew he was somewhere in front of me, so I reached out blindly and grabbed onto his shirt. I swiftly threw my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest, him losing his grip on my chin in the process.

"P-please!" I sobbed. "Forgive me! I wanted to be here I swear! My mother locked me in my room for four days straight and I couldn't leave!"

"She what?!" He asked outraged.

"Last Friday I was supposed to go home straight after school, but I came here instead because I wanted to be with you, but she got mad at me because I messed up some offer with a client, that would've given her a lot of money or something. A-apparently he wanted to use me, whatever that meant, and me not being there prevented that, so she locked me in my room without any food or water and no way out. Please don't be angry! I can't lose you!" I sobbed out.

"Shh." He whispered petting my head. "I'm sorry I got angry. It's alright my little Queen, you will never lose me. You are mine now and forever."

"Yours?" I questioned.

"Yes, all mine. Remember that." He said possessively. "Should I even ask how the bathroom situation worked out in that room?"

"A box in the closet." I said tearing up again. From him I heard a soft growl at my response, although I sensed it was anger towards my mother.

"How did you get out?"

"My father said he didn't feel like dealing with murder charges and left me some water and a jello cup Wednesday while unlocking the door. I just got back to school yesterday."

"My poor little Queen." He cooed wrapping his arms around my waist. Unfortunately I was still severely bruised from yesterday and this did not create the calming effect I hoped for, as I yelped out when he got a hold on me.

"Are you hurt?" He asked immediately loosening his arms.

"U-uh, well Ushio's old lackeys got to me yesterday after school and gave me probably four days worth of beatings, they haven't really healed yet properly so there are still a lot bruises. Plus I'm sure my mother's beating never truly healed right."

"And yet you still come to see me? Even when you have every right to go home and rest."

"I really wanted to see you again, especially after missing you on Monday. I would do anything to see you again after coming that close to dieing in my room, and the hell of a week I had! You've become the highlights of the week, how could I ever want to miss it?"

I felt his hand brush my cheeks gently. It was a ghost of a touch, but it felt amazing compared to everything else this week.

"I do not want you to return anymore."

Well I hope that this chapter made up for it being a little late, and yes next chapter people will die, I can guarantee that it will get fucked up, get yourself prepared. :D

R&R plz :)

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