Part 6

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Hey! I'm sorry this is a day late, I had one of my writing days robbed from this Saturday so I had to work on this all Sunday, but anyways I'm glad you guys are all really liking the interaction between them, to be honest I worried it would feel weird since this is my first attempt at romance, but yeah glad you are liking it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

The peaceful sunrise of the Saturday morning was a cruel ironic statement to the hell that had just happened to me. She had just stormed in like a raging lion before the sun had even risen with Dad right on her tails.

"You ungrateful little BRAT! I ask one thing of you, after allowing you stay here and even feeding you, and you can't even fulfil the one request I ask of you?!" She screamed at me. I guess I wasn't lucky and she forgot about asking me that.

"I-I'm sorry, I forgot."

"Forgot?! How dare you!" She yelled. Before anything else happened she came over and backhanded me across the face. "That'll teach you to forget when I tell you to do something. Do you even know what you cost me yesterday? Huh?!" She screams as she continued to slap me left and right. "No, of course you don't or else you wouldn't have been stupid enough to do this to me! I finally found one useful thing to have you for and you just prove how useless you are! That client of mine could have provided us for years, just for letting us use you, and what do you have to do? You go and ruin everything!" Her words continued as a hard kick to my stomach was delivered to me.

"P-please stop. I'm sorry!" I sobbed, scared to hear more f what she actually had planned for me yesterday. What did she mean use me?

"Oh your punishment is far from over! You aren't leaving this room until I deem fit, and that includes no food, you little bitch!" And with that her and dad left the room with a slam and I heard my door lock. The had made sure that the door locks from the outside so situations like this, such as locking me in here, could be possible.

So now I'm sitting under my windowsill wondering what I did to deserve this kind of life. I began to break down and cry, I was hated by everyone I knew, all except for him and I almost never get to see him. Thinking of him made me even more upset because I didn't even know when I would get out of here, if I would get out of here and that made me think of how I might not get to see him again.

I guess being trapped in here really wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the bathroom problem. I had to give up one of my few boxes for storage to use as something to relieve myself, not that I had much to get rid of considering my lack of food and water in here. I locked it all in the closet, but even then the smell still seeps out so it doesn't exactly create a relaxing atmosphere.

And so I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I watch the sun rise and I watch it set. I honestly just sat on my bed and thought. Sometimes it was a daydreaming, other times it was contemplating. Days had passed and I was beginning to worry on whether or not I was going to be let out. I knew from the internet that one could survive like three to five days without water, but I really didn't want to test this theory. It had already been all weekend, plus most of Monday, and I heard no sign of my mother letting me out of this room. I could already feel the effects of being denied basic human necessities, it was getting harder to wake up in the mornings, I was sleeping a lot more through the day, everything hurt, and I had a massive headache. It was not a pleasant feeling to be in this state. It was 6:00 on Monday evening now and I went back off to the land of dreams once more seeing that my mother wasn't coming again. I should've known she would forget about me, she only cares about me when she needs, I could probably die in here tonight and she wouldn't know until three months from now. It occurred to me that I would be missing my visit with the King tonight because I was here, oh how I wanted to see him again. I didn't care that he was dangerous, I just wanted him to continue holding me like he has been more than anything, it felt too good to pass up. So I went to sleep dreaming of his arms being wrapped around me once more.

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