Part 7

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Get your mind ready for this! I am getting everything going this chapter I can feel it!

Anyways hope you all enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

"Huh?!" I exclaimed "What do you mean I can't return? Did I do something wrong? Please, I'll make up for it! Just don't say I can't come and see you! I need you!" I say tightening my grip around his waist. "Please!"

I felt his muscles tense right away before they slowly relaxed and his hand began combing through my hair. "I'm sorry my little Queen, I did not mean it that way." He chuckled "Do not worry, I would never push you away, remember what I just told you? You are mine. Forever. I do not plan on letting you leave me that easily. That being said, I do not want you returning back to that house, that houses the trash you call mother and father. They could have potentially taken you away from me with that little stunt they just pulled, I am not risking you going back and actually being taken from me."

I let go of his waist and looked down. "I don't want to go back either, it's not like I'm exactly welcome there, but it's not like I have any choice. It's the only place I have to stay."

"Then stay here with me. If you promise to never leave my side, I can provide you with all you could ever want, safety, food, shelter, love. All you have to do is come with me." He said as his hand stilled on my head.

"Stay with you?" I echoed

"Yes, we will never be apart. I can give you anything you could ever want, just become mine and mine alone."

"Won't that be a problem though, I mean you said I could never see you or you would have to kill me, wouldn't I eventually see you?"

"I can make an exception to my rule just for you my little Queen, I know you won't be telling any authorities about what I do, now will you?"

"Of course I wouldn't!" I said looking up and smiling at him, unsure if he could see it, but doing it nonetheless. "We're in the same boat anyways right? Plus why would I want to send you away from me, I want to stay with you."

"Very good. I won't be letting you go anyhow, but life is much easier when you are complying with me."

"A-are you sure though? Can I really just come with you to wherever you live?"

"Of course I am, I wouldn't have offered if I was not, that being said, why are you resisting? You did just say you needed me did you not, were you lying to me?"

"What? No! I do, more than you realize! It's just that I'm worried of any complications that would come between us."

"You don't have to worry about that, just leave everything to me and all your dreams will come true, just do as I say." He says pulling me into a possessive hug.

There was no way to deny his offer, he was right I did need him. I felt lonely without him, I thought about him all the time, when he wrapped me in his arms like this I felt safe for once in my life. He was what made me happy when we were together, more and more I did not want to leave him and return to hell that was my life. How could I refuse going with him and not back to my parents?

So I lifted my arm up to his chest and clung on to him. "Okay, I'll stay with you, I don't want to go back anyways."

"No, you should not, especially after this last incident. You don't need them, you don't need anyone else but me, my little Queen."

"I don't?" I asked innocently

"No, I am all you will ever need from now on." He said placing a kiss on my head. "Now why don't I show you where exactly you will be spending your time now." He said picking me up. "I believe you remember from last time what to do now."

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