Awaiting a Changing fate ↠ El...

By Gilliess

112K 3.9K 329

An old house in New Orleans held a rather vivid, horrific story of many girls in the 1700's. Though one girl'... More

Prologue/The beginning of the murders


2.2K 84 6
By Gilliess

Lottie woke up alone. The night dragged on as now she is wed, William insists on sharing a bed.

She spent the night staring at the wall, not moving, not making any noises.

And that's why it was almost mid day when she awoke, alone, in her bed. Just the way it was meant to be.

The grove in the part of the bed next to her made her feel nauseous. She couldn't even share a bed with the man let alone do anything else with him.

Lottie shuffled out of the bed and to the window, which she now is in a habit of leaving open just in case a special visitor wants to come in. But he never would. Not anymore.

She grabbed the bar of the window with both of her hands and shut it loudly, before turning around and perching ever so slightly on the sill.

Her eyes caught sight of something different, something new on her dresser. Lottie approached it to examine it more.

A pink rose lay next to a note with her name written in a beautiful calligraphy. She didn't know who wrote it at first sight. If it was Elijah; then she would be extremely happy; though he wouldn't be so daft as to leave it out in the open. If it was William, then she guessed it was a sweet gesture.

Lottie lifted the rose, which still had thorns in for some odd reason, and she smelt it. The flower was beautiful.

And then she reached for the folded piece of paper, her dainty fingers unfolded it and opened up to see a page full of writing.

Her eyes scanned the text, her blood chilling with every word she read as she realised something completely ghastly.

Her eyes widened and her breathing stopped as she scanned over it multiple times before realising it was real.


"Evening" Lottie greeted the masked guests who waltzed in through the front doors.

She didn't understand why her father decided on the theme of masquerade. It only made her weary of everyone else in the room.

"Dance with me" William appeared from nowhere; making Lottie jump, she was definitely on edge. He took her hand and lead her on to the dance floor to partake in a waltz, and that was when she clapped eyes on Elijah.

He was on the dance floor as well; thank goodness because she needed to confess something, she needed to tell him about how miserable she was and what she was going to do.

He'd be completely infuriated with her, he wouldn't like the idea at all. But she needed to tell him, no matter of the consequences.

"I hope this night will be one better than the last" William snapped Lottie out of her thoughts as the finally touched hands and waltzed

"Orange juice is the only liquid I shall be drinking, with the odd glass of wine in between" she smiled

"You are as stubborn as a rock" he commented as he waltzed her in and out

"Ah yes but a rock would not even think of marrying you" she replied

"So you thought of me?" He winked, pulling her in

"Multiple times" she smiled, knowing he was completely oblivious to the fact that she did think about it, but negatively

The song reached its peak and it was only seconds until it called forma change of partners " I shall see you on the other side" he called before spinning her off into the middle of the dance floor and swiftly in to the familiar arms of Elijah.

"Thank goodness you are here" she sighed, relaxing under his very touch

"Have you noticed anything suspicious?" He asked firmly

"Other than your brother making meals out of my guests?" She laughed "in all honesty I have..."

"Niklaus is here"'Elijah cursed himself, interrupting Lottie's important sentence. Elijah had vowed to keep an eye on him, he would start once Lottie was married and he had let it slip his mind. Causing the deaths of many, innocent people.

From then on, Elijah's main priority was to find his retched brother and stop him immediately.

"As I was saying" Lottie continued "I found this lette... Are you listening to me?"

Elijah was distracted by the thoughts of his brother testing him.

"Can we finish this conversation off another time, Lottie?" A demand in the form of a question

"No Elijah this is important" she protested

"Please" Elijah wriggled from her hands "another time"

"There might not be one" she cried after him, trying to get his attention so much that he'd stop and listen to her. But it was too late. Elijah was gone.

William was also gone, and Joseph had not been seen the entire night. Was there something she was missing?

But whatever she needed to do, it had to be done now or else she'd miss out on one of the only interesting opportunities she has had.

Elijah or no.

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