
Por taestful

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❝I don't want to drag you into this.❞ Tae gave him a sad smile. top!jjk | bot!kth Discontinued no translati... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Im sorry

Chapter 7

3.6K 158 57
Por taestful

Why does he have to judge his own body..

He isn't fat or chubby..

His rich golden skin...

The way his muscles lightly floated on his body.

How can he be insecure about it?

I stood there, in front of him. Looking at Taehyung who seemed to be frozen, with a blank face staring at the floor. An unreadable expression to me, I never had any proper friends thus I can't really tell what's on his mind.

"Tae hyung, you should really rest." I spoke quietly but loud enough for him to hear. He slowly looked up at me, puppy dog eyes obvious, and nodded. A soft hearted smile appeared on my face as he slowly laid back down on the sofa with a low grunt leaving his plump lips.

"What should we tell manager hyung?" Hoseok asked whilst still looking at the injured boy.

"Oh yea, we were suppose to to a Bangtan bomb and learn our first choreography..." Namjoon pointed out. He crossed his arms looking at Taehyung who seemed to be in pain even when not moving.

"How?" A one word question came out from Yoongi. All of us turned our attention towards him, unsure of the meaning 'how?' in this situation.

"What do you mean by 'how'?" Seokjin asked back staring at Yoongi, head slightly tilted. Unsure of his act, I copied earning strange looks from the guys... why?

"Ughh.. He's injured. We are suppose to learn a choreography. That means physical movement??" Yoongi did wired hand gestures as if moving an imaginary object from one place to another and then again.

"Oh." Was all that came out of me. Seokjin looked at me confused returning his head back to its original position, so did I.

"Why are you copying me?" Jin asked me making me quickly realise my mistake. I'm not going to say, 'I copied you because I don't know what that gesture is.' am I.

I opened my mouth to speak however nothing came out making me look like a puffer fish. Someone placed their hands on my shoulders from behind making me flinch slightly.

"Children love to play and copy Seokjin hyung." Namjoon then stood next to me whilst still having his arms on me. I quickly looked down at the ground and shut my eyes as tightly as possible. Do. Not. React. Do. Not. React. I chanted in my head until someone cut me off.

"Guy's, we should go to sleep. Tomorrows a busy day. I'll take Taehyung to his room." Slowly Namjoon walked over to the sofa putting one of his hands under Tae's legs and the over under his back slowly lifting him up.

"But hyung. There a-are things on his bed." Slowly he turned around, slightly revealing the sight of the calm sleeping boy cuddled like a kitten. Simply cute.

"Then come with me and help me put them away." His dimples appeared as he walked off making me catch up to him. As soon as I caught them I opened the door to his room letting Namjoon enter with him giving ma a simple 'thank you'.

I jogged in the room quickly grabbing as much my hands could hold and placed the on his desk. Carefully, he placed the boy on his bed. I stare at Tae's clothes, slightly covered in blood, quite thick for sleep attire. Taehyung moved in his sleep slightly with another low grunt leaving his mouth. Sleeping like that must be painful.

"Hyung? Isn't he going to be boiling?" I looked up at Namjoon who looked back at me with a raised brow and a grin appearing on his face. My brows slightly raised and my lips parted creating a small 'o'.

"Are you suggesting to undress him?" Rapidly my eyes widened and mouth agape- Mind turning blank.

"D-Don't throw w-words into my-my mouth Hyung.." I said looking away from Namjoon, I really don't want him to see me blushing... Blushing.. Blushing. Blushing? Blushing!

As fast as I could, I touched my cheeks and felt the heat, thus I covered them up and looked back at a laughing Namjoon. I pouted lightly.

"H-Hyung! T-This isn't f-funny!" I cover my face with both of my palms making sure he doesn't see, but then, how am I going to get out? Without seeing anything. Is this what blind people feel like?

Namjoon's footsteps could be heard coming closer towards me making me feel even more anxious. They finally stopped, I peeked between my fingers to see my smiling hyung in front of me. He then ruffled my hair making me utterly confused.

"We should go before we wake up Taehyung-shi." Uncovering my face, I look over to see Tae hyung still sleeping.. Cute.

"O-Ok, Lets g-got." I whispered tip toeing out of his room along with hyung. As soon as we got out, I slowly closed the door making sure I don't wake him up.

"Jungkook-shi, go to sleep. Everything will become better tomorrow." He smiled walking away to his room as I stood there thinking.

Why did Tae get hurt? Who did it- He said it was his old friend, but I want a name. Why? Why did him 'old friend' attack him. And how would he get me involved if I only know his name. Hmm.. I should go to sleep..

A light peaked through my window as I heard songs from birds outside. I roll around on my freshly covered bed grabbing my IPhone 6 just to look at the time.

05:09. Really early. Too early to be exact.
The curtains moved a little by the wind making my plain room become illuminated. Slightly I turn my head into my cushions letting a raspy yawn come out.
Then again I try to resume to my slumber as the lazy child I am.

However, sudden dragged out feet movements caught my attention. They seemed uneven and quite loud; scraping on the wall could also be heard.

Oh my god! What if it a zombie! I don't want to die young! Thus I cover myself so that only my eyes would be peeking out along with my mop of black bed hair.

"Zombies don't exist," I stare at my door awarding for it to be knocked down. But if stares could keep kill then this door would be in Narnia. Another uneven and loud step echoed through the hallway making me dig into my sheets even more. "Right?"

I waited for a couple of minutes, for a noise to appear, but with luck nothing was heard. I took off the sheets from my head and looked over to the door sighing.

Am I such a scaredy cat? Not really, I just love imagining things which makes me more of an adventurous type. I would love to do thrlling things like bungeejumping going to old abandoned houses just for fun. But I never really got the opportunities because my parents knew I had anxiety making them think that thrilling things would hurt me even more.

Hello securely laid back down on my bed I look outside the window, seeing the beautiful trees and ombré skies. Just as I close my eyes loud footsteps footsteps appear yet again causing me to jump out of my bed and fall on the floor. It was nothing about, is just a small thump that barely anyone could hear. However the person that was walking by seemed to notice. I gulped staring at the door, yet again.

"Please don't come, Please don't come, Please don't come..." I chanted quietly under my breath wishing the person would just walk by and ignore me.

And my wish was granted.


Walking back from to my room I heard a noise coming from Jungkook's room. I waited for more signs of activity but nothing came. Therefore I decided to walk away, back to my room leaving the younger alone. Anyway, I don't think he'd like company at this time. Slowly I shuffle from the bathroom towards my room as fast but quiet as possible. I'd still like to know why am sick or even how.

Why won't it go away?

Carefully and open the door to my room and sat down on my bed looking at the Manga books placed on my desk. They must've took me to bed yesterday. I groan in pain as I lay back down on my back, I don't even dare to look at my bruises. I'd look like a rainbow.

Without visitation I close my eyes wanting to go to sleep. Found myself drifting into the darkness as then everything went black...


Before I knew it I woke up again this time it being 07:14. I abruptly sat up and scanned my surroundings, then I realised I wasn't on the bed but I felt asleep on the floor. I really such a heavy sleeper? I guess so.

Slowly I got up and looked at my bed remembering why I fell off, the noise was creep and eerie to me. But I do hope that the person is okay.

I stand up looking at my surroundings- quickly should do the blinds due to the blinding sun. A smile never left my face for some reason, I don't know I'm so happy.

I walked back to my bed slowly tidying my bed. A few seconds past and I didn't notice the standing figure the doorway, silently me watching me.

As if in a movie horror movie I turned around slowly to look at the person in my doorway. As if on que, someone shouted from the kitchen making me scream and fall backwards. The person towards me looking if I'm okay.

"Oh my god are you okay? Did I scare you?" I looked up to see Seokjin's worrying expression. I smiled softly looking up at him replying,

" I just didn't know who it was a-and then s-someone screamed or shouted s-so I jumped- I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to cause a fus-"

"You really do talks too much, but that's cute. Anyway I was going to ask you something. " Jin held out his hand helping me to stand back up again. I gladly took it and slowly stood up.

"U-Um... Sure." I looked around the room trying to look interested in something just to avoid eye contact.

"What would you like on your pancakes? Syrup, jam, honey or Nutella?" I briskly turn my head towards Jin with my eyebrows raised and lips shaped into an 'o'.

"S-Seriously?" My mum barely cooked pancakes because she said it has lots of calories, but then she let me eat pizza. I didn't understand and I didn't dare question her.

"Yea seriously! I took on the role 'mother' in this group. Everyone's too young and cute so I want to make sure from now on no one else is hurt at all! I'm going to be a perfect mother." He exclaimed as he walked out of my room and continued talking. Walking with Jin isn't that bad.. But he talks too much. Like really...

"I even have the charisma. Girls always have charisma and they are good cooks as well as having the best fashion choices. Oh my god, when they wear pink skirts with pink Polaroids taking pictures. And I have one so I am a better mother.
Their make up is really pretty as well- did you know that we're going to wear make up when we preform and things so we're going to look as equally fab! Daebak! Oh my god I can't wait.
Oo, and it's really cute when girls are obsessed with something. Like anime or celebrities and then they buy loads of merchandise. That's totally me with Mario. If a new toy came out tomorrow I'd buy it straight away- no doubt! Did I tell you that I love pink already? Because I do."  He talked really fast but I caught on.

"And you tell me I talk a lot." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yah! I heard that!" Jin raised his voice but still continued to walk towards the kitchen.

"JIN! STOP ANNOYING THE MAKNAE AND EAT!" Namjoon shouted even though we were standing in the door way.  I ignored the little rumble and sat dow in the spare seat in between Jimin and Taehyung.

As Jin prepares my breakfast I start to think about what topping if like. I looked around myself and noticed that Jimin and Hoseok had jam. Jin had Nutella and Yoongi and Namjoon had syrup. Then I look over the my rift and saw Taehyung with honey, and to be honest, it looked really good.

Jin jumped over placing the plate with 3 pancakes on top of each other- and DAYUM it looked delicious.

"What would you like then?" His held up all four things in his hands. I looked at all of them but only one of my them.

"Could I have honey please?" Jin nodded as he poured a bit of honey over the pancakes. Straight after I took my knife and fork and started eating it. It was really delicious with the honey it gave it an extra sweet taste. Now I know why Taehyung has honey on his.

After about a few minutes later everyone had finished their meal and are full to the brim. All of us sit their in our boxers and shirts breathing heavily from the outstanding meal.

"Seokjin-shi sho-". "It's hyung to you." Jin warned me.

"Then Jin hyung should always cook from now on." Everyone nodded and/or hummed in agreement.

"Yahh~ I almost forgot we have to call manager hyung about Taehyung." Namjoon said whilst taking his phone from the table and started to dial a number. Namjoon immediately put it on speaker letting us hear the rings.
One ring...
Two ring...
Three ring...
Four rin-
"Hi Namjoon."
"Hello manager hyung."
"Why'd you call?"
Namjoon looked at all of us before continuing.
"you know because you're the best Hyung in the world, could you not kill me when I say the next sentence or two?"
"What is it?"
"Well, yesterday we were supposed to go to a restaurant however not everything went as we planned. On our way there someone got, let's
say... hurt,"
"I- what? Who? How?!"
"Let's say some punks wanted to fight a punch someone and they took it out on Taehyung -"
"Is he ok?! How badly is he hurt!?"
"We'll tell you at the studio in half an hour or so."
"Ok and hurry up. Do I need to call medics or-"
"Calm down manager hyung, just bring a medic to examine him."
"20 minutes."

And with that the call ended. Everyone looked at each other and then Taehyung. He did look a bit too pallid then he should be.
"Get dressed and then we have to set out to the studio. Ppalli!"all of the members except from Tae rocketed out of their seats and ran to their rooms, leaving me and Tae behind- I'm not complaining but why do we have to get dressed so quickly? Why not 30 minutes?

I sigh standing up and then looked down at Taehyung who seemed to be in pain.
"I'll help you." He put an arm around my next as I put mine around his waist. Step by step he stood up leaning forwards because of the obvious stomach pains.

"Thanks." Both of us slowly made our way over to our rooms- first his because you know, pain.
The hallway was really long for someone as injured as Taehyung thus I decided to get a slightly stronger grip around his waist and lift his body up slightly. At first he looked at me confused bet his expression quickly changed to a less pained and thankful one.

I smile lightly making sure he feels comfortable enough with me. As we reach his room I grab the handle and open the door. As soon as it was open I laid Taehyung down on his bed in a comfortable position.

"Thank you." Taehyung repeated himself again making me look at him with a soft expression.

"Ah, it's ok hyung." Somehow it made Taehyung's lip turn into a overwhelming box shaped smile making me join him with my own smile.

AM SORRY! I got an iPhone which makes me more able of typing quickly and not having to sit behind the computer all day trying to brain storm. ^-^ (only once proof read.. Heh..)

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