One Direction's Model {1D fan...

By cammielove23

36.1K 527 63

Hi, my name is Devany Summers. Im 20 years old. I live in London, England. I used to live in Alanta, Georgia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note Kinda......
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2

Chapter 7

1K 20 3
By cammielove23


After I watched the boys get ready to leave, Izzy and I were on our way home and all the sudden I got a text from a friend I thought I would never talk to again.....

Ally: Hi, I went to the 1D concert tonight and Louis called out a girl named Devany and she looked like you...... was it you?!?!



I couldn't believe it! Ally actually texted me let alone talked to me! Here's the thing me and Ally used to be best friends but she moved away to America for about 3 months then came back to London and she treated me like she never knew me so I thought we weren't friends anymore.

All I could do was stare at my screen. But Izzy was giving me weird looks do I decided to text her back.

Me: Depends.......... Are you gonna kill me?

Ally: No.. Im gonna kill you but your so lucky!

Me: I know

Ally: hey since we haven't seen or talked to each for like ever we should go get coffee tomorrow!

Me: Uhh sure tomorrow? Starbucks? 10:00?

Ally: Sure! Gtg bye

Me: Ok byee

Well that was um awkward? I was happy to see Ally tomorrow but I was scared because I didn't want her to treat me like she did before.

'Who was that?' asked Izzy

'An old friend' I said, still unsure of what happened



'What did she want?' Izzy snapped, see after what Ally did, Izzy was so ? pissed off that she never wanted to hear her again.

'She wants to go to Starbucks tomorrow to talk'

'Oh' was all Izzy said, I don't think she was very happy.

After that we finally made it home, Izzy and I were so tired we didn't even make dinner so we just went to Nandos. Like come on who doesn't like Nandos?!


After Izzy and I got Nandos we went back to my place and ate away.


It really hurt when Devany said that she thought I was joking about asking her out. But I would never do that to a girl! I am not like that.

At least she said yes, right?

'Louis! Stop daydreaming and let's get back to the hotel!' Paul said. I didn't realize I was daydreaming, wait Its night time.......

'Sorry paul' I said and hurried in to the car before it left me here.


We got back to the hotel and as soon as we got into our rooms, I went into a deep deep sleep........ dreaming about Devany.


As soon as me and Izzy finished our Nandos we went straight to bed but it seemed I couldn't go to sleep. I had two things on my mind.

1) Date with Louis

2) Coffee with Ally

My mind finally stoped thinking about those two things and let me fall into a deep sleep.


Hii here's your chapter 7!


Twitter: @camrynchardy

Instagram: @onedirectionninjlistic

KIK: cammielove23


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