By ServantofKhaliq

338K 22.3K 5.2K

"Dreams and expectations"...the very forces that pull you up and when you are soaring high it knocks you down... More

Authors Note
Ch.1.Living and Loving for the sake of Allah!
Ch.2.Don't be Sad...Allah knows!
Ch.3.You are the Queen of this beautiful Kingdom...!
Ch.4.Beginning to Trust!
Ch.5.And the broken halves then shattered to pieces...!
Ch.6.Repentance and Turning to Allah...!
Ch.7.Going back home...!
Ch.8.It's all about...Fate !
Ch.9.The most precious keepsake...!
Ch.10.HasbiAllah is the best solution...!
Ch.11. Life goes on.......!
Ch.12.Welcome back home to Sundarnagar...!
Ch.13.We met again......!
Ch.14.The girl of my dreams....!
Ch.15.When Fate comes into play....!
Ch.16.May be, One day.......!
Ch.17.Do you remember me...?
Ch.18.Lost in thoughts....!
Ch.19. The Uninvited Guest...!
Ch.20. He is my long lost friend....?
Ch.21.There is more to this....!
Ch.22.Avoiding the Shaykh brothers....!
Ch.23.Speaking of marriage....!
Ch.24.A heartbroken mother's wish....!
Ch.25.Parting is always painful....!
Ch.26. Believe in the Qadr of Allah...!
Ch.27.Am I beginning to fall in love...?
Ch.28. The marriage proposal.
Ch.29.The best thing in the world...!
Ch.30. Happily engaged...!!!
Ch. 31.Something just doesn't feel right...!
Ch.32.My shattered heart just can't shatter anymore...!
Ch.33.The new unexpected friends...!
Ch. 34.The Chivalrous Knight in a stunning Pathani...!!!
Ch.35.To Love and Be Loved...!!
Ch.36.Planning and preparations...!
Ch.37.The Engagement...!
Ch.38. 'I always have, & I always will......!'
Ch.39.Everything is about to change...!
Ch.40.He is everything I have ever wanted..!!!
Ch.41.A shattered heart is in fact a blessing...!
Ch.42.The place called Home....!
Ch.43.The Surprise Guests....!!!
Ch.44.The Beast and the knight...!!!
Ch.45.It isn't just about love....!!
Ch.46.You look so beautiful in white...tonight...!!
Ch.47.Always and Forever.....!!
Ch.48.You are the Prince of my dreams stepped into reality....!!
Ch.49.Sharing secrets and bonding with the family...!!
Ch.50.The best Friday ever......!!!
Ch.52.Forgiveness in a loving heart....!!
Author's note
A very Important Note! Do not skip!!
Ch.53.Without you.............I'm completely lost...!!!
Ch.54...'You don't find finds you...!!!'
Ch.55.Distance,is but,a test of True Love...!!!
Ch.56.Far in the land of gulab jamuns.....!!!
Ch.57.Behind those hazel eyes....!!!
Ch.58.It will,if its meant to be...!!!
Ch.59.Hearts are won by Love....!!!
Ch.60.Piety is more appealing than beauty....!!!
Ch.61.The More you give,...the More it returns to you....!!!
Ch.62.Expecting the Unexpected....!!!
Ch.63.Mr.&Mrs.Shaykhs as Matchmakers.....!!!
Ch.64.When Secrets Unveil....!!!!
Ch.65.Shattered hearts cannot built a Home...!!
Ch.66.True Love prevails over everything....!!
Ch.67.Bring my Beloved back to Me...!!
Ch.68.That is all that matters...!!!
Ch.69.Marry each other for the sake of Allah....!!!
Ch.69.Marry each other for the sake of Allah...!!!
Ch.70.The confusing good news...!!!
Ch.71.Towards a Happy Ever After.......!!!
Ch.72.Beyond all bounds....!!!
Ch.72.Beyond all bounds......!!!
Ch.73.Reunion of family & friends...!!!
Ch.74.Life is always full of Surprises...!!!
Ch.75.It can never be perfect,its just not meant to be!!!
Ch.76.The Dawn of Bliss...!!!
Ch.77.A love that conquered.....!!!
Ch.78.Earn Jannah by serving them...!!
Ch.79.....That is how beautiful hearts are remade...!

Ch. 51.Real Love starts after Nikah....!!!

4.4K 234 36
By ServantofKhaliq

Dedicated to my three wonderful friends:
♥ Zarahfarooq♥

Marital life is pure bliss!
A halal relationship with the blessings and Mercy of the Creator is bound to bring happiness. Love is a beautiful feeling undoubtedly, it can do wonders to the heart & mind & to the entire world of a person whom it captivates in its bitter sweet spell! But true love or real love is only experienced in a relationship full of dedication & commitment where love trust and respect play a vital role & which relation can be more committed and sincere than the one acknowledged in a halal way, by earning the Creator's blessings, by entering the spiritual bond of marriage! The essence of true love can only be known rightly after the Nikah. Coz it's Allah SWT Himself who puts love and Mercy in the hearts of the bride and groom for each other! For He indeed, is the controller of hearts! And when He SWT Himself initiates these feelings in the hearts then what in the world can compare to the beauty of this true love! SubhanAllah, it's inexplicable !

The first few weeks or even months of marriage are generally considered as the best phase or the memorable phase of married life. The Shaykh couples too were no exception to this!

Both the newly married couples were perfectly happy with their new life.The wedding day itself was like a dream come true for them, then all the functions that followed The First Friday get together, some days after that The Shaykh's had invited the Bakhtiyar's to their place for dinner, both families had gotten along well through all the blissful gatherings; then one fine day Shirin had planned a girls day out, where all girls including the brides Zaara & Nawal, their friends Humera Geeta and sisters in law Mehreen Farheen, also Saba and Shirin ofcourse had loads of fun the entire day except for the fact that their annoying husbands kept texting and complaining throughout the day that they had been left alone! Not to mention the exclusively chivalrous knight, Mr.Arhaan Shaykh who had exaggerated the fact too much making it seem to his wife that she had committed the worst possible crime by making him suffer without her one whole day!

Then the couples had been on their honeymoon to a hill station near Sundarnagar. Those memories were again quite special and unforgettable.
It was just for a week though!

With every passing day however, the Shaykh brothers had come to realise more deeply that their consent to the marriage was the best decision they had ever made in their life!
The beliefs they had about marriage and more precisely about girls earlier when they were younger were all proven wrong! Zaara and Nawal were like the perfect brides all upto their expectations. Aside from the fact that they were very supportive and loving towards their husbands, both brides had blended well with the family & friends. It was as if they had known the family for years.They treated all close relatives with due respect. Unlike most girls, Zaara & Nawal had a very amazing and strong bonding with their mother in law.They didn't just respect her because she was their mom in law but because of the awesomeness and beauty of her charecter.When Zaara's mom had first advised them before marriage that they had to treat their mother in law as their own mother, the girls were perplexed as to how someone can be equal to their own mom but it was only after getting deeply acquainted with Mrs.Nargis Shaykh that they had realised the truth of Mrs.Zeenat's words. Now they were close to their mom in law as much as they were to Mrs.Bakhtiyar.

Another thing for married couples is that, they have to go on lunch & dinner invitations to visit their relatives! That was the hardest part considering the fact that both couples were reserved and didn't like to mingle with people that much. However they had to accept the invitations from very close relatives .So the time just went by visiting relatives and friends, having get togethers and over all making memories! Some days before, the Shaykh brothers had called their friends home for dinner, the three special ones:Zulaym, Faisal & Tahir. Zaara & Nawal had also insisted Faisal to bring Saba along which he had to obey.
The Shaykh brothers wanted to cook for their friends but their wives had strictly denied it & taken the entire responsibility of cooking upon themselves even asking their mom in law to take complete rest that day! And they did a good job with the various recipes as Zulaym Ansari very chivalrously commented that even Sanjiv Kapoor doesn't possess half as awesome cooking skills as them.
This praise was obvious exaggeration though!

It is rightly said, "Time & tide waits for no man." All these sweet moments passed by like a blur!
Especially good memories in life seem very short, it's like the landscape seen through the window of a passing train, the view is breathtaking yet it lasts just for a while and fades away as quickly as it had come...!!!
Again....that's what you call life!

This is how almost more than half the month had passed after their marriage!


It was a beautiful day in the elegant town of Sundarnagar and the daughters in law of the Shaykh family were busy with the kitchen errands.

"These gulab jamuns seem so yummy....&...delicious....&.......
tempting....&....sweet....", Zaara said admiringly as she lifted the huge bowl of gulab jamuns that she had just finished making.
She licked her lips on instinct and contemplated if she should just try two or three or may be four this very instant!

"You should stop staring at those sweets and concentrate on further tasks", Nawal said nonchalantly as she continued to chop the vegetables for lunch.

"But Nawal, atleast take a look and see how I made it....its so delicious..."Her friend replied grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"You haven't even tasted it Zaaroo."

"Yet still, it looks yummy and mouth watering."
Zaara spoke in genuine admiration, her eyes shining with happiness.

Nawal merely shook her head at her silly friend. Zaara frowned at her reaction and urged her to try one.

"MashaAllah it's good", Nawal finally approved and her friend smiled.

"That's what I had guessed, you know, nothing can compare to a gulab jamun, they are exceptionally sweet, unique and the best delicacy ever", Zaara declared proudly, "They are one of a kind!"

Like Afzal ! Just as he is....unique, one of a kind and an epitome of sweetness....!!

Wait.....did I just compare Afzal Shaykh to a gulab jamun??

My crazy heart seems to have crossed the limits of insanity!!

Zaara smiled like a fool while still staring at the gulab jamuns and thinking of her husband!!

"Earth to Zaara", Nawal waved a hand infront of her making her step out of fantasy land.

"Uh .....yes, so what was I saying? " Zaara asked embarrassed.

"You were praising your own cooking skills", Nawal said almost irritatedly.

Her friend kept the bowl in the fridge and took a seat infront of her.Nawal paused in her chopping task and looked up at her friend.

"What?"She asked confused.

Zaara contiued to stare at her face as if she could read it like a book,"Something is wrong Nawal."

Nawal placed the knife on the cutting board and sighed,"Nothing except my health . "

Ofcourse she wasn't well.It was her time of the month and she had been in much pain since morning although she didn't show it.Her snappy mood wasn't helping either.

"You think you are smart enough to hide things from your best friend? I can say without second thoughts something is wrong." Zaara sternly spoke as she contiued to scrutinise her friend's face.

Nawal sighed in defeat,"I had no intentions of hiding it from you, after all you are the only one I can open my heart to but I just wanted to wait till we finish preparing lunch & we get out of the kitchen."

A frown appeared on Zaara's face as her mind was filled with concern for her friend.She nodded in understanding, "Fine we will talk after preparing lunch."

Nawal nodded back & they resumed their tasks in silence.
Usually she wouldn't have a problem with the silence, as Zaara always loved it but today this silent atmosphere felt somehow uneasy & unsettling much to her surprise. She kept glancing concernedly at her friend while working but Nawal on the other hand was as nonchalant as ever.Yet ,Zaara, who knew her all too well could tell that her friend was suffering within.

After completing their chores they went upstairs into the huge hall and settled on the coach beside each other.

"So....what's it Nawal?"
Zaara asked impatiently.

She noticed how her friend fidgeted, anxiety and nervousness evident in her every move. This made her frown deeper.

"Zaara, I don't know if I should blame myself for this", Her friend began distractedly.

"For what?"Zaara questioned placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I received a text today morning,....from an unknown number,....asking when I would be returning to Mumbai. Actually it isn't the first time I received a text message from that number, even on our wedding day I had a message from the same number conveying best wishes and congratulations for the marriage. At that time I thought it must be some school or college friend as I had lost my phone contacts some
days before the wedding, so I didn't reply back or give it much attention but today I had to find who the person was.So I replied to the text and it turned out to be someone I least expected."
Nawal finished looking woeful and defeated.

"Who?"Zaara asked almost terrified of the answer.

"Mohsin Khan."

For a few minutes neither of the friends spoke, it was dead silent as if there were no occupants in the room.

Zaara shook her head and looked around making her friend stare at her in confusion. She then pinched her own hand which made Nawal even more perplexed.

"Why are you pinching yourself Zaara?"

"I wanted to make sure this is real . Usually when someone tells me something unexpected it is all in a dream, the weird dreams I always have. You know how in dreams either the hero or the villain speaks the most unexpected stuff."
Zaara said with the most serious face & in a matter of fact tone!

Nawal rolled her eyes, "For Allah's sake girl, I am serious."

"Ok then, .....This is real", Zaara spoke more to herself.

"Yes very much real.....even I wish this would have been a stupid dream so that I could just wake up and forget all about it."
Nawal said with a sigh clutching her head in her hands.

Zaara scooted closer to her hugging her comfortingly.
"It's alright Nawwu. It isn't your fault. But what exactly did he say? Why was he asking about your return?"

Nawal rested her head on her friend's shoulder and held her tightly needing the closeness of her best friend more than anything."I don't know Zaaroo.
I just asked 'whuz dis' & then when he said who he was I didn't text anything further."

Zaara frowned, stroking her friend's hair."But I remember you had his number earlier when you had been for that....meeting in Jogeshwari."

"Yeah....but after that unfortunate encounter I had deleted his number.....", Nawal paused sniffling & Zaara realised with a shock that her friend was crying,"You know Zaaroo Arhaan asked me about it."

Zaara pulled away abruptly cupping her face in her hands, a shocked expression on her face,"Arhaan knows? He saw the text? "

"No", Nawal shook her head,"Not about the text.About why I had visited Jogeshwari that Sunday."

"Oh", Zaara sighed in relief, "Then should tell him.Its not like you were in the wrong. "

Nawal looked down, hot tears streaming down her face,
"It was actually wrong.Going to meet a non mahram all by myself in a strange place."

Zaara wiped her tears and pulled her friend in her warm embrace, "No Nawal, it was Hussain uncle who made you go.If it were in your hands I am sure you would have not even considered it."

"Yet still do you think Arhaan will be ok with this.....He was very much annoyed that day itself because I was alone in the area after Maghrib.Imagine when I tell him that I had been there to meet someone in the context of marriage. "Nawal timidly said as her friend patted her back soothingly.

Zaara sighed, her dark brows knitted deeply in thought,"I am sure Arhaan would understand when you tell him the real reason for your actions."

Nawal pulled away biting her lower lip in nervousness as she kept staring down with a sheepish look, "But then Zaaroo...I will have to explain him ....about how Abba was before my marriage ....and I don't want Arhaan to get a wrong idea about my father.However he was, he is still my dad, my only parent. And this is the only reason I didn't tell Arhaan earlier despite him asking me many times about that Sunday."

In that moment Zaara felt tears clouding her vision as she realised how helpless her friend must be feeling. On the one hand she wanted to tell Arhaan about it all truthfully and on the other hand she didn't want him to get a wrong impression of her father.
Zaara thought some more before speaking again. "See Nawal, this is the only solution.You will have to tell Arhaan.Sometimes small things can lead to big misunderstandings. And don't worry he won't get any wrong ideas.What Hussain uncle did wasn't exactly wrong, he was thinking from the point of view of a father who wanted the best for his daughter and since he isn't a very religious person it is quite understandable why he didn't think twice about sending you alone to meet his friend's son."

Nawal nodded weakly,"I think that's best then.Because this guilt of not telling Arhaan is eating me up. But .....what about Mohsin? Why did he text me now? "

"You guys were good friends back in your childhood years right?.......I mean you talked to him before may be he just wanted to wish you on your wedding day as a friend...nothing else."

"No,we weren't friends.We would like general ....but Mohsin and Shirin di were good friends yet they would always ended up fighting because Shirin di thought he was a dumb kid not knowing even the simplest mathematics calculations.And you know how much Shirin di is fond of mathematics.So when they studied together in tuitions they always argued." Nawal informed and her friend nodded knowing how Shirin was obsessed with mathematics.

"It's just due to family relations Nawal......He might be wanting to improve the relations again as whatever happened was because of him.I think Ayyub uncle didn't come to our wedding also? Right? Considering how close he and Hussain uncle were, he should have come." Zaara thoughtfully added the last part.

Nawal just kept silent not wanting to even ponder on it.

Sensing her woefulness, Zaara took hold of her hands giving them a light squeeze, "Forget all that now. You need rest.And you shouldn't stress too much during this time."

"I will talk to Arhaan in the evening. "Nawal spoke more to herself.

"InshaAllah everything will be fine Nawwu. "Zaara assured one last time before they both stood up and went to their rooms.


Afzal & Faisal walked out of the huge mosque after completing their daily supplications and zikr. It was their usual routine to stay after Asr Salah and spent some time in the Masjid. The peaceful atmosphere within the Holy place always imparted an inexplicable sense of peace and relaxation to their hearts.

"So Afz, is married life going?"Faisal asked his friend with a teasing smile as they continued to walk towards the car. It was the same question Afzal had asked him when he had gotten married to which Faisal had replied that he too would experience it soon!

Afzal smiled,"Alhamdulillah more beautiful than I thought."

"You know, Saba was telling me that Zaara thinks very highly of you."Faisal said amusedly with a lop sided smile.

Afzal shook his head at that,"I have tried explaining it to her many times that I am not a great person or something like she thinks.Yet she seems to believe her own view."

"You are really an amazing person Afz, compared to most guys you are very much modest and pious MashaAllah", Faisal praised his friend genuinely.

"You guys should stop thinking that way I know I have my own share of sins. "Afzal said knitting his dark brows together.

The cool evening air caressed their handsome faces as they walked ahead taking in the tranquility of the serene surroundings. Dark clouds were slowly gathering in the sky and chilly winds strolled around the town imparting a refreshing aura to the atmosphere. The playful breeze messed with his hair causing the silky strands to touch his mesmerising hazel eyes.Afzal pushed them back in place, smiling ,as he thought of Zaara.She loved to caress his silky hair, well .....She just loved everything about him!

"It looks like it's about to rain", Faisal said glancing around.

"Yeah,the monsoon winds are a very sure sign of it."Afzal agreed.

After a few moments of silence Afzal questioned again, "What else did Zaara tell about me?"

Faisal laughed slightly,"Someone is very curious to know! Saba actually asked me if you guys had a love marriage. Coz you know the way Zaara talks about you and all it made her think that you two had an affair before marriage. "

A huge smile came on Afzal's face,"Ours is kind of a love plus arranged marriage . Although we didn't exactly have an affair."

Faisal smiled back then glanced at his friend for a while,"Are you happy Afzal? I mean are you genuinely happy with the marriage?"The playfulness was all gone and his tone now was that of a concerned friend.

Afzal sighed,"Alhamdulillah I am very much happy Fais. I can't even tell you how blessed I feel every time I look at my wife.
She is like the perfect bride, all upto my expectations. I am not saying she is good at everything but she tries her best always. Even when I just call her name she immediately drops whatever she is doing giving me her undivided attention. When I talk or say something she listens silently and does everything as I expect her to. And you know Fais, the way she treats me as if I am the most important person in her life, like when I am around she cares about nothing else she makes me feel a real life Prince. "He finished with a smile.

"A righteous spouse is indeed the most beautiful blessing but it's really hard to find someone who respects and loves you so much.You are lucky I must say. It's not just because she loves you that she treats you like that, but your wife respects you very much.Saba told me that never once she utters anything negative about you, on the contrary she makes it seem as if you are a flawless person & she holds you in very high esteem." Faisal said thoughtfully, then smiled, "I am really happy for you.May Allah SWT bless your marriage and increase your love for each other."

"Aameen and JazakAllah Khayr for your beautiful dua dear friend.But honestly if you hadn't knocked some sense into me I wouldn't have agreed for the marriage. "Afzal sheepishly admitted.

"It was destiny.I just did what I was supposed to do as a best friend. "
Faisal replied politely.

The two friends continued conversing as they walked further. When they neared Faisal's car, both friends noticed a group of guys standing by a sleek black Mercedes that was parked next to Faisal's Honda city. The guys all looked familiar as Afzal met them daily for prayers however one among them appeared new. The Mercedes too belonged to him as the others usually came on bikes.
Afzal was about to ask his friend who the guy was but he didn't get a chance to do so as the guy himself came forward to meet them.He offered his salam to Faisal with a pleasant smile.

Afzal noticed the guy was two or three inches taller than him, with a strong muscular built and he appeared religious & well mannered by his attire &way of greeting. His charismatic personality stood out from the rest of the group.

Faisal greeted the guy back with a handshake and brotherly hug and then turned to Afzal.

"Afz, this is Owais Qureshi.
And Owais, he is my cousin Afzal Shaykh. I hope you guys remember each other. "Faisal introduced with a smile.

Realization crossed both of their features as Afzal & Owais recognised each other.Owais was Mrs.Juvairiya Qureshi's son.He had been Afzal's friend long back in their childhood years as the Qureshi family had good relations with the Shaykh's. Also Mrs. Juvairiya Qureshi was a close friend of Mrs.Nargis Shaykh.

"Afz yar, it's been such a long time", Owais said smiling as he engulfed his friend in a hug.

Afzal hugged him back with an equally pleased smile, "Yeah we are meeting after so many years."

Owais lived in Germany and that was the reason he hadn't met Afzal whenever the few times the Shaykh family visited the town.

They did a little more friendly talking until Owais remembered something.

"Congratulations on your marriage bro."He greeted smiling.

For some reason it didn't felt as genuine as his earlier talk.
Afzal noticed that this smile of his friend appeared slightly forced.He glanced at Faisal to check if he had noticed this too and much to his surprise Faisal looked away as if reading his mind. This made him feel even more suspicious.

Ignoring his thoughts he smiled back, "JazakAllah Khayr Owais. And when are you planning to get married or are you already married?"Afzal teasingly asked.

Owais looked down, again forcing a smile, "No....actually....I was thinking of marrying someone but then....luck wasn't on my side. "

Afzal frowned not quite getting the meaning behind his words. He gazed questioningly at Faisal who in fact looked like he wanted to escape from the place as soon as possible.

"InshaAllah Allah SWT will grant you someone better."Afzal tried to cheer him.

Owais looked at Faisal both of them sharing a knowing look before he turned to Afzal with a slight smile, "Hope so."

Afzal couldn't help staring suspiciously at the two men before him.It appeared as if there was something he was oblivious to.

"Owais....We need to leave now.Its getting late and it's about to rain."Faisal excused giving Afzal even more reason to confirm his suspicions.

"Oh yes sure.See you later then."Owais said, his tone back to the earlier pleasant one.

With a final goodbye Afzal left with his friend & Owais returned to the guys he had been talking to.

After a few minutes of driving in silence Afzal turned to his friend who was too focused on driving,"Fais....who was Owais planning to marry?"

Faisal remained quite keeping his gaze ahead on the road.

"I asked you a question Fais."Afzal pressed further.

"One of the girls in town", Faisal answered still not looking at him.

Afzal narrowed his eyes,"That's obvious.I want to know the name of that girl."Although by now he knew the answer himself.

"Zaara", Faisal eventually revealed.

Afzal shook his head, a hurt expression on his face, "I remember you telling me that Juvairiya aunty had asked Zaara's hand in marriage for her elder son Haider who in fact has an affair. "

"Actually I myself had the wrong information. Saba told me later that it was Owais who had asked Zaara's hand in marriage & what I told you about Haider that he has an affair with Saba's sister is right.Owais however is religious and modest.He isn't like his brother. "Faisal informed sheepishly.

Afzal felt a weird feeling gripping his heart to such an extent that it crushed into pieces all over again!

He swallowed the sudden lump in his throat before asking the question he dreaded to ask, "Does Zaara?"

"It doesn't matter Afz.What matters is that Zaara likes you."
His friend said still not meeting his quering gaze.

Afzal frowned,his features hardening in rage,"Why don't you just answer my question. "

Faisal sighed exasperatedly, "Since he was considering Zaara for marriage it's obvious that he likes her but I am sure it's not the way you do. Besides you know the Bakhtiyar's and Qureshi family have quite close relations so may be Owais might be liking her since a long time."

Silence fell on them as Faisal said that. Afzal felt his heart ache at the thought but like always he masked his hurt behind his blank expression!

His friend was trying to think of something that will make him feel better.

"You do know that Zaara has feelings just for you....otherwise she wouldn't have chosen you over him."Faisal said glancing at him to see his expression.

Afzal nodded slightly trying to rid his mind of the disturbing thought that one of his friends liked his wife. But as he pondered upon it, he couldn't help thinking that his friend was better than him.For Owais had a more affluent & nice job in Germany, he was from a cultured religious family that had a good reputation in town unlike the Shaykh's, also he had looks that would easily make girls fall for him, coz unlike Afzal, Owais had a pleasant personality somewhat like Arhaan.In short, no girl in her right mind would deny such a proposal from a rich handsome guy who was pious as well. But "a girl in her right mind" being the key words! Not someone who had already lost her heart to a person like him.

For the first time in his life,
Afzal Shaykh compared himself to another guy.He couldn't suppress the slight jealousy that emerged within his aching heart.
This gave way to other disturbing thoughts making him wonder since how long Owais might be liking Zaara & whether he had seen her too.The last thought caused him to clench his fists in order to contain the fury oozing through his inner self.

It was the sudden halting of the car that brought him out of his thoughts. He gazed questioningly at Faisal as to why he had stopped all of a sudden.

"Are you alright?"Faisal asked, concern lacing his tone as he took in his friend's disturbed behaviour. He out of all people knew that Afzal wasn't good to deal with when he was furious.

"Ofcourse I am", Afzal said frowning, "Why did you stop?"

"Just to check if you were okay."Faisal admitted and started the car again.

Afzal leaned back in his seat & shut his eyes for a while.

By now it had started to rain,and it was accompanied by thunder and lightning. The raging storm outside very much resembled his inner struggling emotions!

"He is so much better Fais", Afzal spoke all of a sudden slowly opening his hazel eyes that were now filled with sorrow.

Faisal glanced at him in concern,"But Zaara doesn't think so.Keep that in mind.Dont let this new found information cause trouble in your smooth relationship. This was the very reason why I never told you when I came to know. "

Afzal nodded in understanding, and took in a deep breath, "I know.Thats what makes me feel more guilty. If I hadn't returned to Sundarnagar and asked for her hand she could have married Owais.He is so much better than me."

At this words from his friend Faisal smiled widely,"You know Afz, your love for her is unselfish.And trust me, a marriage based on love is much better than the one where we set all those standards and then find a perfect spouse.You & Zaara loved each other from the start.That is why you guys are happy with each other. Owais might be better than you in certain aspects, as you say, but he isn't what Zaara wants.And this is what you should keep in mind dear friend."

Afzal listened to it all, absorbing every word his friend said.As the meaning & depth of said words registered in his mind he smiled slightly. "I agree with you, a marriage based on love is much better."

Faisal smiled back at him as they made their way back home finally going into the pleasant mode again!


"You people might be feeling very lonely then, now that all guests have left", Zaara spoke into the phone to her sister in law, Mehreen.

After listening the response from her she continued again,"Yeah right since both Arif bhaiya and Hussain uncle have left, the house will obviously feel empty. Why didn't Naushin Chachi stay atleast a few more days?"

She settled on the bed knitting her dark brows thoughtfully as she listened to her bhabi's reply.

Her frown slowly disappeared as she spoke again,"Yes I just finished all the supplications and zikr performed after Asr. What were you doing?"

After some more general chat her bhabi said something that made colour rise to her cheeks.
" isn't home yet."

Thinking of him she looked out of the balcony to find the heavy rains pouring mercilessly.
Frowning in concern she wondered why he hadn't returned.

"Oh yes.....Mehreen bhabi...I am listening", Zaara spoke into the phone, embarrassed as she had zoned out."You know I had made gulab jamuns today."
She excitedly said.

Mehreen said something in response to which she spoke further, "Yes yes, they were very nice."

Just like Afzal ! Zaara thought to herself & smiled widely.

"Ofcourse Afzal liked them too." She said after a while in reply to Mehreen's question.

"You know Mehreen bhabi how he doesn't like to talk much, but he said that they were nice."
This statement was accompanied by a blush!

The talk on went on for a few more minutes until finally Zaara hung up after telling her beloved bhabi to send her a delicious cake which Mehreen was expert at baking!!

Placing the phone aside on the bedside table, Zaara stood up and walked to the balcony doors closing them with great effort as the strong winds made it harder to do so. She stood watching the heavy rains for a while. Zaara didn't like rains.For some reason she found the violent heavy rains similar to the tears springing forth fiercely from the depths of a broken heart! It seemed as if the sky wasn't able to keep it in anymore.

Besides the rainy season reminded her of someone she couldn't forger however hard she tried to, someone who had once been a very important part of her life, the one whom she had come to think of as a sister, her once close friend Yassy!

Her & Yassy used to have lots of fun in the rains, splashing water on each other, deliberately not opening the umbrellas & getting wet in the heavy rains, clicking crazy pictures of each other, enjoying the feel of ice cream in the chilly cold weather,
then bunking classes together after falling ill due to all this mischief, which was followed by sending "get well soon" texts to each other!! Yassy would also send condolence texts to her friend when she had to take injections as Zaara absolutely hated needles!!!

Zaara didn't feel the hot tears streaming down her fair face until her vision became blur.
All those memories paved way for another bitter ones that she most definitely didn't want to think about! Especially not now.

She hastily wiped her tears as she heard the door open. Just like her husband Zaara too had mastered the skill of masking her emotions behind a blank face!

Taking in a deep breath she composed herself before turning to look at him.

Her fair graceful face lit up with a bright smile as he walked in the room. Nothing delighted her more than his arrival, which was like the appearance of the warm & radiant sun after a devastating thunderstorm! His presence was soothing and pleasant always.

Afzal felt his aching heart healing slowly again as he saw her smile warmly at him, the smile that made him forget his miseries and troubles, the smile that brightened up his shattered gloomy world with hope & bliss!

Zaara walked to him and engulfed him in her loving embrace. He almost forgot everything else as if there was nothing more he desired. Shutting his eyes he put his arms around her, as her soothing touch made him feel completely at peace.

Zaara pulled away after some time and glanced at his face,"Had you been somewhere with Faisal? " She teasingly asked.

Afzal frowned, "Not you too Zaara. Stop believing all those stories Arhaan makes. "

"Actually since you were late I thought may be you guys might have gone somewhere....For some work I mean", She hastily added the last part not wanting to irritate him.

His face took on a stern expression as he hesitantly spoke,"I met an old friend today."

"May I ask who this friend is? I hope it isn't another "little hijabi girl friend" of yours?" She questioned with a mock serious look.

Afzal shook his head, a slight amused smile still on his lips.
He pulled her close to him, staring straight into her dark brown eyes, " I have already told you this before, It has always been you & it will always be just you. "

Zaara felt her cheeks flame at his words and at their proximity, "Then .....who was it?"
She nervously asked placing her soft hands on his broad shoulders.

"Just an old friend. Not someone you know. "He deliberately denied not wanting to take the person's name infront of her.

"As long as it isn't a girl I am fine with it."Zaara said smiling and he smiled back.

She touched his silky strands that were slightly wet & messy, putting them back in place with her soft fingers.

"I'll bring your coffee.Meanwhile you can change.Your clothes & hair are wet. " Zaara said pulling away and he reluctantly retreated his arms.

"Fine, but be back soon. "
He said a bit sternly and Zaara nodded before walking to the door. She was used to his grumpiness and didn't seem to mind it. Love makes people do things they didn't imagine they would ever do! Sometimes he would get back to his grumpy irritated self but Zaara wasn't the slightest bit affected by it. She loved him very much always, no matter what!

Some minutes later Zaara returned to the room with the hot mug of coffee in her hands.
Shutting the door she walked upto her husband who was standing by the closed balcony glass doors watching the heavily pouring rain but he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. He had changed into a t shirt and track pant & Zaara couldn't help staring at his strong muscular arms which she couldn't see when he was wearing pathani.
He turned to her all of a sudden as if sensing her presence. Seeing her checking him out, his lips twitched into an amused smile.
Zaara blushed & averted her gaze from the epitome of gorgeousness that stood before her!!

She placed the coffee mug on the bedside table afraid that she might spill the coffee if she personally handed it to him & their fingers brushed.

His hazel eyes remained glued to her fair face as he contemplated whether or not to ask her what he was thinking about.

She came to stand beside him shyly.

"Can I ask you something Zaara?" He finally couldn't keep it in anymore.

Zaara slowly raised her dark brown eyes meeting his quering hazel ones."Yes", she replied frowning.

"Don't get me wrong. I am just curious to know ok?"
He hesitantly said looking away.

She stepped ahead and took hold of one of his hands while placing her other hand on the side of his face, "What is it?"
Her expression was one of concern as she realised something was bothering him.

Afzal tried to keep the nervousness away from his voice, "You had gotten a marriage proposal from the Qureshi family, right?"

Zaara frowned,"Yes, do you know that?"

"Ammi told me since you know..Juvairiya aunty is her friend as well." Afzal informed.

She nodded thoughtfully, "So why are you asking that now? "

He gripped her hand tighter in anticipation, "I....I wanted to know why you...denied it."

He actually wanted to know whether she had any kind of liking for Owais.

Zaara stared at him as if he had grown another head, "You really can't figure out why I denied it?"

He looked perplexed at her question but remained silent.

Zaara sighed shaking her head,"I thought it was obvious. Well anyways.....let me enlighten you then.First of all I wasn't interested in the topic of marriage itself and honestly it was the last thing on my mind.
But then one day....I met him."

She paused....smiling and he stiffened at the words.

Zaara continued regardless of his expression,"I didn't even know his name...Yet it felt like I had known him since years.And when I looked into his eyes....I almost lost myself into his intense gaze."She whispered the last part getting completely lost in her own world and he just stared dumbfounded at her face.

"And he was indeed someone I knew, I had always known him, always loved him.....And in that very moment when we met after years and just stared at each other, the rest of the world disappearing around us,I realised that I had feelings for him.But what he said that day made me feel so overwhelmed, so happy and confused at the same time that I just can't describe. Coz I just wondered how someone could like me so much.You know what he said,that he had never forgotten me!"
She looked up at him again, with a smile.

Afzal let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he finally realised who she was talking about!

"But that idiot childhood friend of mine, didn't tell me his name even that day.He didn't know how many tears I shed for him, I just couldn't sleep the nights that followed until his highness finally sent me a marriage proposal." Zaara teasingly said.

"Well", Afzal started with an amused smile, "You could have asked his highness about his name when you met him."

"He was just so incredibly hot, with a breathtakingly handsome personality that I almost forgot how to breathe let alone asking him anything.And he had the most beautiful hazel eyes I ever saw in my life."
She was describing him with such passion that Afzal felt stupid for even thinking the girl before him could like another guy.

Zaara stared at him for a while before speaking again, "That night,the night of my brother's Walima programme when I met the Prince of my dreams, it changed my entire life. And just some days later mom informed me about that proposal you are talking about....from the Qureshi family. "

Once again their eyes met and she could sense insecurity evident in his hazel ones."I said what I was supposed to.....a clear no.....because my heart already belonged to someone else. So there was no point in considering him."

"You didn't even look at his profile or his photo ...and just denied?" He asked almost impatiently.

Zaara nodded,"Yeah I just denied. And I had seen him a few times ....not deliberately but know since we had family relations so we visited each others houses.So there was no need of seeing his photo. "

Afzal took it all in feeling relieved.

"And finally Mr. Afzal Shaykh had decided to come back in my life and when mom told me about your proposal I actually considered the topic of marriage. "

"You didn't think about choosing between the two? Since you know. ..the Qureshi family is very ....religious and cultured one ....with a good reputation. "
Afzal nervously tried to reason.

Zaara shook her head cupping his face in her soft hands,"No one can be compared to you.I don't think anyone can come to be even half as good as you. Why would I choose when my heart had already decided what it wanted? "

Afzal couldn't recall feeling this happier before. All of his doubts and uncertainties vanished as if they had never been there in the first place. He kind of felt guilty for asking such stupid question.

"It has always been you Afzal,"Zaara said softly, "And it will always be just you."

He smiled and gripped her waist pulling her close to him,"And you were saying you didn't sleep the nights after you met your prince charming. You have no idea how many sleepless nights he has spent for you. "There was nothing except sincerity in his tone.She gulped nervously as he leaned closer and kissed her with as much emotions as he heart possessed!

Zaara pulled away sooner as if remembering something, "Your coffee will get cold. "

"Seriously now Zaara! Stop bothering about those irrelevant things. " He said irritatedly pulling her closer again.

Zaara smiled sheepishly as she kissed him back. How could he even think that someone can be compared to him?

If only she could show him her heart.....The heart that had always been in love with him & will always be....!!!


Nawal stood by the huge balcony doors with her fragile arms wrapped around herself as she witnessed the heavy showers of rain. She had always loved rains.They seemed to her as the showers of mercy. It brought contentment to her aching heart giving it a soothing feeling.

She wasn't keeping well since morning but now seeing this beautiful gift of nature made her feel slightly better. Rain was like a new hope that would impart a fresh green cover to the barren land. She looked up at the sky and smiled. How she wished to go out and get wet in the rain.

But then again it crossed her mind. Arhaan wasn't home.
He could be back anytime now.
And seeing as she wasn't well he had asked her to take rest, not leaving her side at all but then...his friends had called him & despite his protests Nawal had made him go.She didn't want him to dedicate all his time to her . Friends too are an important part of our lives.

Even before going he had made her promise that she will take complete rest.But how could she when there was so much on her mind?

Nawal was desperately trying to forget all of that, that unfortunate meeting, the unexpected text and the guilt of not telling her husband. Yet today she had decided that she would tell Arhaan about it.

Sighing exasperatedly she went back in the room and tried to call him but there was a network problem due to the weather. Thinking for a while she decided it would be ok if she went out in the rain as it could help getting things off her mind.

Without further hesitation Nawal walked out of the room and made her way to the terrace.


A navy blue sports bike was swiftly making its way through the quite roads of Sundarnagar.
Not many vehicles could be spotted on the road as it was raining heavily. The handsome young guy known by the name of Arhaan Shaykh was riding his sports bike on one such lonely road. He was dressed in jeans and t shirt with a leather jacket and by now he was all wet.

Yet the charming smile was still intact on his face, the reason behind the smile being his lovely little wife!

He remembered the time they had been on this very bike to the Kohinoor Beach Resort, on the night of their one week anniversary.

The way she was holding onto him, he could still feel her soft hands gripping him tighter and that made him miss her more.If only she was with him now . Arhaan never knew he could be this desperate for anyone.The real essence of love had only been understood by him after marriage. Real love actually starts after Nikah!

His mind was completely engulfed by her thoughts . Especially since today she wasn't keeping well he didn't want to go out but Zulaym had to call & scold him just today for not spending enough time with friends & unfortunately he was in the room that time sitting next to Nawal.She being the considerate person that she is, Nawal had asked him to go meet his friends.
Yet now a sudden guilty feeling had gripped his heart for not being with her at home already .
He didn't stay longer with his friends and the sudden arrival of rains gave him another excuse to escape earlier.

His smile grew wider as he drove further. He stopped by a flower shop that was about to close buying a lovely bouquet quickly before heading home.

Ten minutes later he had entered the gates of Shaykh villa and was finally glad to go back to her. Grabbing the bouquet he ran a hand through his wet hair as he walked towards his house.

Arhaan took in a deep breath as he turned the doorknob and walked in with a huge smile. However his smile soon faded as he entered in and found the room empty.

Where did she go ?

He had asked her to stay in the room and rest. Concernedly he walked towards his brother's room & there Zaara told him where her friend might be.

Thanking her he made his way towards the terrace hoping to find her soon.


Nawal shuddered as the chilly wind swept past her petite frame. Yet she enjoyed the feel of the refreshing raindrops on her skin.

Smiling widely she removed her dupatta and let down her long silky hair, shutting her eyes contently. There were no houses in the neighbourhood just one old villa which was a little distance away from the Shaykh's but no one lived there. So there was no fear of anyone seeing her.

Feeling liberated from her worries and fears Nawal wide open her arms and twirled around facing the sky.

Arhaan stepped in through the terrace door and walked a few steps only to be halted all of a sudden! His heart almost skipped a beat and he stood frozen on the spot staring at the breathtaking sight before him!

For there infront of him was his gorgeous wife completely drenched in the rain with her netted anarkali clinging to her fair smooth skin.She had let down her long waist length silky hair that were all wet by now .
Oblivious to his presence she opened her arms looking up at the sky enjoying the feel of the chilly rain on her beautiful face.Smiling she twirled around,
gracefully not knowing what she was doing to his heart!

Arhaan stood as if glued to the ground.He didn't know if he was imagining things or was this for real. It was when she shuddered from the cold that he came back to his senses finally realising that she shouldn't be getting wet like this! Seeing her had made him almost forget why he came there in the first place!

Running a hand through his wet hair Arhaan walked towards her, his eyes still drinking in her appearance.

Nawal jolted out of her dreamworld as she turned & came face to face with Arhaan!
Her eyes widened slightly and she gulped as he stood only inches from her face.

When exactly did he come in?

He too was completely drenched,his messy hair dripping wet.Nawal felt her heart thudding loudly as he removed his jacket never taking his eyes off her face.He placed the jacket around her trembling form while pulling her closer to him.

She couldn't help gawking at him, as his t shirt was clinging to his muscular chest and his strong muscular arms that were wrapped around her petite form.
Slowly she raised her gaze only to find him intently staring at her face!

They just stood staring into each others eyes, regardless of the heavily pouring rain as they felt warm in each others presence.Both of them leaned in closer putting all of their emotions into a passionate kiss!

Nawal slid her arms around his neck while Arhaan kept his arms wrapped around her waist. It was like nothing else existed around them for they were lost in their own world of fantasies!

A loud thunderbolt made them pull away finally.Arhaan rested his forehead against hers both of them completely out of breath. Nawal still had her eyes closed and her fragile arms around his neck.She was so lost in her daze that if he wasn't holding her Nawal would have lost her balance.

"Nawal", Arhaan whispered, his voice low & husky,"We should go back."

She frowned gripping him tighter, "I don't want to."

He chuckled at her hesitance, "But we have to, sweetheart.Dont want you to catch a cold now. "

Slowly she opened her eyes but didn't let go of him. Arhaan sighed, and cupped her cheek,"I am afraid that if we stay any longer I would lose control over myself." He confessed staring intently into her eyes. Nawal blushed averting her gaze as she rested her head on his shoulder.

He picked her up in his arms in a bridal style and carried her back to the room. Nawal was all red by now as he was holding her close to his chest & she could hear the erratic beating of his heart as well!

Arhaan kicked open the door to their room and walked in carefully placing her on the coach.Nawal pulled him beside her resting her head on his shoulder.

"You should change Nawal."He said, trying hard to look away from her drenched form.

"Right now I just want to sleep."She said shutting her eyes and keeping her arms around him stubbornly.

"You can sleep as much as you want after changing. "He said defeatedly as he held her close to him.

"But I am too tired to do that." Nawal almost whined.

"Fine, I will do that for you." He declared, slyly.

"No!" Nawal almost shrieked and stood up hastily as if she had never known tiredness.

Arhaan smirked,"Why Nawal darling, I thought you were too tired to change."

Nawal turned away her cheeks turning bright red,"No I can do that myself." She said still clinging to his jacket that was around her.

"You seem to like my jacket very much wifey", Arhaan teased standing up from the coach as well.

Ofcourse! It smells like you!!! Her mind screamed.

Nawal took off the jacket and handed it to him her fingers trembling. Arhaan took hold of her cold hand and kissed it,"Go & change soon Nawal.I don't want you to get ill. "

This time his tone was orderly and concerned.She nodded walking to the wardrobe.

"Arhaan?" Nawal called while picking her clothes from the wardrobe,"You must also change, you have been in the rain for much longer time than me."

Arhaan yawned lazily stretching his muscular arms,"I am too tired to do that", he said, his tone mischievous.

Nawal felt her cheeks flame as she turned around,"I am serious.You should change. "

"How about you come here and do that for me?" He said winking with a sly smirk.

"Why can't you stop being a pervert for once?" She blurted ignoring her flushed face.

His smirk widened and before she realised it he had taken off his t shirt in one swift movement & tossed it to the floor!!!

Nawal dropped the clothes she was holding and stumbled backwards in utter shock. There before her Arhaan Shaykh stood in his shirtless glory, with his six pack abs on display!!! For five whole minutes Nawal stood gawking at the most striking piece of gorgeousness she had ever witnessed!! Arhaan shook his wet hair and raked a hand through them before dropping on the coach and taking a royal seat!!!

Nawal placed a hand on her heart, he was so oblivious to the severe damage he just wrecked on her heart!!

"I suggest you take a closer look Nawal", Her cocky husband teasingly remarked smirking at her dumb expression!

As if this is not enough to make my hormones go crazy.....which is definitely a bad idea considering the phase in which I am! .....Nawal thought to herself and shook her head.

Murmuring as many Astaghfirullah's as possible Nawal turned around,"Arhaan put it on again."

He frowned,"What? You just told me to change."

"But not infront of me", Nawal yelled a little louder.

"Oh come on now, don't you like the view? " She could almost sense the smugness in his voice.

Nawal sighed defeatedly. She had no energy left to argue.
"That is why I am asking you to put it on again."

Because I more than like the breathtaking view....!!!!

He stood up from the coach with a triumphant look, "Fine, then I'll go down to the guest bedroom and change."

"I think that's best for now."
Nawal agreed relieved.

He nodded and moved towards the wardrobe to grab his clothes.She stepped aside hastily making him smile wider. By all means Nawal tried to keep her eyes off his amazingly flexing muscles.

After taking the clothes Arhaan shut the wardrobe and looked at his wife who was timidly standing to the side. He smirked taking a step in her direction and she was sure he could hear her frantically beating heart!

He closed the distance between them and quickly pecked her lips before walking away with a wink.

Nawal gripped the dressing table for support as she came out of her daze. Just before walking out the door Arhaan turned again looking at her from head to toe,"By the way Nawal....I loved the view as well."

Her mouth fell open as she self consciously wrapped her arms around her drenched form. When he was gone she picked up her clothes which she had dropped earlier and walked to the washroom still getting her mind around everything that just happened!


It was 11:00 in the night and yet the heavy rains didn't seem to cease.Infact the storm had only gotten wilder.

Nawal stared at the torrential rains from where she was sitting on the bed with her head resting on the headboard.
Her mind was again filled with those conflicting thoughts of whether or not to tell Arhaan about Mohsin!

Just then the door opened & Arhaan walked in with a small tray containing a glass of warm milk .

Nawal made a face at that,"I am not drinking it ."
She said crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Don't be stubborn now." Arhaan scolded as he took a seat beside her and brought the glass to her lips. "Drink it."

"I don't like it."Nawal almost pleaded.

"You don't have to like it.Just close your eyes and drink because you are not well."Arhaan sternly said.

She stared at his handsome face to find there wasn't a slightest hint of amusement and he was very much serious. The sharp intensity of his gaze made her look down instantly.

Arhaan put an arm around her and gently brought the glass to her lips again,"Come on, drink it now."

She blushed and sipped the milk not wanting to trouble him further. He was already being so caring and concerned trying by all means to make her feel better.
When she finished drinking Nawal sneezed repeatedly thrice and then clutched her now throbbing head in her hands. So much for wanting to enjoy the rains!

Arhaan handed her the medicine and water which she gulped down instantly.

"Want to go to out in the rain again Nawal?" He deliberately asked.

"Yes surely I will go again." This stubborn answer was followed by another sneeze.

Arhaan shook his head at her,"I had told you to remain in the room but no, you always have to go against me."

She looked down sheepishly and he felt kind of bad seeing her that way.

Nawal silently pondered if she should tell him now and get it all out of her heart for once.

"Go to sleep now Nawal. InshaAllah you will be fine by morning." Arhaan softly said as he stroked her hair with his free hand, his other arm still around her.

Nawal looked sheepishly at him, her heart beating rapidly, "Arhaan.....There Is something I have to tell you."

He frowned tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear,"About what? "

She gulped, "About .....that Sunday when I ......I had Jogeshwari and then dropped me home after Maghrib."

For a moment he just stared at her face intently & she wondered if he had come to know it from somewhere. Or may be that stupid Mohsin told , but how could he?
She shook those thoughts aside and tried to speak again,"Arhaan I........."

He placed a finger on her lips cutting her midsentence, "No Nawal, not tonight."

"Do you...know it?"She questioned almost terrified of the answer.

"No", he said softly caressing her cheek,"But I do not want to see you hurting again. That day itself you seemed so broken and now talking about it will hurt you again.You are already not well.Dont stress about whatever it is and just go to sleep. "

"it's ok if it hurts me...but I need to tell you " She insisted.

Arhaan narrowed his eyes,"It's not ok Nawal.You don't know how much it affects me when these graceful eyes of yours are filled with tears.I just can't stand it."

She remained silent as he took one of her hands and placed it on his heart,"Whenever you are hurt Nawal;
I feel like, my broken heart is shattered;
All over again...!! "

His voice was laced with sincerity as his eyes locked onto hers.Nawal cupped his face and kissed him with all her heart.

"Tell me that you are for real." She said after pulling away.

He smiled, a very adorable smile that made her want to kiss him again. "Even I have this thoughts at times, that this is all a dream,that it isn't real."

"And even if it is a dream, I want to stay here forever and never wake up from this beautiful fantasy." Nawal said as she leaned into his embrace shutting her eyes contently.

He placed a soft kiss on her forehead holding her firmly and she soon fell asleep in his warm considerate arms!

A/N: was the chapter lovely readers? ;))

Zarahfarooq, *ahem ahem*
I suggest you read this chapter on the terrace itself , know, it will provide a nice background for reading :P And let me know your views on "Arhaan Shaykh in his shirtless glory! " ;))

Dear readers, would you please tell me which was your favourite scene in this chapter.Also i would like to know which is your favourite chapter.

Another important note, we are nearing the end :((

If I have said something unintentionally that hurt any of your feelings, then my sincere apologies to all of you. Also the new readers who have been voting recently JazakAllah Khayr for your support :))

I am planning another story as well but m not sure when I would start.

Remember in your precious duas and do vote & comment InshaAllah :))

Waiting for your response!


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