Ch.52.Forgiveness in a loving heart....!!

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Dedicated to Dasnimfirdous, this is a special dedication from Zaara Bakhtiyar to you :))

The tender morning rays slid through the small space between the slightly apart curtains entering in the huge spacious bedroom. With extreme gentleness, the warm sunrays slowly touched the flawless face of a young, handsome guy who was fast asleep on his king sized bed. At the approach of the light, he frowned in his sleep and turned to the other side. Just as he was about to drift back to sleep his cellphone buzzed indicating a text from someone.
Groaning he opened his sleepy eyes, and sat up on the bed with a very irritated expression!

His hazel eyes drifted to the other side of the bed which was vacant. Sighing in exasperation he put his head in his hands as his exhausted mind again resumed the task of missing her terribly. He had spent two entire days and nights thinking of her,
his wife, Zaara, who currently wasn't with him!

She had been to her mom's place for a stay, ofcourse by his permission and also the consent of her mom in law. Infact Mrs. Nargis Shaykh had herself asked both Zaara and Nawal to go stay at the Bakhtiyar's house for a few days as they were soon going to return to Jogeshwari & then they won't be back to Sundarnagar until winter break atleast . Considering that, Mrs. Shaykh being the kind mom in law that she was, thought that it would be good if the girls stayed there for a few days as she knew how hard it was for newly wed brides to not miss their family. And Sundarnagar is a five hour drive from Mumbai which means Zaara wouldn't be able to see her family often...that being obvious it was only fair that she atleast gets to spend some time with them before leaving.

Afzal had given his consent as his mom asked him to do so & he didn't want his wife to be hurt in any way.She hadn't once asked him for permission to stay at her mom's place since their marriage and so he thought he should atleast allow her to do so now, as only a few days were left for their return.Yet he was regretting his decision ever since the time she left! He couldn't sleep the entire nights and it was only after Fajr that he got some sleep due to exhaustion. Not to mention that he had become very frustrated and grumpy again within these two days!

Nawal however had to return after a day, as Arhaan wasn't keeping well, he had gotten slight fever and despite him assuring her that it wasn't anything major Nawal had still returned after a day. Thinking of his sick brother, Afzal remembered something and stood up from his bed pushing the sheets aside.Before heading to the washroom he checked his cellphone to see who had texted him.It was a good morning text with beautiful love quotes from his beloved wife!

Why did she have to text me now? Afzal frowned and placed the cellphone back on the table.

He had been ignoring her texts and calls since yesterday. Mostly because he knew that if he spoke to her, somehow he wouldn't be able to keep back his anger and frustration. And that might result in her being hurt which ofcourse wasn't even the last thing he wanted!

Shoving all those thoughts aside Afzal walked to the wardrobe and opened it which again made him think of her.
She had ironed and neatly kept his clothes before going. A slight smile came on his face as he glanced at the black pathani dress that she had kept infront.
Zaara sure was obsessed with black pathani...well actually she was obsessed with ....Afzal Shaykh in black pathani!

He grabbed the clothes and and headed to the washroom to freshen up.

After getting ready and performing ablution he recited a few Surahs from the Quran and blew it on a small bottle filled with water that he had kept nearby. Closing it's lid Afzal took the bottle with him while leaving the room.

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