The Journey Awaits

By Jamie_xoxo_

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Regina has no support in her life. Not even her own mother. Will someone step in and give her the comfort she... More

I'm Trying
First "Date"
Real Date
That Morning
The Dream
What A Night
His turn
Thanks!! :)
Can't Breathe
One Week Later
Too Long
Is This It?
Your My Home
You'll Always Be There


220 8 0
By Jamie_xoxo_

Regina's POV
I woke up at around 8:30 in Robin's arms. I kiss his cheek and bury my face in his neck. "Wake up sleepy head" I whisper. He groans in response and opens his eyes. "Morning beautiful" he yawns and kisses the top of my head. I shift off of his legs to beside him on the couch. "Did you sleep well?" I ask. He smiles kindly at me and nods his head. "Better than ever." I smile back at his sweetness. "Good, what would you like to do today?" I guess I'm a morning person, once I wake up I have to go go go. "Can't we just lay here for a few more minutes!" He whines. "But I'm not tired!" I mock him. "You don't have to be tired to lay with me!" He continues to whine. I then lean over so my lips are just brushing against his ear. "I'll just make up for it later" I whisper and bite my lip. I can feel the smirk plaster on his face even though my head is still by his ear. "I think I can deal with that!" Hr smiles widely and pulls away from me. I chuckle at excitement and peck his lips. "Wanna go our for breakfast?" He tilts his head as he stands up to start walking to his room. "Sure!" I call from the other room. I follow him into his room and go into my suitcase I had packed for the week. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a Tiffany blue blouse, with some pearl earrings and black flats. I go into the bathroom where Robin his brushing his teeth to grab my makeup. Holy shit I say to myself as I walk towards the door to find a shirtless Robin. How can he possibly look so perfect? I ask myself. I walk in with a red face and grab my makeup. He finishes brushing his teeth and snakes his arms around my waste. Being very careful not to hurt my damaged body. "Are you okay?" He whispers in my ear. To be honest, I kind of forgot about the it situation. But I was still worried. Worried for Roland and Robin. What'll happen if he tries to come back...and ends up hurting one of them in the process. But I push the thought to the back of my head, thinking of what Robin said. "Your just stressing yourself'll be okay" his voice echoes in the back of my mind. "I'm doing great" I smile, looking at the two of us in the mirror. And that's the truth. I really am doing just great. As long as I have Robin to keep me safe, I'll always feel great.
Robin's POV
After we went out for breakfast, we went to pick up Roland from John's house. The three of us drove back to my house where we played bored games, watched some Disney movies and spent some good quality time together as a family. Family? I guess this is my little family. And I couldnt love it more. I hope Regina feels the same way. It was kinda weird referring to these people as my family. I guess I'm just not used to calling anyone family but mother and father. But it felt so right. This felt like home. Regina was my home. Wherever I was, as long as I'm with her, I'll be home.
Before we knew it dinner time rolled around so I whipped up some pasta quickly. We where all eating dinner, Regina and I smiling at each other, and Roland trying to twirl his pasta on his fork "like the grownups do."
A few minutes of silence passed when little Roland finally spoke up. I didn't really know what to think of the words that he said. Should I be nervous or happy? Maybe I should be upset the Roland was pushing his birth mother away....
"Is Gina my new mommy?"
That small little sentence. Those five words my have just changed my life. In what way? I don't know. What I did now for sure was that I was overjoyed. But would Regina want this? For her to have a little boy calling her mommy everyday? When she knew she couldn't have children on her own? I'd feel terrible. She gave me a look...that I couldn't quite understand. "Why don't you ask Gina?" This wasn't really my choice after all...but it would be wonderful for Regina to be Roland's mother figure. After all that's happened to her, I think it'll cheer her up.
"Gina? Are you gonna be my new mommy?" The boy asked again looking at Regina. It looked as if she had tears welling in her eyes. Hopefully tears of joy! I thought. "Roland... I would love to be your mommy" she smiled widely. The most big and beautiful smile that's ever appeared on her face. "Yay!!" Roland cheered and got up from his seat to hug his new mommy. Regina picked him up and swung him around both of them laughing and smiling. She put him down and he looked at her with those precious, big brown eyes, and said, "I love you mommy!" He kissed her on the cheek and hugged her again. "I love you to Roland. I love you to." After a few moments of silence Regina spoke up and pulled away from Roland. "Are you all done your dinner bud?" He nodded his head yes. "Alright...time for a tubby tub" he smiled knowing that he got to play with all of his little water toys and darted for the bathroom. We heard the water run so he'd be ready for Regina or me in a few minutes. I cleared the table and I could see that Regina couldn't take the smile of her face. I chuckled at how giddy she was that Roland called her "mommy". And I was happy for her. I wasn't sure she'd take the whole thing well, but she took it the complete opposite.
I walked up to her with a smile on my face. I was happy that she was happy. I wrapped my arms around her waste and she did the same to my neck. "You okay?" She nodded in response. "I'm overjoyed I get to have a child in my life. Thank you Robin. I love you." I hugged her tight, "I love you" I pulled away but grabbed her hands. "Who's gonna take care of that little rascal over there hm?" We both chuckled at the sweet, and adorable innocent Roland. "Can I tuck him in?" She asks, implying that I help him in the tub. Plus, he'll want her to tuck him in. Roland always talked about Regina's amazing bed time stories and it made my heart melt. "Of coarse mi'lady. You wait here and I'll tell you when he's ready" I agreed and pecked her lips. "Okay" she smiled and went towards the couch while I headed toward the bathroom to help Roland wash up.

Regina's POV
I sat down on the couch and cried. I didn't want to cause Robin could walk in any second and think that there's a problem. There is, but he doesn't need to feel bad for me. He shouldn't.
I couldn't help but think that I'll never have a child of my own, a child made from me and Robin, that shared the same blood as us. I'll never have that perfect family you see on TV, with two children, a dog, and a cute house where all the holidays take place. Plus, I missed Roland as a tiny baby. I missed his first steps, his first words, and so many other things.
Yes I was happy to have a child figure in my life and I was happy that Roland wanted that, but it just wasn't the same. I had to stay happy for Roland though. I had to act like I wanted nothing else but him. Because he deserves it. Of coarse this had to happen to me. I couldn't help but think of all the things that could've happened if Robin and I did have a child together. Certainly not now...we've only been together for four months. But in the future. I can just picture a little girl pitter pattering around the house, dressed in a little princess costume pretending to be a beautiful fairy because she had the combined creativity of me and Robin. She had my raven hair and robin's crystal blue eyes.
This just made me cry more. But I'll never have that. I'll never experience having a child of my own. Not ever.

I hear the bathtub start to drain so I quickly wipe my tears knowing that they'll be done any minute now. I wipe the mascara from under my eyes, go over to the sink, and splash cold water on my face. I have Roland now. I tried to stay positive. I dried my face and heard Robin walk down the stairs. "Alright love, Roland's in bed waiting for you" he pecked my lips and walked to the kitchen to clean up.
I headed to Roland's room where I found him tucked under the covers, but was wide awake waiting for me. "mommy!" He exclaimed. "Calm down my boy. I love you, and I hope you have a good sleep." I kissed him on the forehead, trying so hard not to cry right there in front if him. I was about to get up and leave the room, but he spoke to me again. "Can you tell me a bedtime story?" He asks in a more tired tone. "Of coarse baby" I whispered so only he could hear it. "Once upon a time..." I started, not knowing where I was going with this. "There was a beautiful young lady named Emma. Her mother was quite wealthy and wanted her to marry a king or a prince so they would become part of the royal family. But Emma didn't want to marry just any king...she wanted to find true love.
Her mother didn't understand this though, so she forced her to marry a king that was much older than Emma. What her mother didn't know was that she already had a soulmate. His name was Killian.
So instead of marring the king, Emma decided that she was going to run away with her true love.
And just before the wedding, Emma snuck out of the very large castle and headed to the stables where Killian waited. She got there and he was waiting with a ring in his hand. He knelt down on one knee and purposed. Of coarse she said yes. They ran off and lived happily ever after.
The end."
By the time I finished he was already fast asleep. I kissed his forehead one last time. "Goodnight my little boy."

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