Can't Breathe

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Robin's POV
We finally finished our round of golf and I couldn't wait to see Regina. I needed to feel some sort of comfort again since I was feeling off. We drove back to my apartment in silence. Thinking of our round of golf and glancing back at Roland once and a while. We finally reached home and walked inside. Roland was about to go yelling in excitement about what he had done that day...but I didn't want to wake my mother. I picked Roland up just as he was about to run through the door. "Shhh...grandma's sleeping!" I whispered to him. He nodded his head so I put him down and he tip toed through the house taking what I said very seriously. I laughed at him "I guess having a spa day is very tiring!" I turned my head to my dad. "I guess so!" He replied. I went to wake her because knowing her, she's probably been sleeping for a while now. "Mum....mum wake up" I whispered in her ear and her eyes flickered open. "Oh...Hi darling..." She yawned. "Did you have a good nap?" I asked. "Yes it was wonderful" she got up and walked towards Roland greeting him. "Hey mum? Have you seen Regina?" I asked yet another question. "Oh...she went to her apartment to get some things! She's not home yet?" Now I was confused. "She should be here...." She continued looking at the clock. "she left over an hour ago" she said also looking confused. I called her name to see if she was home. "Regina! Love! Are you here?" I called. I was kind of worried. Our apartments are only five minutes away and it shouldn't take this long for her to grab some things. "I guess not...maybe she went out to get some groceries while she was at it" I figured. It would make the most sense. I just turned on the TV, I didn't call because she told me she hated bring disturbed while shopping. Although made sense.
I waited for about half an hour, and still nothing. I was starting to get worried. "What if something happened to her" I questioned myself. It's been long enough. I'll go to her apartment to see if she's there. I've had enough of this. "Mum! Dad! It's been long enough....I'm gonna go make sure that Regina's alright!" I shouted and left. Not waiting for a response. I drove to her apartment and took the elevator up to the third floor, tapping my foot impatiently on the way up. I got to her door and knocked. "Regina? Are you in there?" I tried to open the door and it actually opened. She usually locks it?!" I thought. And then I opened the door. "REGINA!" I yelled. I didn't know what to do I was so scared. I called an ambulance. They said they'd be there soon and I hung up. Falling on the floor next to her. She had bruises every where and a bloody lip. Her clothes where scattered on the floor, and a knife next to them. I was crying. Scared of what was to come. I let her down. And I'll beat myself up for letting her get hurt. "REGINA!" I screamed. "CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I tried to get her pulse. Nothing. What if I'm to late!" I thought. "Please Regina stay with me!" I cried. The ambulance finally got here. They put her in a stretcher and I refused to move away from her. "Sir you need to leave the premises!" One of the police men said to me. "NO!" I yelled. "I AM NOT LEAVING HER SIDE!" He backed off and went to the other men. We where both in the ambulance. I was holding her hand tight. I called my mother. Just to let her know what was happening. "Mom!" I said crying into the phone. "Son! Whats happened? Are you okay?"
"Regina's not! I found her in my apartment. She's injured and beat. I'm in the ambulance now...I'll call you if anything's changed."
"Okay Robin. Let us know."
I couldn't even say goodbye. I just hung up, staring at Regina. The woman I love was in pain. There's one thing I know for sure. I'll murder the person who did this if I have to. It was like I couldn't breathe. Watching her go into that hospital room. It tore me apart. Like there was something missing inside me. I wasn't aloud to go in the room. I paced back and forth. Trying to catch my breath.
Please Regina! I need you to stay with me. I can't lose you! I just got you for gods sake! Your my whole world! I know that sounds crazy but I mean it! We just met about a month ago and you've already stolen my heart! I don't know what I would do without you! Please don't go! Please! Please don't go!
I repeated the phrase over and over again in my head. Please don't go! I've never cared this much about someone my entire life. Not even Marian. This can't possibly be happening.
I waited an hour before a nurse finally came out of that room. I stopped pacing (and yes I was pacing the whole time), she looked up at me with sorrow in her eyes. "She'll be alright, she needs her rest though. You can see her, but don't wake her up." I nodded and praised the lord she was okay in my head. I walked in. She looked at peace, just dreaming. I sighed and went to sit beside her on one of the chairs in the corner of the room. I pulled it next to the bed and watched her rest. "What would I do without you" I whispered. I held her hand ever so gently and stroked my thumb across the back of her hand. I wasn't going to leave her. Not like this. I wasn't going to leave her side. Just then, my mother and father walked in, mother holding flowers. "Is she okay? What's happened?" I couldn't answer. I tried. I opened my mouth, but nothing happened. I just looked at Regina. Face pale as ever. Scratches with dry blood everywhere. And her neck. Her neck was the worst. It was swelled, and had bruises everywhere. It was like it was just one big swell of bruises all around her neck. It looked like she couldn't breathe, yet her face was so peaceful. After a minute or two, I somehow managed to get some words out of my mouth. "I don't know" was all I could say. I didn't know what happened to her but I was going to find out. I was mad at myself for not being there. For not being able to protect her. Great timing I thought as a nurse walked in. I spoke quietly so I wouldn't wake Regina. "Could to tell me what happened to her?" She nodded and pointed towards the door so we could talk in our normal voices. "She was abused." She said as we stepped out of the door. "Sexually and physically" she continued. I actually felt a tear roll down my cheek as I was hearing about what happened to her. "We don't have the facts but we can tell... She's not pregnant, which is good. She'll be in a wheel chair for atleast a week, due to bruising she had in her ribs. Everything will heal. So there is nothing to should be worried about medically." She explained to me. I nodded understanding and listening to every word she said. "I don't know about mentally. She might not want to talk about the situation so don't force her. Just be there for her. I don't know what job you have, but I recommend taking a few days of to spend time with her. To make sure she's not alone. She needs to feel comfortable again." She finished and walked away. Saying goodbye as her pager went off, signaling that she was busy. I walked back into the room and she was awake. "Oh my god Regina!" I walked into the room and grabbed both of her hands. Tears rolling down my cheeks. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" I smiled at her. Crying tears of joy. Happy to see that she was going to be okay. She's gonna be alright. I kept saying to myself over and over again. I kissed her head gently not wanting to hurt her. I looked down to her. My face still very close to hers as I stared into her eyes. "I love you too" she whispered to me. She loves me too I thought. I had told her I loved her before. But she never replied with the same answer. I was overjoyed. I rested my forehead on hers and we stay like that. In the same position. Not wanting to leave each others side. Not wanting to be alone. And wanting to make sure that the other was okay. Mum left the flowers on the table and left a while ago with dad, giving us some privacy. "I'm gonna go get a nurse now sweetheart" I told her. She just nodded her head slightly. Agreeing with me. "Just don't go" she whispers, still not having her voice from being strangled. "Never." I replied. I got the nurse and she walked in, actually shocked to see her awake. "Good evening Mrs Mills I'm Dr. Jones. I'll be looking after you. How do you feel?" Regina looked at the nurse and then me, with a "no shit" look on her face. "Well, other than being physically and sexually abused I'm doing amazing!" She said sarcastically. I could tell she didn't want to have this conversation. And I didn't blame her. Who would want to bring up such a horrible memory. The nurse chuckled at this and continued. "I'm gonna need to do some testing to make sure there is nothing that's happened internally other than bruised ribs. Are you okay with that?" She asked her gently. Regina just nodded her head yes. Tears where welling in her eyes and I could tell she was about to burst. I grabbed her hand and slowly stoked back and forth with my thumb soothing her. I felt her body begin to become less tense. I was turned to Regina, but in the corner if my eye I could see the nurse point to me, questioning if I was aloud to stay for this part. Regina nodded her head yes once again and the doctor proceeded with the checkup. I looked in in Regina's eyes the whole time. For.... her privacy
2. Giving her comfort by just looking into each others eyes.
It didn't take that long untill the nurse was finished. "Well Regina you seem to be just fine. You need your rest, that's for sure. And I'll give you some painkillers for the bruising. I'll also give you some cream to put on the scratches. That's about it. You can probably go home tomorrow morning. As there's no point in going now. And you'll be in a wheel chair for at least a week due to your ribs." She explained and then left the room to go get the medicine. " can go I'll be okay" her voice croaked...making me feel ten times worse for her. "No, there's not a chance that I'm leaving you again...not after what happened." She gave me a smile and I looked at the small clock beside the bed on a table. "Plus its like...10:00 o'clock so its kind of pointless if I leave" I shifted in my chair to get closer to her. "Just try go to sleep love, I'll be right here." She smiled kindly at me, "I love you." I couldn't help but smile. I felt like a child grinning from ear to ear. Just hearing those that tiny sentence made my day. "I love you too" I reply and peck her lips. She closes her eyes, falling asleep with her hand in mine. After I was sure she was asleep, I drifted off too. Dreaming of our future together.

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