You'll Always Be There

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*A/N- Holy crap it's finally here! I never thought I'd reach this point in this fanfic! I love you all so much and thank you for helping me get to 1k readers!! I'm thinking about doing a sequel, comment and tell me what you think!! I hope you enjoy this final chapter. I had tons of fun writing it!
Okay you can start reading the chapter now!! Hope u like it;)
Three years later.

Regina couldn't believe it! She was actually getting married! But she was such a nervous reck. She was sweating and kind of shaking. She knew she was ready for this, but she was worried about all the little things. Is my dress on right? I'm gonna forget what I have to say! I'm gonna start crying in front of all our guests! And lord knows I'm probably going to drop the ring! And oh my god! What if Robin changes his mind! No...he won't do that...but still!
"Regina..." Emma sighed. "You need to clam down. You look absolutely gorgeous. And I'll be right up there with you! Look...when I got married I was super nervous too" she sat Regina down. "This will also be the happiest moment in your entire life. You can't spend this amazing time being so nervous. Your going to spend the rest of your life with him and Roland. Just think about that!" And that definitely calmed Regina down. And now that was all she could think about.
Maybe they would move into a new house...white picket fence...a dog...adopt a child. She could picture it now...and was trying to put the whole thought together so she wouldn't get so nervous. And it worked.
Robin on the other hand wasn't nervous at all. Quite the opposite actually. He had his best friends in his room getting ready with him. And he was so ready for this. He loved Regina more than anything in the whole entire world (he loves Roland and Regina the same obviously) and he knows she loves him too. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her.
It was time, they had to leave. Regina was able to keep herself calm and Robin couldn't wipe the biggest smile off his face. Regina and her matron of honour (Emma) and her bridesmaids (Mary Margret, Ruby, Kathryn, and Ashley) all took a limo to where the ceremony was going to take place. On the ride, they where all giving Regina little speeches on how proud they were of her and how lucky they were to be her friend and things like that. Going on about old stories from when they were younger and pulled pranks on each other. When it got sentimental Regina started to tear up so they decided to stop so her makeup wouldn't run.
To Regina, it was a very short ride, most likely because she was nervous. They're limo was told to get to Emma's house much earlier than Robin's so he didn't see Regina. All the girls helped Regina out of the car and carefully walked inside, making sure to not tear Regina's dress. They went into a separate room where they where told to wait and make any final preparations on her makeup or dress.

"Reg, you okay?" Emma walked to her best friend's side to see that she started to tear up. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine" she sniffled and wiped away the tears just beginning to escape from her eye. "Hey, look at me" Regina did as told, smiling at her matron of honour. "You should be excited if anything! And remember, I'll be right up there with you feeling even more nervous. Because if Robin fucks up...I'm gonna Pound him" Emma laughed trying to lighten things up. "Thanks Em" she giggled and turned to look into the mirror, running her hands over her princess gown dress. It wasn't too puffy, it flowed out right at her waist line. The skirt had a bit of sparkles placed throughout it. It was a sweet heart neckline with jewels all over the top. It was perfect, it was like a dress you'd see in a movie. Her hair was done up in a lose, yet elegant bun, with curled strands left in front of her face. She was wearing a necklace that Robin got her when the first said "I love you" to each other, it had two R's placed inside a heart. It meant the world to her. And it reminded her of Robin every time she looked it it.

"Mrs. Mills?" The lady managing the wedding knocked and opened the door. "It's time" she smiled widely at the two best friends. Regina shook her hands and smiled nervously. This was it. This was their moment. "Okay!" She couldn't peel the smile off of her face, it was impossible. Emma helped her out of the room and walked her to the large, beautiful wooden double doors that lead to the church. Emma hugged her tight, she pulled away and held her hands "remember..." She started to sniffle and Regina quickly wiped away the lose tear that fell "when we were little, and...we used to plan out our wedding days" Regina giggled with Emma thinking back to those days "well, now it's actually happening. I'm so happy for you Reg" Emma pulled her into another tight hug. "Love ya" Regina whispered in her ear "I love you too" she finally let go of her and Regina walked towards the back of the room more so there would be room for Robin's best man and groomsmen to walk down the aisle before her. She was feeling so many emotions. Happy, nervous, excited...all the feelings a bride would feel at this moment, she was feeling. And to make this even more special, this meant she would officially be taking the roll of Roland's mother. She used to be so worried that someday when she got married, the spouse would leave her since she couldn't have a child, so the fact that she could already have a child of her own in her life, meant so much to her, and gave her so much hope. Soon, Robin's men began to walk passed her, and into there spots. Starting with John. "You take care of him" he held her hands ever so gently and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Regina smiled and nodded. She had gotten to know John very well and was glad to call him a friend. He walked towards Emma and Regina watched as they linked arms. Next was Will. "You look truly beautiful Regina, Robin's a lucky guy." He complemented and also kissed her cheek, being careful not to damage her makeup. He paired up with Mary Margret. And the rest of her best friends went along and greeted her. "This is my real family" she thought to herself as the music started to play. They'd gotten one of Robin's cousins to sing the song A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. The song they danced to on their very first date, the song that started it all. Robin's father was walking her down the aisle, and this meant so much to her that she could have another chance to have a father. "Regina, I am so proud to call a member of our family, and my daughter. I know we haven't known each other our whole lives, but I'll always be there for you, no matter what." This made a tear fall. To which he quickly wiped away. "Thank you" was all she managed to choke out.
It was her time to walk, it was her time to shine, it was the moment she realized, that she'd be with the man she loved so much for the rest of her life. The huge set of beautiful double doors opened again, just for her, signalling that it was time. Ed rubbed her back softly and linked their arms together, Regina hadn't realized it, but she was gripping to him quite tightly. "Relax darling" Ed whispered softly in her ear, actually soothing her a bit.
As soon as she turned the corner, she saw him. Her one true love. Her soul mate. She saw Robin Locksley. And she couldn't believe that she would soon be Regina Locksley. Nothing parted their gaze. They were only focused on each other. Looking into one another's eyes. Captivated. Robin couldn't even take in how beautiful she looked. He was in utter shock. "How is this even possible. I am the luckiest man on the planet." He thought, fiddling with his thumbs trying to fight the nerves that were coming on. He smiled at her and she shyly smiled back, putting her head down, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. The walk felt like forever, but she got to the steps, which Ed helped her up after kissing her on the cheek and giving her away. She handed Emma her bouquet and she winked at Regina, reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. And then it happened. She met the face of her soulmate. A single tear ran down her face and he whipped it
away without a thought. "I love you" he whispered "I love you too" she choked up. And the ceremony began.
After the priest spoke, and the couple said their vows, it was time.
"Do you Robin Locksley, take Regina Mills to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?

"I do" Robin had a biggest smile on his face like a child in a candy store.

"And do you, Regina Mills, take Robin Locksley, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?

"I do" Regina's happy tears started to fall.

"I give you, Robin, and Regina Locksley!" The priest cheered and everyone stood and clapped "you may now kiss the bride" the priest  spoke to them. Robin jumped into the kiss, surprising Regina. "Well, we're married!!! Mrs. Locksley" he smirked. She liked the ring to it. Regina Locksley. Regina kissed him quickly once more before taking his hand tightly in hers and walking back down the aisle, people still whistling and cheering them on. They hopped in the limo ready to dance and have fun at their reception. "I love you Robin Locksley" she smiled at him once they got settled in. "I love so much Regina Locksley" he smiled back and kissed her sweetly.

He'll always be there. She'll always be there. They'll have each other forever, no matter what happens, no matter what forces try to break them apart. They were meant to be together forever. And although that may just be a saying, it meant everything to them. That line symbolized, that they would always be there.

The Journey Awaitsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें