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Regina's POV
I was awoken by soft lips on mine. I hummed in response as he pulled away. Our eyes met. Chocolate brown and icy blue. "Good morning lovely" he whispered and took my hands placing them on his face while his arms where still rapped around them. "morning" I reply as our noses rub. My dad and I are going golfing today...' He sighed "that means I won't get to spend time with my gorgeous girlfriend" I was upset about this. At least Alice and I have become closer, and thank god she liked me. "Okay, I hope you have fun" I smiled looking at the time. It was around 9:00 and I was happy that I slept in. "We should probably get ready." I got out of bed in one swift movement. Looking in the closet for some clothes I had put in there. I chose to wear a black skirt, it flared out just above the knee. With this I wore a purple blouse, my black flats and simple studs for jewellery. Once I was satisfied with my outfit, I hopped in the shower.
As soon as I opened the door of his bedroom the sent of bacon overwhelmed me. Robin your a saint! I thought because I was starving. Once I got down stairs, Robin was cooking, Roland was playing with his toys and Mr and Mrs. Locksley where sitting in the living room reading. Alice was the first to see me (of coarse). "Regina! Good morning, do you feel better?" She walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder but quickly removing it. "I actually do, thank you for asking. I think I just needed some sleep." I half lied to her. "So, I hear that the men are going golfing today, and Roland is tagging along with them, since it's just you and me, I think we should have ourselves a spa day!" I was very excited for this, and it was very much needed. "I think, that would be an amazing idea!" I smiled at her and we went to tell the boys.
Soon, they where off. The men had gone to golf. Our appointment for the spa was in half an hour, so we didn't have to go yet. Since we had all of this time, I'd figure I'd tell her about "it". I walked over to her, but nothing happened. I opened my mouth but no words came out. The memories from the day I found out flooding back into my head. It was like it was happening all over again. Screaming and crying. My mother and Daniel trying to calm me down. I found out when I was twenty. Daniel hasn't hurt me yet, and we wanted children. And I'm quite sure he was going to propose. But thank God he didn't. A tear accidentally rolled down my cheek. I wish she hadn't seen it, but Alice immediately knew something was wrong. She was just like Robin. She could see right through the walls that people put up. "oh dear! What's wrong hon!" She made a motion for me to sit down. So I did. Knowing that she'll find out either now or never. "Um, I...I" I tried to make out the sentence but its like my mind was restricting me. "I wasn't really sick last night..." I managed to get the words to roll of my tongue. "I thought so, well, you know you can tell me anything. So if you wanna talk about it, I'll Listen. she said softly. I know I can trust her. I only just met this amazing, caring woman and she's already found a place in my heart. She was so kind to me. Even though she hasn't even known me for that long. I felt another tear fall, and she took my hand. Giving me comfort. So I continued. "It was about what Ed said...about children" I stuttered, sniffling a bit. Not wanting to put the pieces together for her. Her face had the most shocked expression I've ever seen "OH MY GOD REGINA YOUR NOT PREGNANT?!!" she said much louder and I laughed at what she thought, and it made me feel a bit better about this conversation. "No! No! It's just, it's just...' I stuttered once again. "I actually can't have children. And I feel horrible because Robin said that he saw a future between me and him even though we've only been together for a month and I feel really awful! And he did say he's okay with it! But I still want children of my own and knowing that I'll never have that just breaks my heart!" I blurted out all at once. But somehow she managed to understand. I was crying now. Not sobbing. Because Lord knows I've done enough of that lately. "Hey! It's alright! And remember that there are other ways! And like you said! Robin is perfectly fine with it, and I know he is. Something like that wouldn't get to him. You just gotta have hope Regina." She rubbed my shoulder soothing me. "thank you, you know for always being there for me. I already told you I don't have the closest mother figure, but you've really been one for me. So thank you I really do appreciate it." My crying softened. I was only sniffling now. And starting to feel better. "Oh! It's no problem at all! I'm happy to be there for you. And just between you and me...." She said a but quieter " I think you and Robin have a future together to. I see the way he looks at you he hasn't looked at anyone like that in a long time." We both smiled at each other. Letting a small silence fill the air. But it was a comfortable silence. Just smiles. Making each other feel welcomed. I knew we where friends now. And I could trust her. " shall we get going! We wouldn't want to be late for our spa treatment!" I decided to change the subject. "we shall!" She said smiling. I just had to get that off of my chest or I was going to burst. I couldn't just hide it between me and Robin, it was tearing me up inside.
Robin's POV
"Common Roland take us to the next hole!" I said to my son. Happy as ever. I sat him on my lap and I pushed the petal lightly, letting him steer. Just in case I put my hands on his. We slowly drove through the path in the forest leading us to the next hole. My dad watched us laughing the while time. I was happy to spend time with my son and father. "Was Regina feeling better this morning?" Dad asked me while teeing up. "Actually she was. I think she just needed some sleep." I answered. "Oh, okay. Well that's good news!" I wasn't really sure with how be replied. And I know that he wasn't telling the truth. "What?" He looked back at me before hitting. "Well, its just, right after I mentioned children, she ran off. And then felt sick" I guess he kinda got the hint. But I still didn't want to make Regina feel uncomfortable about the situation by telling him. And God knows he'll tell my mother, and probably the rest of the family tree will know. I mentally laughed at that last part. "She's not...pregnant is she Robin?" He asked with a sigh, attempting to sound normal. "GODS NO DAD! You know me better than that! It's nothing dad! Really, like I said the first time, its probably just a bug! And the ladies are out on a spa day today. So she should feel alot better." He nodded understanding. "Alright" and he hit his ball, getting it on the green.
Regina's POV
"That foot rub was amazing!" I said as I walked into the door. "I know! That was very much needed!" Alice agreed with me.  "Thank you again. You shouldn't have done that, I am the host." I did feel bad. Letting her pay for that treatment. But to be fair she did lit up a fight. "So listen, I'm gonna go pick up a few things from my apartment. You can come if you want but you probably want some rest." I told her as she sat on the couch. "Yes! Go ahead, the men will be back in about an hour an I'll just have a nap or something." I grabbed my coat and keys and opened the door. "Alright, well have a good nap!" I laughed. She laughed back and we said our goodbyes. And I drove off to my apartment.
Robin's POV
Something wasn't right. I couldn't place it. Not just the putt I missed on the last hole, but I just felt off. We where now on the fifth hole. Probably another hour or so untill we are done. Roland was having fun "driving" the cart and my father and I where playing well, enjoying our bonding time. So nothing should be wrong. It's probably all just in my head.
Regina's POV
I walked into my apartment and into my room. I just needed some clothes to get me through the rest of the weekend. I heard a knock on the door which was strange. I wasn't expecting anyone. I opened the door to find the last person I expected to be there. It was him. I couldn't even say anything.
How did he get out!
Was he released!
All of these thoughts where popping back into my head. Memories, flashbacks, I was petrified. I took a step back. He had an evil smirk on his face. A tear rolled downy cheek in fear. "Hello Regina." His voice was like a snake. So cold and vicious.

I tried to slam the door but I was too slow. His foot got in the way and he stepped in. Pushing me to the ground with great force. I tried to scream for help but no one came. He muffled my screaming with his hand and slapped me hard across the face. I was crying uncontrollably. I was powerless. He took out a knife and I screamed in his hand. Biting down hard, trying anything to get out of his grasp. "You little bitch!" He screamed at me and kneed me in the gut. He took the knife and ripped apart my shirt. And took of my bra. I was terrified. He slammed the door shut and pulled off my skirt and his pants. "Now Regina, this is what happens when you decide to do stupid things!" He screamed again. He starts to sexually abuse me in every way possible. Being as rough as possible. Making it hurt like hell. I managed to punch him in the face hard once. But that only made things worst. He removed himself from me and started to abuse me physically. Standing up, keeping me on the ground with his one foot in my gut. Punching me in the face, and kicking my ribs. He pulled my hair back, so my head was up, exposing my neck. He finally put his two hands around my neck, choking me. I went light headed. And right before I passed out, right before I gave in to the light. He let go. "Don't you ever, EVER! MESS WITH ME AGAIN REGINA! YOU WILL ALWAYS PAY!" He screamed. Getting off of me and walking out the door. I lay on the ground. Frozen, unable to move, or speak.

Everything went black.

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