Right Where You Want Me (A La...

By LarryGreaterThanLife

119K 2.6K 342

"I'm just as scared as you are. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try." Louis had been alone...for what fel... More

Right Where You Want Me (A Larry Stylinson fanfiction)
Chapter one: My Green-eyed Nightmare
Chapter two: Mood Changes
Chapter three: Getting Closer?
Chapter four: Sleeping Together
Chapter five: Bruised And Embarrassed
Chapter six: Care For Him
Chapter seven: Tunnel Vision
Chapter eight: Like A Tease
Chapter nine: Confrontation
Chapter ten: Seeing Other People
Chapter eleven: Alone
Chapter twelve: Too Much Taylor
Chapter thirteen: Angry And Nosy
Chapter fourteen: Fighting
Chapter fifteen: You're Not Forgiven, Even Though You Are
Chapter sixteen: The Aftershock
Chapter seventeen: Wishes And Kisses
Chapter eighteen: Where This Goes
Chapter nineteen: If Not For You
Chapter twenty: He'll See You
Chapter twenty-two: All Better
Chapter twenty-three: In The Future
Chapter twenty-four: I Just Want To Say Thank You (Mature!)
Chapter twenty-five: Planned Date
Chapter twenty-six: The Date Part One
Chapter twenty-seven: The Date Part Two
Chapter twenty-eight: The Epilogue Without The Prologue (Mature-ish)

Chapter twenty-one: Surprise

3K 94 9
By LarryGreaterThanLife


   "Harry?" I moaned, feeling for the scarf that was around my eyes. I heard and felt the vibration of car doors slamming all around me, and then I felt the cold air rush in as one opened. "Harry," I repeated more sternly, holding back a yawn and shivering.

"I'm right here, Louis," Harry's voice sounded, and his hand darted out and patted at my stomach. I reached out to him blindly, and he grasped my hand with a laugh. "Now, are you sure you've packed everything?"

I scoffed. "I don't know where we're going, Haz," I whined, "but I packed enough clothes for the weekend. Where are we even going? Can I take my blindfold off? We're not even moving!"

"We're about to. Sit tight."

I whimpered, lying down in the cushioned car seat and wrapping my arms around myself. I had been woken up to Harry literally pulling me out of my bed, and without any explanation, I'd been told to pack my things. When I'd gotten into the living room I'd spotted Gemma, who was leaning patiently against the wall with a tie in her hand. All in about thirty seconds, my bag had been taken from me and the tie had been wrapped tightly around my eyes. And now I was in the back of a car, freezing my arse off.

"Alright, sweetheart, we're leaving now," Harry said fondly. The car shifted as he got in, and I sat up. I slid over and felt for his head, wrapping my arms around his neck once I'd found him in the passenger's seat.

"Are we ready, losers?" Gemma laughed, and she climbed in the driver's seat. She started the car and then we were off. "We've got a long drive."

"Where are we going, Gem?" I squeaked, hoping she would tell me. Gemma and I were on very friendly terms now. This was about the third time she'd insulted me this morning, but I knew it was only as a joke. We already had a sort of brother-sister relationship.

"I can't...tell you," Gemma responded hesitantly. "Sorry, Lou, Haz here won't let me."

"Don't call me that," Harry snapped. I felt his lips press to my wrist. "It's alright, Louis. Go back to sleep or something. It's early."

"It's so early," I repeated, leaning my forehead on the back of the headrest. I wanted to sleep, but I needed answers. "You guys kidnapped me."

"For a great cause!" Harry interjected. I could practically hear the excitement in his voice. "We had to get up early in order to get where we're going in time."

I touched the corner of my blindfold. "Well...can't I take this off?" I inquired. "It's irritating me. How long will it take to get there – I don't need this on for the entire ride, do I?"

"It's about a four hour drive. You do need it." Harry sighed, probably ticked off at my constant questions. "It's just in case you start recognizing things," he explained. "It would ruin the surprise if that were to happen."

"I don't like surprises!" I groaned, releasing Harry's head and slumping back against the seat. I tossed and turned just to annoy Harry and Gemma; to let them know that I didn't like this idea. "Alright...give me a hint, at least. Just one hint."

"It's very exciting," Harry chuckled. I grunted in protest. That wasn't a hint at all. "C'mon, Lou. Be a big boy. This is fun. It's like a road trip."

"I am a big boy, thank you very much," I grumbled. "And it's not very fun. Nor is it like a road trip. I'm blinded with a tie that smells like shampoo."

"Yes, well–"

"Let's play the quiet game!" Gemma suggested loudly. She had an irritated edge in her voice, which I took pride in. If I wasn't happy, she wasn't going to be, either. "Whoever speaks first buys me lunch!"

I opened my mouth to speak, but, realizing that I didn't have any money on me, I closed it again. I huffed and curled up into a ball, closing my eyes like it would block out any light. I stayed absolutely silent for quite a while, an hour at least, and then I heard Harry talking. I was already drifting off, but I strained my ears to listen.

"Is he asleep?" Harry whispered.

Gemma laughed gently, and I elusively felt the car accelerate. "You lose. You're buying me lunch."

"Is he asleep or not?" Harry hissed. There was a short silence; maybe Harry was turning around to look back at me. I stayed still. "Yeah, I guess he is. Here, type this address into your navigational thing so we don't get lost."

"Is this where they are?" Gemma questioned, but I heard the sounds of the car as she entered in the street name and address. 'Please enter your five digit address into the following blank.'  "All of them?"

"That's what she told me."

I frowned. I didn't know who she was, or why Harry was taking me to a house with her and other people in it, but it only added to my curiosity. My stomach growled and I moaned loudly, my voice coming out slurred. "Oh! I really want something to eat!"

Gemma laughed and Harry gave a surprised squeak. "Louis! I thought you were asleep?"

"I'm hungry!" I protested. "Gem, pull over somewhere. Let me get something."

Gemma took a sharp turn, causing me to slide fast to the right and Harry to curse. She drove for a couple minutes before taking another, a softer, turn. "We're at a McDonalds," she said, sounding tired. "This is the only stop I'm making besides bathroom breaks. What do you want?"

"Just get me some fries and a Coke," I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my head. As Gemma ordered three large fries, two Sprites, and one Coke, Harry got out of the car and opened the door on my end.

"Scoot over," He whispered, nudging my arm. I hopelessly turned my head, seeing black all over. "I'm to your left, Louis."

"Oh." I moved over and Harry slid in next to me, placing a hand on my knee and rubbing it with affection. He turned my head towards his and planted a sudden kiss on my mouth, pulling away just as soon. I laughed airily and touched my tie, lifting up the corner to look at Harry's face. I saw the yellow and gray McDonalds building outside of the car, and I'd been there before. It was right on the outskirts of London.

"Keep it down." Harry swatted my hand and took my face in his own large palms, pressing a few more kisses to the corners of my mouth.

"What're you doing?" I whispered slowly. "By all means, d-don't stop!" I added quickly when the heat of his lips left mine. "Just explain!"

"I'm kissing you so you'll shut up for a few more hours," he chuckled. His hands pushed through my hair and he sneakily tightened the tie around my eyes. "I'll stay back here with you and we'll both take a nap."

"Alright," I smiled.

"Take your food," Gemma instructed, "we're going back on the road. And don't make a mess or you're cleaning it up." She tossed the McDonalds bag in the backseat. It fell in my lap and Harry lunged for it, brushing my upper thigh with his fingers.

"Thanks for that," I said weakly, squirming slightly in my spot and covering my lap with my hands.

"Anytime. I'll do it again, if you'd like," Harry responded cheekily, just as quiet. He prodded a fry at my mouth and I took it, chewing slowly and leaning against him. "Fall asleep. We'll be there in about three hours."

"I wanna know where we're going..." I wriggled myself in between Harry's legs. I turned over and carefully rested my chin on his chest, my arms wrapped around his torso. "Please tell me."

"You're really going to like it," Harry assured me, brushing a few stray strands of hair out of my face. "Go to sleep, Boo."

I closed my eyes, nuzzling my head in his soft sweater. "Hmhg..."


   "Louis. Louis, wake up!"

I opened my eyes and yelped when I still saw darkness. I sat up from my uncomfortable position, feeling around for someone or something. A hand grabbed my own and hauled me out of the small space of Gemma's car, pulling me upright. "Harry!" I whimpered. "I can't see!"

"You still have the tie on." Harry's voice shook, but not with worry or sadness or anger. He was so excited that he couldn't speak properly. "We're here, Louis."

"Good!" I reached up with both hands and tugged at my blindfold. "So I can take this off?"

"No, not yet. Stay in this exact spot, alright? I'll be right back." Thanks to the tiny pebbles that were under our feet, I heard Harry's footsteps drift off. The sound of the car's trunk opening sounded. Harry grunted as he pulled his and my overnight bag out.

"Okay, guys," Gemma called from some direction. "I'll be heading back. I'll pick you up tomorrow evening like you said, right, Harry?"

"Uh-huh," Harry confirmed. "Thanks, Gem. See you."

I was pulled to the side as Gemma's car started, and she backed out of the driveway. She gave two honks of her horn before she took off.

"Let's go inside the flat," Harry suggested, taking my hand and walking slowly with me. He led me up a few steps and then stopped, letting go of my hand to ring a doorbell. The door opened quickly and a small scream rang in my ears.

"What's going on?" I screeched, searching for Harry's hand again. He was laughing quietly.

"Shh, hold on," he whispered to whoever the owner of the scream was, and he tugged me inside of the home. I heard faint and suppressed giggling. "Alright, you're here. Move over some so you're in the living room. Girls, hush!"

I sighed and shifted to the right, only to be told to move the other way. Harry pressed a small kiss to my temple before placing a hand on my lower back and rubbing small circles.

"Take off your blindfold, Louis."

"Finally!" I breathed, quickly undoing the tie. My fingers fumbled with the fabric – I couldn't get this thing off fast enough. "I've gotten tired of not being able to see anything! I swear; I'm never doing that agai–"

I froze completely, my blindfold slowly falling to the ground, eyeing the four girls standing in front of me. I had to blink several times for me to believe that I wasn't crazy; that my sisters were real and in the flesh.

Charlotte was on the far left, beaming widely with tears in her eyes. Daisy was next, then Phoebe, and Felicite was on the far right. They were all posed in different ways, but all of them had their arms out like they were welcoming a big hug. They were all so grown, already, and after two years, they were standing right in front of me out of the blue.

I briefly looked around the room. I'd never been in this house, but apparently this was our new home. No, scratch that, it wasn't my home. It was my sister's and my mum's. It didn't belong to me. I wasn't part of the family anymore.

"Oh my God," I squeaked, pulling at my fingers. I didn't have anything else to do with them. I felt sick to my stomach, so overwhelmed. I couldn't think or do anything, and my eyesight blurred with hot tears. "I'm going to pass out," I warned, nodding my head. "I'm going to pass out." I glanced at Harry and blinked, nodding furiously. "I'm going to pass out, Harry."

"Louis..." Harry gripped my back. He sounded concerned. "Louis, you're alright. Just breathe."

I heard a few mumbles of 'Louis!' and 'Is he okay...?', but the ringing in my ears drowned out all of that. I continued to nod, my head bobbing so fast that I thought it was going to fall off. "N-no, I'm really, really going to pass out," I whined, and then the room started spinning.

"Louis!" I heard the shouts clearer now. "Louis!"

 I toppled over, and I slightly felt arms wrap around my torso to keep me from falling onto the floor. I was able to mumble a scratchy, strained, and silent 'thanks' before everything fell into darkness.


Hey! Here's the next chapter for you! A bit of a cliffhanger, yeah? :) Sorry for the terrible suspense I tried (and I think failed) to add, and sorry for the possible shortness of it! I hope it's good enough to make up for it, though! 

I read all of your comments (All of them!), and I just love you guys so much. I love how you're excited about my updates! Tell me what you think of this one, and I will update when I get some (as usual!) I'll always read all of your comments and I love hearing from you!

Those are Louis' sisters again! :D >>>>>>>>>>>>

Thank you all so much! :)

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