Sympathy For The Devil

By kellybellefiction

1.1K 16 0

Sookie is a 2,000 year old faery princess who gets tangled into the world of vampires, once again, when the v... More

1. Sympathy for the Devil
2. Indestructible
3. Forever
4. The Pretender
5. Hurt
6. The Sound of Winter
7. Holland Road
8. Back in Black
10. Viva la Vida
12. Through Glass
13. Seven Devils
14. Never Say Never

9. War Pigs

67 0 0
By kellybellefiction

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds... Oh Lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah

War Pigs

By: Black Sabbath

"Your Majesty, how nice to see you so quickly," Raegan said as Sookie entered her throne room. She had chosen a loose fitting blue gown, which reached the floor. She wore her tiara, blue and white royal ring, and had her hair in an updo. She looked ever bit like royalty.

"Yes, I came as soon as I was able to get away. Don't act too surprised," she said, sitting on her throne. Raegan was a good enough adviser, but they never got along, even all these years later. She only kept him around because he was good at his job.

"Pardon me, your grace. I did not mean to be disrespectful," he said, bowing slightly. Sookie nodded her head, and shifted to get comfortable on the throne.

"What is going on, Raegan? What is the threat?"

"It seems as though there have been several spies caught in the palace. Now, this could just be normal posturing—we have our spies over there—or, it could be something more sinister. I have no doubt that you remember what happened last time. Niall, however, was old and was no longer paying attention. We can hopefully deal with this before it gets out of hand," he finished, handing her a document with the disturbance recorded on it.

"Were these spies kept alive?" she asked, looking up from the papers.

"One was, your grace."

"Hmm," she hummed, thinking about her options. "I would like to speak to this spy."

"We have already spoken to him. He was never told why he was here, only that he was to gather information, and return to the Water king with said information."

"Send him as a message, then. Let him live. The others are dead, and there's nothing we can do about that now. Send this spy back as warning. If war is coming, I think it is time to take over the Water clan, don't you?" she asked, looking at Raegan.

"That would probably be best. One ruler for both clans. Earth and Fire have never been problems, but maybe we could implore them to help us," he suggested. Sookie thought about it, knowing the daemons of the Fire realm would be very useful in an assault against the smug king of the Water Fae—they were just smug by nature, she assumed.

"I will write to the king of the Fire Daemons, and see what he can do to help us," Sookie said. "Now, I must speak with some of the townspeople and hear petitions. Leave me."

For the next two hours, Sookie heard over 100 petitions and complaints, and was able to deal with almost all of them. She was not always present in Faery, but her people liked her and her policies. She was a fair ruler. By the time she was done, she had a headache, and she was uncomfortable. She trudged back to her quarters to find Godric in downtime on her bed. As soon as she walked in, though, he perked up.

"How was your day?" he asked, scooting over to giver her room on the large bed. She took off her shoes, and dropped on the bed, still in her gown.

"Long. I feel war coming," she said, turning over to face him. "It feels as it did before. Spies have been found. Hopefully, we caught this in time to keep it from getting violent."

Godric stayed quiet and thought about the consequences of what she was telling him. War would mean she would be in this realm for a long time—a very long time. "I would like to stay with you for the duration of this issue," he said, looking at her to gauge her reaction.

"I think that will be fine," she said, looking almost relieved at the prospect. "I would like you to stay with brings me comfort."

Godric smiled at that, glad to know that he brought her even a small amount of comfort, even after being apart for so long. "So what's on the agenda?"

"Well, I'm meeting with Desmond Cataliades, the king of the Fire Daemons, and his two nieces, Diantha and Gladiola tomorrow first thing. I sent him a letter tonight through the portal, so he should already have it. I'm going to ask him for assistance, should this...altercation come to war," Sookie said, snuggling into his side.

Godric stiffened at the action. They hadn't been sexually involved in over 80 years, and they hadn't been romantically involved in even longer. The few times they'd had sex recently was due to bloodlust, or the fact that there was no one else around. They both knew it. In Dallas, though, he felt as though something had shifted between them. Although, last he heard, his child had been pursuing Sookie.

"How has it been with Eric's advances?" he asked, hoping to test the waters.

"I...well, of course I'm attracted to him. And yes, we've had sex before. But, I just don't feel anything romantic towards him. I've seen his womanizing way too much. And he'll always be your child in my eyes," Sookie says, looking at Godric, trying to gauge his reaction.

He merely nodded, and pulled her closer. He kissed her temple. "You should get some sleep, Sookie. You have a long day tomorrow."

"I want you to meet them with me tomorrow. Can you?"

"I don't see why not. I don't have to rest here like I do in the Earth realm. I sleep like a human in this realm. Just wake me up when you wake, okay?"

"Okay," she said, rolling over. She did some sort of magic, and then the lights went dark.

The next morning, Sookie woke when the sun rose. She nudged Godric's side, and then waited for him to stir before getting up.

"I'm going to shower, and then get dressed, okay?" she asked him.

"Yeah. I'll be here," he grumbled, shoving his face back in the pillow. He hadn't slept like a human since she brought him here nearly 1500 years ago. He forgot how hard it was to wake up from normal sleep.

Sookie showered quickly, and was glad that she had insisted Faery catch up with the technology with the Earth realm. They didn't adopt everything, but modern running, heated water, was the best thing they did adopt.

She changed into a purple gown, wore her usual tiara, blue ring, and wore her hair up again. When meeting with a fellow monarch, it was always important to look the part. She was glad she didn't have to worry about the time difference anymore. As soon as she became queen, she took over the realm, and therefore the workings of it. She used her magic to synch the times in both the Earth realm and Faery realm. It was definitely a good decision, with all the traveling she did back and forth.

By the time she was done dressing, Godric was dressed in a smart looking suit. His hair was cut short, so he didn't mess with it. He wore a Rolex watch, shiny black shoes, and the platinum Tiffany cuff links Sookie got him as a gift years ago.

It was close to noon when they were ready to go, and they had about two hours until the Fire Daemons were supposed to arrive. They walked to the dining room, where Sookie was served lunch. The faery serving Sookie looked at Godric fearfully, and scuttled from the room as fast as he could.

"You have to eat, Godric," Sookie said while eating her lunch.

Godric shrugged. "I'm old. I don't have to eat as often as I used to."

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't eat," she implored. Godric knew where she was going with this.

"Sookie, I shouldn't take your blood," he said.

"I've taken yours plenty of times. It's only fair," she said with a wink.

Godric couldn't help but laugh. "Fine. But you will allow me to repay you."

"Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something for you to do in return," she said with another wink.

Godric couldn't help the reaction that he had in his pants to that. He shifted, suddenly uncomfortable, and went in to downtime while Sookie finished her food. When she was done, they went to the throne room. Sookie had told all of her trusted advisers to meet after lunch.

She sat down on her throne, and Godric stood behind her right side. It was a protective stance.

"I've called you all here, because we have a certain guest. You may remember him from that fateful night all those years ago. He is Godric Nervii, he is over 2000 years old, and can be trusted. He has amazing self control, and is no threat to any of those who are loyal to me and what is mine. Any who betray us, or wish to cause us harm, their fate is not so promising," she finished, looking at each member of the royal entourage in the eye, looking for any deception.

There was a murmur about the crowd before they finally settled down. They knew that if the queen said it was okay, they shouldn't argue with her about it. "You are all free to go," she said.

When that was over and done with, it was time to meet with Fire Daemons. They met in the meeting hall of the palace. It was an ornately decorated room, with a large, blue and white rug, large white table, and floor to ceiling windows with a view of the meadows and fields outside the palace. When Sookie and Godric arrived, Desmond Cataliades was already there with his nieces.

"Desmond, thank you so much for meeting me on such short notice," she said, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"It was no problem, my dear. Let me introduce my nieces," he said. He gestured first to a tall young woman with medium length brown hair, brown eyes, and a petite build. "This is Gladiola. And this," he said gesturing to a woman who was just as beautiful, with brown hair and blue eyes, "is Diantha."

"It's nice to meet you," she said, shaking their hands in turn. "This is Godric. He has been a long time friend of mine, and he hopes to assist me with the problem at hand."

When Sookie was done explaining the situation, Desmond had a worried look on his face. "This new king of the Water clan is young. He thinks that he can overthrow you, and take control of your kingdom. I would say the best course of action is to attack him before he even has a chance to assemble his soldiers."

"Hmm," Sookie hummed, rubbing her temples with her fingers. "Would you and your forces be willing to assist me? This king has proven to be a problem, and who's to say he will stop with me?"

"Yes, I will be more than happy to give you any resources or troops that you may need. I ask for nothing in return, my dear. I have been a friend to your family for many centuries. I even remember when you were born," he said, with a fond smile on his face.

"Thank you so much, Desmond," Sookie said, standing to hug the older daemon. Godric had remained quiet during the exchange. He was silently evaluating the plan put in place, making sure it wouldn't be too dangerous.

When he and Sookie left the room, they returned to her private quarters. "I think we should return to the Earth realm while forces assemble and train," she said. "I don't want the Water king to know anything is amiss. I will do my yearly visit in the Summerlands tomorrow, and then we will leave."

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