The Mute Alpha (Book Two of t...

By CharlotteMichelle96

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After a tragic accident that leaves young Lucas Donovan mute, he has to find a way to cope with his new life... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
The Deaf Luna
Plot Twist!
Just For You!
Team Name!
Free Goodies for the Blind Followers!
I Want You in My Book!
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In 3, 2, 1!

Chapter Three Reposted

40.9K 1.6K 390
By CharlotteMichelle96

This is for the people who could not read chapter three!!! Sorry about the mix up!! I don't know what happened!
Love you all! XOXO Charlotte



September 14, 2036

Tears roll down my cheeks as I shove a few essential clothing into a duffle bag. My ceiling fan blows at full power, cooling down the heat that is pricking at my skin as anger and frustration overwhelms me.

I was expecting Lucas to just head back to the Cipher pack without me. I didn't actually believe I had to say goodbye to my family so suddenly. But I shouldn't have been so unreasonable. Mates are capable of leaving the other behind.

I'm just not ready to leave. I just met Lucas yesterday, and now I have to leave the only place I have ever known. The only people I have ever known...

After putting together a collection of toiletries, shoes, my favorite outfits and a few family pictures, I throw the bag over my shoulder and run down the stairs to see Lucas sitting at the kitchen table. He is carving his nail into the wood, his expression blank. When he hears my approaching footsteps, his eyes lift to meet mine.

I take in the man who is standing beside him. He is tall and thin with brown, wavy hair and green eyes. He offers me a smile and then his hand. "I'm Travis. Pleasure to meet you, Luna Mae." My heart does a flip at his words.

I am now his Luna.

Lucas stands, walking over to grab my arm and pull me a step towards him. He looks into my eyes as Travis says, "He's sorry." I don't take my eyes off my mate as Lucas's hand reaches up and brushes away my tears. "He promises he will work everyday to make you happy at your new home." I nod my head as Lucas offers me a tiny smile.

Loud footsteps resound from the hallway and I look over to see my father storm into the room, grabbing Lucas by the collar of the shirt and pressing him against the wall. "Listen here, pup. My daughter is a spectacular girl. You are lucky to have her as a mate. So if I hear that you hurt her or make her the least bit unhappy, I will come to Wyoming myself and I will make sure you never have children. Got it?" I bit my bottom lip at my fathers threat... Uncle Mason beat him to the punch. But it's a father's job to defend their daughters.

I wrap my arms around my dad's waist, causing him to release Lucas and hold me tight, kissing the top of my head. "This is all too soon, Mae." I nod, gripping his t-shirt as if it is the only thing keeping me rooted.

"I know. Where's Mom?" I ask, stepping away from him.

"She's outside with everyone else." He says. I turn and exit the house, nearly running into my mom's waiting arms. Tears are streaming down her face as the clutches tightly to me.

"You need to be strong; and remember everything we taught you." My mom steps back, grabbing my face in between her hands. "You are beautiful and wise and an Alpha. You are important, don't ever forget that." She offers me a smile, nodding slightly. She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much, Mom." I whisper.

I say my goodbyes to everyone; even Aunt Jenny and Uncle Tyler came to wish me well.

It was as if I was ripping my heart out as I climb into the large Chevy Silverado that one of Lucas's pack mates drove over. I sit in the back with Lucas, laying my head on the window as I watch until my family is out of sight.

I don't try to stop the tears that follow. There is no point. I know there will be many more to come.

We drive for a good hour until I finally look over at Lucas, taking in his posture and his sullen expression. He doesn't want this. He said so earlier today. He doesn't want me as a mate and he doesn't want to be committed to me.

Will I ever be happy again?

It's so rare to find mates who are in loveless relationships. But it's not unknown. I just pray that is not the case for us. I want nothing more than to fall completely in love with this man; but I need him to fall for me too. I will not let him break my heart; and in the process, break me.

Lucas, feeling my gaze, turns to look at me. His eyes hold their own sorrow and pain. Because he doesn't want this future? Because he doesn't want to love again? Is he afraid that I will abandon him?

Lucas takes out his cellphone and begins typing. I can't help the butterflies that erupt in my belly as my phone dings. I check the screen: Please don't cry, mo ghrá. I look up at him with confusion at the last two words. What language is that? Lucas frowns before he types again. Forgive me, I am used to my pack understanding Irish. It means 'my love'. I blush a deep red as I read his message.

I turn to face him, tucking my leg underneath my butt. "You're Irish?" I notice Travis in the passenger seat turn to look over his shoulder at me. He has a smile as he nods.

"We all are."

"Cipher is French." I say.

The original Cipher pack was mainly French. It was named the Cipher pack because when Irish settlers were first moving to the States, the pack kept Irish wolves hidden; a secret. That is the meaning of Cipher, is it not? I feel my eyes widen at this new-found knowledge.

This was the most fascinating thing I have heard in a long time. I never understood the names for packs, however the Cipher pack is a paradox in itself.

I cross my arms and let out a huff.

"Over time, the Cipher pack has become mainly Irish. If any member is not Irish, they simply learn the language." Travis tells me, now facing front. I glance at Lucas.


Travis doesn't speak because Lucas types away on his phone. Upon the ding, I am already reading what he wrote.

It's a way to maintain pack secrets. We hardly speak our foreign tongue inside our territory, only when we're amongst strangers. That makes perfect sense actually.

Hmph. Smart.

I smile as Lucas is actually opening up to me. I wouldn't have expected that so soon. "Donovan?"

One of the first Irish surname listings. I notice how proud he is of his name. Of his father's name. I watch as something ticks in his eyes and I know his train of thought went down the same tracks as mine did.

"It's a beautiful name. Lucas Donovan." I smirk. It flows smoothly.

My mom was French. She wanted a boy she could call Luc. So they named me Lucas. I am pleased he is telling me so much about his family. It also gives me insight on his past, and the man he really is. Gavin is a thick Gaelic name.

I furrow my eyebrows. "I-I'm sorry... Who's Gavin?" I ask, looking up from my phone. Lucas's lips settle into a deep frown and I mentally curse myself for saddening him.

Stupid girl. I growl to myself.

"Gavin is Lucas's brother." Travis pipes up from the front.

I mentally slap myself. Of course he's his brother. Anyone with a brain could have figured that out. He wouldn't just be talking about some random kid named Gavin.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Lucas turns his body to face me, his face hard to read.

He types, I will tell you everything you want to know about my family, mo cheann donn. But I want to know more about you, other than how much you love The Lion King. I am going to have to install Google Translate to my phone if he keeps speaking to me in Irish... not that I mind or turned off by it.

"Moe Chiann done?" I speak. Lucas's face breaks into a large smile at my lame attempt to what he just typed. It's hard when I can't hear him say it...

My brown one. He reaches over and touches my brown hair and I blush profusely. He has such an affect on me. It doesn't help that he keeps speaking endearments to me.

"You sure you want me to babble on about my life?" I ask.

"No." Travis declares from the front seat. I arch an eyebrow at him, silently urging him to fight me. I'll take him down.

Lucas nods his head, ignoring his friend. I take in a deep breath, preparing for the long speech. I notice Travis cringe, causing me to sputter and laugh extremely obnoxiously and unattractively. I double forward as I laugh solo, but I don't care. I can go on a for minutes at a time, until I can no longer breathe.

When I stop, however, I see Lucas is still smiling widely at me, clearly amused. Travis is just shaking his head, looking back to make sure I'm still alive. I ignore them and start my life story. "I was born September 12th, 2019. I have no siblings, which I am sorry for my dad. The Matthews line will end with me and the Shadow pack will be passed to Joey, my cousin... I guess. I don't really have many friends, considering everyone is either much younger or much older than I am. But my cousin Duke was always close to me. Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of having the love my parents have. The whole disability-against-all-odds-evil-Castor-murderer-love-overcomes relationship was very appealing to me. It reminded me of a fairy tale.

"So on my thirteenth birthday, I wished for my mate to be a man similar to my father. Someone who had a trouble passed, or even a disability. Don't ask why, I found it extremely attractive." I peek up at Lucas to see him squinting at me and I admire him. His perfectly tanned skin, his toned waist, strong arms, gentle face. And his beautiful doe eyes. They get me every time.

I hardly look at the scars on his neck. Sure, I see them, but they don't bother me. "Now, I find it totally sexy." I slap a hand over my mouth as I realize I just said that out loud to him. Why do I not have a filter? I need one. And a little alarm to tell me to stop talking, to let others get a word in.

Yes, I definitely need one of those.

I gnaw on my bottom lip as Lucas's eyes spark with fire at my words. Down tiger.

"What's he thinking?" I whisper over to Travis.

"Yeah... I don't feel comfortable saying it out loud..."

I am thinking that you're playing a dangerous game. You don't know what you're in for with me. I clutch my phone tightly.

"I do though. I grew up with it. I lived it. I've seen my father struggle and my mom help. I know exactly what I am in for."

Your parents could speak to one another. You will never hear my voice, Mae.

I decide not to talk anymore, out of respect for Travis and the driver. My father was never supposed to see again. But he did. Do not say 'never'. It is a filthy word covered in empty promises. I promise you, Lucas, that I will search every day to find a way to help you speak again. If that is what you want. Just don't give up on me.

Lucas reads my message over and over again. I see a sliver of hope flicker across his face. What I said was true. I do not believe he is mute forever. How could I when I grew up with Landon Matthews? There has to be some sort of surgery or miracle that can give Lucas his voice. Even if it has limitations, I am sure there is an answer out there.

Alright, mo cheann donn. I will not give up on you. As long as you promise to not give up on me. I smile like a little idiot as I look Lucas in the eyes.

I have to. He has to see that I am not lying when I give him my promise.

I hope my mother doesn't mind if I steal Mason's nickname.

"I promise, my blonde one."

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