
Por Hopelessly_Holly

236 12 8

Twenty three year old Jace is anything but average. She not only has a dark past, but she kills and hunts the... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

12 1 0
Por Hopelessly_Holly

** A/N: Hi there :3 You guys liking the story? It would mean SOOO much to me if you commented and voted! :3 I will love you forever <333 And the picture is sort of what Winter Palace looks like :B

~Holly  **

      I had no idea how long I had been sleeping, but I knew I wasn’t finished. I guess I used more magic than my body could take, and whatever magic Kaylix had used sure kicked my ass. When would I  learn how to paralyze people?! I pushed the thought aside, groaning in pain as I rolled on my side. I felt Naios laying beside me, and I curled myself around him. “Morning, Princess.” “Uh…don’t call me that,” I muttered aloud, too tired to speak with him silently. I could see him smiling, his amber eyes holding a mischievous gleam within them. “Yes, Princess. Jace needs more rest. Go back to sleep.” “How long have I been out?” He shook his head, pressing his nose against my face gently. ”It matters not. Jace needs more rest to heal. The magic that penetrated Jace was very strong. Jace’s body is not used to it.” “Oohh, I’ll kill that asshole,” I growled, barely able to lift my arm. “Sleep more, Princess. Naios will still be here.” “Thanks. Naios? I…I’m starting to remember. I used to call you Osi…didn’t I?” He panted a large smile, dipping his head once. “Yes! Jace could not pronoun Naios’ full name. Naios thought it was cute.”  I laughed, managing to drape my arm over him. “And Dante…I remember knowing him as a kid. Ever since we were toddlers.” “Yes. Dante and Jace have always been friends. Dante and Jace have always loved each other.”  I looked him over, and he layed his head beside mine on my pillow, our noses touching. “Do you like being with me, Naios? Do you wish you were human again?” ”Naios remembers nothing from his human life. And Naios loves Jace.”  “I remember how difficult I used to be. My parents were always grounding me…” I laughed fondly, suddenly tearing up. Naios pressed his head against mine, and I hugged him tightly to me as if he were a giant teddy bear. “Naios will always love Jace. Naios will always be there for Jace.”  “That’s more than I deserve, buddy. But thank you. Your undying allegiance means more to me than you’ll ever know.” We both smiled, but I couldn’t help thinking about my parents. My real ones. My parents here in the human world were awful to me, and it hurt to think about my brother. I didn’t realize I was gritting my teeth until Naios whimpered, and I thought about Libelius and Ayanna again…mom and dad. “Naios? Do…Do they love me? My parents?” Naios’ eyes widened, and he jerked his head back in surprise. “King Libelius and Queen Ayanna adore Jace! Were heartbroken when Princess was taken! King fired half of the council members, and sentenced them into exile. Does…Does Jace not remember mother and father’s love?”  I twisted my mouth to the side with a shrug, Naios laying his head back on my pillow. “I remember them. I remember what they look like, and they’re smiling faces, how kind they were and what great leaders they were. But I…I can’t recall memories, yet. I just…remember things. Like what the castle looked like, and my room. I remember how fussy I could’ve been, and I remember my mom grounding me a lot, but that’s all. I don’t remember Christmas’, or my birthdays…” “Memories will come back to Jace. It just takes time. Rest some more…Jace will be surprised how quickly things will come back.” “You really think so?” I asked, snuggling closer to him. Naios nodded and grunted, wrapping his head around mine, his eyes watching the door. “Naios knows so. Princess must sleep, now. Princess must heal,” he murmured, my eyes closing much faster than I had anticipated. I clutched his fur tightly within my fingers, praying that he was right. I wanted to remember everything so bad. So bad, I could feel the knots develop in my stomach. I yearned for my memories more than anything else, and if I couldn’t have them, I wasn’t sure I wanted to live. Without knowing who I really am, I was no one, and not having an identity was no way to go through life. I thought a lot about Dante and Dean before I went to sleep, memories from the Realm coming back to me in stride.


A few days had passed, my wounds completely healed. Scars remained, but I wasn’t sore anymore, which meant I could get out of bed to shower and eat. I had learned so much over the past few days-more about my parents, the life I used to lead, and about Dante. Not only was I learning…I was remembering!! Mostly in my dreams, but with Naios’ help, certain smells, sounds, phrases, and objects helped me remember. Like I had recalled earlier, I remembered what my parents looked like, and how much they loved and cared for me. I also remembered what Naios looked like as a puppy, or Loizae, and I remembered the paintings of him as a great and heroic warrior. I remembered every room in the castle, including my room, and what I looked like as a young teenager and what I did. I dressed mostly like I do now, but there were occasions where I actually wore dresses, and not just ones that were my style. I recalled a few balls being thrown, most on the account of my birthday, or something. I remembered what Dante looked like as a young child and as a teenager, and it was fascinating to realize I had watched him grow up. I could even remember my feelings for him, and how Naios had been right; I had loved Dante ever since I could remember. I knew about Kaylix and my dad’s advisors, and could probably recall almost every day and every feeling and thought that went with it. The only thing I needed to remember now was the day that everything changed. I had a whole other life!!! How many people can say that?! As I awoke this morning, I suddenly remembered Dean’s meeting with his recorder producer, and I jumped out of bed. “Dean!!” I called, running to his room. I opened his door, surprised when I didn’t find him listening to music, as always. I walked over to his desk to see a note, and read it as I bit my lip:


          I went to meet with Brian to give him the news. I guess you decided you didn’t want to join me. If you change your mind by 9:30, call me.


I whirled to face his clock, my heart plummeting as I read the time; 11:10 AM. “I’m sorry Dean…” I whispered, clutching the note to my chest. Dante and I were friends again, both of us apologizing for our fight (me apologizing way more). But I’ve been spending all of this time with Dante because he and Naios have been helping me. Was I losing Dean?? It was bad enough when Dante was mad at me…I felt awful, and looked to my feet in shame before I heard my name. “Jace! Where are ya’, Dollface?” Dante. He peered into Dean’s room, looking me over before stepping in. “Hey!” When I didn’t turn and answer, he came up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist. “What’s up?” I shook my head, shoving the note in my pocket. Dante watched me, but said nothing as I spoke. “Uh, nothing. So why are you yelling like a teenage boy who touched his first boob?” I asked, leaning to one side. Dante laughed, that familiar dirty gleam in his eye. “I wanted to show you something. And is it so wrong to want to see you?” I was completely surprised, but he grabbed my hand and snatched me from my thoughts. “C’mon,” he muttered, running back to his room with human speed. Usually, he walked, ran, and did everything at a human pace, though I was well aware he could glitch away from my sight in the blink of an eye. He even slept and ate like a normal human, though I’m not sure you can refer to the amount he food he eats humanly… “Wanna’ see something funny lookin’? That’s not Reese?” He asked, searching through his dresser drawers. “Hey! I heard that!” Reese called, though he would’ve had to have his ears cut off not to hear it. Dante was awfully loud this morning, but I shook the thought as he held a picture in his hand. He walked over to me, allowing me to see. We laughed, me actually holding my sides. It was a picture of Dante and I as teenagers, Naios still a Loizae. We were standing just outside of Winter Palace, my old home. “We had cameras?” I asked, still staring. Dante snorted, shaking his head. “It wasn’t like we were in the sixteenth century, Jace! Geez!” He muttered, looking me over. In the photo, Dante had his arm around my shoulder, his face sarcastically serious, but the hints of a smile could be seen at the corners of his lips. I was laughing, smiling my big, cheesy smile, and Naios was jumping and barking. I smiled as the memory came rushing back to me. “Hey, I remember this day! We had just got back from exploring Tundra Forest!” Dante’s eyes lit up, and he looked me over in wonder. “Yeah!! I…I’m so glad you remember!” I grinned, remembering the secret compartment in my amulet where I kept the pebble he had given me. He had found it in the stream, the vibrant purples and pinks catching his eye. I opened up the black onyx part of my amulet, catching the little pebble as it fell out. “You found this for me…you gave it to me after the picture was taken,” I murmured, holding my hand out to him. He stared at me for a few moments, his mouth slightly open, before he took the pebble in his hand. He inspected it with a warm smile, humming a laugh. “We also found that awesome tree…remember? It was where I first kissed you…” I looked up at him, suddenly recalling my first kiss. Dantehad been my first kiss?!?! My first love?!?! “I…I remember,” I whispered, a little breathless. He grinned, handing the pebble back to me. “How…How do you still have that?” He asked, looking over my amulet. I safely tucked the pebble back inside, closing the onyx. I shrugged. “I was given to my adoptive parents wearing it. They just…kept it for me until I got older. Well, my mom did. My dad wanted to sell it,” I snarled, shaking that idiot from my thoughts. Dante watched me as I looked over the photo again, closing my hand around it. “Keep it,” he muttered with a small smile. “But it’s yours.” “Eh, what the hell? You’re a hot chick with a damaged memory…” I laughed and gave him a hug, wondering if I could find a picture frame to put it in. “Thanks. And thank you for helping me the past few days…” Dante ruffled my hair like he used to, and he laughed when I apparently made the same face that I used to. “No prob, Sweetness.” I shook my head so my hair fell normally again. “Was that absolutely necessary??” I growled playfully. Dante nodded with a grin, inching his face closer to mine. “It’s cute when you get annoyed.” I groaned, throwing my hands into the air dramatically. “Oh great!” Dante laughed quietly, a little embarrassed. I then thought about Dean and sighed. “Everything alright?” I shook my head, looking him over for a minute before speaking. “Dean’s mad at me because I haven’t been spending time with him, and I’m involved with his half brother, so I don’t blame him.” I looked down at the floor, and I could feel Dante’s disappointment. Dean didn’t show it, but they both hated it when I talked about the other. Dean was much more mature about it, however. “He means a lot to you…doesn’t he?” Dante asked knowingly. I turned to him and nodded. “Yeah, Dante. I love him.” Dante stared at me with his eyes wide, them suddenly clouding with anger, jealousy, and what I thought was sadness. He quickly turned and looked out of his large window, hanging on the curtains. Again?!? “Now you’re mad at me?!” Dante turned, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, a little!” My jaw dropped, and I took two steps toward him. “For what?!?!” “For knowing me your whole life, and acting like a mean something to you when I don’t!! You’re just toying with me, Jace!! Haven’t you noticed? When you were taken I was…heartbroken. You came back into my life again, but you didn’t remember who I was. After all we had been through, I was just some other guy…so, I had to play the part. I had to go through every day keeping my mouth shut, when all I wanted was to tell you everything! You love Dean after one fucking day! But you know me your whole life and I get nothing?? Why can’t you love me?!?” “Who says I don’t?!?! How dare you say that I don’t care about you! That I ‘toy’ with you! You mean more to me than you think, Dante!” I blurted, both of our eyes wide once I was finished. “You…You love me?! Jace, do you?!?” He asked, taking excited steps toward me. It took me a minute to regain my voice, his eyes suddenly bright and stealing my breath. “Yes! God, you act like I enjoy loving both of you! Its not like I have a choice in the matter! Love isn’t a decision; you can’t help who you fall in love with! Whenever I’m with you, I’m happy, but sad because Dean’s mad at me. And whenever I’m with Dean, I’m happy, but sad because you’re mad at me. You don’t understand, Dante. This isn’t easy!!!” “Guh! Why do you even love him?!” “Because he’s everything you aren’t!” We were both silent, and he looked at the floor as he spoke. “So…why do you love me, then?” “Because! We have a past together, and we’re alike in ways that Dean and me aren’t.” He still didn’t meet my gaze, and I sighed, my emotions running too high for my liking. “Dante…you both mean so much to me. I don’t toy with anyone; you know that. Or at least you should…I-I thought you of all people would know me best of all…” I muttered, walking out of his room without another word. I opened the castle doors and flopped down on the steps, my chin resting on my palms. The door creaked open a few minutes later, Naios padding over and sitting next to me. I smiled to him, and we began talking silently. “Naios, you’re the only person I can talk to, and you’re not even human.”  He moved closer to me, so our sides were touching, and I leaned my head on his broad shoulder. ”If I tell them, they don’t understand. I don’t mean to love them both…I just do! And for completely different reasons…”  Naios nodded, nuzzling my head with his. “Naios is here for Jace…always.” I smiled and hugged him tightly, thankful that he was stronger than the average dog. “Thanks Osi. And I’m really sorry I didn’t remember you when I found you. I’m so glad I do now.”  He licked my cheek, making me giggle. “It’s not Jace’s fault. Naios is glad Jace remembers, too.”  We stared at the sky for a while, and I became lost in thought as I pet him. “Jace?”  I turned to him, staring into his amber eyes. “King Libelius’ advisors…they’re on the hunt for Naios. They know that they’ll find Jace when they find Naios”. I nodded, listening intently. “So…what does that mean? What happens if they find us?” “They’ll kill Jace and Naios. And probably Dante. Advisors are in exile…they no longer follow King Libelius and Queen Ayanna.” I stared out into the forest, eyes wide. “Fuck. What the hell do we do?!” “Naios does not know. They are strong…Jace could get hurt! But if left alive, they will continue to cause trouble…” I nodded again, letting out a big sigh. “Say Naios…I know you don’t know Savlian and all…but do you think he could be in on this? After Dante found me, he brings all of my belongings here, and doesn’t tell me how he found me…and I’m pretty good at keeping myself hidden. And then, he waits a long time before telling me he needs some demons taken care of, which trust me, a ‘few’ was a huge understatement. And not only did he send me to the place where I fought demons just before I was taken here, but Kaylix is there! And he fought me! He said something about Abraham and Savlian-” “-Abraham?!” Naios interrupted, eyes wide. “Yeah. I…I remember the name, but I can’t remember him…” “Abraham was King Libelius head advisor; Abraham kidnapped Jace and brought Jace to the mortal world. Abraham was always out for power; Abraham plotted to kill King Libelius and Queen Ayanna to steal the crown for himself.” “But why?? I mean, besides for ruling all of the Realm…” “Naios does not know.” “How could Savlian be in on this? I mean…the dude seems to be nocturnal, but if he were a vampire, Dante would’ve told me. Or Dean.”  Naios and I thought for a few minutes. “Savlian does not smell mortal. Something is not right.”  “Tell me about it…” I muttered, the two of us brainstorming until Naios turned to look at the door. A knock sounded, and Dante’s head poked out a moment later. “Princess?” I didn’t smile or scowl, just eyed him. Naios glared at him, and Dante sighed. “I’m sorry…” He began, stepping outside and shutting the door after him. “Forget it,” I snapped, continuing when his eyes widened. “We’ve got bigger things on our hands than us.” He looked intrigued, and I lead him away from the house and deep into the forest before I spoke. I had no idea how good Savlian’s hearing was, and if he wasn’t human, that meant it was superior. I just prayed he was still sleeping, or distracted by something else. “Look, my dad’s advisors are after me. I ran into Kaylix a few nights ago-” “-Kaylix?!” Dante interrupted. I nodded, continuing. “Yeah. Abraham sent him.” “How do you know that?” He asked after a moment. I grinned, shrugging. “He spilled the beans…such a rookie mistake. Anyway, they’re out to kill me. Naios and I think Savlian’s in on it. Naios says Savlian doesn’t smell human, but I figured you or Dean would’ve told me if he was a vampire.” “Of course I would’ve told you! And why a vampire??” “I dunno…it seems like he only comes out at night…” “He’s definitely not a vamp, though nice conclusion.” I smiled, shrugging. “Thanks. I have been a demon hunter for more than a day, ya’ know. To the point, though; Naios and I think Abraham promised Savlian something in return, like a high rank or something in the Realm, if he did what they asked, which I guess was to keep me here. They weren’t counting on my memory coming back…” Dante stared at me, and I wondered what was going through his handsome head. “You alright?” I asked, looking deep into his eyes. “Why do they want to kill you?!” He sounded so devastated, like it was clearly unbelievable. I shrugged, rolling my eyes. “Beats me. Naios told me all about how Abraham plotted to kill my parents after getting rid of me, so my guess is for power. If I’m still alive, I can go back and claim the thrown, which is what we assume he wants. It’s the most likely scenario, and the only one Naios and I have come up with…” Dante didn’t move for a long time, and I didn’t even think he was breathing. I leaned to one side, raising my eyebrow at him. “Are you going to help me, or not?” I asked, amusement carved into my smile. Dante finally composed himself and smirked that cocky, sexy grin I loved so much. “Are you kidding?! Of course I am! I’m not missin’ out on this party!!” I smiled, laughing as we walked back to the castle. Just as we emerged from the forest, a black sports car sped into the driveway, skidding in the dirt. “Dean!!!” I gasped, running over to his car. He parked and stepped out slowly, his face expressionless and cold. “Dean, I’m so sorry!!” I apologized instantly, not caring how weak and childish I sounded. Not even in front of Dante, which said something about how much I cared for Dean. I stood in front of him, gazing sorrowfully into his eyes. He didn’t acknowledge me right away; It was almost as if he were looking through me. “Dean?” I squeaked, hating how my voice rose three octaves. He shook his head, walking toward the castle. I could feel Dante and Naios’ gaze on me, Dante’s piercing blue eyes burning holes into my back. “Dean, I’m sorry!!”  I wailed, walking after him. He stared at me, his dark cerulean eyes full of pain. “Jace. All I ever wanted was you. I wanted to be with you, sing with you-even marry you.” I stared at him, surprise getting the better of me. But I could feel the tears stab at my eyes as I knew things were about to get worse. “And now you…don’t??!!” I asked, letting the pain ring clearly out into the open. He laughed, obviously frustrated and annoyed. “How can I?! You love Dante, too! I can’t share you, Jace. It’s driving me insane!!! I get so jealous, but when I’m with you, it all disappears. However, when you leave-or when I do-, then all I can think about is you with him. Kissing him, touching him, laughing with him, sleeping with him.” I was angry, letting the tears roll down my face as I glared at him. “What makes you think that I’d screw him when you’re gone for one fucking night?! Do you not know me at all?!?!?!” I shouted, feeling Dante’s hurt, yet just as pissed off, gaze on us. Dean shook his head, and I knew he was referring to the other night. “It wasn’t like that,” I protested in a whisper. “Not for me, anyway…” I added with an icy tone, turning away from him. “I-I don’t know how much I know you anymore, Jace. There’s so much of your life that you’re only beginning to remember…how much of that is who you are today? How much of that is the Jace I know?” “ALL of it!!! It’s all me, Dean! I’m still the same girl you met coming out of the shower, and listening to you sing in the forest. It’s still me!!!” I pleaded, staring at him intently. “I love you Jace. But now that you have Dante, I…I can’t be sure if you love me.” He walked away, back into the castle, without another word. I stood, tears flowing freely from my eyes. I watched as he gracefully disappeared back into the castle, the doors making a loud echo. That was about all I could take. I began sobbing, and I heard Naios’ paws hit the ground hard as he ran over to me, but I was too upset to look at him. I just stood until Dante came over and hugged me, and I squeezed him back, deeply breathing in his scent. He smelled of lush spices, sandalwood, redcurrant and velvet fig leaves, and that alone began to comfort me. After a few minutes, the tears and heavy breathing stopped, and Dante stopped stroking my head. “Jace?” I didn’t look at Dante, just unwrapped my arms from around him and began to walk back into the castle. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” I didn’t turn around, but I stopped to hear him out, sniffling a few times. I could tell this was another one of his speeches, and I was touched that I had that effect on him, but my heart was torn, and I just didn’t have the energy to face him. I could tell this was uncomfortable for him to talk about, what he was going to say. “I-It could just be us. I won’t hurt you like that. Not now…Give me a chance. I’m new to this thing, too. It can just be us again. We can go back to the Realm, back to your parents-I know how!! You won’t ever have to see him again.” I heard him take almost silent steps toward me, but it was only because I was so accustomed to the inhuman sounds of demons and vampires. “Just you and me…” I looked down at my feet, and I knew he knew my silence meant that I was hurting; not that I didn’t care about what he had to say. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed, staring out of my window. Naios sat and gazed at me with sadness, his eyes turning a dark shade of amber. It was like a shadow had blocked the sun from his soul. He left shortly afterward, and we he came back, Dean was behind him. I glared at the two of them, turning my gaze sharply back to the window. “Jace, I’m sorry…” “It’s a little late for that,” I retorted coolly, crossing my arms. Dean closed the door behind him and sat next to me on my bed. He turned my face toward him, but I roughly pushed his hand away. “I’m sorry,” he whispered again, holding my limp hand. He noticed his bracelet still on my wrist, than looked up at me. I turned to him, much more upset than angry, now. “You really hurt me, Dean…” I murmured, and for a while, he didn’t say anything. “How could you say that I don’t love you?? After all we’ve been through. I still wear your bracelet, I sing for you, I think about you when you’re not here…” I sighed, trailing off and looking out of my window again. “I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. Things are a little hectic right now…” I muttered, turning toward him. “I have people after me who want me killed, so I’m sorry.” He hugged me abruptly, and even though I was still upset and more than confused, I hugged him back. Was he done?? Was I?? “I’m so sorry, Jace. I just really wanted to do this with you, but I had no idea…I-I want to help.” I pulled back from him, staring at him hard. “Dean, I know you love me, but I really don’t want you to-” “-I know you care about my safety, but Jace…If I lose you, I’ll never smile again.” I stopped, my eyes wide. I couldn’t let him go through life like that; he had the smile of an angel- of a God. “Dean, please! I-I don’t think you should. Dante will be there, and-” “Look, I love you too much to stand back and watch. I’m as good a fighter as Dante, maybe even better. We’re brothers, so I’m a demon too. I’m helping,” he declared, and I widened my eyes as I realized that Dean, too, was a demon. I mean, I had thought about it ever since he told me Dante was his half brother, but it was easier to see Dante as a demon, since he used his inhuman movements around me so freely. I smiled a minute later, but it was weak. He comforted me with a warm smile of his own, which lifted my dark heart. “I’ll be alright. I promise.” I stared at him, cringing at the thought of him getting hurt. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep…” I murmured, beginning to turn my head away. He took my hands in his and stared into my eyes, his gaze intense. “I promise, Jace.” I couldn’t help but to smile. I hugged him and gave him a warm and loving kiss, which left me more than a little breathless. We pulled apart a few moments later, and I turned to Naios, who had been laying on the rug at the foot of my bed the whole time. “Thanks Osi,” I said silently with a wink. He smiled and dipped his head in response, his eyes back to their normal shining amber. I turned back to Dean, suddenly remembering his note from earlier. “You took that job, right?!” He nodded, though he didn’t look as happy as he should’ve. “I did…” he murmured, sighing a moment later. “I really wish you were going to be with me. We could write our own songs together.” I smiled and caressed the side of his face with my hand softly. “I am sorry. But you’ll do fine-you’re a brilliant singer, D. I’m glad the world gets to hear your voice.” I laughed a moment later, Dean smiling in curiosity. “Don’t wander off and hook up with some rich blonde bimbo with big boobs!” I teased, the thought unimaginable. He smiled, staring at me lovingly. “Jace, you know no one can replace you in any aspect.” I smiled sweetly to him, giving him a quick kiss. “Just remember me when you’re out there,” I murmured, our lips still touching. Dean smiled, pulling my face closer to his gently, entangling his fingers softly into my hair. “Of course, Jace. I could never forget you, even if I tried. Trying to forget you would be more painful than remembering you…” I began to pull back to say something, but he quickly leaned forward and kissed me passionately, making me forget my train of thought. After a few minutes, we pulled apart, and I layed my head on his chest as his back leaned against my headboard. He stroked my head gently, and I began to doze off since it was so relaxing (and because I was tired from crying). Dean laughed quietly as he untangled the knots in my hair, gazing down at me. “Sleep well, Jace,” he murmured, kissing the top of my head before I slipped into unconsciousness…

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