Ice Fever [Leonard Snart/OC]

gIitchingstar által

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"It's a pity these police officers are deciding your life span. To die so young as well." Snart said loudly... Több

A Typical, Ordinary, Not Life Threatening Day
Great, Now I'm A Hostage.
How In The World Did I Get Into, STAR Labs?
Who Gave The Guy With Anger Issues A Gun?
Kidnapping 101
The Texas Stand Off (+Me)
Stupidest Person In The World Trophy
Why Get A Job, When You Have Pizza?
Would you stop, ALREADY!!
Rest In Peace, Alexa Lynx.
And Then There Were Three....
1 Truth And 100 Lies
Everything Is Not Fine
*Insert Angry Emoji Here*
Angels Don't Come From Heaven
Flash Day
Tip #1: Use Anything ,But A Branch.
I Miss You Mommy & Daddy
A Memory
Can't Help Falling In Love
Oh The Weather Outside Is...Sunny?
Bitter Cold
Star City Just Got Brighter...
Let Me Think About It. No
Prison Break
When You Hit Someone With A Broom... :3
This Is Totally Not A Chapter...
No...Just No. *LALALALALA*
AlexaIsNotOnFire (Lol)
Can I Borrow Your Fire Extinguisher?
Introducing The New And Improved ME!
Ray Of Sunshine
Snart Of Coal
Back To The Future
Buying Nuclear Weapons Is Fun
Stars Wars 2.0
In Comes The Bad, Out Goes The New
All About That Guac bout dat Guac, No Taco.
Where Da Peeps At?
The Bachelorette
Cupid's Stupid
Night At The Opera
SuperNotSoMuch (Get it, like Supernatural...)
Bad Girl
Evil Comes Everywhere
With War There's Blood
The Price She Paid
Wizard of OZ
569 Ways To Piss Off A Mass Murderer
ABC, It's Easy As 123
Canary vs Lynx
Bit Behind Schedule
Angel With A Katana
Warning: Extreme Awesomeness Ahead
Don't Press The Red Button
Unicorns Poop Rainbows
Time Pirates Of The Caribbean
Mick Goes BOOM
A Whole New World
Colors Of The Wind
Under The Sea
Book Two!!
Beauty and The Beast
How To Hold A Body For Ransom
Stupidest Plan In The World.
End Of The Line
This Chapter Is Untitled...
Long Time No See
What Would Have Happened

A Cliff Hanger, LITERALLY.

8.5K 370 134
gIitchingstar által

I crashed into Snart's body but he had a firm grip on the motorcycle and he pressed the breaks carefully. If he pressed them too suddenly the motorcycle would stop and we would go flying off to our doom, joy. We crashed into the forest and drove straight forward, the tree's were already starting to clear and I was keeping a close eye on the motorcycle I was just on. I felt Snart's arms wrapped around my waist and the warmth he was radiating onto my back. FOCUS, I screamed to myself. Suddenly I couldn't see the motorcycle anymore.

"SNART, cliff!" I screamed. Snart slammed on the breaks and we went flying forward. I felt my head hit into a branch and I went skidding forward. Snart had grabbed onto a branch so it prevented him from falling toward the edge. I being a complete idiot went right over. I fell straight onto a very rickety edge and heard something crack, and a blast of pain surged into my right arm.

"Alexa!" Snart screamed looking over the edge.

"Hola." I said weakly, looking down and throwing up. I had most definitely broke my arm and the ledge didn't look stable. Not only that, but I was also freezing. Suddenly Snart jumped down onto the ledge which crumbled a little but held firm. "You idiot." I yelled. Snart gave a small smile and sat down next to me.

"What was the purpose of that?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to try and save you, but I figured my medical assistance would be more useful." Snart responded.

"Did I mention, I'm scared of heights." I said throwing up again.

"Mmm." Snart said analyzing our surroundings.

"I'm craving strawberry ice cream right now." I said out of no where.

"You broke your arm, and your sitting on a ledge on the side of a mountain, nauseous. And that's what your thinking of?"Snart asked looking at me amazed. I let out a small chuckle and shrugged my shoulders. Snart smiled at me and my heart started beating faster. UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH my brain said sending a jolt of pain to my heart. I looked away at the sun which was starting to set in the sky.

"Give me your arm." Snart said.

"You have your own two. Why do you need mine?" I joked. Snart let out an annoyed breathe and moved a little closer to me. He took out a white clothe of some sort and put pressure on where my arm was bleeding. The leather jacket I was wearing had torn where the break, and bleeding was.

"Ow." I said softly, trying to ignore the fact that his hands were really, really, really warm.

"And I thought I was Cold." Snart responded with a small smile.

"Wow, I thought you were physically incapable of making a joke." I said. Snart smiled and took off his jacket and draped it around my shoulders. And before you even think it, WERE ON A LEDGE ON THE SIDE OF A MOUNTAIN. It's not romantic at all. I heard sirens come closer to the cliff and Snart stiffened up.

"Well, here comes the cops." Snart said looking down from the ledge again. Suddenly the part of the ledge I was sitting on collapsed, Snart grabbed me around the waist quickly as my feet dangled in the air. He pulled me up and I was hanging onto him for dear life. His jacket was drifting toward the ground and a huge chunk of rock fell and a loud boom crashes on the bottom of the mountain.

"Please tell me that wasn't enough to cause a rock slide." A huge piece of rock fell from right next to us and I inhaled sharply and moved a little closer to Snart.

"Do I need to answer?" Snart asked. The sirens got really close and they were blaring loudly.

"Is there anyone down there?" A cop yelled from the top. Snart opened his mouth to yell back but I covered it quickly. They might do something stupid if they knew Snart was down there with me.

"Yes, I'm stuck on this ledge and there might be a rock slide." I called back.

"We can't get you until morning, it's too dark. We can drop down food and blankets that will last you until morning ma'am." He responded.

"Okay, send down extra food and blankets, I'm freezing and very hungry." I yelled. A couple minutes later two baskets one filled with food, the other filled with blankets , and there was even a lamp, were lowered down to us. I covered the blankets over us and it immediately warmed me up. It was also the fact that Snart's body was still radiating heat to me.

"Alexa?" Barry's voice called down.

"Barry!" I yelled.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, minus the broken arm. Hopefully this ledge holds until morning." I said.

"I'm going back to see Caitlin and Cisco and see if they can help you, don't move a lot." Barry said.

"I couldn't even if I tried." I responded. Snart had turned on the light and it lit up his face, giving it a yellow glow.

"I have a question." I said looking at the stars.

"Ask away."

"Why do you rob people?" I asked. Snart looked at me and didn't reply.

"Why do you help people?" Snart asked.

"Because that's what I was taught to do." I responded.

"And that, is why I rob people." Snart said.

"You wish that justified what you do." I said. Snart turned off the light and everything was dark the stars were the only light, and slowly I fell asleep. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night, my head was on Snart's shoulder and our legs were touching. I jolted away from him quickly and almost fell off the whole ledge. He shifted slightly but was still fast asleep. My heart was racing and the warmth that I had was gone, the cold wind was blowing on my bare skin. There were still police car lights above the mountain, but the sirens had been turned off. I took a breath in and went back underneath the covers, avoiding Snart.

Suddenly a huge rock crashed onto the ledge and I fell into a pit of darkness.

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