Jerrie Oneshots

By pxrrieedwards

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Just some random Jerrie one shots More

Unknown Faces.
The Girl In The Flat Next Door
Small Town Girl
Late night dip
First Impressions.
It's devils work
The Ball
You are art
Bad Dreams
Staying late.
Driving home for Christmas
Fit for a Princess
Fake Lover
Fit For A Princess (Part 2)

Cold Winter Nights.

5.7K 123 10
By pxrrieedwards

Everyday I would see her pass my house and everyday she looked freezing. It was mid December meaning the nights were icy and the streets were covered in snow. She passed looking like she was withering away in the cold. I felt more and more guilty each time not knowing how far she was heading or how far she had come from. All I knew is she wasn't enjoying it out in there in the cold. Her blonde hair almost looked like it had froze and little droplets of snow were coating her hair. She had the thinest looking cardigan on and no proper coat. I questioned where her coat was everyday but she never wore it. It almost made me feel even more guilty for the 4 parkas I had hung on my coat rack and the mug of tea I had in my hand. I watched her walk further from my house and head up the street towards the park where she disappeared into the darkness. Once again I didn't do anything to help her and I made a silent deal with myself to take her my parka out tomorrow whether she refused it or not.

Tomorrow came soon enough and it was around that time of day when the girl would walk past. I had gotten a new set of hat, scarf and gloves plus one of my parkas. Making sure it was the one with the fur lining on the inside. I saw her make her way onto the street and like before she looked like the cold was swallowing her. I made my way to the door and unlocked it to meet her down the end of the driveway. Slowly she dragged herself up the street not looking up to see that I was there. She then was in hearing distance of me and now was the time to speak up.
"Hi" I said and her head soon shot up and she showed me a weak smile.
"Erm, hello?" She questioned.
"I just see you walk past my house everyday and you seem really cold and the mother in me thinks you need a coat" I beamed "so here". I then reached out my belongings to her along with what I had bought. The look on her face almost made me wish I hadn't stepped one foot out of my house as she  looked at me like I had asked her to jump into a house on fire.
"Ok maybe not, I just thought I was being kind? Sorry if I offended you" I replied before taking a small step back towards my house. She just kept looking at me with one eyebrow raised and I was slightly intimidated. I took the scarf and took one step closer to her.
"Please just take the scarf, it's the least I can do" I said whilst wrapping it around her neck. I didn't wait for a reply and just made my way back inside my house. I looked out of the window to see her still there but holding the scarf. She wrapped it further around her neck and a small smile appeared on her face. She then carried on up the street and although it wasn't a pleasant exchange it made me feel like I at least helped a little.

The next day soon came and I was questioning what to do. I wanted to know more about the blonde girl. She looked so down every time she passed my house like she had the whole world sat upon her shoulders. She was so beautiful too. When I made eye contact with her yesterday she had the most beautiful blue eyes. Although her posture was slouched and her frame small she was stunning. I just wish she would let me help her. I knew there was a story that looked like many didn't know, she was hiding something. I wanted to so badly get her to open and tell me why she looks like she's been through so much. The only thing that was off putting was that intimidating glare she gave me when I offered her help. If the smile she gave once I was behind closed doors was for me then that wouldn't scare me. I walked into the living room with my cup of tea and glanced out of the window to see if she had started to make her way down the street. After I while I gave up until I saw a flash of blonde out of the corner of my eye. I looked out of the window to see the girl making her way down the street and to my surprise the scarf was firmly wrapped around her neck. I watched her until she had made her way past the window then sat back down. I then decided to go and make myself a pizza as I had bought all the ingredients to make myself a homemade pepperoni pizza. I started to make the pizza and was covered in flour when I heard the door bell. I wasn't expecting a delivery or any family over so I didn't know who it could be. I made my way over to the door and opened it revealing the blonde girl I had watched daily. I was surprised that she had even turned around and somehow made her way to my door.
"Hey" she said softly "I, erm. Just wanted to come say thankyou for the scarf I really appreciate it".
"Oh, no problem. It's cold out and I always see you pass looking cold. I just wanted to help" I admitted.
"Well thank you, I better get going" she smiled.
"Are you sure? You can come in!" I said bringing my hands from around the door. Forgetting that I was covered in flour. She then started to laugh at me and I felt slightly embarrassed.
"I really wouldn't want to intrude, you have already helped me out" she smiled.
"No! Don't be silly, that's nothing! I'm making pizza and little old me can't eat it all. So?" I said standing back to open the door to let her in. She nodded and made her way in. She took off her scarf and held onto it tightly. I offered to take it off her and placed it on top of the small pile of stuff I had offered her the night before making a mental note that when she leaves she will take it all.

"Not to be rude" she said whilst tucking into a slice "I don't even know your name".
"It's Jade. Jade Thirlwall" I told her.
"I imagined you to be a Jade. You look like a Jade" she smiled.
"Am I given the privilege to know yours?" I said.
"Yeah, it's Perrie" she said softly. Perrie. That's the first person I've known to be called Perrie. The way Perrie was eating the pizza it's was like she hadn't eaten a proper meal in weeks. It started to spring questions up in my mind but I didn't want to push a barrier and make her uncomfortable or angry.
"I've noticed something" she said whilst finishing her last slice of pizza "you have the largest collection of Disney movies I've ever known".
"Well what can I say I'm an addict" I laughed.
"Thank you for this Jade. It was great" she smiled "but I really have to get going". 
"Don't worry about it! If you ever need pizza or anything come on over" I offered "it's nice to have company".
"I think I might take you up on that offer" she added before picking up the scarf. She wrapped it around her neck and snuggled into it. I grabbed the hat and pulled it over her head. She began to give me a puzzling look and instead of backing out of it I tucked the lose strand of her hair into the beanie. I then grabbed the coat and pulled it over her shoulders. She soon put her arms through the sleeves and pulled it over her shoulders. She grabbed the gloves herself before I even had to.
"Are you sure about this?" She asked.
"Yes I'm sure. I have another three parkas hung up and I bought you those especially" I smiled "wow I sound like a complete creep".
"No you don't" she said starting to zip the parka up "I find it cute you were looking out for me and I didn't even know".
"Well I'm glad" I smiled.
"Thank you Jade" she replied before opening the door and starting to leave.
"Night Perrie"
"Night Jade, see you soon" she said softly before heading up the street towards where ever she lived.

It had been a few days since my encounter with Perrie and she had passed each night. Still using all the stuff I gave her which made me incredibly happy. I can't help but think how adorable she looks in my parka. It was one of my favourites but I didn't really mind. I did mind that she hadn't spoken to me since or called up to the house. I had however continued to question Perrie's situation. She looked like she hadn't eaten properly since she had been here and looked like she was struggling once again. Although I had helped her it didn't seem to be doing that much of a difference. I made the decision to follow her to wherever she lived. I knew I would find some answers then. So here I was sat in my house ready to leave once she had passed and gone into the park up ahead. I saw her coming down the street and grabbed my phone and keys getting ready to leave. Once she had reached the park entrance I started to make my way slowly behind her and saw her crossing through into the estate at the other side of the park. This side of town wasn't a good area to live in and I was considering turning back and leaving. However I need to know something more about Perrie. I carried on and followed her up until I saw her turn into a block of flats. But then my cover got blown as Perrie turned around and met my eye contact.
"Jade?" Perrie questioned "what are you doing up here?"
"I went for a walk, I erm, thought I'd walk a little further than the park and ended up here" I lied.
"Oh, you shouldn't be around here! You should go back home" Perrie told me with a sort of urgency.
"I know, I'll go back now. Sorry" I mumbled.
"I'll walk you back through the park if you want? It's dark and I don't want you getting hurt" she continued whilst walking back towards me.
"No I'm fine" I said shaking my head.
"I insist" Perrie said whilst jogging up to me. We then made our way back to the park with Perrie walking by my side.
"How's the coat? Keeping you warm I hope" I asked.
"Yes, it's great" she smiled "warmest I've been in years".
"Glad to be of assistance" I smiled even though I wanted to question why she didn't have her own. We soon reached the end of the park and I expected Perrie to stop but she carried on walking beside me. Chatting about how the snow was getting heavier and she soon expected people not to be going to work. Her tone was happy and bright even though I knew there was something else going on. We made our way down the street and soon enough we were outside my door. I was going to offer her to come in but I felt like I had already caused her trouble. I did however have £10 in my pocket that could buy her some food.
"Jade, can I get your number?" She asked "I mean I only have this old brick but I could text you".
"Of course" I smiled whilst typing my number into her phone.
"I'll see you soon" she smiled but I pulled her in for a hug. Quickly putting the money in her pocket as I knew exactly where the pockets were on my own jacket.
"Bye Perrie".

Ten minutes later I received a text from an unknown number.

Hey, is this Jade? It's Perrie. You left some money in the coat pocket. I'll drop it off tomorrow xx

I quickly saved the number and began to type a reply.

To: Perrie
Don't worry about it, buy yourself something nice! It's probably been in there weeks xx

From: Perrie
I can't do that! That's so cheeky hahah xx

To: Perrie
No it's not! Order a take out or something if you haven't eaten yet. I insist xx

From: Perrie
You're a funny one Jade. Are you sure? I am pretty hungry xx

To: Perrie
Yes I'm sure! Now fill that stomach of yours babe xx

I hadn't seen Perrie in about 6 days. She hasn't walked past or text me so I think it's time I went and did some investigating. I knew what block of flats Perrie lived in and there was only 4 flats in each block so I had a very good chance of finding her. A sort of small crush had developed since seeing Perrie wrapped up in my parka. So finding her was becoming a big deal as I still wanted to help her.

I parked my car then approached the block of flats and decided to start at the bottom flat and work my way up. I knocked on the door and after a few minutes someone started to unlock the door. However it wasn't the blonde that I hoped it to be. It was some middle aged guy that looked like he hasn't washed in a year.
"Sorry to bother you" I said softly "I'm looking for a girl named Perrie?"
"Young? Blonde?" He asked to which I nodded "top flat. Although I know she's getting kicked out. Hasn't paid her rent in months". Shit. Perrie was getting kicked out. I thanked the guy and made my way up the stairs. This encounter was going to be anything but nice. I knew this was probably going to be awkward. With me trying to offer help to Perrie whilst she refused it or gave me a weird look. I got to the top floor to see the door open and a few boxes sat on the outside. I reached the door and knocked lightly on it.
"What!" I heard Perrie snap "I'm nearly packed up just give me a minute!"
"It's me Perrie" I said softly.
"Jade?" Perrie questioned whilst making her way round the side "you shouldn't be here".
"I wanted to come see you" I replied.
"Well as you can clearly see now isn't a great time" Perrie said sarcastically.
"I know and I've come to be of any assistance you need" I said whilst stepping into Perrie's flat.
"It's ok. I've packed now I just need to take the boxes out and then get rid of the keys" she sighed.
"What's going on Perrie?" I asked "I never wanted to push any boundaries but I can't help but wonder what's going on". What I didn't expect was for Perrie to sit down on the kitchen worktop and gesture me over to her. I stood infront of her as she pulled me towards her and rest my hands on her legs.
"So as you can probably tell I'm not, what's the term, financially stable? I'm on my own which means I have to pay for everything myself. I work part time so my pay is really bad. I can't really afford anything" she sighed.
"What about your family? Can they not help you out?" I asked seeing Perrie tense.
"They hate me. They couldn't care less if I was dead. So family isn't really a part of me".
"How can they hate you? No matter what you are their family Perrie. I know my Mam wouldn't ever hate me" I said softly whilst Perrie hung her head down.
"I wasn't the best child. I did everything they didn't want me to. My parents were very traditional and wanted a certain life for me. I didn't want what they wanted for me. They didn't like that and when they found out I was gay. Well that was the icing on the cake. I was kicked out and told to never come back" Perrie added with a light laugh. How she had such a good outlook on this really made me question how she could be OK. If it was me in her situation and my Mum kicked me out I would be devastated.
"So I had to find a place to live. I left the area my family live in and then moved here. I found the cheapest possible place to live in but I can't even afford that. I'm stuck" Perrie said except this time sadness was laced in her voice.
"No you're not!" I said lightly squeezing her thigh "you can come stay with me until you get back on your feet. I'm not allowing you to have no home on such cold winter nights".
"I can't allow that Jade. I've bothered you far too much. I'll be ok. I've slept rough before and I'll do it again" she said but I ignored her statement and took one of the boxes and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?"
"I'm taking your boxes to my car. You have no choice in this Perrie" I smiled. She then gave me that look like when I offered her the coat. "No! That look is not intimidating me to change my mind".
"But I can't afford to pay you or anything Jade. I have nothing" she sighed.
"I don't want paying Perrie. Knowing you have a roof over your head is the only payment I need" I replied before making my way down the stairs and towards my car. This area was so rough and I couldn't stand to be here much longer. Once we had put all of Perrie's belongings in my car we left the keys on the side and I saw Perrie look defeated.
"Hey" I said whilst resting my hands on her shoulders "everything is going to be ok I promise".

I took Perrie to my house and all the way I kept thinking about how small and cold Perrie's flat was. Going there had confirmed all my worries. That she was living in the cold and didn't have enough money for the basics. It really made me thankful for my Mum and how she was always by my side no matter what. She accepted me and what I wanted with my life. I couldn't imagine what Perrie went through with her family and how she had managed to live so long without her family or anyone to open up to. Luckily at my place I had my room and a guest room. Often my Mum would stay in there when she would come to visit on weekends. Mum would be losing her bedroom but I'm sure given the circumstances she wouldn't mind.
"Are you really ok with this Jade? I wouldn't be if I was you" she asked timidly.
"Of course I am! My house is plenty big enough for the both of us! I can't live knowing you are out in the cold whilst I have a spare bed" I told her. Leaving out the part that I had the biggest crush on her and I would sooner be on the streets than her. I got her to follow me up the stairs and into what was going to be her room.
"So this is where you can stay" I smiled "bathroom is across the hall and my room is next door".
"It's so toasty in here" Perrie smiled whilst taking my coat off "I guess I won't be needing to sleep in this tonight".
"No you won't" I said whilst moving her boxes into the room. She didn't have much stuff but at least she had some belongings of her own. "Well I'm going to go make dinner. What do you want?"
"I don't know" Perrie said reluctantly "I don't have options normally".
"Well we have the options of pasta bake, fajitas, chilli con carne or meatballs" I suggested and Perrie's eyes widened.
"All of the above please" Perrie laughed "I could eat all of them".
"Tonight you can only have one" I laughed "so take your pick".
"Hmmmm, pasta bake sounds good" she smiled "can I take a shower?"
"Of course you can silly, the bathroom is across the hall and there are towels in there. Have you got some PJs?" I asked.
"I normally sleep in my sweatpants with it being so cold" she laughed.
"Come with me" I said holding my hand out for her to take. She gladly accepted and followed me towards my room. She took a seat on my bed whilst I made way to my wardrobe. "Here" I handed her some and she smiled at me, may I add it was a genuine smile too.
"Thank you Jade" she said.
"It's only some PJs love"
"No I mean for everything. I can't express how much I owe you and one day I will repay you" she added.
"Don't worry about it. Now go get a shower you smelly thing" I laughed.

I had prepared the pasta bake and put it into the oven when my phone started to ring. I saw it was my Mum and quickly accepted as it was the time of the day we would have our daily catch up.
"Hi!" I beamed "how are you?"
"I'm good, what's got you so bubbly?" She laughed reading me like a book.
"Nothinggggg" I said sarcastically.
"Come on Jade spill the beans! I know you're hiding something"
"Alright alright. Well I may or may not have got someone living with me" I said with the biggest smile on my face.
"What? Really? Who?"
"Perrie" I smiled.
"Really? I didn't know relationships moved that fast. Already living together" she laughed.
"Given the circumstances it was the least I could do. She's stuck Mum. No family, no income, no home and no one to rely on. I couldn't let her live like that" I told her.
"You have a heart of gold Jade. Not to mention that heart grows 1000 times when you have a crush on that person" she teased.
"I know, I'm a hopeless romantic. She's perfect though Mum. I can't help myself but you've lost out here. You no longer have your own room when you come to stay" I told her to which I heard her gasp.
"You've kicked me out? Jade how could you!" She said mockingly "I don't mind if Perrie has a room to stay in when she's struggling then I don't mind".
"I just can't understand how her family could kick her out because of her life choices. You reacted so well to mine and yet they did the complete opposite. You're great Mum, I love you" I smiled.
"Some parents just can't allow their children to have their own path and it's pretty sad. I love you more Pickle, now I have to go. Speak soon" she finished. We then said goodbye and hung up. I checked the pasta to see it was nearly done. I went to the bottom of the staircase and shouted upstairs to Perrie.
"Pez! Pastas ready are you done yet?"
"I'm coming just a second" she shouted back before coming up to the top of the stairs. Her hair was wet and messy but she looked adorable. This was the cutest I had seen her look and that was saying something as she looked adorable in my parka. She made her way down the stairs and followed me into the kitchen. We sat down and I handed Perrie her plate and we tucked in.
"Can I ask you some questions?" I asked.
"Of course".
"Where did you grow up?" I asked. Perrie told me where she grew up along with that she had a brother and a half sister. She told me how Jonnie accepted her but refused to see her incase her Mum found out. She said that Caitlin was too young to understand what was happening. She told me how once her bestfriend found out she was a lesbian she stopped talking to her as she was afraid she would make a move on her. That was ridiculous as being lesbian doesn't mean you jump on every girl you see. The more Perrie told me the more angry I became to how she could have been around these people for so long.
"Tell me about your family" Perrie asked me and I really didn't want to. My family were the complete opposite to hers. "Don't worry I bet they are great compared to mine".
"Yes they are amazing. My Mum is like my left leg. She's incredible her name is Norma and she's a proper woman. My Dad is a legend I love him. My brother Karl is awesome along with his fiancée and their kids. I have a really cool family and I'd be lost without them" I admitted with guilt rushing through me.
"Can I meet them one day?" She asked.
"Of course you can. It's inevitable that you will meet them when you are living with me" I added.
"I'm not living with you Jade. I'll stay a week maximum I've already put you through enough trouble" Perrie added with a sigh.
"Oh be quiet! Can't a girl help someone she finds super cute out?" I laughed whilst reaching for her hand across the table.
"You think I'm cute?" Perrie said with a smirk appearing on her face. Yes, cute, adorable, pretty and I bet with time she could look super hot too.
"Yes, you're really quiet the looker Perrie" I said.
"Oh so that's the only reason you're helping me, so you can get laid?" Perrie added with a tone that I couldn't read.
"I, erm-no, I didn't mean it like that. I-I'm sorry if it came off like that I real-"
Perrie started to laugh before I could even finish my sentence.
"I know you didn't Jade, you're the sweetest when you get all nervous" Perrie laughed. She really confused me sometimes and I never knew what was going through her head.
"You're totally mean to me" I whined adding a small pout to make her feel guilty.
"No I'm not. I just think you are easy to wind up or get in a panic. I like leaving you all flustered" Perrie teased. Wow. I wish there was other ways she could leave me flustered. Stop. Jade. Now.
"See nothing but a meany. No ice cream for you now" I told her taking her plate and heading for the kitchen. Perrie soon followed me in and was leant against the kitchen counter staring at me.
"What are you looking at, loser" I teased sticking my tongue out.
"I'm looking at you" she said "can't help but stare".
"You're so gay" I laughed.
"We've already established that one Jade. Anything new you want to add that I haven't learnt?" Perrie said with a slight annoyance in her tone.
"You're a super pretty lesbian if that's what you want to hear" I added whilst bending down and putting the plates into the dishwasher. I stood back up but felt a pair of arms slip round my waist.
"Can I ask you something?" Perrie purred against my ear. If she carried on with this I would be on the floor.
"Er-yeah, course you can" I stuttered watching as Perrie's hands rested against my abdomen.
"Are you straight?" She whispered.
"No, I'm not" I said in a hushed tone.

After Perrie's teasing in the kitchen we went back into the living room and I soon noticed it was already 9:30pm. I really needed to show and get up to go to work in the morning. I worked in a primary school so had to be there ridiculously early but I would be back for 3pm.
"I need to shower" I said turning towards Perrie "do you have work tomorrow?"
"Yeah but only 6 till 8" she replied.
"Where do you work?" I asked seeing Perrie drop her head a little.
"I-er work at the bar in town"
"Oh yeah which one?" I asked trying to find out any information I could.
"Ricky's" she muttered lowly but I heard it.
"The strip club?" I said in shock. I don't get why men go in there it's always so disgusting.
"It was the only place that would take me. I have no qualifications or anything Jade" she sighed.
"We are finding you a new job. I can't believe you would sell yourself like that" I said almost disappointed.
"I had to work somewhere. If I didn't I wouldn't have been able to eat or even live. I'm a lesbian. They don't bother me I just try and get as many tips as possible" she said lowly "I've never touched one of them".
"Good! I can't stand the thought of someone having their hands all over you. It makes my blood boil" I muttered angrily.
"Are you jealous princess?" Perrie said teasingly.
"Maybe" I said with a small smile "you're too precious".
"Precious makes me seem four years old" Perrie laughed.
"Way to ruin a moment Perrie, now excuse me whilst I go for a shower" I said before making my way up the stairs.

I was bored. The kind of bored that made me wander down into the city and into Ricky's to see Perrie. I was curious. I really wanted to see Perrie whilst she worked. Call me creepy or a weirdo but Perrie dancing in some lingerie? Who wouldn't want to see that. I made my way towards the door and opened it being met by the stink of alcohol. I looked around and all I could see were middle aged men who look like they had just come here after work. It made me feel sick that they would come here and see girls as young as Perrie parade themselves round the stage. I looked over to see a girl dancing around the stage. Her boobs were huge and that's the only thing I caught myself staring at. Guys were going mad for her but not once did she take her eyes from the back wall where the bar was. I made my way over to the bar and sat down.
"Wow, you're the first girl I've seen in here in a very long time" a girl said. I looked at the source of the voice to see a small girl and a smile on her face. She however wasn't looking at me. She was looking over at the stage where the girl was still dancing with the biggest smirk on her face.
"See that girl" she said pointing at her "she's mine". I just nodded and asked for a vodka and Coke.
"Look at them all. Staring at her like they stand a chance where as the only person she will be going down on later is me" she said. She handed me my drink and soon enough I felt another presence next to me at the bar and saw it was the girl from the stage.
"Here babe" the barmaid said handing her a drink "can't have you feeling all dry can we". The other girl just burst out laughing.
"You're so dirty Leigh-Anne" she smirked "who's this?"
"I never got your name little one" Leigh-Anne asked.
"Perrie's Jade?" The dancer said.
"Huh?" I asked "you know Perrie?"
"Of course I know Perrie. We sometimes perform together" she told me "has she never mentioned the incredible Jesy".
"Must have slipped her mind" I muttered thinking about how she never told me she worked here.
"She's gunna be up there in a sec" Jesy said whilst looking towards the stage. As if on cue the music began and I looked to see Perrie strutting onto the stage. To say I was turned on was completely an understatement. She looked insane and I just wanted to jump on that stage and kiss her senseless. It felt wrong watching her like all the other men in here but I felt like I was allowed to. I kept my eyes glued on her until I heard a voice next to me.
"You totally want to fuck here, am I right" Leigh laughed.
"You have a way with words don't you babe" Jesy laughed.
"She looks at her the way I looked at you when you first started here" she replied.
"What made you want to work here?" I scoffed lowly. Who would want to work here?
"Well when you have a banging body and you're about as straight as a circle. It doesn't mean anything dancing infront of men. For me the only person I'm dancing for is behind the bar" Jesy told me.
"I just don't know how Perrie does it. She seems like another person when she's on stage. Oh and yes Leigh I totally want to fuck her" I laughed.
"What did I say Jesminda, what did I say" Leigh laughed "she was telling us you have let her stay with you".
"It was the least thing I could do when they were kicking her out" I said.
"I offered her to stay with me and Leigh but she turned us down. Apparently she would sooner sleep rough than hear me and Leigh going at it" Jesy laughed.
"I don't know what she takes us for" Leigh laughed back "she's only walked in on us like.... Twice?"
"I've walked in on you a lot more than twice Leigh" I heard Perrie say behind me. I was lost for words at Perrie's appearance. She was slightly sweaty with her hair misplaced and her clothing left nothing for the imagination. "What are you doing here Jade?"
"I-er I got-erm bored?" I sort of questioned "so I thought I would come see you".
"See you? She was more like drooling over you Pezza" Jesy added.
"I know. I saw her from up there. It was nice to make eye contact with someone familiar instead of some middle aged pervert" Perrie added. I blushed at Perrie's comment and took another sip of my drink.
"I'm done for the night now Jade, we can go if you like?" Perrie said putting her arm around my shoulder.
"Yes, we can go" I replied.
"Ok let me go get changed and I will be right back. Behave you two" Perrie said glaring at Jesy and Leigh. Perrie then walked off towards what I believed to be her dressing room.
"How long are we betting it takes before they get together" Leigh laughed.
"I'd give it a week" Jesy laughed "maybe less with the way Jade's staring at her arse".
"Oh be quiet" I laughed "can you help it when she has a body like that?"
"What I can't understand is how you go from a stuttering mess when she's around to this" Leigh said.
"Babe you can't talk" Jesy said sticking her tongue out "you were lost for words when I first spoke to you". I waited patiently for Perrie to come back whilst the other two continued to tease me. After what felt like years Perrie came out of the dressing room and made her way towards me.
"Doesn't she look cute wearing your clothes" Leigh laughed "relationship goals". I just laughed because yes she looked adorable in my clothes.
"Ready to go?" Perrie asked and I nodded standing up from my stool.
"Nice to meet you guys" I said to the two of them.
"You too Jade, I'm sure we will be seeing you again" Jesy laughed and Leigh soon agreed with her. We then made our way towards the door and I felt Perrie lace her fingers through mine. I looked at her and she had the biggest smile on her face.
"You didn't have to come down here. Those two are the biggest wind ups" Perrie laughed.
"They seem nice. They don't hold back but they are lovely" I told her. She then started to swing our arms whilst humming a Christmas song.
"Do you like me?" She asked.
"Of course I like you" I laughed "I wouldn't have offered you to live with me if not".
"I don't mean that. I mean you know so you like me?"
"As in do I like you in a way that makes me want to kiss you senseless?" I asked to which she nodded "oh yeah, there was nothing I wanted to do more when you was dancing tonight". Perrie looked at with wide eyes as she seemed shocked at what I had said to her. She then tipped her head to one side and smiled.

I was laid in bed thinking over what I had said to Perrie and how she had done nothing about it. She just smiled and carried on walking like I hadn't just admitted something huge. This almost confirmed that she wasn't interested in me and I wasn't good looking enough for her. Screw you Perrie for being so attractive. With your blonde hair and blue eyes. Those long legs and that flat stomach. I was interrupted from my thoughts by a slight knock at my door.
"Come in" I said and the door creeped open to see that same blonde that was occupying me thoughts. "You ok?"
"I don't know" Perrie answered "can I ask you something?"
"Of course, come sit down" I said as Perrie made her way over to my bed.
"If something was to happen between us would it change our arrangement? I wouldn't want it to change what you've done for me or make anything awkward" she said softly "I like you Jade but I don't want to lose you".
"Why are you worried about losing me? You've not got me yet so don't even think about losing me?" I smiled whilst grabbing Perrie's hand and tugging her towards me. She laid down next to me and was looking me straight in the eyes.
"I guess there's only one thing left to say then" she said lowly.
"And what would that be?"
"That you wasn't the only one that wanted to kiss someone senseless" Perrie laughed whilst closing the gap between us.
"I knew you had a thing going on with Jesy and Leigh. What is it a love triangle?" I teased.
"Oh be quiet" Perrie laughed before connecting our lips. After a while air became an issue and we pulled away. The biggest smile was on my face and I rested my forehead on Perrie's.
"I knew there was a reason you borrowed me your coat" Perrie said softly.
"What can I say I'm a hopeless romantic".

3 months on and Perrie hadn't left my house. However a lot has changed. Perrie now worked at a call centre and yes it may not be the best job in the world. But I would rather not have my girlfriend stripping every night for some strangers, only I get special treatment. Norma had got her room back as after that night Perrie made her presence in my room regular. We still saw Leigh and Jesy but they had opened their own nightclub choosing against working at Ricky's any longer.
"Pez" I said softly as I laid in her arms.
"Yeah babe?"
"That first night I met you" I mentioned "did you like me then?"
"Oh yeah, I just was trying to figure you out" she laughed back whilst kissing my temple "I get paid at the end of this week so I can start helping out with bills and I'm going to take you for meal".
"And you said you weren't romantic" I teased.
"Whatever babe, you'd be lost without me".

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