Keeping Distance (Dinah/You)

By __GooDVibez__

172K 5.6K 1.8K

You are a Harmonizer and you just can't stop talking about Fifth Harmony... Your home life isn't that great t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 15

4.8K 159 33
By __GooDVibez__

Everyone is excited for the music ball! Not only because Dinah can show you off as her date, but the girls love to socialize. They are the little social butterflies that flutters everywhere.

"Alright guys so I called your makeup artists and we'll be doing all the glamouring here at my house." You said and smiled.

The girls yippied, excited that they don't have to ride really early for glamour. When you're about to approach Dinah to talk to her, Lauren pulled you by your arm and dragged you away from the girls.

"Hey?" You said.

Lauren raised her perfectly shaped bushy eyebrow that made her look pretty intimidating. "Ok, I don't want to accuse you for anything. But there are rumours floating around my Twitter that you went on a date with Tori yesterday?" She asked.

"Ok, hold up." You said. "You knew it was a lunch, that's all between friends. We are together in a restaurant and Dinah knew about it and you guys knew about it too." You defended.

"We know but in an article that I just read, it says that you two were holding hands and hugging. There were pictures." Lauren said.

"Maybe because there were people trying to harass her. She told me she feels scared, so I kinda just covered her with my body." You said. "Until we walked towards my car and I drove her home."

You don't feel offended at all, you know well enough how paparazzi capture things and twist it just to sell news no matter how it could damage someone's image. Also, you've watched and dealt with it with so many artist that the company is handling.

Lauren sighed, she knows she trusts you but she also wants to make sure. Dinah is special to her, like a sister. So, she might not say it but she apologizes that she reacted the way she did.

"Ok, fine. Just making sure." Lauren said.

You smiled reassuringly at her "Don't worry, Lauren. I promise you. I wouldn't dare try to do anything that will hurt Dinah, unintentionally or intentionally."

"Good, because you know how Polynesians get protective and Dinah also have 4 more sisters who would not bat an eye to hurt you if you hurt Dinah." Lauren said and glared at you playfully.

You rolled your eyes and nodded your head. "I would not dream of ever having to face the Poly beat down."

Lauren laughed and nodded her head. "Yeah you would not want to know." And that the girls joined you guys and you talked for a while.

You noticed that Hailee sort of distanced herself from the circle or to be precise distanced herself from Camila. You frowned because those two used to be always close and talking to each other.

Before you can even talk, Leo brought in the glam team for Fifth Harmony.

"Ladies!!! It's time." Says the team. You smiled, amused at the bickering between glam team and Fifth Harmony.

"I'll see you later?" You asked Dinah.

"You're my date, of course I'll be seeing you." Dinah said and winks before following the glam team.

Ok.. Snap out of it Y/N.. Snap out of it. Yes, you are very lucky to be Dinah's date for the ball. Yes, it is official. Phew, ok hope you won't embarrass yourself soon.  You thought.

When you finally snapped out of it. You looked at Hailee who is sitting on the couch. So, then you sat beside her and looked at her. You looked at her until she realizes that you've been looking at her.

"Hey." She said awkwardly.

"How are you?" You asked. Stupid question, it's obvious she's not alright.

"I'm great. How about you?" Hailee asked you with a smile on her face that does not quiet reach her eyes like it used to.

"Ok what's going on, Hailee?" You asked, taking the role of being the big sister.

"I may or may not realize I have feelings for a person, who I know for sure won't return the feelings back to me, but rather give their feelings to someone else." Hailee said with one breath, she then took a long in take of breath after.

"Well, how deep is your feelings for this person?" You asked, although you are already making your own guess that maybe just maybe you know this person.

"Deep," Hailee said while slowly nodding her head. "So deep I won't be able to get back out in a short period of time."

You nodded your head, "Have you made any special connections with this person?" You asked.

Hailee smiled, "She's funny. She's smart. She's beautiful and I meant by beautiful is that the way she thinks and the way she treats people around her."

"She-" you said and stopped there because you were about to say the name of the person who you might think it is. Camila.

"Yes, a she. I don't know how to do this or how to approach her with this new found feelings." Hailee said.

"Ok, so, this ball that we planned, there are people singing in it, as the planner of the event we both can just sneak you in as the last act. If you don't mind that is." You said and smiled.

Hailee's eyebrows knit closer together. "Wait why would I be performing?" She asked.

"Pick a song that best represents this girl that you have feelings for. Maybe, if you let it out, it'll be easier for you?" You asked.

"You know who I'm talking about do you?" Hailee asked suspiciously.

"Yeah," you said and nodded you head. "She's with the glam team right now."

"Oh gosh, you do know." Hailee said. "Am I that obvious?"

You shake your head no, "It's probably because I know you better than anyone else." You said and smiled.

"You know, you're very lucky you stand at the same position with Dinah." Hailee said.

"I am very lucky indeed and it's not only because she's part of a huge girl group, or is because she has the fame. I'm lucky because she's Dinah, you know? I get to meet the Dinah behind the cameras and stages." You said and smiled because who are we kidding? You know damn well how lucky you are to ever meet Dinah and share the same feelings for each other.

You looked at Hailee and smiled, "How about you? Yes, you might not be fortunate since you don't know how Camila may return your feelings to you, but how exactly do you feel?" You asked.

Hailee nodded her head, "Yes , same. I do feel lucky because I know her behind the cameras and stages. I know that she's not returning the feelings but I'm lucky to still have her as my friend."

"How sure are you that she's not returning the feelings back?" You asked.

"Haven't you heard? It's all over social media. Shawn and Camila." Hailee said and sighed.

Your eyebrows raised and knitted, "I've heard that they are collaborating to write and sing a new song, I've heard that they are friends but I haven't heard anything about them dating or liking each other."

"But eventually they will be dating.." Hailee said.

"C'mon, as long as they are not together you still have a chance. And also don't make assumptions. They probably are just real good friends." You said and patted Hailee's back.

Hailee smiled at the encouragement. "So about the performance for the ball?" She asked.

"You're in." You said and smiled.


After all the glam and dressing up, Dinah's hand is holding on to your elbow while you hold it up for her. The two of you are taking a picture like it is prom.

Dinah is wearing a gorgeous red gown that matches with your red button up shirt and black tuxedo.

"Are you excited?" You asked Dinah once the picture taking is finally done.

Dinah squeezed your arm that she is holding, "I am but sort of nervous too."

You faced Dinah and took both her hands, "How come? You look gorgeous, your funny and you have that dazzling smile on." You said and smiled and poked her nose.

Dinah smiled and her cheeks turned even more pink because of her blush. Dinah hugged you and smiled. She's hoping that tonight will be as awesome as it is right now.

Leo entered the house breaking your hug with Dinah, "The limo is here." She said and smiled.

Everyone cheered and there you saw it, Camila trying to spark a conversation with Hailee but Hailee seemed to be ignoring the fact that Camila is trying to make a conversation since she's answering Camila with one word answers. Camila didn't give up tho.

You just chuckled and guided Dinah towards the limo and inside. Since you and Dinah announced "accidentally" on snapchat that you guys will be each other's date on the ball, people went crazy. Making up ship names and others even trying to invite other people on to their ship. The ship of (Your's and Dinah's ship) has been around for a while now, it started when you visited Dinah at Sta. Ana.

"Hey, now that people will actually see you guys as each other's date. I'm pretty sure there will be questions as well. How are you guys going to handle it?" Lauren asked.

"It's fine! As long as you guys are happy we can just butt in and waste time if you guys don't feel comfortable." Ally said.

"As long as you guys are having fun." Camila said and nudged Hailee, urging Hailee to continue her thoughts. "That's all that is important." Hailee finished rolling her eyes but smiling at the end.

"Cheesy, too cheesy. You guys don't want your queen to be cringing every time you guys talking right?" Normani said referring  to herself as the queen.

Everyone laughed, "Ok, ok." You said and raised both your hands. "Dinah is Beyoncé then."

Normani's jaw dropped while everyone laughed, "Nu-uh." She said.

"It's already been said, don't steal my spotlight." Dinah said.

"Ok. Ok" Normani said and laughed.


As the group neared the venue for the Christmas Music Ball, you noticed how Dinah won't stop fidgeting. You laced your hand along with Dinah's and caressed the side of it with you thumb.

"It will be alright." You said and smiled. If only she's your girlfriend then you would be kissing her worries away, so being not her girlfriend, Yet. You kissed the tip of her nose.

Dinah smiled at the gesture, she can't help but to giggle. She cupped your cheek with the hand that you weren't holding and kissed the tip of your nose too. Awe! Only if you're her girlfriend.

The others are too busy with their own conversation that they chose to ignore you guys.

"It'll be alright." You whispered again.

Dinah inhaled and exhaled, she then smiled and squeezed your intertwined hands, "It will." She finally agreed.

"Guys, we're finally here!" Hailee said, who sounded so relieved.

Somebody opened the door for you guys to see that it was Ryan. He smiled and waved at you guys. "You guys excited?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Hailee said.

"Totally!" Camila then agreed.

Everyone else nodded at the girls's enthusiasm but both are meaning different things, Hailee can't wait to go and talk to other people so she won't be talking with Camila. While Camila would love to spend the night with Hailee and the girls.

You looked at Dinah and smiled at her. "Ready?" You asked. She smiled back and nodded. The two of you exited with the car and joined the others. You can already hear the buzzing questions of paparazzis about being each other's date. You just nodded and smile.

First stop, Interviews. Chelsea!!!!

"Chelsea!!" Camila said.
"Oh My gosh, girl. You're stunning." Ally said.
"Ooh.. I love your dress." Normani said.
"You look so pretty!" Lauren said.
"Glamorous." Dinah said and they all hugged her.

You and Hailee stayed behind and just waved hi, not really knowing what to say or do.

"Ladies! You guys are so sweet! So how do you guys feel about this event?" Chelsea asked.

The girls nodded, "We're feeling really excited because we'll be seeing a lot of big celebrities here and it's just fun already." Lauren started. The girls nodded along, smiling.

"Ok, so. As for Dinah, during a snapchat of yours, you and Y/N mentioned about being each other's date?" Chelsea asked.

Dinah giggled and you waved from behind. "Ladies come squeeze in, why are you guys at the back?" Chelsea said. You stood beside Dinah, while Hailee stood beside Lauren.

"Ok, well yes. Y/N is my date for tonight. She did ask me the other night as you guys probably seen pictures already posted by our beloved Hailee." Dinah said and Hailee waved.

"Yup, just posted it before we left." Hailee said.

"Oh.. But there's more. Is it true you guys are together now?" Chelsea asked.

"No, no we're not." Dinah said and looked at you to continue on or add on to what she said.

"Yet." You said and smiled at the camera.

"Oh my gosh!" Chelsea said.

"Right!?" The girls said and they basically fangirled over you and Dinah until it is time to move on to the next interviewer.


The interview and picture taking went well. It was goofy and professional at the same time. Other photographers wants a picture of you and Dinah only sadly there's no time.

Once inside, you guys are ushered at your assigned seat.

You pulled Dinah's chair back for her and pushed it also. Once you took your seat beside Dinah, you are called backstage.

"C'mon, I just sat down!" You whispered.

"Lazy! Just go." Dinah said.

You pouted and hang your head low. "Fine!" You whined like a child. Dinah then kissed your cheek.

"Go." She said and you smiled at her.

"All better now." You said and walked backstage.

"What is happening?" You asked as one of the crew lead you to where a problem might be.

"Well, ma'am as you can see. We are missing an act, who unfortunately can't fly back here on time." The guy said.

"Man.." You said sadly. "Who was it? Shawn? Miley? Bea?" You asked.

"Shawn Mendes." The guy nodded his head.

"Man, but Camila is here." You said.

"We know, but if there is someone that is willing to maybe sing Shawn's part for him as he suggested. Then we are good." The guy said.

"Ok, I have somebody in mind but I'll have to check on them first. Also, did you guys add Hailee for the last act?" You asked.

"Yup, and the song will be Flashlight?" The guy asked.

You smiled and nodded. "Yup, that will be it."

As you happily walk back to the group, you saw that someone else is occupying your seat and it is the blondie from The Vamps, Jamie? Oh yeah James.

You frowned and you saw that the other three are standing behind the Jamie dude, I meant James.

You quickly walked back to where they are and cleared your throat. "I believe that seat is taken." You said.

James looked at you annoyed, but when he realized that it was you he quickly apologized and stood up. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to." He said. Even though he wants to sass you right now, he can't and he won't. He still wants his career and you will be his future boss.

You smirked, "Didn't mean to? C'mon, man, loosen up." You said. "I'm not going to kick you ass, even if I want to by just sitting on my chair."

You heard Lauren snorted and the others giggling. Dinah held on to you hand and stood up. "Also, James. She's my date that I was talking to you about." Dinah said.

James eyes widen and he frowned. "What? C'mon. You're kidding right? This is just a friend thing date?" James asked.

"No, it's not." You said. "She's my girlfriend and it is just about right that I take my girlfriend here."

"Girlfriend?" Brad asked.

"Yeah." You nodded your head.

"But I thought you guys are friends?" James asked.

"Yeah, Mate they probably are. You know girls do it. They call each other girlfriends but really they are fiends." Brad explained.

James nodded his head and grinned, "Well, enjoy the night ladies." He said and gave you guys a little nod before leaving.

"Gosh, I hate that dude." Lauren said.

"Who doesn't." Normani asked.

"Ignore him." You said and looked at Hailee about to ask her something.

"Girlfriend?" Dinah asked.

You looked everywhere but at Dinah. "My eyes," Dinah said and cupped your cheek to make you look at her. "Are right here."

You blinked and smiled "Eventually, right?" You said and smiled charmingly.

Dinah giggled and lightly slapped you. "Dork." She said.

You kissed her nose and smiled, "I gotta talk to Hailee, we'll be right back, ok? You guys feel free to go around." You said. "Just call me where you guys are so we can find you." You told Dinah.

Dinah nuzzled her nose against yours. "We will." She said and smiled.

You look at Hailee and nodded at her telling her to follow you.

"What's up?" Hailee said, not even giving Camila a glance when Camila said 'See you later.'

"Man, you're cold. Can't you even say, Later. Back to Camila?" You asked once that you guys are far enough from the girls.

"Well, I want to get over her." Hailee said.

"Hailee, pushing her away is not the answer." You told Hailee. "You'll just have to accept the fact that you do have a feelings for her."

"But, every time we talk, it's just ugh." Hailee said.

"It will be ok." You said. "You'll get used it."

"That's the thing, Y/N. I don't think I'll ever get used of her." Hailee said. "But what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, Shawn won't be able to make it tonight. So, um. Can you take his part for I Know What You Did Last Summer?" You asked.

"Are you kidding?" Hailee asked.

"Only if it's ok with you." You said. "But if not then I'll just cancel that act."

"But Camila is here." Hailee said.

"Exactly." You told Hailee.

"She really likes performing. She was excited to do this." Hailee said and thought for a second. "Fine I'll do it." She said.

"Thanks, sis." You said and hugged her.

"How about the last act?" Hailee asked.

"That's cleared too. You'll be going." You said.

Hailee nodded and went backstage to learn Shawn's part. She also knows how to play the guitar so it's a win win.

You looked for Dinah only to see her dancing with James. Something churned in your stomach and you know it is jealousy and betrayal. You made eye contact with Dinah and you nodded your head slowly, indicating that you get it and walked away. You walked towards the exit.

Dinah then quickly step away from James, "There, I danced with you, now leave me along for the rest of the night." Dinah said.

Dinah ran to where she saw you walk towards. Being with heels it is hard to run after you. But good thing you didn't really run. Dinah can still see you and she saw you exit through the exit door. But you guys are in the second floor and the exit door is actually a balcony with stairs to go down.

Dinah rushed there and opened the door. She saw you leaning over the balcony and she put her hand on your back as she stood beside you. "It's not what you think it is." Dinah said.

"I get it, ok?" You said.

"Will you please, let me explain?" Dinah asked.

"No, Dinah. I get it. I get that I can't do this anymore." You said.

Dinah's jaw dropped. "Wha-" Dinah said but she cut herself off when you faced her looked at her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." You said and cupped Dinah cheeks and leaned in to kiss Dinah on the lips. You started to kiss her slowly, not forcefully but it was light and soft. Dinah registered what was happening and kissed you back with a smile. She settled her hands on your hips and she stepped in closer towards you.

You broke the kiss by leaning your head against hers. "I'm sorry that I can't wait any longer. Seeing you dancing with that James guy made me realize that I instantly got jealous over it. Yes, I admit that was such a jealous freak move but  I cant help it. Don't worry I won't be like that to the rest of the people but knowing what James wants from you. I just can't handle that you're not my girlfriend. I can't handle that I have no right to get jealous or be so protective over you. Because you're not my girlfriend yet. I'm sorry if I'm rushing this but Dinah, may you please be my girlfriend?" You asked.

Your eyes are closed throughout your speech, you little drama queen.

Dinah kissed your lips and you can't help but kiss her back happily. "Yes" Dinah whispered against your lips.

"Also, I danced with him so he will leave us alone for the rest of the night." Dinah said. "So, no need to be jealous, girlfriend."

"Ok, girlfriend." You mocked her and giggled. You're happy, Dinah's happy and I am happy for you two. Merry Christmas and happy Holidays to you guys.

"Also, Y/N. Want to celebrate Christmas at my house at Santa Ana?" Dinah asked.

"Totally!" You said.

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