BEING 27 (KHR Fanfic)

By -idxris

274K 12.9K 2.3K

Ever heard of 27? Y'know, that hacker, information dealer, handyman, assassin, whatever that has yet to be ca... More

Information Before Story
A Home Tutor
27's Dame Life
27's Hacking
Talking With a Mute
The Baseball Star
Smokin' Bomb
Arrivals and Long Times
Triggered Memories
Start of the Kokuyo Arc!
Battle, Start!
Royally Screwed
Cielo's Solo
Varia Arc
27's Plan
Cielo's Cyber Journey
Sky Sora
Too Bad He Ain't Dead
Open The Door
Tempesta, the Right-Hand Man
The Day of the Sky Battle
Appearance, Disappearance, Reappearance
Being 27

Rain, Mist, Sky

4.7K 251 31
By -idxris

"Tsuna." Sora was the one typing on the laptop this time. Tsuna was looking by the side. He looked up, but didn't reply.

{Sora: So after Idiotera is Nutmamoto?}

"It seems like I've gotten a new name...and how'd you know my phone number, anyway? How did that message connect to a phone?" Yamamoto asked.

{Sora: What do you think we work as?}

"Hackers...well that explains a lot..." Yamamoto mumbled.

{27: So what did you want?}


The winner of the Rain Battle Yamamoto Takeshi.

But, as it has gone over the set timing...

...the shark has been let out, and we cannot stop it.


"So he's shark food in the end!" Xanxus mocked. Tsuna plainly looked at him, leaning against the building. Kakeru was smirking proudly, even though he could sense Sora's killing intent from where he was.

{27: ...Squalo might've survived that...}

{Sora: If he died just like that Xanxus's hair is pink!}

{27: Suddenly I wish Squalo's dead.}


"27, if Cielo is in the Vendicare, would Rokudo Mukuro know where he is?" Dino questioned. 27 grumbled. Reborn was out who-knows-where, probably tu-torturing Kakeru. 27 sighed.

{27: Cielo's had the power to travel around electromagnetic waves, so he's probably streaming through Vindice information.}

{Dino: ...elaboration...?}

{27: Cielo can convert himself into an AI and travel around the computers and machines, and possibly, into a person's brain waves.}

{Dino: I get the gist of did he even get into Vendicare in the first place?}

{27: He was being careless and the Vindice found his identity, and he was caught by them, or he went there of his own accord, I don't know.}

{Sora: We just woke up and he was gone.}

{Dino: So... basically he disappeared? How'd you know he's at Vendicare?}

{Sora: Cuz he'd go from Italy to Japan immediately in the middle of a job just because 27 sent a message telling him to get there by the end of the week.}

{Dino:...pretty loyal ain't he.}

{27: Anyway, where else could he be? He didn't come back for months straight and he left his little brother alone. Not something the brocon's gonna do without a reason.}

They sighed simultaneously.

"I think I'll go over to 51's place tonight..." Sora turned and walked away.

{27: Just don't give me an insane 51 tomorrow. I still need him to be the straight man around us.}


"51?" this piqued Dino's interest.

"It's a hacker, he isn't a well-known one, but he's called Red51." Sora answered.

"Never heard of him." Dino said after thinking for a long while.

"That's his intention. 51 doesn't like risky situations so he only does some jobs for us." Sora explained.


"Oy, Reborn! Who the heck is our Mist Guardian?" Kakeru's voice came from the other side of the wall.

"Shut up, Bakakeru! You'll know tomorrow!" Reborn's annoyed voice yelled.

"So it's the gym today?" Kakeru asked, a brand-new band aid on his face courtesy of trying to sneak attack Sora again. "Reborn, who the heck's my Mist Guardian? Is he gonna play hooky and chicken out before the battle?"

"Shut up Bakakeru, you're the only one who'd do that!" Sora finally yelled, having enough of his whines.

"Like hell I'd do that!" Kakeru fought.

"Then at least land a damn hit on 27 for once, and I'll acknowledge it." Reborn interrupting, trying to stop them but making it go the other way.

"I've managed to hit Sora once! Isn't he a top hacker too?" Kakeru whined.

"Sora isn't a hacker. He's an amateur." Reborn said.

{Sora: Ow that hurt.}

"Liar! He's anything but an amateur!" Kakeru claimed.

Sora appeared beside him. "Well, technically, compared to Nii-nii, I am an amateur."

"Where the hell did you come from? And if you're an amateur, what am I?" Kakeru complained.

"A weakling...Yowakeru." Sora smirked.


{27: Downgraded to being a lady's escort now?}

"Shut your crap, 27!" Ken yelled at the phone.

"How did he even get your number...?" Chikusa asked, blankly.

"Hell if I know, Kaki-pii!"

"U-Uh...Ken...Chikusa..." a soft voice spoke up. It was a small, purplenette, with an eyepatch. "Please...don't fight..."


But before the battle was announced to start, she spoke up again. "I-Is there a hacker called Cielo...or 27 here?"

Sora jumped down from the ledge he was sitting on. Tsuna briefly looked up. Their eyes met, and Sora jumped down, landing carefully on his foot before making his way to Chrome. "Not exactly, but I'm Cielo."

Chrome perked up and looked at Sora. Sora had his face hidden under a mask and hood. He slowly took both off and looked at Chrome. Sora stood the shorter than Chrome. "What's the problem?" Sora asked.

"A message...from Mukuro-sama..." Chrome breathe in, and chanted.

"Red, orange, black, and white,
split apart without a warn,

Red and white, orange and black,

Who is the Cielo, that rules all?

Too, too bad, for we never know,

Red and white have gone too proud,

Icarus had went too close to the Sun."

Tsuna was silent. Sora simply sighed and turned around. He put on his mask and pulled up his hood.

"The first sky was named by one,

Molded to four, mixed to two.

Flames that will burn seek not to be cut,

Nor will the deathperation of white's luck.

May the skies mix the light of ugly twilight,

so shut the heck up, bloody pineapple!"

Chrome looked at him. Sora tilted his head over. "Tell Rokudo Mukuro that if he sees him again, that's my message."

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