Captured! [Book 2 of The Deni...

By AmorAuctor

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Captured! Book 2 [Sequel Of Denied!]
1: Good Girl Or Bad Girl??!
2: Princi Poop!!
3: The Result!!
4: Keep Reminding Me!!
5: A Step Forward!!
6: Angry, Very Angry...
7: My Stupid Retarded Boys!!
8: Stop It!!
9: Happy Birthday Mase!!
10: Hello And Goodbye..
11: Hate.
12: Moving On..
13: Down To Business..
14: The Good News Or The Bad News??!
15: Let's Get Packing!!
16: Guess Who's Our Roommate!!
18: His Return..
19: Turned
20: Try Me Out
21: The Climb
22: Start Talking..
23: The Game
24: Captured! Part 1
25: Captured! Part 2
26: Captured! Part 3
27: Captured! Part 4
28: Well, That Was A BLAST!
29: Some Explaining..
30: Ready To POP!
31: Her Name...
32: Haunting You...
33: Our Wedding

17: Burn, Baby, Burn!!

1.7K 25 9
By AmorAuctor

Heyaaa Guyzz!!


Jokiin.. :P


No-One Guna Make Me A Cover??!

Even Thoo, Im Soo Niice Makiin My Chappyzz Long & Stuff...?? :/!


Chapter 17: Burn, baby, burn!

“Project Grab-Food-From-The-Cafeteria is a go” I spoke into my walkie-talkie. I looked left and right. I could hear my heart beating rapidly, not from fear in getting caught but the excitement in getting caught. I grinned while putting my palm to my team (My brothers, Mack & Kane), signalling to ‘stay where they are’. I tip-toed ahead and peered into the kitchen window, I ducked down and spoke into my talkie. “Ok, there are 3 targets, cooking…” I looked through the window again, I ducked back down. “Food, Vince & Kane go charm them and get them out, use any excuse in the book”

They nodded and walked ahead. I rolled my eyes at them and snatched their talkies. “Don’t blow your disguise!”

They rolled their eyes and walked in. I called the second team while they ‘wooed’ the lunch ladies. “Hade & Mack up here”

Hade skipped to where I was ‘hiding’ and Mack smacked him at the back of the head.

“You’re gonna blow our cover dude!” Mack scolded Hade.

“Ow!!” Hade yelled rubbing the back of his head.

I kicked him, telling him the shut the hell up! I rolled my eyes and gave him a ‘safer’ and ‘better’ job to do. “Hade, you’re lookout”

“Wha-No!! That’s boring!” Hade whined.

“You won’t shut up and plus…I’ll let you use my binoculars…” I said grinning at him. Yup, I was dressed like an awesome spy or someone from C.O.D. I was wearing a black jumpsuit with black boots. My hair was in a ponytail and I had this smoky makeup on. What?! If I’m a spy then I gotta dress like one, dudes!

But…one thing that’s making me mad about this…


Hade grinned goofily and nodded eagerly. “Give it. Pass it. I wanna play with it”

I shot him a playful glare. “You’re a lookout” I threw him the binoculars and he gazed at it in amazement.

I rolled my eyes, Mack following my actions.

{What’s takin you so long?!} I asked Kane.

{They’re comin out…} he replied.

I nodded at Mack & Hade. We hid behind a table waiting for them to come out.

“Ohh, I gave him my number…do you think he’ll call?” I overheard their conversation. I giggled but Mack slapped his hand over my mouth.

I glared at him, smacking it away.

“Yeah he will!! Have you seen your ass?” One of them slapped another’s ass.

I gagged and smacked Mack with my eyes wide.

He chuckled, shaking his head and I slapped my hand to his mouth. He shot me a playful glare.

“I know…Been trying that ‘zumba’ on the Wii, it really helps you know?!” I heard their conversation from out the cafeteria. Mack nudged me telling me to get a move on. I grinned at him and walked into the kitchen.

“So, which one of you lucky boys has a lunch ladies’ number?!” I exclaimed, grinning at my boys.

Kane slapped his head, shaking it from side to side. “This unlucky boy”

I laughed. “Haha!! You can’t stand her up dude, or you’re gonna get warm milk!”

Kane smacked his head again and half playfully glared at me. “This is what I get for listening to you…’wooing’ the lunch ladies…THEY’RE HALF MY AGE!!”

I grinned. “Look on the bright side…”

“What bright side?” Kane asked glumly.

“You’ll finally go on a first date” I said grinning.

“Yeah, with some old chick” Mack said nudging Kane playfully on the shoulder.

Kane groaned. “Just make me food”


“What vitamins are in carrots?” I asked Mack who was on the laptop.

“B1, B2, C, D, A & E” Mack replied bored.

I rolled my eyes.

So, I’ve been asking him what vitamins are in which veg, so if we wanna beat this vamps we’re gonna eat healthy!!

Well, I’m not gonna eat it.

Pshh!! You kiddin me?!

This…plop looks like diarrhoea and you’re gonna get it if you eat it. That’s why I’m gonna give it to those vamps.

“And let it simmer…” I said putting the lid on top of the pot. Do you even let it simmer? What does simmer mean? I just heard it on a Jamie Oliver show and thought it was an awesome word!! Simmer, simmer…I’m gonna simmer your ass!! Ha!

I walked to my brothers and sat down on Hade’s lap since there were no spaces.

“How’s dinner going?” Vince asked, rubbing his belly and licking his lips.

I grinned. “It’s going good, let’s watch a movie”

“I-We…Didn’t bring one” Hade replied.

I grinned even more. “I brought some!!” That means I get to pick!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!

My boys groaned.

“Aw maann! Forget it we’re gonna end up watching some Pirates and Robots and some next stuff” Hade groaned.

I rolled my eyes. “Come on guys, you know me better than that”

“Yeah we do” Came Vince’s reply.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever”


“Oh. Em. Gee!! Aw Andy!!” I cried, yeah I was actually crying. “Why would you give your toys away to some next girl?! Keep them and give them to your babies!!  Aw, poor Woody & Buzz”

Fortunately I wasn’t the only one crying.

Mack and Hade joined in.

However Vince & Kane were arm wrestling throughout the movie…

I cried real bad.

“Uhh…who died?”

I looked up with teary eyes at the door. CC & Aide were stood there, feeling awkward.

I averted my gaze to the T.V and cried even harder when the ‘You gotta friend in me’ song played…in Spanish!! How can it get even sadder?! Singing it in Spanish gives it more feeling and-

I was picked up from Hade’s lap onto someone else’s…


“CC?” I asked, wiping my tears.

“Ssh, babe. Let em fall…” He cooed.

I stared at him confused. WTH!!

I rolled my eyes and watched the rest of the movie…well there were 2min left.

I frowned and tears trailed down my cheeks as Woody & Buzz gazed back at Andy leaving…

The Spanish makes it worse!!

I cried and my jumpsuit was wet. W.E.T

Why am I still wearing this?

“It’s over” Hade whispered wiping his ears.

“Finally!!” Kane exclaimed snatching the remote off Mack and switching over to Football.

“Who’s playing?” I asked wiping my tears.

“Why…were you crying?” CC asked.

I grinned rolling my eyes. “Toy Story 3, how can you not cry?!”

He chuckled shaking his head.

“Uhh…guys, why’s the kitchen on fire?” Aide asked, walking in the room biting on MY green apple.

“THE KITCHEN’S ON WHAT?!” I yelled, running into the kitchen only to be attacked by flames. “FOR GOD’S SAKE!! I HAVEN’T EVEN BEEN HERE FOR A DAY!!”

“That explains a lot…” Aide said munching on MY apple.

I glared at him. “That’s my apple”

“No it’s not. Doesn’t have your name on it”

“It…does actually” Vince said, rubbing his hand.

Aide raised an eyebrow and searched the apple.

“The stick thing” Mack answered.

Aide looked at the stick and saw my name written on it. “Who does that?”

“Me, you gotta when you’re living with them” I said, pointing back at my boys.

“Hey!” Hade protested.

“Nah, she’s right” Mack said shrugging.

The others agreed. I rolled my eyes and my eyes widened at the kitchen. “Uh, what do we do?”

“I dunno, I’m not a fire-fighter!!” Mack exclaimed, clinging onto Hade.

“I am!!” I yelled, grinning.

“No you’re not Roxy” Vince said crossing his arms.

“Can’t you just play along?!” I whined.

“HELLO!! THE KITCHEN’S ON FIRE!!” Kane shouted, tearing us from our argument but I did give Vince a ‘this-is-not-over’ look.

I turned back to the kitchen and took a step back when some next thing fell from the sky.

“THE SKY IS FALLING!!!” I yelled, jumping onto Aide’s back. “RUN CHICKEN LITTLE!! RUN!!”  Hey! I got a nickname for him!! YAY ME!! Great! Now I’m London Tipton!

Aide groaned. “I’m not Chicken Little”

“That’s your name, I can’t find anything else” I said, crossing my arms.

“You didn’t give him one!!” Aide complained.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah I did. That’s CC!!”

“Cool Cole” Cole said smirking.

“Nope, Cologne Cole”

Aide spat out his apple in Cole’s face and was in hysterics.

“THE KITCHEN!!” Kane yelled, jumping up and down.

“Oh yeah…what do we do about it?”


“GET SOME WATER!!” Mack yelled at me.

“FROM WHERE?! THE TAP?!” I yelled at him.

“Duh!” He shot back.


“Oh…yeah” he said, shooting me a sheepish smile.

I rolled my eyes playfully and nudged him.

“Ok…get water” I ordered Mack.

“From where?!” he yelled exasperated. The heat does some crazy stuff to us…

“THE BATHROOM!!” I snapped.

He glared at me then ran into the bathroom.

The best thing, I even took the privilege to dress as a fire-fighter. Nah, don’t ask me where I got the suit from…I was also wearing a yellow helmet…

I ran into the kitchen earning yells from behind me. But, danger is my adrenalin…does that make sense?

Oh well.

I jumped onto the counter, spraying the flames with foam.

Two arms snaked around my waist from behind me. It was cold, just what I needed right now in this heat especially since I’m a werewolf. I sprayed the flames, feeling the adrenalin kick in. I feel like I’m in C.O.D

“What are you doin?”

I didn’t recognise this voice…Do I know this person?

“What does it look like?” I replied rolling my eyes.

I heard him chuckle…But that sounds familiar…




Bet Yuhh Wanna Knooo..

Sos But Yur Guna Hav 2 Waiit.. I Hav To Fniish My Chappy I Got On Word..







Mia!! :P

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