My Little Dragon {Holiday Gra...

By SakaDaCocka

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This is a little collection I am going to make that will have a few small Gratsu fanfictions. They will all... More

Table of Contents
My Little Dragon: Part 1
My Little Dragon: Part 2
The Halloween Party
Halloween Day AU {A.K.A. Author's Universe}
The Mistletoe Mishap AU
All I Want For Christmas...
The Weirdest Encounter

Heated Christmas

508 16 81
By SakaDaCocka

[I hate my own stupid mind!  So I am still sick but I decided I would try and update anyways, your very walkum by the way!  Sorry if I am really rude right now, it's just I am annoyed with myself not you guys.  Lol so I thought this would be a pretty interesting idea for a Christmas one shot so here it goes... (By the way, I know Natsu doesn't get cold but still, just go with it! XD)]


^~<Gray Pov>~^

"Wait a second am I hearing things properly right now?"

Me and the rest of team Natsu were currently sitting at our normal table talking about the Christmas party that was coming up tomorrow.

"If you are implying that I just said that I hate Christmas, then yes." Natsu answered with a 'matter of fact' tone to his voice.

"How do you of all people not like Christmas?!" I exclaimed while lightly hitting the back of the younger boy's head.

"Oh I don't know maybe it's because of the fact that it's always cold, I can't fight because my flames go out from the freezing weather, and worst of all you are actually a better fighter than me!" The pinklette exclaimed while lightly rubbing his temples.

I scoffed and ruffled his hair causing him to scowl. "Well you still get to eat lots of candy and open presents." I said while continuing to to pet the boy's head.

"First off, candy is nice but I can get it all year. Second off I can buy my own things thank you! Oh and lastly, STOP TOUCHING MY F*CKING HAIR!!" Natsu yelled while quickly swatting my hand away. The pink haired boy then slapped my face and ran out the door, leaving me in total shock.

"Natsu come back!" Happy shouted while flying out the guild doors towards his best pal.

I began to rub my cheek while I pouted and said "What the hell is he getting all freaked out over!" Lucy and Erza giggled deviously causing me scoot back in fear. "Wh-what are you two giggling about?"

"Nothing..." Lucy stated while giving me a mischievous look. {Their Fangirl senses are tingling!} I decided to ignore it and instead began to think. I may be annoyed by the guy but I still don't want him to be sad on a day that should be spent being happy... What should I do?

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped in my head. "Wait guys I have an idea on how to get Natsu to enjoy Christmas!" I yelled so loud that the whole guild turned to look at me, "We could have a have a heated Christmas!"

"What?!" everyone shouted in unison, all giving me dumbfounded expressions.

I jumped up with a giant smirk as I quietly whispered "Listen up, here's my plan..."

~Time skip: The Christmas party~

*~<Natsu Pov>~*

"Natsuuuuu~!" Happy screamed while pulling on my arm with all his might.

"No Happy, I already said that I am not going and that is final!" I yelled back making Happy frown.

"But Natsuuuu~, I already told them I would get you to go!" Happy answered giving me a hurt expression.

I frowned at my little buddy and quietly said "You know I hate the holidays Happy and not to mention, I didn't even get anyone a card or a gift!"

Happy smirked and lightly poked my cheek. "Well you do have something for one person..."

My face went crimson as I looked down at my hands and began to twiddle my fingers. "Th-that was stupid, I-I am not going to give them that gift Happy."

"Awe but it is really cute!" Happy exclaimed while softly playing with one of my cheeks.

"N-no way..." I whispered while continuing to stare at the ground.

Happy smiled and flew up the stairs only to fly back down holding a box wrapped with green and silver wrapping paper. It had a red ribbon that was tied around it beautifully and a little tag connected to the box. No.  Happy wouldn't do this to me, would he? my mind screamed as I stared at the object in horror.

"I had a feeling you would need some motivation so here it is!" Happy stated while flying out the door with the box, "If you don't want them to see their gift you better come fast or I will deliver it to them personally!"

"No please don't do this!" I yelled while running out the door, chasing after the blue haired feline. I kept chasing and chasing 'till I finally saw that we were standing (Or flying in Happy's case) in front of the guildhall. "Now please give it back!" I screamed while jumping up and down to reach my so called 'friend'.

The noise in the guild immediately stopped while the guild doors flung open. "Oh Natsu you are h-... wait what is that you are try to get?" Gray stated while looking up to see the cat flying above me holding my present.

"N-nothing just ignore him!" I said while rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh yeah sorry, this is for you by the way Gray." Happy said while flinging it down to the said person.

I felt the heat on my face rise as I quickly covered it with my scarf. "Gi-give it back! That w-was just a joke o-okay!?" I said with uncertainty in my voice. The ravenette ignored me and instead began to inspect my present.

"Wait you got this for me?" Gray said while giving me a suspicious glance.

"Y-yeah now shut the hell up already and let me inside, I am cold!" I yelled while trying to make the heat on my face disappear.

Gray smirked and quickly shouted "Of course! Welcome to our Christmas island paradise!" The raven lead me into the room which caused me to gasp in pure shock.  At the bar, Mira was serving hot chocolates and piña colada's to our fellow guild mates. There was even a giant Santa statue there had on a flowery shirt and was holding a surfboard. The best part of it all was the fact that the entire room felt just as warm as it would in the summer which made me shiver with joy {Don't ask for why I said shiver... XP}.

"This is awesome!" I exclaimed while jumping around the room in joy, "Did all of you guys plan this?"

"Actually, Gray here is the one that came up with the idea." Mira said making the raven scowl at her.

"Yeah but don't start thinking tha-..." Gray was then cut off by my body gently crashing into his, bringing him into a warm hug. He flinched at first from the surprise but decided to embrace it and hugged me back. When he wasn't looking I smirked and attempted to snatch the gift back from him.

"Gotcha!" I yelled before noticing that I had instead grabbed one of the other gifts from under the Christmas tree.

"Hah sorry Shortie but I plan on opening my gift whether you like it or not!" Gray exclaimed while holding the gift up high so that I couldn't reach it.

"Ooo let's do present opening then!" Lucy yelled as the whole guild chimed in (except me).

"Okay everyone settle down, I will hand out a gift per person for now and we will all open at the same time!" Mira shouted while smiling over at the two of us, "Since Gray already has a gift I guess I will continue on from there!"

I felt as if my whole body was going to crumble. My arms and legs started to tremble and nerves began to get more and more on edge. When Happy saw me panicking he flew over to me but I quickly pushed him away. I then bolted towards the door and ran back out in the direction of my home. A few shouts could be heard in the distance but I decided to ignore them all. Instead I kept running and running until I had made it to home and was sitting, curled up in a ball, on my little brown hammock.

"Wh-why did I even make that stupid thing anyways?" I sniffled while keeping my eyes on my scrunched up knees, "Why did I tell Happy about it?  Why did I still chase him to the guild?  Why? Why?! WHY?!"

Suddenly I heard a soft knock on my door. "Hey Natsu are you there?" a deep voice stated from the other side of the door.

"Leave me alone Stripper!" I yelled back, knowing the voice in an instant.

Gray ignored my command and instead took a step inside my home. I groaned and lifted the blankets over my head, a light blush still apparent on my face. "Hey what just happened back there?" Gray asked in a calm but mildly annoyed tone.

"Shut up and leave me alone. I never want to see your f*cking face again!" I replied with a soft whimper.

Gray sighed back and slowly took the blankets off my head. "I've got an idea. How about if I open it with you right now and I won't tell anyone what I got okay?"

"That's not the point you idiot! I don't want you to see it the very most!" I choked out with a little bit of scratchiness in my throat.

"Well I am going to open it whether or not you like it so shut up and let me do this pyro." The ravenette yelled before quickly tearing off the ribbon.

"N-o wait...!" I screamed but it was to late. The boy already had the wrapping paper off and was silently opening the box. He looked down and grabbed a card that said 'Merry Christmas' that lay on top.

When he opened it he looked at the words and began to read them aloud:

Dear Ice Princess,

I bet right now you are pretty surprised that I did anything for you on Christmas. We have kinda been rivals since the time our eyes met and all, but I felt like I should still get you something. I know this is my first year in Fairy Tail and I really do want to say thanks for helping me become such a better wizard and all. Although we are rivals, I really do care about you... Oh and since Erza is still teaching me how to read she is the one that wrote this letter.  I am just the one telling her what to say.  Anyways I just wanted to tell you Merry Christmas so have a great one Gray.

Love, Flame brain

Gray finished and looked up at me with his eyes slightly sparkling.  "That's not it you know..." I whispered pointing to the box. He looked inside and searched for the next letter that lay right below it.

He opened it and began to read once again:

Dear Ice Princess,

So last year I made you a card for Christmas and well ya see, I was to shy to actually give it to you. I am sorry, I just was afraid of how you may react and all so I will just give you both of them this year. I don't know why I feel so different around you but still, I guess it's just that I feel really... comfortable, with you... Yeah that must be what it is! Anyways I know you love the cold and all so I bet you love this season, actually to tell ya the truth I love this season too. Mostly I think it is because you are always happy. Anyways Merry Christmas Gray!

Love, Flame brain

This time Gray didn't stop. Instead he just picked up the next card and began to read it:

Dear Ice Princess,

I am starting to think I will never give you these cards... I mean every single year I have tried and what do I do, I fail. I wish I just had the guts to tell you that maybe I don't want to be rivals. I only fight you because it is my way of trying to always be with you. Sometimes I wish we could be real friends instead of two kids that always fight... Merry Christmas Gray, if you ever actually read this.

Love, Flame brain

I watched as he frantically searched for the next letter:

Dear Ice Princess,

Hey so I talked to Lisanna about what I have been feeling about you lately, she told me it might be that I like you or something like that! Hah isn't that hilarious, like I would like a weirdo like you in that kind of way! Then again, lately I have been second guessing myself and I am starting to loose sight of what my real feelings are. What the hell is going on with me. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas Gray...

Love, Flame brain

Gray's eye's widened and he began to read the next:

Dear Ice Princess,

I don't really know what to say at this point. You'll never read it anyways so why do I try. Why do I even care anymore to write you some stupid Christmas card that you will never even read. Every year it is the same thing... we are rivals and we fight and you hate me... Well guess what Gray?! I don't actually hate you! Merry Christmas.

Love, Flame brain

Gray reached down and grabbed the last two cards from the box. Tears were now beginning to form in his dark blue orbs, but he held them in while he continued to the next letters:

Dear Ice Princess,

I... I feel so alone on Christmas. Why can't I just tell you how I really feel... Why can't you realize...

Love, Flame brain

Dear Ice Princess,

So... I think I finally figured it out. All of it... I don't hate you Gray Fullbuster and I don't want to just be friends. I care so much about you but I know you will never return my feelings. Why is life so cruel to me? Christmas is just a reminder to the fact that I am a coward, a coward who can't tell someone the truth! A coward that has tried to hard to keep it in although it hurts me so much! I don't hate the cold and the fact that I can't beat you Gray. I hate Christmas because every year it is the sick reminder of these cards and how I could never show you a single one. How I could never tell you, that I love you...

Love, Flame brain

"You happy now?!" I screamed into my blanket with hot tears rushing my face, "You know what I don't even care, I don't want you here anyways so just leave!"

"W-why?" Gray stuttered with tears just begging to fall, "Why me?"

"Because your pdfmcegt." I mumbled into my blanket.


"I said because your perfect okay!" I screamed covering my body with the blanket.

We both sat there in silence for a bit, neither of us daring to make a move or sound. Then Gray finally said something. "I think you are wrong about that..."

"About what?" I whispered back, uncovering my head.

Gray then scooted closer to me and lightly rubbed my cheek with his thumb. "Because you are the one that is perfect."

I then gasped as he tilted my chin up and pressed his firm lips up against mine. I squirmed in surprise but soon melted into the kiss with pure joy. When we broke apart to get some air, I looked at him and gently pushed some hair away from his pink and puffy looking eyes.

"Why?" I cooed while kissing his cheek.

"Because you are amazing." Gray whispered back, looking out of breath.


"Because I said you were."


"God damn it Natsu you know why!" Gray yelled making me smirk more.

"But why?" I purred into the ravenette's ear.

"You want me to say it don't you?" Gray said with a bit of annoyance in his tone.

"Mh hm~" I whispered while lightly tucking my head into the raven's shoulder.

Gray chuckled and pet my head. "Okay then, I love you Natsu Dragneel." Gray stated while hugging me tightly.

"Love ya' too~" I cooed while quickly and quietly falling asleep on the taller boy's shoulder.


Luna: Hey guys so I hope that you enjoyed this chapter of Holiday Gratsu! I thought i was really cute and emotional and shiz so I hope you all liked it! *smiles*

Sasha: Um Luna... Why are you here and why are you reading my lines?

Natsu: *shakes in fear* Hey Sasha I wouldn't do anything to make her mad if I were you!

Gray: *hugs Natsu and also shakes in fear* Yeah like he said!

Sasha: *face palms* I control this world remember? Idiots and their idiot fantasies.

Everyone: *hears a door creak open*

Sasha: Oh my god she is here!  Everyone look... presentable!

Natsu & Gray: Hey!

Luna: *smiles* Do I look nice enough Sasha?

Sasha: Yeah you look great Luna-...

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: *looks at all and get's confused when we all look really awkward* Um hi... are you Sasha?

Sasha: *walks up to AOT and puts out hand to shake with nervousness* H-hello y-es it is! N-ni-nice to m-meet you!

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: *look a little weirdly at Sasha but still acts nice* Well nice to meet you Sasha!

Luna: I am Luna by the way!

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: *waves kindly at Luna* Nice to meet you Luna!

Natsu: Oh and I am Gray and this is Natsu.

Gray: *face palms* You mean I am Gray and this *points to Natsu* is Natsu.

Natsu: *scowls* That's what I said ya doof!

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: Wait, you are Natsu and Gray!

Natsu: Yep! *jumps up and kisses Gray's cheek before wrapping his arms around Gray's waist* He is mine by the way!

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: *squeals and get's a tiny nose bleed* Oh my gosh you two are so adorable!

Gray: You think that was cute! Hah you should see him when he-...

Sasha: *stops Gray from saying another word* LUNA!

Luna: *punches Gray in the face*

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: *pouts* Awe I wanted to hear more!

Natsu: Gray! *runs over to Gray and hugs him* Oh my gosh are you okay?!  I thought you might have been hurt really bad!

Gray: *winces* I am fine. It's nothing I can't handle.

Sasha: *presses buttons* And the boys are muted now! *smiles and looks at the other girls* Sorry I have to wrap this up and that will never happen with their never ending flirting.

Luna: Understood.

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: Aye Sir!

Sasha: Anyways, you can check out Luna by going to YaslinSantos and check out her shiz! Oh yeah and AOTKiwaiiFangirl you can find here AOTKawaiiFangirl which I really recommend if you already haven't because she is a super awesome writer! So that's all I have for this chapter today, I hope you all enjoyed and AOT you can do the honors...

AOTKiwaiiFangirl: Okay, see ya all later! *smiles*

Twenty years later...

Kandy: H- hello? Anyone here? Oh, well, I fixed the "are's" and "our's" and stuff. So yeah. Grammar yay :3

Lucy: oh heyyyyy Kandy.

Kandy: F*ck you.

Sasha: *face palms* Really Kandy...?

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