Vamp Grayson

By dolancrazyy

10.4K 267 94

17 year old Aria Lewis has the usual life of a junior high schooler, until she meets an interesting individua... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Getting to know him
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

421 13 0
By dolancrazyy

Aria's POV

The ride so far was an awkward silence between Jeremy and I, so I decide to break the silence.

"Jeremy, she will be ok, don't worry. Have faith"

"And how do you know that"

"I just do. I have faith"

He scoffs, as I keep my eyes on the road.


We make it home, and Jeremy rushes inside the house.

I sigh, looking at the beautiful stars. "Oh, Jeremy.."

I walk inside the house, and head to the kitchen, and notice Aunt Jenna is fast asleep on the living room couch watching tv.

I sit down at the bar, and get out my phone and go on Twitter.

I decide to check what is trending.

hmmmm.. donald trump, hoverboards catching on fire, terrorist attacks in the us...

I gasp. "No way.."

the attack from tonight was trending. What is happening right now. Maybe I just need some sleep.

Jenna is already asleep, and Jeremy is pissed off.

I take a deep breath. "breathe, Ava"

That's the thing about me, I worry too much, I don't blame myself because of all this grief I have.

I head upstairs and text my two best friends in our group chat.

To: Bonnie and Caroline

Hey, are you guys okay? Jeremy isn't doing so well..

from: Bonnie

yes, i'm at home with grams, and I hope he will be okay.

from: Caroline

I'm okay :)

To: Bonnie and Caroline

goodnight guys ily❤️ and me too.

and with that I lock my phone and get ready for bed.

After I do my nightly routine, I start to think about Grayson.

After the incident he just disappeared. Oh well, I'll ask him on Monday.

Grayson's POV

I glare at him, as he keeps moving his mouth.

"took my breath away... she's a dead ringer for Katherine" he smirks, "is it working Grayson? Being around her, being in her world; does it make you feel alive?"

"She's not Katherine" I say through gritted teeth

"Well, lets hope not, Katherine's a bitch. There doesn't need to be both of them"

"Dude, cut it out. I fucking told you shes NOTHING like Katherine. If I ever come to face to face with that selfish bitch i'm going to rip her head off" I say, as I can feel my blood boiling.

"Ha! You don't know half of the story. All you know is that i'm back in town just for her, well, you're wrong bro. So much happened between me and her while we were apart. She always told me she didn't care about me, and she would threaten to put a steak through my heart. But then, she said something unimaginable. The sentence that set me off. Only 4 words broke me into billions of pieces"

I look at him, as I see sorrow in his eyes. God, I kinda feel bad for him.

"Well, what did that son of a bitch say?" I ask, as my brother laughs

"She loves someone else"

his voice cracks.

"Do you know who?"

he looks up at me, and gives me the most angry look ever.


"No. I-I have to go"

I barge out of the room, and make my way out of the house.

I need to go to Aria's house to see if she got home okay.

*time passes*

I make it to her house, and I see her in her room, writing. I stand outside, watching and observing her. She suddenly looks out the window and sees me. I see her face light up and she and I make my way to the front door.

She opens it, and stands in the doorway. I smile.

"Hi" she says. God, it feels good to hear her voice.

"hi, um- I just wanted to make sure you made it home safely"

"yeah. I did, thanks for um, caring" she giggles. "No one usually cares about me"

"I care" I smile, which she smiles.

She steps out, and gives
me a passionate hug. Of course I hug back.

"You're probably the most genuine guy i've ever met" she says.

"And you're the most genuine girl i've ever met" I smile as we continue to hug.

We break away, which I was bummed about.

"Goodnight, Aria"

"Goodnight, Grayson"


woah another chapter finally! Tbh idk where i'm going with this book. i'll try the best i can to make this book amazing!¡ hope u liked this chapter 🙃 btw srry if that last part was cheesy af


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