Just the Start. (The Clovers...

By Aquaron23

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A single invitation, a single disobedient act, a drastic change in life. Fortis was raised singlehandedly by... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 37

41 3 4
By Aquaron23

I woke up even earlier than I usually did. I felt that things were not as simple as they seemed and I needed answers to my questions.

I hesitated before knocking on the door lightly.

I hope he's awake.

After the second knock, the door slid open and Dr Ray stood in front of me in his usual smart, collared outfit.

Thank goodness!

He looked more than surprise to see me.

Who wouldn't be?

"Morning Fortis, what brings you here?" he asked.

"I'm here to consult you on something," I said.

"Okay, come in." He moved deeper into the room and took a seat by his desk. There were many materials sprawled out on his desk, showing that he was in the midst of something before I entered.

"Sorry for interrupting. Are you busy? I can come in the afternoon or something..." I proposed.

"No it's fine. I'm just arranging some medical documents. Take a seat and give me a minute," he stacked his pile of notes and placed them on the side neatly.

I pulled the chair out and sat across him quietly.

How do I ask him about the Aconitenol?

Dr Ray pushed his specs up the bridge of his nose and looked up from the stacks of paper after a few minutes. "What is it that you want to know?"

"I'm interested to learn more about medicines."

"You are?" his voice raised slightly.

"Yes. I think that it could prove to be useful someday."

"Ah. So you're seeing medicine as a tool?" His glasses glinted under the light as he spoke.

Does he not approve my answer?

"Don't be so nervous. It was just a random question."

Was it?

He smiled.

"Everyone has their own perception of what medicines are. I won't tell you that you're wrong. After all, medicines are known for their healing purposes."

I relaxed slightly his words.

"What are they to you, Dr Ray?"

"They're like papers."


"What are the characteristics of a paper?" he asked.

"It's thin, light and useful?" I tried.

"Is that all it?" Dr Ray prompted.


He lifted one of the paper from the stack and flipped it over.

"Two-sided?" I answered.

"Right," he smiled.

He had led me to the answer himself.

"It could be useful but there's always two sides to everything. While medicines can be used to heal, it can also be used to kill."

Used to kill? Goosebumps rode up my arms.

"That's why they must be handled carefully. If you're not careful, you're going to end up with a paper cut."

I nodded in agreement.

"Is there anything else you need to know?"

"Do you know if there's a drug called Aconitenol?"

His posture grew stiff immediately. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm curious, since it sounds like a type of medicine. What is it used to heal?"

"You are getting your concept all wrong," he shook his head with a frown. "There's white and black medicines in Idris. Aconitenol is a rare and potent drug, categorised under the black medicines without a doubt."

"Black medicine? Does it mean that it's harmful?" I leaned forward to ask.

I have a bad feeling about this...

"Not harmful. Lethal. It's colorless, tasteless and scentless, making it a silent killer."

It's that poisonous?

"Is there any cure to it?"

He gave a defeated sigh and leaned backwards on his chair.

"White medicines are usually used to counter dark medicines. Unfortunately, there is currently no white medicines that could battle the wrath of the Aconitenol."

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"So there's no cure to it?"

"No. I've been studying it for many years and I have never come up with a solution. Once you consume a small amount of Aconitenol, you would have to continue consuming it weekly. It's like a lethal addiction. Even if your willpower is strong enough to counter the addiction, you would die from the lack of it. The consistent consumption of it is undoubtedly poisonous to your body, but it is needed to curb the side effects and keep you alive. Until of course, there is so much poison in your body that you drop dead."

I gasped. What is such a dangerous drug doing in the rooftop space? And there are at least thirty boxes of them! What is Gladion planning to do with all those pills of Aconitenol?

"Is something wrong, Fortis? How did you come to know about the Aconitenol?" Dr Ray was eyeing me warily.

"I heard it from the others and got curious." I answered as convincingly as I could.

I need to switch topic. And fast.

"What about white medicines? How do they differ from black medicines?" I enquired.

"They're very different yet similar. If you use a white medicine in the wrong way or change its composition and content, it could turn into a black medicine."

My hopes raised at his answer.

"Does that mean that a black medicine could also become a white medicine depending on its usage?"

If it's true, Gladion could be using it for a good purpose.

"Never. A black medicine could never turn back into a white medicine. From what I know at least."

His reply caused the sick feeling to return to my stomach.

"That's awful," I swallowed.

"It is. That's why I only use medicines when it's absolutely necessary. You'll never know when you'll make a tiny mistake and cause someone's life," he shook his head.

Even a doctor is not one hundred percent sure...

Do you have anything else? If not, you should be leaving. I believe you have training after this?" he reminded.

I looked up at the clock on his wall. 6:25.

I'm almost late!

"Thanks for your precious time, Dr Ray! See you around sometimes!" I dipped my head quickly in appreciation and turned towards the door.

"You're welcome." I heard right before I took off for the battle courtyard.


Training went per normal. Breakfast went per normal.
Lunch went per normal.
Everything seemed so ordinary and orderly but yet...

I could not stop breaking out in cold sweat and curling my toes as I thought of the deadly drug that shared the same roof as me.

Did Gladion not realise that someone has stumbled upon his secret? Why is he acting as though nothing had happened? I would have expected him to make a move.

There is always peace before a storm.

Could there be more that meets the eye?

Gladion's POV.

Zander. Ducan. William. Fortis.

Who is it? There's a seal on the boxes that could only be broken by a four-leafed Clover and myself. At least it was what I was told. It has to be one of them. I have to source out the culprit soon or my plan would be in danger of being exposed!

I have been waiting patiently since last night for the appropriate time even though every second that passed placed me at a greater risk. The longer I waited, the more nervous and anxious the culprit will get. And when I finally execute my plan, it would be sure to give me a clue on who the meddlesome person is. Please not let it be him. I can deal with anyone who discovered this. Anyone except William. I owed him enough and he don't have to know what I'm about to do. Being the righteous person he is, he won't approve of my actions. He would probably hate me even more. Still, it's necessary and had to be done for the greater good. My people are starting to act recklessly and get distracted from our initial goal. I can't have them turning on me like Duan. I refuse to undergo the same betrayal, this time by my own people. I will do whatever it takes to gain full control over every one of them. Even if it means achieving it by force.

A puppet can have a mind of its own, Chablis. Soon, my people will become my puppets.

I breathed in and out deeply before entering the dining hall. It's time.

I was the earliest to arrive. Just how I want it. Before any of the four arrives, I got the kitchen to prepare four cups of water and place it on our table.

This should be a foolproof plan, since I have even included my son in it.

Zander entered the dining hall first. I watched as he stared at the cups of water on the table with a frown. Cups were never prepared beforehand. That's why I am confident that the person would fall for it. William entered next. He took his seat without a single glance at me. I pretended not to care and looked towards the door. Fortis and Ducan came in together. When they saw the cups on the table, they were both surprised.

My attention was immediately drawn to Fortis. Her face was paler than its usual tone and she was staring at the cups on the table in what seemed like anxiety.

Could she be the one? But the place is hidden so carefully. And drawing on my knowledge of Fortis, she is not the most observant person around. Still, her behavior is making me second guess myself.

"Are you okay, Fortis?" I tested.


"She's not feeling well today," Ducan replied. "She has been breaking out in cold sweat for the entire day."

Fortis nodded at what Ducan said.

"Not feeling well? Do you need me to get Dr Ray then?" I asked.

"No thank you. I've already seen him..." she rejected my offer.

It didn't seem like she's lying. Nevermind. I'll get my answer soon enough.

"I'm sure all of you must be wondering why there are four cups prepared before you."

I had all of their attention now. It's a good thing that the Aconitenol is colorless, odorless and tasteless. This would aid my task. Very much.

"Since the war is coming, I figured that all of you need some...nutrients. Thus, I have prepared these energy drink for each of you. They are colorless, odorless and tasteless. Just like drinking an ordinary cup of plain water."

Having said these, I scanned each of their expressions carefully, starting from William. To my relief, William had a blank expression on his face. He'll be alright as long as he keeps that expression while he drinks the drink. Next, I looked towards Fortis. She looked like she was deep in her own thoughts. Nevertheless, her eyes were trained on the cup in front of her. Could it really be her?

I moved on to Zander. The nudge between his brows were more evident now. Furthermore, his mouth were set in a firm line and he was regarding the drink in front of him warily. Absolutely suspicious.

Ducan was last. From what I could see, there was only surprise on his face. There were no hint of doubt or suspicion in his expression. He was always oblivious, making my job even easier. I would say that he is the easiest four-leafed Clover to deal with.

"Drink," I ordered.

Everyone simply stared at their drink without touching it at all. If none of them drink it, my plan would be a failed one. Nonetheless, I have more than one step meticulously planned out to catch the real culprit. This is just one of the series of steps. My eyes widened when I spotted a movement. Before I even had a chance to process my thoughts, Fortis took her cup and downed its content in one gulp.

"Thank you Gladion," she placed the cup back down on the table with a light thud.

It's not her after all. The culprit would not dare to drink it that readily, knowing that there might be a lethal poison inside. Ducan and William followed after Fortis, finishing every drop of their drink. I adverted my gaze to the remaining person.


I watched him intently like a hawk as he stared into his cup. Reluctantly, he picked it up and brought it to his lips. He then finished his drink. But not without hesitant pauses in between. I think I might have arrived at my answer.

I smiled.



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