Chapter 34

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"What is this about?" Zander got straight to the point.

"Yaa came to me this morning," Gladion started.

Yaa? Coming to think of it, I didn't see him at all this morning.

"He was talking gibberish. He claimed that there was an evil spirit residing in the battle courtyard and he refused to go back to training until it's exterminated."

"How does that concern us? We are not spirit terminators," Zander answered, monotonous.

"I do not appreciate your sense of humor Zander," Gladion answered sternly. "The flying stones and twig were your doing, am I right?"

"Do you believe in afterlife then?" Zander responded with a blank face.

Gladion's eyes narrowed in displeasure and placed his cup down on the table loudly.

How could I leave the talking to him? He's going to get the both of us killed!

"Fortis? I trust that you would answer me seriously. Was it his doing?" Gladion shifted his attention to me.

"Uh..." my eyes flickered to Zander then back to Gladion.

I considered giving him a funny answer like Zander to test his reaction. However, I decided against it since I still had many things I wanted to do that could only be accomplished when I'm alive. Perhaps, I could try it in my dreams, where it's safer. Yet, I've heard of people dying in their sleep...

"Fortis?" Gladion's tone was growing impatient.

"Yes," I replied honestly.

"What were you doing?" Gladion turned to Zander.

"I was practising my powers and he happened to be in my way. You know that I don't have the time to train in the morning. I want my powers to be at its best before the war."

Gladion nodded, seemingly satisfied with his answer. I rolled my eyes internally, knowing it was a lie.

"And what's this Caspi that I heard?"

"You mean Casper?" I corrected him unconsciously.

Zander shot me a warning look but it's too late. Gladion had his hawk eyes fixed on me. I should have pretended to be oblivious.

"What's this Casper you're talking about?"

Under the stress, an idea popped into my head. It was ridiculous but believable enough, considering that Gladion already thought of us as lovers.

"It's the pet name I have for Zander," I tried to smile convincingly but failed terribly.

It came out as more of a nervous smile. However, it happened to make my lie more convincing since I probably looked bashful about revealing something like that in Gladion's eyes.

Zander sent me a sideways glare whereas Gladion formed an 'O' of surprise with his mouth.

The tension in the room dissipated along with my words.

"I see...I shall not delve into your personal affairs. You can resume training. I will see that Yaa gets back to training."

Not wanted to linger around Gladion any longer, I walked out once the permission was given

"Couldn't you think of a better lie?" Zander muttered under his breath.

"It's convincing, isn't it?"

"You could have said that it was an imaginary friend because you were too lonely here."

"I could take back my words if you want."

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now