Chapter 28

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*After breakfast*

Ryon's POV.

"Hey Ducan! Here's your schedule!" I grinned widely as I waved it in front of his face.

I did it. I actually remembered promising to hand him a copy yesterday.

He snatched it away from my hand, the corner of his mouth twitching in displeasure. It was as though he was contemplating on whether he should confront me about something.

I was confused to the moon and back. What is he displeased about? I just handed him a copy of the schedule like I had promised.

"Ducan?" I asked him.

He smiled at me suddenly. A smile too sweet for a person who is unhappy about something.

"Who was I paired up with?" he asked, the smile still plastered on his face.

"Fortis," I beamed confidently.

I had taken a good look at the schedule before handing it to him. It was a good thing too, for he happened to be testing my memory.

"Ah." he said in an unamused tone. "And who did you say I was paired up with yesterday?"

"Fortis?" I asked.

His eyes were burning holes into me at this moment.

"You told me it was Falice yesterday," he stated rawly.

"No, I said Fortis. But you're paired up with Falice now. You switched with Zander, remember?" I reminded him in satisfaction.

It is not everyday that I get to remind someone about something.

"Ryon," he drawled out my name in a threatening manner.

What's wrong with this guy? His memory skills must have deteriorated. Was it because he was speaking with me too much?

"Yes?" I smiled nervously.

"I'm going to ask you nicely to switch the pairings back," Ducan asked.

"I can't do that," I said, which earned a frown from him. "It was an internal swap, remember?"

He groaned in frustration. "It was your fault that I even went to Zander for a swap. Now is your chance to put things right again."

Right? Is there anything wrong in the first place? It's just a cleaning duty.

"Sorry Ducan. I am positive that I said Fortis. How could I even get something like that wrong? And I've already informed Gladion about the switch so you can approach him if you really want a swap."

With that, I turned my back to him and hurried away. Poor Ducan. I can totally understand the feeling of thinking that you're right when your memory is all confused and wrong. I've been there before.

*After lunch*

Ducan's POV.

"Fortis," I started with uncertainty.

"Oh hi Ducan!" she chirped.

Seemed like she's in a good mood. That's a decent start. Maybe lady luck is smiling on me.

"I want to talk to you about the swap," I started.

"If you want to explain why you initiated the swap, you don't have to. I know why you did that. No hard feelings," Fortis replied with a knowing smile.

"You do?" I was surprised.

Did she perhaps guessed it by herself?

"Yup. Good luck with Falice," she winked.

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt