Chapter 35

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*After dinner*

After admitting that it was my fault, everyone threw me condemning looks. I've never attracted this much attention upon myself in my whole life.

Violent. Rash. Reckless. Unreliable. Evil. Witch. Liability. Barbaric. Arrogant. Stuck up. Bitch. Bully. Despicable.

The list is endless...

I was in the kitchen because I wanted to get something warm to drink and confide in aunt Bea. I've always felt comfortable around her. It was partly due to her resemblance to my mother. I knew I needed someone to listen to my troubles and she was patient and caring, making her a good listener.

"Did you hear that? I can't believe that Fortis would do such a thing. She seemed like such a sweet girl. I guess we should never come to a conclusion so fast," Person one started.

They are talking about me...Even the staffs here knew about what happened this morning. I was about to step out when a familiar voice kept my feet in place.

"I don't understand why she would hit poor Falice with a rock. That poor child would never do anything to deserve it...." Beatrice's disappointed voice travelled to my ears.

I hit her...? With a rock...? How distorted is this from the truth?

"Trice, I know that you are on quite good terms with Fortis. But now that it has come to this, I don't think that it's wise to allow her to continue coming into the kitchen to help out. She's unsafe. Who knows? She might poison the food the moment you turn your back to her," Person one suggested.

I waited for her reply with my heart in my mouth. Aunt Bea knows me more than the rest of them. She wouldn't do this without hearing my side of the story first, right?

"I...I think you're right. But I don't know how to break the news to Fortis..." Beatrice replied hesitantly.

I felt as though another rock was attached to my heart, dragging it down to the pit of my stomach. I don't want to continue listening anymore.

I stepped out from the back of the kitchen, within their vision range.

"F...Fortis?" Beatrice's face was pale.

Don't look at me with such guilt. It only confirmed that you did not believe in me.

I shifted on my feet uncomfortably, forcing my true feelings underneath the surface. "I was just getting something warm to drink..."

"Fortis I...I..." she was lost for words.

"No worries aunt Bea," I smiled sadly. "I'm leaving now."

She didn't make any move to stop me as I ran out of the kitchen. I was glad she didn't. I needed to go somewhere to calm these feelings. Somewhere where no one can find me.

My feet eventually took me to the rooftop space. I never knew that I had to come up here again. I guess this was my only option now. I crouched in the corner and stared into the space. My eyes were starting to prick and I could feel a sob riding up my throat.

She's not my mother. She's not my mother. She's not my mother. I justified. Don't get a stranger mixed up with her. I chanted to myself. Although it did nothing to dispel my negative feelings, it kept my tear ducts under control. My chest rose and fell as I breathed in and out heavily until I could only feel the coldness of the floor.

Then, my memory of a conversation I had with my mother when I was five was triggered.

"Why do you need to make any friends? They're all not real. You have me here with you, Fortis. Isn't that enough?"

Just the Start. (The Clovers series: Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें