Love Someone

By SecretlyNicodiAngelo

63.5K 1.6K 678

How Nico and Will get together after the blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. Please tell me if you like it. Thi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

2.2K 55 31
By SecretlyNicodiAngelo

Will was in the infirmary, not actually doing anything, when Drew ran up to him.

He saw her and tried to get away, but it was to late because she grabbed his arm and forced him to look at her.

" I need your help" She said.

" With what?" He asked, not at all trusting her.

" I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend to make someone jealous."

Will probably wasn't going to agree to that, but he was to nosey to stop asking questions.


" Reyna"

Will was confused.

Drew could tell.

" I know it sounds weird, but will you help me?"

"Maybe... " Will said, still shocked.  " Could you explain more?"

" Well I may have  a small crush on her..."

Will waited for more.

Drew sighed.

" I started talking to her, by iris message..."

" And? "

"... And I asked her out and she rejected me..."

Will laughed, then he realized that was mean and tried to stop.

" So you think making her jealous will help."

" Well, you never know. And maybe Nico will get a little jealous too."

Will blushed " I don't know why he would be jealous..."

Drew rolled her eyes.

" The whole camp knows about your little fight, hun. And, of course, the whole Aphrodite cabin knows you still like each other."


"Will, you could make Nico a little jealous.

" How could that possibly help?"

"He might start talking to you again."

Will thought about it. It might get Nico to start talking to him again. He didn't really understand how that would work.

" Fine, I'll do it. "

"Really? Yay! Alright I'll talk to you later. Bye bye! "

Then she ran out of the infirmary, leaving Will to wonder why he ever said yes.

Sorry for not updating. I got a job now. And I've been distracted by Dan and Phil... Okay, bye!

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