By KateeSmurfette

3.6M 112K 70.9K

Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough. I'd forgotten to get a book from my lo... More

Ch 1 - New Beginnings
Ch 2 - Gun Shots
Ch 3 - Ignoring Demands
Ch 4 - Working Out
Ch 5 - Ya Messed Up
Ch 6 - Check Up
Ch 7 - Plan B
Ch 8 - And Fight
Ch 9 - Holding Hands
Ch 10 - Nightmares
Ch 11 - Comas and Rocks
Ch 12 - Gentleman
Ch 13 - Intimate
Ch 14 - Good To Be Back
Ch 15 - God I Hate You
Ch 16 - Zero
Ch 17 - Sweet Sixteen For Who
Ch 18 - I Am Not Losing Her
Ch 19 - Closure
Ch 20 - Safe House Vacation
Ch 21 - Official
Ch 23 - Worth The Wait
Six and Zero on Inkitt

Ch 22 - Nigel

113K 3.4K 1.3K
By KateeSmurfette


"And Six scores the winning touchdown, leading the Pumas to yet another victory!"

The whole school went wild as the timer flashed zero. The game was over and we'd won the match. I ran out onto the field and went straight to my boyfriend. He caught me as expected and I landed a hot one on him.

"Blossom, I'm sweaty as hell," he complained.

"I don't care," I said before kissing him again.


The school chanted and cheered as we kissed, making me smile into the kiss. We pulled apart and he took my hand in his, leading us off of the field. We headed towards boy's locker room, where all the other guys were streaming in as well.

"I need to take a shower, and then there's apparently a victory party at my house," he informed.

I giggled. "What do you mean apparently?"

"I never plan parties that happen at my house. It's always someone else's doing," he replied.

I scowled. "You just let anyone throw a party at your house?"

"Only the squad blossom. I'm not about to let strangers do what they want in my house," he explained.

"I was about to smack you upside the head," I admitted.

"No need to injure me," he said with a scowl.

"I would never," I said innocently.

"Mhmm! I'll meet you back at the car in fifteen minutes," he said before kissing me.

I left for the girl's locker room to get my stuff. Coach Marina had managed to get me my cheerleading outfit before the game started, so I fit right in with the team. When I entered, the whole team started clapping and cheering, which I didn't expect.

"The crowd loved the new routine," Felix gushed.

"They did?" I asked.

"Yes! Principal Sparrow just told me that he has never seen a response like today's response to a routine. He wants us to perform tomorrow afternoon at Family Day," Coach Marina informed.

"Wow, that's amazing!" I said excitedly.

"Do you think you'll be able to choreograph something that we can learn tomorrow morning?" Bridgette asked.

"I'm pretty sure I can, but there's a party going on at Six's house so I need to find another place to do that," I said thoughtfully.

"Well, I'll be busy tomorrow morning getting everything ready for Family Day, so I can help you out with that so that I can learn the routine tonight and be ready to perform with you guys in the afternoon," Sunny said.

"As long as we have something to perform by the afternoon, then I'm happy," Coach Marina told me.

I nodded. "We'll be ready."

Coach Marina excused herself, leaving us to strategize on the routine. While I was the one meant to choreograph it, I felt that it was only fair that I incorporate everyone's ideas along with mine. We came up with solid ideas, until I realized that I was running late.

I grabbed my stuff and excused myself. The girls said they'd text me any ideas if they got any, and I told Sunny I'd text her the location where I'd be putting the routine together. I left and headed for Six's car, only to see him arguing with someone from a distance.

I won't even lie and say that she isn't gorgeous, because she is. She was dressed in a black dress with a white crop leather jacket and red sky high heels. Her hair was tied up in a frizzy styled ponytail, and she obviously has an athletic body.

"I'm not kidding Cee. Stay away from him," Six said warningly.

"You have no right to demand that of me Six. He at least deserves to know that I'm alive. You and I both know that while he plays it cool on the outside, he's got a lot of anger issues on the inside, and I refuse to let him drown in his own demons like that," she said fiercely.

"That's not your decision to make," Six said.

"Oh? And it's yours?" she asked.

"Ahem," I interrupted. They both turned to face me, and she sent me a raised eyebrow.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I'm ready to go," I told Six.

"What took you so long?" he asked, taking my bags from me.

"We're performing for Family Day tomorrow and I've been asked to choreograph a routine. I was brainstorming some ideas with the girls," I replied.

"So this is her? The infamous Noelle Solano," the girl, Cee, said.

"Hi! And you are?" I asked.

"They call me Cee," she replied.

"The organization?" I asked knowingly.

She nodded with a smirk. "Smart girl."

"Well then! This has been lovely and all, but we need to get going," Six said.

"Promise me you'll tell him Six," she pleaded.

"I'm doing nothing of the sort," he replied.

"Fine! I'll just call him myself," she threatened.

"Call him, and I will come after you Cee. I'm not joking about this either. I will make sure that Silver finds out exactly what went down in Cuba," he told her, sounding more serious than I've heard him.

"You're despicable Six. I don't know why anyone would find you worth the trouble," she said, a tear leaving her eye.

I wonder what the hell this is all about.

He shrugged.  "Let me know when you find out."

She turned to me. "I hope you can make him a better person than he is."

Before I could even say anything, she was hopping onto a bike and riding away. I know my boyfriend well enough to know that the look on his face suggested that we weren't going to discuss what had just happened, and I was ok with that.

He opened the door for me and I got in before he went over to his side. It was a silent ride to his house, and by the time we arrived, there were already a whole lot of cars. He drove in and headed straight to the garage to park the car.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked me.

"I'm just thinking of the first time I came here and Bridge was hosting that Pre-Homecoming party," I replied.

"I was in a terrible mood that night from a mission that had gone sideways, and I almost killed everyone when I found them here," he admitted.

"And you settled for firing shots in your house?" I asked amusedly.

"Yeah, that was a bad move on my part. The ceiling collapsed about an hour after everyone had left, and Cash and I had to spend the whole of Sunday trying to get someone to come and fix it," he replied.

"Seriously?" I asked wide-eyed.

He nodded. "It's also why I was late to school on that day when we met. I had to stay here and wait for the people to finish."

"Well then! I just learnt something new," I said. I didn't expect to be pushed against the car, the coolness running down my back from the naked contact.

He disappeared into the crook of my neck. "I didn't think you could possibly look sexier, until you stepped onto the field in this outfit."

"I take it you like it?" I managed to say, as breathless as I sounded.

"I'm crazy about it. Do you need a place to work on your routine?" he murmured on my skin.

"Yeah, but I'll be with Sunny," I informed, barely containing my moan since he decided to kiss my weak spot.

"That's fine. Like I said, I trust her, but she obviously can't find out the whole truth, though she probably has her suspicions," he said.

"If you're saying she can't find out the whole truth, where exactly are you suggesting we go?" I asked.

"One's house," he replied.

"Is that at the safe house?" I asked.

"No! Just like me, he and Five have their own places. That house you took me to when I was shot is for operations. Since it's too busy here, I'm pretty sure he wont mind you guys going there," he informed.

"Ok! Will you ask him?" I asked.

"After I'm done with you," he said before kissing me.

I don't know how, but I found myself on the hood of the car as we continued to make out. The words sexual tension were ringing in my head since I knew that nothing would come of this make out session, except two frustrated people.

I'm all for Six being a gentleman and keeping control of his urges, but the heat between us ignites to unimaginable temperatures every time we so much as touch each other. I don't know how else to indicate to him that I'm ok with taking that next step.

We eventually let go and I went to take a shower while he went to find One. When I was done, he was waiting for me with the address to One's house so that I could text it to Sunny. I texted it to her, and he said he'd drive me there.

"Are you going to stay?" I asked.

"I can't. There's something I need to check on, and then I need to get back to the house to make sure that no one is going anywhere they're not meant to be. I'll come fetch you though," he replied.

"Oh ok! I guess that works too," I replied.

"You sound sad," he commented.

"I'm not. I can't be sad about something I already know is inevitable," I replied.

He raised an eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"Dating you comes with accepting that you wont always be there, and since I know the truth, I accept it," I explained.

"I hope you know that I would never leave unless if I really had to," he said.

"You're the best at what you do, so I completely understand. I think you're the one panicking here," I teased.

"I am not panicking," he denied.

I giggled. "Mhmm."

"Whatever," he murmured, making me laugh harder.

We made it to One's place and he waited with me until Sunny arrived. He gave us the key to the place and told me that One said we can use his gym. He gave me a kiss that very quickly grossed Sunny out to the point where she pulled us apart.

"You guys are so sickening with your honeymoon stage," she commented once he was gone.

"Let us be," I defended.

"Yeah, yeah! Wait until this stage ends," she said as we walked into the house.

One's house is similar to the place where Six and I had our first date. I wanted to admire the place, but I couldn't with Sunny's words swimming in my mind. I didn't want this honeymoon phase with Six and I to ever end simply because I feel like if it ends, it might be the end of us as well.

"Whatever it is that One, Five and Six do must pay a hell of a lot of money, especially considering their age. You'd think they'd all be too young to be qualified enough to earn the money that they do," she commented.

"Yeah, they do," I said.

"You know the truth, don't you?" she asked.

I nodded. "I do, but I can't tell you."

"Don't worry chica. I would never make you tell me. I just need to know that you're safe," she said in concern.

"I'm the safest I'll ever be for as long as Six is with me," I replied.

"Good! So, Bridge and One kissed," she informed.

"What? When?" I asked as we found the gym. We set our stuff down before going onto the mats to stretch.

"At the victory party back in your hometown. He initiated it," she responded.

"And?" I probed.

"It was the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life. They were both already quite tipsy when it happened, but when they pulled away, they both looked like they'd just eaten sour lemons. Cash and I died of laughter but we unfortunately didn't get it on camera," she explained.

"Aaaaw man! And I thought they looked cute together," I pouted.

"Trust me, we were on the same boat. Unfortunately, they can't even look each other in the eyes now. Things are just super awkward with them right now," she replied.

"We should totally set her up," I suggested as I got the idea.

She shook her head. "That's a bad idea on a million levels. Firstly, Bridge is extremely picky, and secondly, she's pretty scary when she's pissed off, and I can guarantee that setting her up will piss her off. We just need to let her be and let her get a partner whenever she does."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it," I said as we continued to stretch.

"So, what happened on your romantic getaway? Where'd you go?" she asked.

"We went to a private island, and we just spent more time getting to know each other. Unfortunately we had our first big fight, and I ended up catching the first flight back," I replied.

It wasn't entirely a lie.

"Aaaaw I'm sorry, but at least it's out of the way. Now you can fight all you want," she joked.

I giggled. "I guess so."

We got to working out the routine and I learnt that my best friend can really move. Her Latina side allowed us to add some flavour to the routine, while managing to keep it PG-rated now that it was a performance for Family Day.

When we were done, we didn't really want to leave, especially to go to a party we weren't in the mood for, so we ended up raiding One's fridge and watching one of our shared favourite shows Hit The Floor. This show is seriously everything.

By the time Six came back to fetch me, we'd already watched five episodes. She agreed to come back to the party, which we learnt was starting to die down now that people were piss drunk. By the time we arrived, there were still a lot of cars, but there wasn't as much of a ruckus.

"Where have you guys been?" Nick asked as we walked into the house.

"Working out a routine for tomorrow for Family Day," I informed.

"Ooh, you work quickly captain," he teased.

"Shut up! Coach Marina asked me to do it," I said with a blush.

He hugged me. "I'm really proud of you Ellie."

"Thank you Nicky!" I said as I hugged him back.

"So, we're hosting this year's Halloween Party tomorrow night," he informed.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because, you're the new girl who's dating the guy no one saw settling down, and who became Captain of the Cheerleading team overnight. Everyone is fascinated by you, and social rules say you have to throw a party," he replied.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I feel like you just invented all of that."

"That's because you know me so well and I did. We need to throw this party because I want to get back at dad for what he did to us," he said with an evil look on his face.

"Hold on! Are you saying that he doesn't know about the party?" I asked.

"Oh, he knows about it. What is going to tick him off is that mum is going to ban him from stopping anyone from having fun, which means we get to do all the things that annoy him and he can't say anything," he explained.

"You want to send your dad to an early grave," Six said what I was thinking.

"The two of you weren't there ok?" Nick huffed.

"I'm with Nick on this one. Those laps made me sore in places I didn't know could be sore, and I'm already athletic and fit," Sunny backed Nick up.

"Alright! Your funeral," Six sighed.

"You're going to put it together though right?" I asked my brother.

"Yeah! I wont be going to Family Day, and mum agreed to help, so everything should be almost ready by the time you get home," he replied.

"And are people aware of these plans?" I asked.

"I hacked Six's Twitter account and sent a tweet from there. He has thousands of followers so the turnout should be great," he said.

I was wide eyed. "You're really out to give dad a hernia."

"I'm confident that it wont spiral out of control because dad is dad. He's going to have a team on standby regardless of what mum says, but he'll also try to not kill the fun," my brother explained.

"I'm proud to call you my best friend. You are all sorts of genius," Sunny told him.

"Why thank you me lady. If only grandma and grandpa Six over here thought the same," Nick taunted.

"Sue us for being worried about your safety," I commented.

"If this ship sinks, you're coming down with me," he said with a scowl.

I shook my head. "No I'm not."

"I think you missed an important chapter of the sibling code Ellie," he argued.

"He made you run laps because you were late coming home Nicky. Can you imagine what he's going to do if this ship really does sink?" I pointed out.

"We're still throwing the party though," my stubborn brother countered.

"Alright fine! I'm in, but I'm seriously killing you if this backfires," I warned.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. "I promise that it wont!"

We went to chill in the lounge with the rest of our friends, who were all surprisingly sober. This party was thrown just for the sake of throwing a party, and after the last two weeks we'd had, I guess neither of us had been all that amped for it.

By two in the morning, I decided to call it a night. Six knew that even though he didn't want to, taking me home was the best decision if I would make it to practice in the morning with the girls. He dropped me off after promising to see me at school the next day.

By eight, I was in the gym with the girls, but Bridgette was missing. We got started without her, and she arrived an hour later. The reason why she was late was because she'd gone out to buy us outfits that matched our school colours, while also going with the theme of our routine.

By eleven, we had the routine down. We went to find Sunny to see if we could help with anything. She allocated the different tasks that we could do. She was panicking because the event was starting in an hour.

I was about to pick up a box before my phone rang, indicating an unknown caller ID. "Hello?"

"Aren't you quite the busy prisoner Miss Solano?" the voice came through.

"I thought I told you that I'd contact you, not the other way round," I replied.

"I know what you said, but I thought you might like the new piece of information that I've gathered," he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come now, I'm not about to tell it to you over the phone," he replied.

"Fine! Where do you want to meet?" I asked.

"I'm currently in Cairo, so I'll call you when I'm back in the States," he said before the line went dead.

I don't like the man's familiarity with me, especially since he's convinced I'm some lethal myth of an agent. However, if he can help Six with anything, then I'll have to not only put up with it, but actually play nice as well.

"Hey! Are you ok?" Bridgette asked me.

"Yeah! I just got an annoying phone call from those sales people," I lied.

"Oh! I hate those," she said, her face scrunched up.

I giggled. "Me too!"

We continued to help Sunny, and by twelve, everything was ready. Principal Sparrow alerted us that we would be set to perform at three, so we settled for helping Sunny facilitate the event, which I learnt was actually a family day for the freshmen of the school and their families.

Arms wrapped around my waist before a kiss was placed on my bare shoulder. "I missed you."

I turned to face and kiss him. "I missed you too."

"What are you up to?" he asked as he looked around.

"We're just helping with making sure everything is running smoothly. We're performing at three, and then we can leave since the school hired a cleanup crew. How's Nick doing?" I asked. I'd asked him to check on my brother.

"I drove by your house and your dad begged me to talk Nick out of it, but you know your brother. So far, everything is coming together. There were some things that weren't going anywhere at all, so I made a couple of calls and made it happen," he informed. I couldn't help but kiss him.

"Thank you for supporting my brother's madness," I said with a smile.

"He's one of my closest friends. It's just a bonus that he happens to be my girlfriend's brother," he replied.

I blushed. "I can't get used to you saying that."

He smirked. "I can't get used to saying it, but I like it."

"OI! LOVE BIRDS! GET TO WORK!" Sunny shouted, making us laugh.

It was clear that people were shocked to see Six helping around. I asked my English teacher Mrs Wyatt why everyone was so shocked, and she informed me that they'd never seen him help with anything at our school, let alone attending any event other than a game or Homecoming.

When three o'clock rolled around, the cheerleading squad and I got ready before performing. We received a standing ovation for our performance. When it was over, Sunny said I could leave and that they'd join us at my house later.

Since I'd driven myself to school, it meant that Six was following behind me. The freeway was clear and he revved, challenging me. I accepted the challenge, and before I knew it, we were zooming towards my house.

"I can't believe you just made me race you in public," I told him as I left my car. He'd obviously beat me to my house, but only by a few seconds.

"I was testing to see if you would do it. At least now I'm guaranteed that you're a good driver and that you can get away from a bad situation if need be," he replied.

I raised an eyebrow. "So you didn't trust that when I drove you around after you'd been shot?"

"I told you that it's going to take a while for me to accept that you can handle yourself blossom. If giving you a random test puts my mind at ease, then so be it," he said unapologetically.

I went up to hug his waist. "You're cute when you're panicking."

"And I will deny the fact that I'm panicking once more. Panic and worry are two completely different things," he argued.

"Yeah, yeah," I said before kissing him.

Things were really looking up for the party. I headed up to my room to take a shower while Six stayed downstairs helping. One and Five had been demanded to come over and help by Nick, and I learnt that they'd been here since five in the morning.

My dad had gotten over his pleading, and instead joined in helping set up- well technically Viola told him to grow a pair and help. It's safe to say that he was sulking the entire time. By five, everything was ready.

"Alright! We need to get into our costumes before everyone arrives," Nick said just as Sunny and Bridgette arrived.

Sunny was dressed as Britney Spears, so I knew Cash would be arriving as K Fed, and Bridgette was dressed as a sexy Alice in Wonderland. Nick had informed me that Cash and the other guys were out getting candy and all for the party, so they'd be arriving within the hour.

"Are you dressing up this year Six?" Bridgette asked him.

I was quite happy when he apologized to her for the whole sleeping with her to spite me thing, and even bought her a gift to go with the apology. She was shocked when he did, but what shocked her even more was when she learnt that I had nothing to do with him taking the initiative to apologize. I was just as surprised.

"Believe it or not, I am. Blossom has us wearing a genius set that I know will go down well with One and Five," he replied.

"Really?" I asked.

I didn't know that much.

"Yep! Just watch for One's reaction first, and then Five," he told me.

I giggled. "Ok! Will do!"

We decided to get changed in my room. I was getting changed in my closet, while he was getting changed outside. I put on the outfit before putting on the wig. I needed the outfit to look right, and it's a bonus that my boyfriend had the costumes made just for us.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"I will never be ready for this blossom," he replied.

"Ok, good point! I'm coming out anyway," I told him before stepping out.

We both took one look at each other before we started laughing. We honestly looked the part, but we also looked ridiculous. I will admit that this was clever thinking on my part, but he made it seem like there's more to this than meets the eye.

"I don't think I've ever seen you in a colour besides black, even though you own clothes that are gray as well," I informed.

"I feel uncomfortable enough as it is," he admitted.

"It's just for tonight, and then you can jump back into you clothing of doom," I teased.

He glared at me. "Oh, funny."

"I thought so too," I said with a wink.

We left my room and headed downstairs. People hadn't arrived yet, and Viola was arguing with my dad, trying to get him to get into a costume. He wanted to wear his FBI gear, something she wasn't having.

We walked into the lounge and Bridgette, Sunny, Nick, One and Five were sitting on the couches, just chatting. My brother was dressed as a cowboy, One was dressed as a spaceman and Five was dressed as a minion. When One's eyes landed on us, they widened, while Five burst out laughing without wasting any time.

Six and I were dressed as Nigel Uno aka 'Numbuh One' and Lizzie Devine.

"Man! You win for best costume of the century!" Five wheezed.

My brother chuckled. "Lizzie and Numbuh One! Genius."

"Oh, that's not even the best part," my boyfriend said with a smirk, looking straight at One.

"You're kidding me right?" One asked.

"Nope!" Six replied.

"I don't get it. What's the big deal?" Sunny asked.

Five and Six looked to each other with evil looks. "Our very own One's name is Nigel."

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