I cry Just a Little [Legolas...

By Annabanana2895

220K 6K 1K

Ella Stormcrow, The granddaughter of Gandalf. She was born as the chosen one to protect and die for middle ea... More

I cry Just a Little [Legolas FanFic]
It was just timing right?
I knew it! I knew it! Middle Earth is real.
Welcome to Rivendell.
Prince of Mirkwood
Secret Council Crashers
Dancing under the moonlight
Nothing but a sweet Dwarf
Losing hope
Emotional day
No love, just focus
Another bad day
Stunned by the white wizard
Not the right time
The Dive, the Jump
The Lady of the golden light
Bless my bark, Isengard!
My first Kiss
We won't die for nothing
To battle we ride
I don't want them to die with me.
True Love, Strong Love

Shooting stars and falling in love

6.4K 199 24
By Annabanana2895

Feeling the wind hitting my face reminded me how I used to jump off my bed on Christmas day back in my world. This... this was a huge cliff and a small river. Soon I hit the river and I was about to go unconscious but I whispered to the river as if the river would respond to what I say "Take me to Aragorn."

A few minutes later someone was licking my face, I opened my eyes and saw that it was Brego, Aragorn's horse. I petted his nozzle and said "Good boy." I turned to my other side and saw Aragorn. I let out a sigh of relief. But the dress that Eowyn gave me was now wet and torn and it stuck on my body showing off my curves.

I crawled over to aragorn pushed his hair out of my face and called out "Aragorn..." he stirred a little and called out "Arwen." I giggled and said "Yeah, I wish she was here too." Aragorn's eyes open. He smiled once he saw me and said "Ella, you came for me." I smiled, half of my body was on his chest. "Arwen told me to." I said he looked at me and said "My heart aches for her." I patted his chest and said "Well... one way to reunite with her is we finish this battle and hope Frodo destroys the ring in time."

I helped him up as we both mounted Brego, but I was in front of him so he can lean on me. He was heavy and my body was aching and he said "It's really obvious that you and Legolas are in love." I laughed but then my smile faded as I recalled all the moments Legolas and I had for each other. He was always there for me even when I didn't need him. He always took care of me and he believes I can survive this prophecy thing. But all my responses towards him was ignoring and secretly blushing then it hit me like a shooting star, I was in love with Legolas.

Any idiot could realize that but when you have the whole world on your shoulder, literally, then you tend to realize things late.

Something disturbed my thoughts, there was marching somewhere nearby. As Aragorn and I looked closely we saw about 10,000 not orcs but Uruk-hai heading towards were we were going. I looked at Aragorn and his face showed how concerned he was. Soon we ride as fast as we could to helms deep.

As we arrived at helms deep it was like a huge defense for war which was nothing like I ever saw. I could hear people talking around us as Aragorn and I dismounted Brego, and I heard Gimli coming towards us yelling "Where are they? Where are they? I'm gonna kill 'em!" as he pushed the crowd as soon as he saw us "You! Are the luckiest...most reckless man I ever knew!" he said as he pulled Aragorn into a hug. He turned to me and hugged me even more and said "Lassie don't you ever do that again you had me close to tears." I laughed and said "Gimli, I'm fine." he pulled away and wiped away a tear that slipped from his eye. I bend over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Gimli where is the king?" I asked quickly. He pointed to a direction then Aragorn and I went that direction walking very fast. In the distance I saw Legolas ran and stopped as soon as he saw me, I looked over at Aragorn and he said "Go, you know what to do." I looked back at Legolas and he was just looking at me, he looked as if he was troubled ever since I jumped off that cliff. Then I heard Arwen's voice. "Run to him."

There was weight that was taken off my shoulders and I ran towards Legolas with a smile on my face, he walked towards me with an ever bigger smile and large strides, and I jumped on him throwing my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist and my face was buried in his neck. I was finally in Legolas' arms. We stayed that way for a few moments then he pulled away and caressed my cheek. "I was worried you wouldn't come back." I smiled into his hand and said "I wouldn't leave you... ever."

Soon a throat cleared and I looked at Aragorn and we both nodded at each other and Legolas said to Aragorn "You're late." As he studied Aragorn. "You look terrible."

I smiled happily when I saw Legolas give the Evenstar back to Aragorn, who then said a kind thank you before walking with me to the king's hall. Aragorn quickly pushed through the large wooden doors and I could hear everyone in the room give a soft gasp. They were caught off guard, by seeing Aragorn alive, even the king was surprised. It took a while for both Aragorn and I to explain our story.

"A great host you say?" Theoden questioned Aragorn. 

"All Isengard is emptied." Aragorn stated. "How many?" Theoden asked. 

"Ten thousand strong at least." I said quickly as Theoden looked at me with unbelieving eyes. "It is an army bred for a single purpose, to destroy the world of men, they will be here by nightfall."

"You cannot stay here king Theoden, Helms Deep may be a fortress but it is a dead end pitched in a corner of mountains, you have to move the people or stay and fight and die, you will be trapped and one by one your people will fall not even the women and children will live." I added.

Theoden quickly walked out of his hall but not before saying. "Let them come." I looked at Aragorn who gave a worried glance. We followed the king with the others through the streets of Helms Deep listening to him.

"I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall." Theoden said to one of his guards. The man nodded his head before walking away. "We will cover the cause way and the gate from above, no army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or has set foot inside the Hornburg." Theoden said as he walked outside of Helms Deep and showed the defenses his people were putting up.

"This is not a rabble of mindless orcs, these are Uruk-Hai their armor is thick and their shields broad." Gimli said. 

"I have fought many wars Master Dwarf, I know how to defend my own keep." Theoden spat out at Gimli and walked back into Helms Deep.

The others did not say a word after. We simply followed the king as he walked through the streets of his fortress. "They will break upon this fortress like water on rock Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn we've seen it before crops can be resown homes rebuilt within these walls we will outlast them." Theoden continued as he checked on things.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages they come to destroy its people down to the last child!" Aragorn shouted. "What would you have me do? Look at my men their courage hangs by a thread if this is to be our end then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" Theoden hissed as he grabbed Aragorn's shirt roughly.

"Send out riders my lord you must call for aid." Aragorn said quickly. Theoden turned to Aragorn once again and said. "And who will come...Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you the old alliances' are dead."

"Gondor will answer." Aragorn stated to the king. "Gondor?" Theoden exclaimed loudly. "Where was Gondor when the West-fold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon... No my Lord Aragorn, we are alone." Theoden muttered darkly before walking away.

The rest of the day passed slowly. I had been watching Theoden with the others as he passed orders around to his guards. "Get the women and children into the caves." Theoden commanded. "We need more time to lay provisions for a siege, lord." a guard stated to the king. "There is no time war is upon us!" Theoden shouted. 

"Secure the gate!" The guard shouted as the king walked towards me.

"Chosen one, I want you to go into the caves with the women and children." Theoden commanded. 

"And what makes you think that I will go into those caves?" I asked. 

"You are a woman and the chosen one you must go to the caves, Ella." Theoden said clearly. Before I could protest he walked away, Aragorn grabbed my arm and said "When the light shines then you can come out, Gandalf told me he needed you. He told me do the story he used to tell you about Lady of the Golden Light." I smiled.

Remembering when Ally threw my book out of the window, the day I found my abilities. That particular book was called "Lady of the golden Light." 

Already knowing what to do.


I was in one of the rooms changing into this.

(Displayed on the above)

The battle was about to begin, Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas were getting ready. Until we heard a horn. "That is no orc horn." Legolas said as they dashed off.

"How is this possible?" Theoden whispered to himself. "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell...An alliance once existed between elves and men... long ago we fought and died together... we come to honor that allegiance." Haldir said proudly.

"Haldir!" I said excitedly and I leap into his arms taking him into a friendly hug. We weren't close but seeing a familiar face was assuring.

"Mae govannen Haldir!" Aragorn said as he was next to hug Haldir. "You are most welcome!"

Legolas then clasped Haldir's shoulders and Haldir did the same. "We are proud to fight alongside men once more." Haldir said to Theoden as he looked at the elves in wonder and amazement.

I was standing there beside the elves of Lorien, looking straight into the distance as I saw faint torch lights in the distance. Legolas was standing beside me with Gimli to his left.

"You could have picked a better spot!" I heard Gimli grunt out as he tried to look past the wall ahead of him by jumping up and down. I saw Legolas smirk slightly at the now irritated dwarf, and I smiled slightly. Soon the sound of marching was growing louder, yells could be heard from the Uruk-Hai and now the torches could be seen to the human eyes. The air grew tense around me as everyone waited patiently. My attention was brought to Aragorn who slowly walked up to us as he looked at the enemy.

I quickly ran to Haldir and whispered in his ear "I wish I got to know you better. Grandfather always told me about you in his stories." Haldir smiled and said "It was a pleasure to see you here on Middle Earth but if ever the Valar is to collect me early then I shall see you after my time in the Halls of Mandos." 

"Don't say such things my friend, you shall live through this." I said as I hugged him for the last time.

"Well lad... whatever luck you live by let's hope it lasts the night." Gimli said as he looked at the wall ahead of him. Lightning flashed through the sky as it illuminated the outline of the Uruk-Hai. Everything was silent, but then thunder broke through the sky, breaking the silence.

"Your friends are with you Aragorn." Legolas said, not taking his eyes off the army. "Let's hope they last the night." Gimli grumbled. Then after all that happen I ran inside the caves waiting for the first light.

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