Love Unexpected

By amysousa

191K 1.4K 257

Two best friends, living together. Sounds great right? Well, Alex and Sam are in love with each-other which c... More

Chapter 1 "A pleasant surprise"
Chapter 2 " First weekend together"
Chapter 3 "Surprised and ready"
Chapter 4 "A Super Sweet Birthday Surprise"
Chapter 5 "Back to the schedule"
Chapter 6 "How quick time has gone"
Chapter 7 "Surprise Surprise"
Chapter 8 "I Do"
Chapter 9 "Honeymoon" Part 1
Chapter 10 "Honeymoon" Part 2
Chapter 11 "Honeymoon part 3 in Brazil"
Chapter 12 "Home at last"
Chapter 13 "Interviewing and Shopping"
Chapter 14 "Unsuspected, I think..."
Chapter 15 "Liar liar, you're now fired"
Chapter 16 " Don't worry, nothing happened"
Chapter 17 "You can be my bad dream, or a horrible nightmare"
Chapter 18 "Must Exercise"
Chapter 19 "Terrible Timing visitors"
Chapter 21 "Backfields and Winter don't mix"
Chapter 22 "Eight weeks!"
Chapter 23 "Don't Tell Anyone"
Chapter 24 "I'm Sorry Bro. Alex Will Understand"
Chapter 25 "How the hell am I suppose to have my story straight?!"
Chapter 26 "Did they hurt you?"
Chapter 27 "What do you mean by 'us'"?
Chapter 28 "Never underestimate a pregnant person"
Chapter 29 "Argh!"
Chapter 30 "You're looking great!"
Chapter 31 "Do you want more children?"
Chapter 32 "It was amazing!"
Chapter 33 Epilogue "Forever and always"

Chapter 20 "No really. We're totally ok... I think"

4.8K 37 5
By amysousa

Don't worry, I only have little to say today. I couldn't wait much longer for the 7th vote since I want to get this show on the road (story...). I honestly want to hear your opinion on this and If you read my story, Please vote for it so I can know :) Enjoy this next chapter! 

Comment, Fan, and... Clickity Clack That VOTE Button XD. Sorry... I had to


Recap: Alex’s P.O.V

“And this is Alex and Sam's room!” I woke up to my mother’s loud voice in the hallway. Who could be with her? “I’ll just go wake them up, I let them sleep in enough for today” she said once again. Sounding closer.

“Alex! Sam! Wake up! You guys have visitors!” She screamed after opening the door. That woman's voice could NOT get any louder. I wonder who it is “Who is it?” I ask before the two people who were here to visit us, even though same not here but I guess they don’t know that. They couldn’t have come at a worse time. Sam’s parents. 




Alex’s P.O.V

I just stared at then with astonishment and confusion. How can something so strange happen out of the blue like this? And at the worst time possible? I tried to open my mouth to say something but the words escaped me.

"Alex dear, are you alright? Sam's mother, Linda asked with a worried expression across her, and John’s face.

"I... Err... I umm... Hi?" stupid brain froze. Now they probably think I'm crazy 'but you are' shut up voice!

"She must be surprised that were here, and first thing when she wakes up too" John said looking amused.

"Right, sorry about that" Linda spoke but then a look of confusion crossed her face "where's Samuel?"

Crap, crap, crap, double crap! What do I say? 'If you're smart enough to make him leave, you can tell them' really voice? You're going to be mean?

"Actually, yesterday Sam had a meeting about expanding his gallery and he had to leave quickly and didn't have time to say goodbye to anyone but me or Justin. He wasn't expecting to see or hear from you guys so it's better if you call him" hopefully they can't tell that I'm missing a bit of information and twisted the truth a bit.

"Ok..." Linda looked at me skeptically before John nudged her a bit "I mean that's great!  We're actually on break for three months and decided to drop by for a visit"

Before I could say anything, my mom cut in "That's wonderful! I'm taking it that you guys finally have a stable job again!"

My eardrums are ringing in excitement from her loudness. Whatever, as long as she doesn't ask them to st-  

"I just had a great idea! “She started up again even louder, and squeakier. Oh no please don't "You guys can stay here for the rest of you're break and surprise Sam when he gets back instead of calling him!!!"

Crap. Please say no, please say no "of course!" double crap "we would love to stay here! It will give me some bonding time with Alex and Justin!" Great. Just freaking great.

Don't get me wrong; Sam's parents are awesome. I mean, they practically raised me since my parents were never around until recently. I use to go over to Sam's house every single day after school and I would spend a ton of time with them.  I've always been close with them, especially Linda. Heck, she was the first person to know when I got my period and give me “ the talk”.

I just don’t want to tell her about Sam and I fighting and worry her. This is going to be a long three months. A really, really long three months.

Sam's P.O.V

I woke up at around 12:00 after what seemed like 2 hours of sleep last night. Since it’s Saturday, Mike and I can go explore New York for a while and hopefully, buy clothes. With all the commotion between Alex and I, I forgot to pack a ton of things that I absolutely can’t go without like underwear, toothbrush, razors, ties- you get the point. I need to go shopping. 


“Mike wake up” I said first in a normal volume. He didn’t even budge. “Mike!” no matter how loud I said his name, he wouldn’t wake up. I have an idea… “Mike! There's a hot Victoria Secret model that is looking for a boyfriend and you fit the right appearance!” I should have been watching him when I said this because when I turned my head to look at the bed, he was gone and I was on the floor from the impact of being pushed out of the way.

“Dude, where is she?!” Wow, he actually believed me. Talk about gullible. “In you’re dreams, which you never seem to leave” He just glared at me and walked into the washroom to wash his face.

“Hurry up, I forgot basically everything and need to go shopping” I said through the door. He didn’t answer even though the sink was already off. “Mike?” he walked out with his nose up high and ignored me. I see what he’s doing “The silent treatment Mike? Really?” Wow, this guy is preposterous. He just looked the other way as he crossed his arms. “Fine, don’t talk to me. Let’s just go” I smirked while grabbing my wallet. No one has ever been able to keep up the silent treatment with me for more then a few minutes.

-2 hours later-

“Come on man just talk to me please!” I was practically begging by then. Mike must do this all the time to be this good at it. He just looked the other way. “Awh come on! Do I have to get on my knees and beg?” he looked at me with a sign of amusement and a look that clearly said “yup”. Why did I have to suggest that?

“Fine!” People were already crowding around because I kept begging him. I slowly got down on one knee first so I wouldn’t ruin my pants. Bad idea. “Hey look he’s going to propose to his boyfriend!” A man in his 40’s screamed. “What no! I’m not- “Oh look, he’s turning as red as a fire truck, how cute!” A girl in her early twenties squealed while taking out a flip cam. I looked back at mike and by the smirk on his face; I could tell that he was going to use this to his advantage.

“Come on don’t be shy! You can do it!” Someone else screamed. “But I’m not g-“ “You don’t have to pretend not to be gay just because there are people here!” Some old lady said while glaring at me. She looked pissed and I didn’t want her to hit me with her purse or cane… it’s happened. Everyone was looking at me and giving me thumbs ups as mike just stared down at me. Mike then suddenly, pretended to cry. Oh crud.

“He made him cry!” A little girl with red hair and freckles yelled. That got all of the children’s attention as they started throwing random wrappers at me and calling me a bit fat “meanie”. “I’m sorry Mike Ok!? “ I screamed which made him lose his sad expression for just a second but no one saw. “Apology so not excepted… Jerk!” He screamed in a higher tone of voice as he ran towards the hotel we’re staying in. Everyone stared in shock and I swear they were all going to cry.

I said sorry to everyone as I ran after him.  He turned into a corner and before I got there, I could already hear him laughing hysterically. I scowled as I turned the corner. “Hahaha. That. Haha. Was the best. Hahaha Thing. Ever!” He was laughing so hard that he couldn't even say a full sentence without taking a break to laugh. Unbelievable.  

“Seriously Mike! That was terrible!” I couldn’t help but laugh a bit. I have to admit it. If I were he, I would also be laughing. “I’m sorry. Now you learned to never trick me into anything that has to do with hot babes.” I just rolled my eyes at him. “We will never speak of that again!” I said slowly and loudly so he would understand perfectly. “Awh, I caught all of it on tape! I wanted to show everyone back at your place” he frowned after saying it. He actually looked disappointed. Wait…

“What camera did you catch that on?!” I was so confused that I could’ve seen a unicorn and have felt saner. “The one in my ties, if someone takes you or hurts you and they're near me, I can catch it on tape and report it to the police easily” he shrugged as if it were nothing.  I glared at him again causing his lips to make a thin straight line.

He then started laughing again. “Fine. I won’t show anyone.” I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding “Unless” great. Just great. “You do something to piss me off again, then I’ll show everyone” I scowled once again before thinking of something “What if I broke that camera?” I felt so smart that I wouldn’t be surprised if Einstein came back from the dead to worship me on my intelligence.

“It wouldn’t matter, it’s connected to the Internet so all of the footage is completely safe” he said as if it were no big deal. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if that old lady came back and hit me with her bag and called me stupid.

“Ugh, lets just go back to the hotel and get ready for the meeting” I said finally giving up. If I kept trying to win, Mike would just show everyone the tape. Plus it would waste my time and I need to meet Jonathan at 5 o’clock sharp in an empty space where he wants the first American “ Cerulean “ to be located in.

“Fine, but oh Sam?” Now he decides to be normal? “Yes?” he looked at me in all seriousness before going all “high squeaky nasally voice preppy guy” on me again and saying “I like, totally forgive you!” and then ran around the corner into the hotel. I just groaned and went after him.


The meeting with Jonathan went great. Cerulean will be located right out of Central Square. Something was wrong with the wiring and pipes so the guy sold it for a cheap price (super cheap for central square). All we have to do is fix those issues, put a wall up, paint, decorate, and put all of my extra pieces into the studio. It should take a bit less than two months so I might make it back to Toronto sooner than I thought and hopefully, Alex and I won’t be fighting anymore. I just hope this time spent apart will do us some good.


Alex’s P.O.V

 Linda was so excited about everything that she shoed everyone out of the room for some “girl time” with me. She was squealing like a teenager after she get’s asked out for the first time. I explained to her about the movie offer and she was so excited that she decided to squish me in one of her famous “monster hugs”. The perfume she was wearing smelt so strong that it made me nauseous to the point of where I had to run to the washroom to throw up.

“Alex! Are you aright?!” She was so worried about me that it made me feel bad for not holding it in for a bit. “Yah I’m fine, last night I took an Advil to hurt my headache and I exercised a lot so I guess that made me weak and my senses to. I just smelt your perfume and felt like throwing up.

She looked at me skeptically for a minute but shrugged it off.  What was all of that about? ‘She doesn’t believe you stupid’ Oh. My. Freaking. God. Even at moments like this you have to start smart-mouthing me? I’m officially crazy; I’m talking to myself and actually fighting a stupid voice in my subconscious. ‘I can’t smart-mouth you, I don’t have a mouth. You do’. I should do some research on “stupid voices in your head that enjoy annoying you” and see how to fix this problem.

“Now Alex…” Linda said sheepishly, but serious. I had just finished brushing my teeth and freshening up my breath. “Yes?” I asked kind of nervous about what she was going to say next. I started to brace myself for what was coming. “How are you and Sam doing? I mean, after the whole situation occurred and him always working.” Linda and John knew about everything since Sam kept them updated.

“Were fine,” I said trying my best to make it sound convincing. The look she gave me told me that she didn’t believe me “Alex, tell me the truth. You know you can’t lie to me, I’ve practically raised you!” She said to me, which made me put my head down. “Is everything alright?” she asked. I bit my bottom lip before answering “No really, were totally ok… I think.” I wasn’t really sure anymore. The way that Sam and I kept fighting wasn’t helping our relationship one bit.

“Tell me everything. I promise not to tell Sam any of your secrets,” She said with all the honesty in the world in her voice. Tears started to well up in my eyes and my body started to shake as I lost my balance and fell. Luckily the bed was right there so I managed to keep myself up with the help of Linda.

“Ok” I croaked out before sniffling a bit “I’ll tell you, but please don’t tell Sam about what happened. If he finds out one day it has to be from me.” I said and was serious. Linda nodded at me with consideration, and wiped a few tears off of my face. She walked towards the door and put one of the chairs in front of it, since it was still broken, so we could have as much privacy as possible.

I knew that she wouldn’t tell. I still find it kind of strange that I can count on Linda to keep all of my secrets more then I ever can with my own mother. “So it all started when Sam and I saved the mayors kids” I said and then swallowed hard. Linda went to the washroom and got me a cup of water from the mini fridge so I would relax a bit.

  I drank a bit of the water, letting it slowly go down my throat so I could calm down easier. I then set it down on the coffee table. Linda nodded and encouraged me to go on. I then told her everything, from the first dream; to the nightmares I have every single night until today. 

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