dear ana ❥ h.s.

By tragedy101

67.2K 2.3K 835

tragedy can tear any love story apart. original by tragedy101 More

for ana
you can feel it on the way home
tear stained cheeks
heaven and fate
big decisions
home at first glance
ruckus and such
brownie bowl
heavy lungs
party kisses
ice skating
doctors orders
passports and suitcases
airplane naps
art exhibit
love lock bridge
the devil comes in the form of a sickness
phone calls
living room screams
she is in love
grimm reapers best friend
dear ana

county fair

5.8K 155 149
By tragedy101

It'd been three weeks since I first encountered Harry, and since then, my opinion on him has changed drastically. We'd been texting each other endlessly, even staying up late at night just to talk to each other. It took him ages, but he finally asked me out on a date. I hate to admit it, but I was nervous. This was the first date I'd been on in years, and I didn't think it would go smoothly at all.

Trying to figure out to wear was like the end of the world, because I decided I had to look good for our first, hopefully not last, date. So, I picked out a beautiful red blouse and black jeans, pairing the outfit with a pair of white flats. It took me over an hour to get ready, quickly deciding that I wouldn't wear a lot of makeup after it took forty-five minutes to tame my hair.

It was nearly six-thirty when the doorbell downstairs rang — and I almost fell down the stairs running to the door. I opened the door to see him dressed much more casually than me, and it made me feel uneasy. He held a flower in his hand, too, so that gave him credit. It was a white rose, which I should mention was my favorite flower.

"Wow!" he exclaims, fanning himself. "Is it just me, or is it hot?" he jokes, tugging on his collar as if it were chafing.

"I think it's just you, Harry." I laugh softly, blushing lightly.

"I think it's because I'm so close to you." he mutters, leaning in to place a kiss on my cheek, but I dodge it and he nearly falls forward. I giggle, covering my mouth.

"I'm sorry, no kissing on the first date." I tell him, scrunching my nose. "Let me go get a vase for that, honey." I point to the rose, taking it from his hand and walking to the kitchen; leaving him quite flustered.

"Wanna do something cool?" I ask, getting out red and blue food coloring and filling the vase halfway with water. This was my favorite thing about white roses, you can change them to look any way you want them to.

"Uh, yeah, sure." he coughs, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

I cut the end of the stem, putting a few drops of each color into the water and placing the rose into the colored water. I smile softly, placing the vase on the table.

"When we get back it should be colored." I say softly. "It's something I used to do with my dad a lot."

"I didn't know you could do that." he says, obviously in shock.

"It's magic, I know." I joke, walking to the door and grabbing my coat.

He opens the door, taking my hand and helping me down the small step. I lock the door behind me, walking behind him to his Jeep.

"Nice car." I mutter, stepping up into it and buckling in. The interior design was sexy, everything was sleek and painted black.

"Thank you." he smiles, getting in and starting it up. "Wanna jam?"

"What kind of music you got?" I ask, looking at him as he pops in a mixed CD. The first song that plays is You Are In Love by Taylor Swift, my all time favorite artist. I remember him asking my favorite everything, and I guess this was why.

I cover my face, laughing softly before turning up the volume and belting out the lyrics. I felt Harry looking at me at the red lights as I sung loudly, and I knew he was smiling. I hadn't been this happy in ages, it felt good.

I looked at him while he was driving, admiring his profile and wondering how someone could be that gorgeous and still be real. I could imagine all the stories I could write about him, about his pale green eyes or the dip in his nose, or even the freckle by his mouth. I think he finally caught me staring when a small smirk appeared on his face.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." he hums, looking over at me and winking. He whips into a spot, shutting the engine off and getting out of the car. He comes to my side, helping me out and locking the doors.

Mac's Grille was the name of the restaurant, and I could remember driving by here multiple times with my dad. I'd never been here before, although I've heard that their macaroni is killer.

"I've always wanted to try this place." I tell him, following him into the dimly lighted building. Around us was a waiting area, and in the actual dining room were elegant tables with candles lit in the center. It was fancier than I'd imagine for a macaroni restaurant.

"Well, today is your lucky day, ma'am." he smiles.

"How many?" the hostess asks, glancing between me and Harry and scanning Harry up and down. I step closer to him, squinting my eyes at her. I feel a fire ignite in my stomach, anger flooding through my veins as she winks to him. Was she completely oblivious to the fact that this was clearly a date?

"Two." Harry says calmly, taking a deep breath and looking down at me. I clasp onto his arm, almost as if I were claiming him. He smiles fondly at me, following the hostess to our table in the corner.

I sit across from him, clearing my throat as I watch the woman leave. I roll my eyes, sighing heavily.

"Some women are just mongrels." I mutter, looking over the menu. Harry returns a laugh, looking at his menu.

"I've only got my eyes on you, Angel." he assures me, setting his menu down and humming softly. The feeling in my stomach quickly fades, and I feel my face turn red in embarrassment.

"I think I'm gonna try the baked macaroni." I cough nervously, resting my chin on my folded arms.

"That's a good choice." he nods, putting our menus together.

"So, is this your favorite restaurant?" I quiz him, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Well, sort of. I practically grew up eating here, thanks to my mom." he laughs softly, shrugging his shoulders.

"How's your mom?" I inquire slowly, biting my lower lip.

"She died when I was nineteen." he says quietly, coughing softly. "Shot on the subway, on her way home. And before you ask, I never knew my dad."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for asking." I gush, turning a deep shade of red in embarrassment.

"Hey, it's okay, Ana. It's been nearly ten years. I mean, yeah, I still miss her, but I know she's in heaven, and I know she's with me." he smiles softly, reaching across the table and taking my hand in his.

"How do you cope with it so well?" I ask quietly, thinking about my dad for the ten hundredth time tonight.

"I just wake up every morning, and pretend it's not real." he mutters. "I've lost everyone I've ever loved, if you want me to be honest. The universe doesn't seem to be playing on the same team as me."

"I think we should talk about something happy." I say quietly, looking in my lap. He nods in agreement, taking a deep breath.

The waiter finally visits our table, almost as if he forgot we were even here, and takes both of our orders. I hear my tummy growl, giggling softly.

"Do they always take this long?" I ask him, pouting. "I'm starving."

"Not usually." he shrugs. "They make the food fast, it'll all be alright." he assures me.

"Hey, did you hear the carnival was in town?" I suddenly remember, thinking back to when I was a kid and my dad would take me to the carnival every winter.

"Really now?" he laughs softly. "When it's this cold? Interesting."

"Yeah, it comes every February, and my dad and I used to go all the time. I always had a blast." I ramble, looking at him excitedly. He purses his lips, looking at me curiously.

"I have a proposition, then, Ana." he starts. "Me and you can go to the fair every year, make it a yearly tradition. What do you say?" he proposes, raising his eyebrows. My god, I nearly jumped out of the chair and into his arms I was so excited.

"I would absolutely adore that, Harry!" I squeal, clapping my hands together. He laughs softly, nodding his head.

"Then it's a date. Tonight after dinner we will visit the carnival, and I will win you a stuffed animal." he declares confidently. "So now that that's settled, I have a game."

"What sort of game, Styles?" I smirk, raising a brow.

"Sort of like twenty questions, I suppose." he answers. "You in?"

"Of course, this is a date after all. Who goes first?"

"Ladies first is my motto." he hums.

"Alright. . ." I think, closing my eyes. "What's your favorite color?" I ask.

"I love the color blue, but a light blue, like the sky. It reminds me of freedom." he answers softly. "You?"

"I love the color yellow, it reminds me of happiness." I tell him, smiling softly.

"What's your favorite pass time activity?" he quizzes, raising his eyebrow.

"I love to write, anything really, from poems, to stories." I say. "You?"

"I draw, it's something I've done since I was little. I'm looking for a job in the business, but so far haven't had any luck." he sighs.

"Oh, really? Wanna draw me?" I tease, winking at him.

"If you want me to." he smirks, winking back.

"We'll have to set a session up, I suppose. Favorite animal?" I steer the conversation back to the game.

"Dogs, I even have one. Her name is Harmony." he answers. "Yours?"

"Cats, I have a black kitten named Salem, like the Witch Trials. They've always fascinated me." I mutter, furrowing my eyebrows. "I sincerely believe in witchcraft."

"Ooo, witchy." he laughs softly. "Hit me with them witch facts."

"Oh, well, over two hundred innocent, supposedly, people were accused of performing witchcraft, which was, back then, related to Satan. They called it the Devil's magic, and twenty people were executed."

"Wow, that's interesting." he says, parting his lips. "You study it a lot?"

"Quite often, yes. I've been thinking about writing a story, but I most likely won't." I shrug. "Watch out, though. I might just cast a spell on you." I wink.

"Oo, spooky." he laughs, shaking his head.

"Alright, what's your favorite season?" I ask.

"Summer, swimming is my favorite thing to do. Going to the beach, ya know? You?"

"I love fall because Halloween, and it's not hot but it's not cold and I get free candy." I giggle. "And all the cat decorations."

"Favorite book?" he asks, pursing his lips.

"Hmm." I think, scratching my chin. "The Great Gatsby. I also love the movie, love me some DiCaprio."

"He is pretty handsome." he jokes. "My favorite is Me Before You. Love stories get me going, man." he laughs.

"Aw, a sap!" I giggle.

"Don't make fun of me, Missy." he juts his lip out, identical to how a puppy would when you yell at them.

"Who said I was? It's adorable." I smile.

"I'm not adorable, I'm a manly man." he grumbles, shaking his head.

"Mm, yeah. Okay."


We stand in line for the Ferris wheel, my arms clutched around the dolphin he'd just won me from the balloon popping game. I named her Dolphy, and he laughed at the name, but I liked it. I maneuver closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder and nuzzling against him. The later it got, the colder it got too.

"You cold?" he whispers, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and resting his chin on my head.

"Just a little bit." I admit, teeth chattering. I will confess that his body was warm, he was like a personal, portable heater.

"We're next, and I'm gonna warn you now, it's gonna be cold up there." he whispers while blowing warm air down my neck, causing shivers to run up and down my skin.

"I can handle it." I say quietly, still a little unsure if I wanted to freeze my ass off just to prove a point.

"Mm, alright. After this I can drive you home, anyways." he mutters, running his hand up and down my arm.

"Sounds good to me." I confess, shaking slightly as he helps me onto the cart and buckles me in.

"Safety first, Missy." he smiles, winking at me before closing the door to the cart.

The cart shakes a little bit before it takes off, causing me to grip onto Harry like my life depended on it. I'd always been slightly terrified off falling out of a Ferris Wheel cart, and maybe even the cart just breaking off with me in it, but despite those fears, I still got on the ride. I was thankful, too, because the view was spectacular.

"Wow." I mutter, admiring the city lights.

"They're beautiful."

I could make out all the tiny details of the fair, the children running around in their giant coats while scarfing down cotton candy, the couples huddling together for warmth, and even the details outside the fair. I saw the park a few miles away, and I saw the frozen over lake. In the middle of admiring the lights, I felt the cart shake again as it stopped at the top.

"Holy shit!" I gasp, heart racing as I grip onto the sides. "I think I just had a small heart attack, that scared me." I sigh, closing my eyes.

"You're adorable." he laughs, pulling me close as I regain my breath and my dignity.

"You're adorable too."


We pulled up in front of my small house, the silence breaking as he opened the door and came to my side of the car. He fixes his long hair before opening my door for me, offering his hand. I casually accept his gesture, stepping down and closing the door. He walks me to the door, lifting my hand to his mouth and kissing it gently.

"I had an amazing time, tonight. You made it spectacular." he whispers, looking into my eyes. I stared into his, parting my lips and feeling my blood rush to my cheeks.

"You showed me an amazing time. Thank you." I say hesitantly, shifting onto my toes and kissing his cheek lingeringly.

"You're very welcome. Again sometime?" he whispers, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course." I whisper, biting my lip as he kisses my cheek and walks to his car; leaving me completely speechless as I step inside and close the door. Once concealed by the barrier, I squealed in utter joy, covering my face with my hands and running my hands through my hair.

"Oh god." I whisper, smiling to myself.

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